These prayers were channeled through Joan by her Spirit guide Sister Julia for the spiritual healers before commencing their healing, using God's power and light to support, help and uplift people. They are therefore aimed primarily for that purpose and setting. We did not wish to alter their meaning for this website, as they are from Spirit and have not amended them, so please bear this in mind. You will see that they are channeled in a certain way but please take them as being open to all faiths. As there is much to take in and think about, if you are new to this site, we would suggest reading them initially over several weeks or months and perhaps re-reading them when you wish to. Joan was channeling prayers for several years, and the prayers that you presently see (over 180) are only a small selection. Sadly, from 2017, Joan had not been in the best of health. She was aware that Spirit was still very close to and assisting her, but unfortunately she was no longer channeling her wonderful prayers. 

17th May, 2017 - Abraham: I have met the most wonderful souls in Spirit.  You would know their names if I mentioned them…

God bless you, my children.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  We have come this day, indeed as always, to give love to you, to help you, strengthen you and to make you realise that there is another life.  Oh yes, there is another life.  I have prepared the way for dear Abraham to come to speak to you.

                                                       *      *      * 

Oh, God bless you.  I am Abraham and I have come to lift you, to love you and to help you to understand that each one of you has a pathway to glory.  That glory is within you. When you are despondent, when you feel that there is no hope, when you are in pain, that is when the lower self comes to make you feel even worse but I have come today to lift you and to tell you, Children of God, that there is a Light, there is a Light within you, a beautiful, strong Light with such power.  Don’t you realise that when you turn to this Light and to the power that is within you, you become strong and resilient.  Then, the power of that Light goes both outwards and also into your body, into your mind.  You will feel better, happier and look forward to the future.  Whatever you are coping with, you will have help always to lift you and to sweep away your problems.

Children of the earth, God’s children, do you not understand the power that you have within? I know that this has been said often before but we tell you again and again that it is this power that Is going to make you feel happier, help you to live this earth life in a higher state of mind.  Remember, you have the higher self within.  The higher self is like a mountain top and on this mountain top there is a Light, a beautiful Light, and there in the Light stands the figure of Jesus Christ.  Christ, the Son of God, is there beckoning you, telling you to come as He is waiting for you, to come as He will give you peace of mind.  He tells you that He will help you, to be still, to be tranquil and you will find, my beloved children, that all can be well with you.

I have told you many times what I was on earth and the hardships that I went through but you see, now in Spirit I have met the most wonderful souls.  You would know their names if I mentioned them.  I found in Spirit peace of mind and a great upliftment of my soul so I come with love for you, children of the earth, I come with love to lift you and to make you understand about the beautiful power within you.  Please use it.  Some may ask how they are to use it and I will explain.  Be still, be quiet and have trust and faith and you will find that your wonderful guides and your guardian angel will come close to you.  They will help you by raising you up.  By raising you and with your determination that you are going to reach this power, you will do so.  Then, just think, you will have climbed to the mountain top where the Light is so glorious and beautiful because the Christ is so beautiful, oh, so beautiful.  He has given within each of you emanations of the Christ consciousness.  So, your beloved friends in Spirit and your guardian angel try to lift you up the mountain until you reach the top.  That is where you reach the Christ consciousness.

Oh beloved children, how I love each one of you.  I do come with my heart full of hope, positive thinking and to say it’s all right you know, it’s all right.  Live the proper way on earth.  Be good to your friends.  Be good to strangers who come across your pathway.  By sending love to everybody, even by just a smile – it doesn’t matter as long as you can lift a vibration for someone and to tell them about the power within.

This is all I am going to say today.  The reason I have come is to give you hope and for you to say to yourselves that you want to reach that power because once you do, you will never be the same as you will have a tranquil mind, you will be at peace.  I know as I myself have learnt that by being that way, you give it out to others that you meet.  They will take the peace that you give them and whatever their problems are, that wonderful peace will help them to see things the right way.  So you see, you are working for God and for Jesus Christ.  On that note, I will leave you, my beloved children. My heart and soul is with you, always with you and you are in the hands of The Great God of All that is within you.  God bless you all.  Amen.

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Sister Julia: Well, that was a very loving prayer.  From the prayer that he gave out to all of you, the vibration is beautiful, peaceful, uplifting and also hope was like a golden thread woven by the words that he sent out.  I, Julia and Gabrielle say God bless you all.



May 2017 - We are privileged to receive instruction and blessings from Miriam of Saturn.

God bless you.  I am Julia and Gabrielle, of course, is beside me, giving wonderful power always and with love.  I want to say now to all of you that there are changes in the world and that these changes affect and change you, also.  You have our love, our help and whatever you have to face in your life always remember that you have only to call for help and help will be given.  Now there is someone here who has come from far away.  We stand aside for this lovely soul to come through. God bless you for now.

                                                     *      *      *

I am called Miriam and I belong to one of the planets of the Universe.  I have come to tell Mother Earth and those who live on Mother Earth that you have been experiencing an intense change.  I am sure that each one has felt this.  I have come to represent the planet Saturn.  Saturn has much to do now regarding educating you as Saturn is The Educator.  He is the one who helps you with discipline, who smooths paths for you so that you can understand what is happening.  There is a great deal happening, not only to Saturn from whence I came but I assure you that there are changes also in other planets around the earth.  The moon plays a very big part in providing energy, as well as the sun.  This energy goes into Mother Earth, lifting and helping her and also goes to each one of you so that you will begin to understand what is happening.

All of you, by thoughts, by emotions are casting out fear.  We have already told you in different prayers that there are young people on the earth plane who know no, no discipline so they gravitate towards whatever ‘safety’ attracts them – usually the dark side.  This will be taken care of.

My message today is for all of you to realise that you are not in a box, not in a shell.  You are simply living within a body so that you are able to have the experiences that only the earth can give you. Planet Earth is a mystery school because it has many, many lessons to present to you.  Many people, believe it or not, are queuing up to come to the earth to have these experiences because by doing so, they become enlightened and can prepare for the New World coming in.  I call myself Miriam, a soft word, but I come from a very powerful place.  I bring that power with me and other planets also are giving power as they need the earth.  Therefore, you are under their supervision by the way they watch out for you.

I want to explain to you today the need to be enlightened, to know what’s coming, to realise that the New World is coming.  Because of that, you must alter.  You must be aware of what you are thinking, what you are feeling because you cannot enter this beautiful world with the fears that you have now.  Cast out fear.  There is nothing to fear as you have so many people around you to help you and the God, the God Light within you.  Do you realise that the Light is there?  It is there.  All you have to do is to give yourself time.  Sit down.  Turn inward.  It can’t be such a chore for you, surely.  You will find that if you do this often enough, you will be given reassurance of your future and you will be able to tune in to your wonderful guides who are continually trying to lift and help you.  This is the path that you are going to tread now as the change is almost at an end.  Because it is almost at an end, look at yourself and find out who you are, what you are.  What do you think? How are you thinking?  What are your emotions?  You must learn to control, to discipline yourself. This is the message today – discipline yourself.  You do not have to do this alone.  All you need to do is to ask for help and it will be given.

I come with love and I come with knowledge for you to receive.  The change that is almost at end marks a new beginning.  You will find that you will feel far more positive, that you accept that you will think differently and that you will be aware of your feelings as they combine with your thoughts. This may sound difficult but in reality all you need to do is to be aware.  Just be aware as the New World is so beautiful.  We cannot have fear.  Yes, dreadful things have happened upon the earth plane but the Light Workers have grown to form a beacon of Light and the dark side cannot abide the Light.  Therefore, you will find that they will slowly disappear as we will take them to another place where they can learn differently.

So, lift up your heart, Mother Earth.  Lift up your heart, go forward with the golden cross which is, of course, the body.  Honour your body, love your body and thank the body for holding the Divine Spirit, which you are.  Go forward.   I am asking you to always, always be aware as I want you to be prepared for this New World.  It will not come today or tomorrow or even within the next couple of years BUT IT IS COMING.  Prepare yourselves.  Mother Earth is a very wonderful place.  It’s a place of mystery, a place where you can learn.  It is also a dreadful place because of the different vibrations, the different religions.  Know that it doesn’t matter what religion you are as the golden Light of God shines within each one of you.  That makes you brothers and sisters of the golden Light.  Of course all have different personalities – some you love, some you don’t but those who you do not like because of their personality, just look at the God within them, will you, as every single one of you has this wonderful Light within.

I will say no more.  The vibration that has come to Mother Earth is a most glorious Light that shines over the planet and over each of you.  You have the blessing not only of Saturn but also of the planets that surround you.  Remember that the moon plays a big part in your life and the sun, the sun is your higher self.  May God be with you not only now but forever more.  He is already within you.  Turn inward.  Meditate quietly.  Let your guides lift you.  It is only by practice that this will happen.  I have given you a great deal to think about today.  I will use the name Miriam so that you will know who I am in the future.  So I say with the blessing of the Universe, of the planets that are around you, of the moon and of your higher selves, may God bless each one of you.

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That was wonderful.  I am Julia, of course, with Gabrielle.  We can’t say more than that.  To have these visitors come from so far, from billions of miles away – that they are able to come and that they are able to use the energy that this little one can provide…. It is the energy that they need to contact Mother Earth.  We say, God bless you again and again.  Lift your hearts.  You have much to think of.  God bless you.



April, 2017 - A most solemn request from The Messenger to use the power of our Light now to overcome the low forces.

Oh Lord, Thou art our shepherd who leads us into the peaceful mountains where we will find ourselves.  Each one has a God and a Light within.  Realise that this Light is the God within us.  It is the God that leads us, lifts us and it is indeed the God within us when we find moments of quietude.  Then we can tune in to this Light, this God within, that will teach us to be aware and to draw wisdom from the Godhead within.  Each one, as we have told you many times, has power. We keep talking about this power, but you do not use it.  I ask you to turn inward as there is the power and the glory of the Lord and you will be guided each moment as the time has come for you to e aware of your greater self, the higher self and of your will, free will.  If your free will would say ‘I am the servant of the Lord, I am the servant of the Most High, the higher self which is the God within me’.  Turn yourselves to this glorious Light.

The world is changing.  You may wonder where the world is going to, what is happening with all that is going on.    I’ll tell you what is happening – there is a big change coming over.  This big change is a change for you to be aware of the power within.  Walk your path steadily and firmly.  Look upon whatever is happening in the world and no matter how hard you find things to accept, have faith. There are those who have come from a lower kind of world that has no discipline whatsoever.  They are dotted throughout the world.  These young people who have come into the earth plane, they have no idea of discipline and they seem to be drawn towards strong movements of the lower part of life.  It is to these kind of societies that they are attracted and they cause great havoc in the world.  Through a prayer previously, did we not say do you not know the power within, the power to be able to stand tall and say:  ‘I am.  I belong to the power of God and I draw on this power, I send out the power of Light’.  The Light is vibrant, brilliant and it goes towards the dark spots.  Gradually the darkness will disappear.

Now let us think of the Light that is to come.  All the darkness and negative conditions that you are now suffering will go – they will all go and they will do so because of the Divine Light that you are sending out.  You are sending out love and within your heart you know that this will be done because the power of love is within you.  Love will go before you.  Love will be as a flag that is flowing in the wind and the armada of lights that come from each of you will join the Army of Light and forward you go, forward.  You sweep away from in front of you and around you the darkness that is there because you have become the Christian Light of Love through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who is the commander of this earth plane.  So you will go forward, sweeping away the darkness until the planet earth is completely clean, bright, shiny and then will be heralded, with trumpets blowing, the entry of the Golden World.  Play your part.  Play your part and play it well.  Be aware,  Be aware of the power within you which is the Light of the God within.  I speak with authority.  I speak with the love of God that is within me and I say to you how strong and powerful is the God within.  Turn towards it and you will join the army, the army that is sweeping away the darkness. The darkness becomes week.  It cannot hold its head up when it has no power because the Light is strong, strong, strong from each one of you.  Can you not see what you can do?  Can you not see the power that is within you?

I speak from the planets and again, I am The Messenger that brings this prayer to reach all of you. Be still.  Be quiet.  Turn within and recognize that you have the power of love, the power of Light. Go forward.  Join the armada that is going straight towards the darkest places.  Oh, the flag flies and the breeze of love blows and it blows.  Right across the flag you have the flame of power, gold, gold, bright and shining.  It is the emblem of the Army of Light.  Go forward now, please.  This is a time when you must use the power within.  I, The Messenger, The Holy One has indeed chosen me, I go from planet to planet and I bless each one but above the earth, that is going to be the heaven of the future, we concentrate and so do the planets, sending out streams of love, understanding.  Each planet has a different vibration, different colour.  Go forward now.  You have great help.  Know this is the time,   So, children of the Light, I end this declaration to go forward. This is the time to go inward.  Send out love, power.  The sword is held up and it goes forward. That means that you are now going forward.  Go with the flow.  Again, I lift up my hand and give you a blessing through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  This is the second message that has been given. May God bless each one of you.  Amen.

                                                       *      *      *

I am Gabrielle and Julia stands beside me.  So strong is the message today.  We can only add love, love to what is given in prayer.  You are indeed under the mighty power of Jesus.  Go forward.  God bless you.  Amen.

12th April, 2017 - You have the power to end all the negative conditions in the world today – words from the Messenger. 

God bless you.  It is I, Gabrielle and Julia who speak to you today.  We come as always with love to uplift all of you and because we want to tell you that there are good times to come.  Of course you will have the ups and downs of your earth life but I wish you to look forward to a new future that the Light of The Great, Great Creator of All has designed for us.  It is not all gloom.  We ask that you look forward to the Light that is coming.  This great Light will uplift you.  Now there is another who wishes to speak to you.

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The Messenger:  I bring to you this day the Light of The Jesus Christ and to tell you that He says not to despair with regard to all the negative happenings in the world, especially those that may be close to you.  I want you to lift your hearts.  Each one of you is here for the purpose of learning, developing yourselves to be finer human beings, Spirit Divine, because you are Spirit.  You are Spirit living in a body that has been made for you.  The truth is that you are Divine Spirit and for a long time we have been preparing you for the new world that is now heralded to come in.  The joy that you will feel because you are prepared for it….  You will find that life will never be the same.  The world will be more joyous.  There will be a great happiness that will seep through each of you but, and there is a but, learn to control your thoughts and your feelings.  Send out that glorious Light that you have within you.  That Light spreads through Mother Earth, joining other Lights.  Don’t you see, your great Light joining with others makes a huge flame that burns away the negative because it cannot bear the Light.  Do this.  It is your duty to do this – to cleanse the world.  You can help to do this.  Before this new world can really make itself felt by all of you, this is what you must do.  You yourself can help to rid the earth of the negative conditions that hurt you, surprise you, shock you.  You are here to send out Light, this glorious Light that the negative conditions, no matter what they are or how horrible they are, cannot stand against.  The Light is glorious, victorious and you will find that those who harbour deep, deep negative conditions cannot bear it.  They will begin to fade away until they are nothing until we take them away.  When they get to a certain stage, we will take them away and help them to reform and take a different attitude of mind.  But you, my children, you have a duty.  You know now what this duty is.  How many prayers have gone out, how many prayers have told you how important the Light is?  You have that Light and the power of that Light.  Do you not realise how powerful it is when you pray, when you pray to God asking for help?  Don’t you realise that God is helping you?  God will help you but you have to play your part by turning to the Light, lifting yourself up and knowing that the power within will go out to join that of others on the same level as yourself.  You will then find that the darkness and the atrocities that are happening will disappear with God’s love and with the help of all those angels who have come down to help you do this.

Just think what it means to the planets above when they can see the earth, when they see the sparks of despondency that come from the earth.  They, too, are affected.  They, too, want the earth to overcome and they help in many ways.  Those from different planets are still on this earth working hard to change minds and to help people realise who and what they are.  You don’t live in a box with a small window.  You live in a heavenly body with a wide, wide window.  That wide window enables you to look out and helps you to realise that you have such power.  Know that your thoughts build tremendous power so if they are negative and fearful, that is what the lower forces work on.  They love fear and your fear feeds that negativity.

On the other side of the coin, I must say to you, there are many, many people upon the earth who are loving and kind and who follow the path of goodness.  They send out wonderful, warm thoughts and these lovely thoughts rise up to contribute to the lovely, glorious Light.  It is upon the Light of these wonderful, loving, kind people that we depend.  So you who are asleep, you who are slumber in your minds who cannot accept… you will, you know, or you will be left behind and I can assure you, you must now be awake to see what is happening.  Do not have fear as soon as something dreadful happens.  Yes, you may be shocked but bring out from yourself the Light.  Send out Light.  Be Light and know that nothing negative can win, ever, because the Light is the power of God.  The power of God is within you and therefore you can send out warm, glowing, positive thoughts to the planets, which are indeed endeavouring to help.

Don’t you see, it is Light against darkness and the Light will win.  I ask you today to think carefully about what I have said.  You have the power to overcome.  I speak in the name of The Christ, Jesus and it is my honour to serve Him.  It is my honour that I send words through many mediums until I come to this little one to give the message of hope, love.  Look forward to your future and remember each one of you – you have the power to end all the negative conditions that are in the world today.  Good things are coming, children of the Light.  Good things are coming and it is with God’s blessing, through Jesus Christ our Lord, that I say, as The Messenger, Amen.  As I say this, my hand is raised for a great, great blessing upon the world, a blessing upon the world and upon you, children of the Light.  Amen.

                                                  *      *      * 

I am Julia and Gabrielle is with me.  There is nothing to say, only to bless you all and to ask you to think about what has been said.  I say, in the name of love, in the name of the glorious love, Amen.  Amen.

4th March, 2017 - Nicholas: If your prayer is from the heart, it is accepted by The Great , Great Spirit of All.

This is a moment when we realise the necessity for prayer.  Each loving thought goes out.  The vibrations of this loving thought go upward and if the prayer is from the heart, it is accepted by The Great, Great Spirit.  Prayer is so important in your life.  It has vitality.  It has power.  It has the power to help you over whatever it is you need to overcome.  Believe me.  I know.  I know these things because I have been on earth.  I have lived many lives and in these lives I, as I am now, today, have learnt.  I have learnt tolerance and patience.  Patience took a long time to develop within myself.

You are wondering who I am.  My name is Nicholas and though I have been on earth many, many times, each incarnation that I have had brought its trials and tribulations and believe me, I have learnt as you are learning.  When we come across a difficulty, we are asked to turn to the Light within ourselves.  I know all about this, you see, as I have been through it.  I know the difficulty in drawing away from the earth world but once you do, once you do, and turn inward, we will lead you then to the oasis of peace that is within you.  I learn the hard way.  There were many things that I would not accept but gradually, coming to earth as many times as I have, I realised the truth.  The truth is to give love and to have trust and faith in The Great Spirit of All.  Oh yes, I learnt.  I learnt the hard way but I don’t want you to learn the hard way.  That is why I am saying to you, go inward my friends.  There, there you will find your answer.  Oh yes, you will.  Bide your time.  Be aware of what is happening to you and whatever circumstances you are in, know that help is always at hand.  All you have to do is ask for that help.  But oh, you disbelievers, there are some who disbelieve.  We will have to leave you on one side until you begin to realise that it is not the world that will give you help – the help is within yourself.

You have the power.  Just think of the power within you as you start sitting quietly, quietly, every time you have a brief moment.  Sit quietly and I can assure you that we will help you to rise.  Helping you to rise means that you will begin to be aware of the Light, your Light, which shines so brightly.  Each time you sit in quietness and peace, you will be drawn up to that Light more quickly and you will find that from that Light you will receive the power that will help you through all difficulties that you encounter.

I am not going to say much about myself as I have not come to speak to you about myself.  I have now been in Spirit for many, many years, more than I can tell, and the Spirit life has indeed taught me patience and love.  Now I find that my heart is overflowing because I have been through all the difficulties of  earth life.  Therefore, I am helping you.  I am going on to say to you that everything is worthwhile.  You may think that all is lost and your very spirit may be low.  You cannot see ahead of you as you are in a situation you cannot escape from.  That I have indeed endured but I’m telling you that I know the answer.  That answer is to go inward.  There are many in Spirit who will help you.  Oh yes, you have to face the problems.  They will not be taken away but those in Spirit will help you through them and give you a different point of view so that you do not feel so gloomy about the situation.  I have come to help you.  I have come to make you realise that I have learnt a great deal through all these earth incarnations that I have had and now, in Spirit for such a long time, I have learnt more.  Those in Spirit do so want to help you, you know.  They come close to the earth and the Angels of Light surround the earth.

The Light within you is very beautiful.  I doesn’t matter if you scoff at what I am telling you because you will come round to the understanding that this correct in the end, as I did.  I tell you that nothing is impossible if you have the faith and the trust.  So, Children of God, I have come to give you Light and understanding.  It is I who speak this day to you, Nicholas.  God bless you.  God bless you.

Sister Julia:  I am Julia and Gabrielle is by my side.  We allowed this lovely person, this lovely soul, to come through.  He did so want to help and to give his experiences as he has never forgotten them.  We are here to say today that God is love.  God is compassion.  God is like a beautiful rose that is blooming within your heart.  Go forward each one of you in faith and love.  Know full well that whatever happens in your life, we are here to help you.  We love you, all of you, so dearly and all the lovely guides that each one has are beside you, helping you.  You each have a Guardian Angel, you see. 

Oh beloved children of the earth, lift up your hearts.  Lift up your hearts and know full well that you are climbing upward, upward towards The Great Light of All.  The footprints of Jesus have been left behind.  Walk in those footsteps, will you?  Step by step He has left his imprints.  Go forward, slowly but surely, until you reach the higher level of love, the plane of joy, knowing that The Christ, Jesus, awaits you.  Oh glory be, glory be for that day to come.  Have faith, hope, lift up your hearts and know that you are cared for.  You are not alone, as we have told you so very often.  All right, we can’t wave a magic wand immediately because certain things you have to learn lessons from.  You will learn if you have a different attitude of mind.  I am not going to go on as Gabrielle and I just wanted to tell you that you are well loved, well cared for.  That is why turning inward within yourself is so important as that is when we are able to draw near to you and to draw you upward in the footsteps of Jesus.  What could be better than that?  God bless you.  You have had a wonderful visitor.  He is a very, very, very wonderful soul, full of wisdom and the practicalities of life.  God bless you.  With love, in the name of Jesus the Christ, I say Amen.  Amen.

18th October, 2016 - Abraham brings the sweetness of love for each of us that we may love each other. 

Sister Gabrielle:  Julia and I come with our blessings as always and we come with great love for you.  We know that you are doing your best whatever circumstances you are in.  I will stand aside now and let this joyous little soul come through.

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Oh, I’m so pleased to be able to speak to you again.  I have waited a little while, you know.  I have stood on one side for other people, which I gladly did.  I am Abraham.  I come with such love for all of you.  Oh, I come with the sweetness of love that I can give to each one of you and as I’m giving this love to you, it spreads all over the planet because I want each one to feel happier.  I want each one to feel safe within themselves.  I want each one to realise that the God within you is lifting you.  The God within you will do all sorts of things for you.  Also, you have such wonderful Archangels that are always ready to help you.  I want today to bring you the sweetness of love, the honey of love.  It is sweet and it is so beautiful because when you draw it into your heart, because the sweetness is love you find within you a lovely light feeling.  You feel that you can rise upward.  Not only that but you will see so clearly the people who are around you and the goodness that is within each one that you meet, each one that you talk to.  That beautiful, beautiful sweetness is within them.

I want for the moment for you to think of a mountaintop.  From the mountaintop gushes water, pure, pure water.  As this water gushes down the mountainside, it is blessed by Spirit.  Therefore, the water is crystal clear.  As it tumbles down, you, my children, are there and you draw near to the pool made by the gushing stream.  You put your hands into the water, scooping it up to drink and drink.  Drink the crystal water, which will go within and cleanse you.  The water that tumbles down from the mountaintop is blessed and with the blessing comes love.  As you drink the refreshing water, it is food for the soul.  Not only is it food for the soul but it is love, love, love.  It is not difficult, you know, to love.  It is just being nice, being kind and if you find that difficult, you had better look inside yourself and see what is the matter with you because it is God’s will that you should be happy.  It is God’s will, too, that you should make each other happy and the biggest thing of all is learning not to criticise.  Learn that if the thoughts that come into your head are not charitable, then send out loving thoughts to follow them, to counteract them.

I want so much for you to see the glory that is within you.  You have the Universe within you.  Every organ, everything about you is in contact with the outer worlds.  That makes you a Universe within yourself because parts of you are communicating with the planets.  They each have a colour and these colours are all within you, within the chakras.  Because they are within you, the chakras give out the same colours as the planets that are helping you.

I am telling you these things because I am so eager for you to climb the ladder, climb that golden ladder by your actions, your ways, your responses to different people around you who may not please you.  Love, love.  The emphasis is love and God is love.  All the negative conditions that you have, recognise them.  Be aware of them.  You can, you know, develop a sensitivity, an awareness, that will tell you, show you that your thought, your feeling, was not the right one.

Children of the earth, I come with love.  I come with the deepest desire for you to feel as I feel.  I am not going over my life on earth but I will tell you, it was very difficult because there was so much anger and resentment.  We could only communicate amongst ourselves as there was no-one else.  We began to realise what we needed to do and we said ‘Halleluja, oh Father, help us please to be in tune with one and other so we can work as a family’.  if we could do this, we would begin to love each other and nothing could hurt us and this we did.  This helped us over very great traumas.  This is what I am explaining to you.  Let love into your life.  Love yourself.  Love every organ in your body.  Give love and you will find that because you love yourself, love will stream out of you for everyone you meet.  That is all I want to say to you today.  Remember that you are all well loved.  Not one of you on this earth plane can do anything at all, any thought, any feeling – every good attention is noted as The Great Lord of All, He knows and He understands.  So, again I say love, love, love.  On that note I am going back now on the wings of a dove with a prayer for each one this day.  God bless you and God keep you as He always does in His wonderful Light.  God bless you.

                                                  *      *      *

Sister Julia:  I find that when this lovely soul comes, he leaves behind him a golden spiral, a golden gleam.  It leaves each of us with such a lot of love.  It is laughter that he brings.  He giggles a lot, you see and he sees humour in everything.  He is a beautiful soul.  We, the Sisters of love, say God bless you, God keep you. We ask each one of you to remember what has been said and to do your very best.  God bless you now and forever more.  Amen. 


4th October, 2016 - The Messenger: If you are to gain entry to the wonderful New World, you must master negativity now.

Oh heavenly Father, Thou art in heaven and though you are in heaven, Great Creator of us all, you look upon Mother Earth with compassion.  Soon all will be done. The cleansing of the earth will be finished and the glory of the new Light will come in.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  Now we bring to you another soul who wishes to speak to you.

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How great Thou art, how great Thou art.  I am the Messenger and I have come with love.  I have come to say to all that do dwell on the earth: have heart.  Lift yourselves up.  The time is coming when you will see what has been happening, the change that has come over all of you.  You have suffered and we have helped you through the different things that you have gone through.  We are coming to the end.  The golden Light shines and the New World of Aquarius is coming in.  As it does so, it will bring you joy, bring you upliftment and it will give you the jewels of knowledge.  It will enable the rays that each one of you has to develop so that you are able to have an inner intuition as to what you are capable of. 

Oh, how wonderful this new world is.  It is difficult to describe what is ahead for you but I as a messenger bring love and joy and say to each one of you that you have a part to play in the New World.  Today I have come to uplift of your heart and to help each of you to understand the future that lies ahead of you.  As long as you have love in your heart, as long as you believe and have the greatest trust in the God within you… The important thing is that whatever negative conditions are around you, negative thoughts, negative emotions, they have no place in the New World.  You must make sure that you have mastered them.  To master them means that you have an entry to the New World as this New World is full of positive thinking, positive action, positive Light and a great, great happiness.

So, my lovely children of the earth, be more vigilant to your thoughts and to your emotions.  I assure you that you will be helped to do this.  Look ahead at the Planet Earth.  Once more the Goddess or the God of Planet Earth will make the earth fruitful.  All plants that grow will be pure. The trees will be full of life.  Their fruit will be pure and the flowers will glow with their many colours. The earth will become once again a heaven-on-earth and it will indeed be heaven on the earth. You will find that it will be a beautiful place once again and that it will be a place of healing for those who need rest or peace of mind.  In the future Mother Earth will be able to do this because it will go back to the heaven that it once was under the guidance of the New World.

Now, may God bless each one of you.  Be vigilant to your thoughts.  Throw out all conditions that are going to stop your progress.  Think ahead.  Think of the earth that is to be, as beautiful as it once was long ago.  The wonderful, wonderful earth will be pure, full of Light, helping all things to grow.  Think of these things, children of the earth.  God bless each one of you.  Walk the path steadily now.  Be positive in your mind.  Have faith in yourself as you have faith, the greatest faith, in the God within you.  I, the Messenger, have come to lift you, to help you go forward.  There is much ahead in which you will have joy so struggle, please, with our help to overcome the negativity that is so important for you to overcome.  May God bless you.  May God keep you always in His loving care.  I say again this day, may God bless you.  Amen.

                                                  *      *      *

I am Julia and Gabrielle is with me.  There is power, strength, the holy Light within each one of you.  Turn towards it because it is only this wonderful Light within you that can lead you to a higher frame of mind.  Now, God bless you.  You have been blessed and loved more than you will ever realise and help is always at hand.  God bless you, my children, from Gabrielle and I.  God bless you.  Amen. 


27th September, 2016 - We are told by Brother Paul of Assisi, how the Franciscan Order began and of the aura of Light of wonderful colours around the earth.

God bless you.  I am Julia and, of course, Gabrielle is beside me.  We have come to greet you.  We always bring love to you but today we greet you in a way that makes you a part of us.  We are sisters who work for Jesus and for the Christ within and because of that and because of the Light that is within you, we are sisters on the road upward.  You are learning.  We have learnt and are still learning and so we greet you this day, with love.  Now we stand aside for there is one who wishes to speak to you.  He has not done so for quite a while.

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I am Brother Paul.  I serve the Order as you may remember, though I have only spoken to you once before, of Francis of Assisi.  I explained when in that last communication with you the kind of life that we had in the monastery, a life of service, always service.  We were very poor, very poor.  We grew our own vegetables and also herbs for medicines to help those who came to us daily.  Then we used at times to go out of the monastery administering, helping and giving spiritual upliftment to those who were in need.

I come today to tell you how this Order of Assisi began, not just to those present but to all in the world in which you live.  Our founder was a very wealthy man in a very high position.  He lacked nothing at all in his life and he lived a happy life until, one day, a revelation came to him, a voice from God.  “Come to me and start a new Order, for Me”.  As he was on his knees a Light shone upon him.  His very soul responded.  “Will you come to Me” said the voice, “and start a new Order, for Me?”  He lifted his hands and said “That I will do” and as he did so, a blinding Light came down upon him and he knew that he was dedicated for ever to the service of The Great, Great God of All.  And so he gave up the easy life, the rich life, casting away his grand clothes and dressing in a poor, poor robe.  He girded his waist with a white cord.  He went out and preached the word of God through the voices that came to him.  He went into the woods, within him that great Light that gave him  power.  He was able to communicate with the birds and animals, with all God’s creatures.  He wondered the woods, contemplating, thinking, wondering where he was to start such an Order.  Then as he emerged from the wood he saw a small, broken down building.  He went to this insignificant building and the voice said “This is where you will start your Order”.  By mixing with people around him and helping them, he found that volunteers began to come.  The volunteers became many and from the many, he was able to start the new Order of poverty, faith and trust and to teach that to all whose hearts were open.

I am giving you this information so that you will understand that it is a very great thing to give up all.  I am not asking you to give up all but I am asking you to increase your faith in The Lord God.  Increase your trust and as we have so often asked you to do, sit still in quietude.  This is how we got our strength, our faith.  That little, broken building began to be rebuilt by volunteers.  I am trying to say that in your life, children of the earth, have faith, sit still, be quiet and allow your own beautiful guides to come close to lift you – all they ask is for you to be quiet and still.  We did this, creating the quietness, the stillness of the monastery.  We raised out voices and we sang, sang Halleluja, oh, Halleluja and because of the love that we had in our hearts, because we sat quietly, we found that we never ever went without food.  Our paths were always made straight for us.  Our good health was maintained by the herbs that we grew in the earth.  We were kept in a good manner so that we were able to serve the Order as The God on High had asked us to do.

Today I come only to say to you have faith, faith, faith in what you are doing, faith to know that the Great God that is within each one of you will lift you, guide your pathway and sweep negative thoughts away from you – all this because you have sat still and you have allowed the guides to lift you to a higher level.

I have come not only to give you my love but to give love from the wonderful level on which I live.  I come from just beyond the earth plane and I send out thoughts and love along with The White Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of the Solar System.  I come humbly, oh yes, so humble as these thoughts bring me back to my earth life, with my heart full of love.  Then the Light within me seemed to burst into flames because of my love.  I say to all of you, this is there for you, each one of you.  Oh, children of the earth, the glory of The Father lies within you and when you sit in quietude, your lovely guides can lift you until you become proficient in the sitting still.  Then you will rise up and up.  At every level you reach, you will find that there will be an obstacle for you to overcome.  The obstacle is the willingness within you to be aware of your thoughts, to be aware of your emotions, your feelings.  Because you guides are around you at each level, you will have the strength, the knowledge, the inner help to overcome.  Sit still,  be quiet and don’t be impatient – you want this now, that now – you will rise in God’s time, when you are ready.  Always remember that, children of the earth, you will go up when God says that you are ready.  You must be patient and things will happen in God’s time, not in your time, as you always want things ‘yesterday’.  You cannot have it instantly.  If you are to grow into wonderful souls, wait, in God’s time.  Be peaceful as you sit still and let all thought flow away from you, all thoughts about what is going on in your life or perhaps of what someone has said to you.  Let them flow away from you.  Don’t hold the thoughts – let them float away.  Now, children, I leave you with my love and love from the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of the Solar System.  I can assure you that the power, the glory of love that they send to Mother Earth is constant.  I say with great love, great love, please do your best.  Please do your best as only your best is good enough.  God bless you and keep you in His glorious Light now and forever more.  I say Amen.

                                                  *      *      *

Well, we are back again.  There is nothing that we can add to that.  With him, Brother Paul brought the glory of Light, a halo of Light.  Around the world there is an aura of colours, wonderful sparkling Lights all around the earth.  The Brotherhoods bring that Light to the earth.  On that note we will say God bless all of you, children of the Light, or the world.  Amen. 


20th September, 2016 - John gives us the same instruction as was given to him by Jesus 2,000 years ago.

God bless you.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  This day, to lift up your hearts, we come as always with our love for you.  Remember that those around you, your Spirit guardians, know your thoughts and feelings.  They do indeed try to help you in your daily work on earth.  We stand aside now for our beloved to come in to have a few words with you.  For now I will say God bless you.

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I am John.  I have come to lift your hearts and to remind you that each one of you has the power within you to change your lives.  The power within you is governed by one huge element – faith, faith in The Great Energy of All, The Great God of All.  Have faith, have trust.  When you have this you will find that your life changes because it ignites the power within you.  It changes your attitude to life.  It makes you realise what you can do rather than what you cannot do.  Within each of you is a dream.  The dream can come to pass if you have faith and trust, not only in The Great God of All but faith in yourself.

It is so important for me to emphasise this as a long, long time ago, Jesus said to each of us when we failed in our healing and we told Him that we had not succeeded “Oh, ye of little faith”.  If you have the faith, you can indeed perform miracles.  Faith can move mountains.  Faith can move any obstacle that is in front of you.  Children of the world, I am appealing to you.  I am hoping that you will read this and that you will assimilate what I am giving you.  Jesus knew that we failed because our faith was not strong enough.  Please, think what faith is.  Faith is when you give your life to the higher levels of life and especially when you lift yourself up, open your heart and say: “Father, Great Spirit of All, I have trust in thee”. Then your life changes.  Then you find day by day, the faith within you will guide your footsteps.  It will change your attitudes and it will make you look differently at your fellow man, with love, love.  Love is the key point to open the doors.  As we have said so many times, open the doors of love, open the doors to give love not only to your neighbor but to tragedies across the world.  Give love.  Give thoughts of love, peace.

Above all, give quietude each day.  Sit quietly and go within.  You will find that when you do this regularly, great power will build up within you and your wonderful guides will then begin to lift you. As you are lifted in Spirit you will find that a wonderful feeling will come upon you and your heart will open.  You will know that because of your faith, you feel different, you are different because of the way Spirit has been able to lift you.  Not only will you feel different, your attitude will change to all things in your life.  Don’t you see, it is worth sitting quietly so that we can lead you up that ladder.

Spirit is with each one of you.  It is a great thing for us to see you helping one another.  Love one another.  Love means compassion.  Love means reaching out to those who need help.  Put self to one side.  Self has no meaning in your life now.  Remember that what you are doing is building up a wonderful, loving force for the great Light coming in.  You must be aware of your thoughts and the negative conditions that come to you and spurn them.  Turn them away.  We had to do it – and we did.  We did, because the love of Jesus was in our hearts.  We wanted to serve Him with all our love and with all that was within us, because we loved Him.  That love He gave to us, He gives to you, He gives to you.  Oh, the glory of God’s love.  It shines through Him and if you open your hearts, it will shine through you.  Be of good heart.  Lift your heads.  Walk bravely, with courage and know that you are in God’s Light.  That Light shines within each one of you, children of the earth. Be silent.  Be quiet.  Go within yourself.  This is my message today.  Love is everything and you attain love by silence.  By silence you will find that you can be lifted to a higher sphere of loving attitudes towards everybody and above all, attitudes to whatever problems you have.  I ask you this day to please listen to my words because it is so important to your very souls.  I am giving to you the words that we were given a long, long time ago.  Have faith.  Have trust.  Be silent.  On that word alone, I will say God bless you all.  Amen.

                                                  *      *      *

Sister Julia:  All we can add is to ask you to please try, please try.  Do as you have been asked. Going into the silence is most important because in the silence and in the quietude within you, much can be done to help you, to lift you and for you to have the courage to walk the earth.  May God bless all of you.  Now and for- ever more, you are in God’s Light.  Amen. 


13th September, 2016 - The Lord spills out His wonderful energy into The Universe for you to tap into. A new guide, Sister Lily, speaks through Joan.

I am Gabrielle and, of course, Julia is beside me.  We do come with love, you know.  We are always close to you as are all your guides to help you, help you with your thoughts and your feelings and also to help you when you reach a point of despair in your life.  We know about this and we understand it.  We are here to help you and to strengthen you. Gabrielle and I now stand aside as there is a very lovely soul who wishes to speak to you.

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I am Sister Lily.  Bear with me because I have not spoken through this instrument before.  I belong to The White Sisterhood of The White Cross and I have been allowed to speak to you today.  Oh, my beloved children of the earth, if I could gather you in my arms and breath upon you the love that comes to you from The Sisterhoods and the Brotherhoods of the Universe.  The whole solar system is alight with The Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods that are doing their best to bring the power into the earth.  Oh, children, my heart is open to you and from my heart, that is Spirit, I pour this love out to you to lift you and to help you.  We are here, you know.  You have only to look toward the Light that is within you and to ask for help.  Help will be given to you.  You will find that as you sit quietly and get used to the silence, you will hear our voices and we will talk to you and help you with your problems.  We will instill inner strength into you to cope with your earth life.

I have to remind you that above your heads is the star, the six-pointed star.  This beautiful star is the emblem of your higher self.  If you cannot think of Light, think of the star.  It is so bright, so beautiful.  Three of its points point up into the Spirit world and three go down towards the earth.  I want you, please, to imagine yourself in the middle of the star.  Draw upon the power that is coming to you from the upward points.  This power will give you the strength to be able to cope with the lower part.  Now with regard to that lower part, many of you are going through the change that is upon the earth very badly so the lower self is taking hold of many, many of you.  You then find you have awful thoughts, deep depression and that the lower self is doing its best to pull you away from the star of Light.  It doesn’t want you to be there.  It wants you to be miserable, to be unhappy, to look at your future with trepidation but if you think of the star and its brilliance, it will lift you, help you and give you the power that you need to live this earth life.  The stars play a big part in the Universe and on Mother Earth and when you think about the earth going through the change, you must think that the change is coming to clear the debris.  That is why you are having more earthquakes, people dying – all because the earth is being cleared ready for this wonderful, wonderful Light that is slowly edging itself in.  I want you to think of that, of the wonderful new world.  I want you to think that you are going to overcome and realise that it is the lower self that is making you feel so low.  Turn yourself around and think of the wonderful Light.  It would be so wonderful if you could think of the Light because it will lift you, help you and put you in a positive frame of mind about life.  As I said, if you can’t think of Light, think of the star that shines above you.  That will give you the strength to cope and help you to be aware of the lower self that is desperately trying to overcome you.  This is very, very important, children of the earth, very important because the wheel of life is turning.  As it goes round, you will find that the change is already with you and over you.  Whatever differences you feel in your mind or your body, this is the time when your lower self will try its hardest to make things difficult for you, to stop you seeing the beautiful Light that is coming in.  It is coming in, I can assure you.

My message today is that you are dearly loved and also that the The Lord Above, The Great, Great Energy of All, spills out into the Universe, into the solar system, into the planets His wonderful energy.  It is there to be tapped into.  Children, you have that energy within you.  That energy is your higher self.

We, those around me and I have been trying to give you power while I have been speaking.  This power goes not only to the healers and to those who work for Spirit but it goes out into the Mother Earth.  This is a prayer of love from those of us in Spirit, The Sisterhood.  It is a very wonderful thing to serve The Father, the Great Spirit, because it gives you joy, it uplifts you and because you don’t have to worry about tomorrow.  Think simply of the hour that you are living in today.  Ask yourself what are your thoughts, what are your feelings and if you find that you are going into a lower state of mind, be aware of it.

Children, from this Universe from which I come, we do indeed send love to you.  The power of love is through The Divine Christ and The Christ influence is now over the world, over the new world that is coming.  Lift yourselves up.  Go up the ladder.  Go up and draw near to the Light, as near as you can, by prayer.  Pray, everybody.  Pray to The Lord God, The Great Father, and you will be answered.  You will be answered.

Children of the Light, and you are Lights but you have come away from it and your lower selves are trying to make things very difficult for you but be aware, be aware.  Ask us for help and we will do so.  Think of The Sisterhoods that are now working through the healers.  We all belong to The Sisterhood of Christ and all give their all with a wonderful vibration of love.  So I, Sister Lily of The White Cross, ask all of you today to lift up your hearts.  Be strong.  Walk steadily.  Be aware moment to moment of what is in control of you and if you know that it is the lower self, push it away.  That is not your life.  You were not meant to suffer.  That was not God’s wish, for you to suffer but some of you bring suffering upon yourselves so push away that lower force.  Go upward. We will be there waiting for you to give you the sanctity that love can give you.  Now, God bless you.  May you listen to my words this day.  I am from The Universe, the Solar System and I have come to give joy and upliftment.  I thank you and give my appreciation that you have listened to me.  God bless you.  God bless you.

                                                  *      *      *   

Sister Julia:  Well, I pray that you will listen.  Before Sister Lily departed, she left a white cross, a white cross to lift you, help you and there is an aura around the cross that is sending out flashing lights, lights, lights.  Now, we are going to say God bless you.  Enough has been said.  With our love, Gabrielle and I depart and say thank you, again, for listening.  God bless you. 


6th September, 2016 - A special blessing from the Most High for each one on Planet Earth. Mary speaks.

God bless you, my children.  It is a pleasure for Gabrielle and I to speak to you once again, to bring our blessing, now your holidays are over.  It is so important now for you to walk forward with hope, with love, to bring Light to the planet.  We stand aside now. 

                                            *      *      *

I come with an armful of roses for all of you.  Children of the world, I am Mary.  Do I not come with flowers?  Do I not come with love to lift you, help you?  I have to remind each one of you on this earth plane of the great Light that is within each of you.  It shines bright but do you not realise that you must go inward for this Light?  Each of you is precious to The Lord God.  You are His children.  He is merciful and He is, indeed, love Himself.  Within your hearts there burns a great golden Light and all it needs is for you to spend time in quietness to lift yourself up to this Divine Light.  Oh children of the world, do you not realise that this jewel is within you?  Are you not aware of the Light that comes from within you when you lift yourself up and enter this glorious Light?  Do you not realise the power that lies there?

I come with the power of love today and I give this power to each one of you.  To each one, individually, I pass a rose.  Hold it to your heart.  Go within yourself, be quiet and allow us to lift you into the Divine Light that is within you.  Know how wonderful this Light is.  The radiance that comes from it dissipates the lower side of life.  Every time you send out love, a shard of Light goes out to all negative places and believe me, the world has many patches of negativity.  I come with love and I give you love and I ask humbly for all of you on this earth plane to understand that you can push back these low, low, negative thoughts by the Light within you.  The Light within you is strong, glorious and around that Light come those who are helping you.  They are helping you to be stronger, to have good thoughts, to control your emotions.  They are helping you to send out this Light because as you do, your love is like a sword.  You also have a shield in front of you and you go forward in that Light, pushing back the negative forces that are in the world.  We are winning, of course, because we are Light.  This negativity, you will find, will be cleared but it needs your Light on the earth plane to go forward.  Build a picture in your mind of a sword that is flaming, burning with love and a shield that is shielding you from all negative conditions.  Have that in your mind, each one of you.  Children of the earth, think that way, please, because The Lord God is within you and you will find that the Mother Earth will be cleared of all negative conditions.

This golden Light that is slowly, slowly coming to the fore, it is a wonderful Light.  You must be lit up to be able to absorb this Light – no negative thoughts because the sword, the flames and the shield are defending you from the last remnants of the lower side of life.

Children, I speak with the glory of Jesus.  The work that He does on this earth plane no-one will ever know but work He does.  To those who call upon Him, He will come.  He is always there to give His wisdom and His love just as He did 2,000 years ago when He was with His disciples.  You are living now in a most glorious age to come and with it comes the glory of what the disciples were, with the glory of Jesus and of the Christ that is within Him.  Know, please, that you all have the Christ within you and when you sit silently, quietly, Spirit will lift you into a higher realm.  Once you reach the pinnacle of the Christ, all glory shines around.  You will never be the same again as the Light is so uplifting, so uplifting.  You will find that you have reached another plateau of life, love that you give freely to your fellow man. Understand, please, that within each man, woman and child is the Holy Light.  Even the negative forces have this Light within but it is covered by the frantic mental conditions of their minds.  So, when you are in this beautiful moment of silence and you can see the Light, which Spirit will help you to see, realise that by your own wonderful, loving thoughts going out to the negative, you will help their darkness to disperse and you will help the Light within them to come forward.  You have power.  You have the greatest power of all, power to give lovingly, lifting people around you.  Power.  Power of love.  Power of love.

Spirit Divine is within each one of you and today I want to tell you that the Holy Light shines down upon the Planet Earth.  The wonderful rays that come from the chakras outward, upward – this power is there within you and I ask each of you to remember this day for it is indeed a holy day when you have the power of the dear, dear Jesus, the power of the Hierarchy, the power that goes beyond and upward.  All this is to give the rays to the planet earth.  I stand in a blaze of Light.  I stand with the shards of Light going up towards the planets to help them and to the solar system that contains the wonderful souls of the Brother and Sisterhoods.  Oh, such a blessing is going out into the Divine, the Divine and the Light.  Children, tune in to this Divine Light.  No more can be said this day than has been given already.  There is a great blessing over Mother Earth and a great blessing to the children upon this planet.  Remember my words.  Go inward, upward.  Shine your Light for The Lord God is within you, within each one of you.

Again I send the flowers of love to each of you.  Breath in their beautiful perfume, a perfume that is most pleasing to you and their colour, too, as is most pleasing to you.  With this I leave you.  I leave you with love and to say that The Divine is within you.  Be silent, little ones, be silent and lift up your hearts to the God within you that will guide you forever more.  God bless you and keep you in His Light now and forever more.

                                            *      *      *

Well, I am Julia.  There is little more I can say.  Great Light and blessings have been sent throughout the world and individually each one on this planet has received a blessing from the most High.  So we will close our prayer with thankfulness, joyfulness that we have been blessed, much blessed.  God bless you from Gabrielle and I, Julia.  This is a special day, a special day.  Amen.

9th August, 2016 - Spirit implore us to cast out fear, no matter what is happening in the world. Joan, channeling her beloved guide, Hawk.

Beloved children, I come with love.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is with me.  We always come with love, you know, for each one of you and when we can, we do help you, more than you know.  We now step aside.

                                                    *      *      *

I am Hawk.  I come today to give you a message to the people who live on the planet Earth.  That message is that no matter what you see or hear happening, we ask that you do not panic.  Do not panic.  Do not let fear cover you and go within you.  Fear is a destroyer and if any of you want the new world that is awaiting, then you must cut out fear.  To cast out fear, you must have faith, faith in the God within you.  Each of you has God within.  Don’t you see, the Light is covering the planet and all negative conditions are being dealt with, one by one, all over the earth because there cannot be negative conditions for the new world for it is like a bright new penny.  Try now to overcome your fears.  Turn inward, please, we ask you.  There is a great bounty in sitting in quietude and as you do so, you will find that we are able not only to lift you higher but to give you the courage, the strength to wait, to be patient, for this wonderful Light, this wonderful world.

Each one of you has a responsibility and that is within yourselves.  Try not to be afraid.  There is nothing to be afraid of because the Light is within you and it is over the planet.  You also have the vibrations of love coming from the Universe.  The Universe is pushing, pushing, pushing its vibrations upon the earth plane to add to the Light that is over the planet.  So much lies ahead for each one of you.  I, Hawk, have come to give you this message.  Do not be afraid.

Walk in Light and when you have moments to yourself, go somewhere quiet.  Sit quietly.  I want you to learn to listen and as you sit quietly, tune your inner ear to listen.  Be quiet and listen and as you develop this listening habit, you will find that you will hear many things.  You will hear the sounds of the Universe.  You will hear the upper regions reaching you.  You will feel this, sense it.  The listening of the ear will bring to you the feelings, the upliftment and understanding that there is enormous help coming from above, from the Universe, to the planet.  Your work, children of the earth, is to learn to sit still.  Be quiet.  Go within yourself and as you do so and as you develop you will find those feelings of upliftment, of joy.  When you have that feeling, know that you are touching the Light that is within you.  Oh, if you could see the Light, its strength and power. You would then walk the earth with confidence and with courage because you know that you are being cared for. However, your fear can undo all this so when you are afraid, turn inward, be quiet and still and we will come.  We will help you, lift you, and set you back on the path of confidence and courage. Now, that is my message.  It is a very big thing that we are asking you to do but big as it might be, it can be done with ease if you walk the spiritual path.  Go inward within yourself and as you do so, listen.  Train your ear to listen.  You may hear someone speaking to you.  You may hear the sounds of the Universe.  I, Hawk, have come to give this message to you.  It is with love that I came and it is with love that I go.  God bless you.

                                                  *      *      *

I am Julia and Gabrielle is here, too, of course.  Hawk’s message was short but he wanted to much to deliver it to all of you because, you see, the training that the Indians had on earth was to sit quietly and to learn to listen – listen to the voices of Spirit, listen to the voices of trees and the vibrations that bring the soft music to you.  If you train to listen, you will hear many things.

Hawk came today to give love and to tell you that you can be on the right path but he stresses, as you know, that you should not be afraid.  Do not be frightened.  Go within yourself and you will find the courage to help you walk the earth and to give out Light.  Every one of you, give Light to the planet Earth because it is going to be glorious again, you know.  It’s going to be wonderful, heaven on earth once again.  Those who are frightened and fearful, we are imploring you to be still and allow us to come to help you to have a positive mind so that you, too, can enter into the new world. We cannot have negative conditions in our bright Light.

Now, I know that some are now on holiday.  When you are back in the rhythm of working at The Sanctuary again, look back on these days that you have free to yourself.  Be quiet and still and know that the love that we give you is there.  We want to develop you.  We want you to be lifted so that your real self can shed the coarseness in which you live.  We love you all but we want you to make the effort, please.  No fears.  No fears.  When you are fearful, find a quiet place, go within yourself and let all your thoughts and all your emotions just fade away.  We will come with an ignited torch to light you up, to lift you, so that you, too, will feel “I am a Light worker”.  So do not be afraid.  Go forward.  With love, Gabrielle and I say God bless you.  God keep you in His care always.  Always.  Amen.

2nd August, 2016 - Our souls were touched by an Archangel today and he has asked us to deliver these important words to you. 

God bless you, children of the Light.  It is I, Julia and Gabrielle.  Send out love.  Send out love.  We stand aside now with great pleasure, great joy.

                                                    *      *      *

I come on a purple ray to you.  I am called Gabriel.  I have come from a galaxy close to the Universe and I have come to bring a purple ray to the earth.  We are in the Universe gathered around Planet Earth for it is time for the cycle of 250 years to be complete.  In the completion of the circle comes the Light, the golden Light, the new world.  I come on the ray of purple.  It is immense, as is the beauty of its colour.

I come this day to you all as I want you to realise your responsibility, which has been spoken of before. The responsibility is to cast out fear.  The Light wishes to go forward.  The Light that comes with the new world can easily overcome fear but you, children of the earth, are not ready.  You yourself must cast out your fear.  What is there to fear?  Look into yourselves.  We have asked this of each one of you many times.  Look into yourselves and allow those around you to lift you higher and higher so that you can find the Light within.  Some of you do this.  Some of you do not do this.  It is imperative now, children of the earth, to look inward within yourselves and give yourselves quiet moments during which you can be helped to rise to a higher level.  This will enable you to see the Light.  Cast out fear.  What is there to fear when there is so much Light around you? Cast out your fear because you are confident of the Christ that is within you.  The Christ within you will help you, lift you and give you the Light that you need but you, too, children, must play your part.  Sit quietly.  Let all thoughts and emotions fall from you and I can assure you that help, always help, will be given to you.  All the darkness that you fear will crystalize and it will go away because instead of fear, there is Light.  The Light will crystalize the darkness and then the golden world…

Because you live in boxes, some of you have opened the door and some of you feel freedom of spirit but some are still in that box.  You like the comfort and will not venture out but the new world is coming.  The new world will give you joy and happiness.  You were not meant to suffer, not one of you.  You brought suffering upon yourselves by your deeds and by karmic law, you have to face what you have done.  Some of you have already done this.  Many of you do not know how to do it but if you sit still, go inward and let your guides help you, you, too, will be free.

I want to remind those who do not know that within the body there are certain centres that collaborate with the planets.  Today as I stand here I am going to give you the red, the orange, the golden yellow of the higher self and the heart of emerald green that works closely with the higher self.  For the throat, we give out the blue, the beautiful blue and the chakra which coincides with love and Light is amethyst, the bluest, bluest blue.  It shines!  Then we go upward to the most holy chakra of all.  It opens for the beautiful lavenders, mauves, the lovely colours that come down.  Above that is another ray of the cross and the white rose that gives pure Light, pure Light.  And so, the colours that emanate from all of you, they lift you, help you, strengthen you and connect you with the right planets to help you.

I have come as a special messenger today.  I will not come again.  This is very rare, for me to visit you but I come with a purple ray and the pure Light that is above me bringing colour and warmth.  As these colours go out, they go out to the aura of the earth.  They brighten the earth.  Oh yes, these colours are beautiful, beautiful.

I, Gabriel have said all I wish to say.  Wake up.  Concentrate.  Persevere in finding times to sit quietly.  Remember that you will be helped to reach the Light.  I am not speaking to those who have found the Light but to those who are struggling to find it.  They will be helped to find it.  If all of you can remember the golden world that waits for you… so get rid of fear.  There is nothing to fear.  You are so used to it, so used to fear, that it has become a part of you.  So I say, with love, that I have come this day to give you a message from the galaxy and the universe.  We are watching you.  We are watching the earth and doing what we can to help you through the new cycle that is now beginning.  Children of the earth, listen to me.  You can go forward in Light and you are going to leave a wonderful legacy for your children and their lives will be different, very different. Just think of what you are doing for them.  We have said this, I know, before in many prayers but this is a prayer you must listen to, children of the earth.  You have come to the end now, the completion of the circle and a new beginning has begun.  Look up within yourselves to the God within.  May the blessings of the universe and the galaxies that are around you be with you.  With the purple Light I came and with the purple Light I go.  Abraham and all the loving guides who have come to you are always close to you.  I, Gabriel, say God bless you.  God bless you.

                                                   *      *      *

Sister Julia:  The power and the glory with which this wonderful soul has come today…. He has brought Light.  He has brought a heavenly message for the world to read, to assimilate what has been said.  We are glorified in Spirit at such a visit and we will uplift you as we have always done, Gabrielle and I.  As we always say, we are close to you.  Send out your thoughts when you need help.  We are always there and the archangels are ready at thy command.  Whatever it is that troubles you, whatever pain you are going through and whatever spiritual difficulty you try to understand, send out your thoughts and you will be helped.

To those who do not understand, let me say before we go that at God’s right hand, he has four main Archangels that do the work for Him and they are allowed to come to you whenever you request help of any kind.  They are there.  Those who believe in the angels will know that what I am saying is the truth and for those who know nothing about angels, it doesn’t matter.  Just send out a thought for help and it will be given.  Gabrielle and I tell you that today, this has been a most momentous moment in our spiritual life and it has given us extra power, extra pathways for us to follow to help you.  May I say, God bless all of you from Gabrielle and myself.  God bless you and keep you in His care now and forever more.  Amen.

26th July, 2016 - Mary of the Highest brings love and peace to the Planet Earth.

I am Gabrielle and of course, Julia is with me.  We come with such love, as always.  We come to lift you, help you, strengthen you.  We do love you, you see.  We love your efforts.  We can see that you are trying.  We stand aside now for the rose of the morning.

                                                    *      *      *

God bless you, my children.  I am Mary.  My heart is full, full of love.  In my arms I bring my roses for peace and love.  Their perfume, smelt through spiritual senses, is so beautiful, beautiful.  My children, I have come with a heart full of love.  I want to lift you.  I want you to see beyond the conditions that you live in.  I want you to understand that you are being divided and some brought away from the truth.  There is a division for the many of you who have hate in your hearts but also there are many who have love.  We see before us the Light workers of whom there are now so very many.  They send out love and, my children, this is what I want to say to you. Love is the only thing that will stop this stupid violence by individuals.  You, my beloved children, can stop all this by the divine love that you can send out.  Send it out to the world, the planet that you live on.

You forget that there is a new world coming.  It is here but it cannot draw any closer because you are not using the power that is within you.  The power within you comes from stillness and quietude so that your loving guides can lift you, so that you can reach the height that is your loving higher self.  Don’t you see, when that strength, that love from each one of you, goes out to the darker places, it covers the planet earth.  There is a golden Light that comes from all of you, each one individually sending out love to your planet. Know with trust, with total surety that all will be well because you individually have the power to alter the dark forces that come up all over the world, in every country.  So, Planet Earth, I, Mary, say to you today, use the power that is within you.  The power within you is love, love.  The only way you can do this with strength is to remember that you are holding up this wonderful, wonderful new world, this wonderful Light.  You are doing this so I ask you, children of the Light, to lift yourselves and say “Father, God of All, I want my planet to be happy, peaceful. I want tranquility”.  When you have this feeling within you, send it out, send it out.  The dark forces will then shy away, as we have told you so many times. Whenever you find an isolated case of young people using violence, that is when you must pray.  You must ask God to help these deranged people, and they are deranged.  They are young souls who have come to the earth from a planet with no discipline whatsoever so they have been attracted to the darker forces.  Then they have played out their part.  However, you can stop all this.  The ability to do so lies within all of you.  The power has been given to you. Do you want the dark forces to influence you to the extent that you give up?  Children, think not that way.

Some of you are unhappy and depressed but I say to you, go inward as there lies you strength. I cannot ask strongly enough of each of you, children of the world, wake up, please.  I come with love and we, we in Spirit, come here and heal you. While you sleep, we heal you and we bring a wonderful balm of love so that when you wake up you can say to yourselves:  “I will not let the lower forces win.  I am in God’s care.  I have God’s Light within me.  I have the strength and the power to push away the darkness.  I want the golden Light to come in to all our lives and I know it is there, waiting”.

Now, I ask each of you, no matter what happens, no matter what distress you witness or how many souls are shuttled into Spirit, where we care for them, rise up with the Light workers.  Let your Light shine bright and beautiful. Let the stars above each one of you lead you to inner strength, love, power and bring it down to the earth.  Let the golden Light cover the earth because, you know, the dark forces cannot win, cannot win because the ground to which the new world is coming is holy ground full of love, Light, full of things that you cannot imagine.  Just think about that, children of the earth, how wonderful it will be when this golden, golden era of time can come in because you have swept away the darkness because of your love.  Your love is a weapon of purity.

So, this day I come with love and it is not only I but there are those in Spirit who also valiantly hold you up. Remember to call upon the angels because they will help you to change your attitudes, help you to have inner strength, help you in so many ways and remember that your own guardian angel tries valiantly to change your thinking about many things.  Sometimes they are successful and sometimes not, depending how each one of you sticks to the past.  This is another thing I want to mention.  Let the past go.  Cut the strings.  You are no longer as you were.  What you were gave you experiences but you are no longer in that condition.  You are now what I call the power of God and whatever has been in your lives, cut it away as you are now changed, all of you.  You are changing, you see.  You have to change because of the Light that is coming in.  I say my last words today with love and I speak for all those in Spirit who love you and help you:  walk with God.  Go within.  Draw power from within and send it out.  That, then will help the situation with these deranged young people.

In my arms and around the Planet Earth there is a heavenly Light.  My roses are around the world bringing forth the perfume of peace and tranquility.  My children, there is a very happy time ahead of you.  You were not meant to suffer.  That was not God’s wish.  We are helping you now to go back to where you were as the golden, golden world is slowly entering the Planet Earth.  So, send out power and love and draw the perfume of the flowers of Spirit into your very soul this day.  I say in the name of my beloved Son, Amen.  Blessed are those who believe.  Blessed are those who put their lives, hopes in God’s hands.  Children, God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *

Sister Julia:  Well, you have had a great, wonderful blessing and Gabrielle and I have been bathed in the power and the love that has come to Planet Earth and to the children of our Father.  May I say God bless each one of you. Remember.  Read what is written and remember.  God bless you.  God bless you.

4th July, 2016 - We want so much to bring to you the joy and the love that is in Spirit for you.

This is a prayer to make each one realise how important they are.  Every one of you in this world is important.  Remember first of all that you are God’s child.  Remember that within you, within each of you, is the Divine Spirit.  The Divine Spirit gives power.  It helps you in all that you do.  If you ask it for help, if you are still and allow the Spirit Divine to work through you, it can help to alleviate anything that you are suffering from.

We talk of love but you know, in the stillness and quietude that you seek to attain, it is a wonderful feeling to be able to connect to the higher force that is within you.  It is a most wonderful cleansing, uplifting, joyous feeling.  You feel that you can do anything as you are given faith that helps you to believe in yourself and also to live your life knowing full well that there are always people around you to help you.

We are Gabrielle and Julia and we have come today to tell all of you to lift up your hearts as you are going towards the golden road.  Indeed, you have now begun to climb it.  You will find that the world is changing and as it does so, you too change but oh, it is a happy change.  It’s a wonderful change firstly because you will begin to understand yourselves.  You are going inward and working out what you are like, what kind of person you have become.  Then, you can say ‘this is what I want to be.  I want to serve my God with all my heart and with all my might.’  By serving Him you serve yourself because faith goes a long way – it lifts you, helps you, strengthens you.  Trust, have trust in yourself.  That is why I ask you to lift yourselves up because help is given to you from the high, high forces.  They come and they help you, encourage you, to have inner strength and confidence to walk with joy and the knowledge that whatever you are doing in life, it will be successful.  So, have faith not only in the God that is within you but, I ask you, all of you in the world, walk proudly. Walk on that golden road that is honestly and truly leading you to love, leading you to the upper regions of your mind.  You will be able to overcome any obstacles that lie in your path.  Walk on. Walk on, we say to you, because of the Light that is ahead of you, the joyousness that is there.  Be confident in yourself as the world is changing.  It is changing and will change for the better, for the good.  There is within all of you a goodness and in goodness is love.  We are aware that there are quite a few of you who give out that love.  That love that you give goes up.  It gathers strength as it rises.

Oh children of the earth, we have seen so much and we want so much to bring to you the joy and the love that is in Spirit for you.  There is nothing that you cannot do apart from disbelieving and allowing the lower self to govern you by saying you can’t do this and you can’t do that.  This is untrue.  Any single thing to which you put your mind, perseverance and concentration, will succeed.  No matter what it is in your material life that will bring you peace will be achieved if you concentrate and build up in your mind a picture of that which you seek.  As you see it, daily, you are building it up so that it can materialize on the earth for you.

Beloved children, always remember that you have the God within you and that God brings you peace and love.  You are all well loved, each one of you and we know that the change that is upon the earth plane now will lead you to happier circumstances. However, be patient, please.  That is the only thing we ask of you: patience.  You like things to happen, as you say, yesterday, but such changes need a firm foundation.  Hard work has gone ahead of you to provide this firm foundation on which you can stand.  So, not only have faith in the God within you but have faith in yourself. Have a belief that whatever you want to do for the good will happen.  Oh, it’s such a joyous thing, you know, when you can see the Light ahead and there is a Light ahead.  It’s a wonderful Light and you will find that within the change that is now upon the earth, so many things will be different, will feel adventurous.  You will find that for all of you in your different ways of working and living, there will be enlightenment of your minds.

Now, I say to you, God bless you.  You are each in God’s care.  Walk the path proudly, strongly, with faith and trust.  Believe in yourself.  Conjure up mental pictures of things you want to happen, things that will bring happiness and peace to you and to those around you.  This prayer is given by Julia and Gabrielle because you are so beloved.  As we keep saying, we are always there to help you.  Children of the Light, walk with the banner of love before you to lead you into the New World, which is very close now.  May God bless each one of you and may He take you into the realms of Light with your belief in yourself and in The Great, Great Father, the God within you.  May we say God bless you and keep you in His Light for ever more.  Amen.

12th July, 2016 - A stern message from Brother Paul – Go forward without fear and give Light…

God bless you.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  We have come to give you a blessing today.  As always we give blessings and love.  We stand aside now for there is one who wishes to speak to you.

                                                    *      *      *

I have taken over this vessel to give a message into this machine.  I am Brother Paul.  That message is: go forward now in your life without fear.  Fear is rampant about the world at the moment.  Love is the strongest vibration that you can give out to the planet Earth and I have come to say to you today, fear not.  Fear not but go forward bravely.

Children of the Light, Light Workers on this planet are gathering the Light that is sent from the planet Earth, surrounding the aura of the earth, cleaning and clearing all the debris that is still there. Negative forces are happening in the world today, some of them affecting souls in different ways, but I tell you this:  there is a great love vibration rising from the Mother Earth and it comes from the love of individuals who now want justice.  The only way to have justice is to go within yourselves, sit quietly and go up in your minds to the glorious Light that is within you.  I speak with experience and I am telling you all now:  go forward with courage.  Find moments when you can sit quietly and go upward to the Light that is within you.  This Light you will send out.  It will go before you and it will absolutely meet all other Lights until it becomes, has become, the Light of the world.  To the Light of the world, the angelic forces are also adding their Light.  I can assure you – be still, fear not, go forward now with courage.  Do not let the happenings around you affect you to the extent that only fear has a place in your heart.  Go forward.

This is a stern message from me today.  Brother Paul speaks.  I have always given a gentle prayer but today, no.  Today I say there is love coming from many parts of the world and this beautiful vibration is gathering force.  You are a part of this because you are lifting yourselves up to the glorious Light that is within you, sending it out.  Let me reassure you that it will overcome all negative conditions.  As we have said before, think of what you are doing for your children.  Think of what you are doing by sending out this love, this warmth that comes from Mother Earth.  Other planets can tune in to this and it helps them because of their communication with us, here on earth.  Many things are going on that you cannot see.  Many things are going on that you cannot understand but nevertheless, walk forward with courage.  Send out Light, love, because it is this that is going to overcome all the negative conditions that Spirit is trying to, not trying to but are clearing away.  Great help is given to you as this is your heritage, great help for you to go forward.

If you could only see this new world that is waiting on the brink, shall we say, of Mother Earth.  With your love, which means power, power, the clearance can happen.  Because of your determination to be positive, when this golden New World comes, what a change there will be.  Oh, the upliftment of life, the joy of living, the joy of learning, the joy of seeing your children’s children bask in this beautiful uplifting Light of knowledge.  The earth will be pure.  All that you grow in the earth will grow in purity and will provide the vitamins that the body needs.  There are other factors that this new world will bring to you.  This new world means the upliftment of your soul.  It means knowledge, knowledge that you have never had before, and your minds will be open for the new world to come.

Now, I have said all that I need to.  It is in your hands to do as I have asked you today, for you to open yourself, to be quiet, to go up, to find that beautiful higher self and then to go forward with courage knowing full well that before you, you send out this wonderful Light that will clear the way for this new world.  Oh, children of the world, if you could see the wonderment of it all.  Now it is your job, all of you in this world, to play your part.  Go forward.  Go forward and in your hearts you will know that you are playing your part in the clearance of the toxic poisoning that has been built up over eons of time.  You are doing it for your children and their children. Remember, before I go, that this golden world is there waiting to come forward and when it does, it will be heaven on earth, heaven on earth.  Now I have spoken.  I say God bless each one of you.  Play your part because not only are you clearing the aura of the Mother Earth but you are also making a clearer passage, a right of way, to the wonderful planets.  Each planet has knowledge.  Each one can give so much knowledge – how they live and the wonders that they have reached. Some have reached the very height of knowledge, which you have yet to attain.  So you see, by listening to your inner self, by going forward and searching within, by quietude, you will find your Light within.  When you do so, send it out because it will be strong and together with all the other Lights, it will become an army of Light.  Can you imagine what that will mean?  A clearance, a clearance so that this Divine Light and the golden world can come. 

Now, God bless you.  This has been a stern message today.  Remember, you are not doing this for selfish reasons, you are doing it for your beloved children.  You are in the keeping of The Lord Christ Jesus and you have my assurance that He has control of the earth.  However, He emphasizes that Light is needed from each one of you so go forward, and when I say go forward, I mean go upward.  Find the Light. Send it out and believe in your future and the future of your children.  May God bless each one of you.  It is a privilege that I am able to speak through this lady today for we have taken her over to deliver this message.  Now with the peace of God and the tranquility that He brings you, I say Amen.  Amen.

                                                   *      *      *

What a wonderful message.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is with me.  I am bringing Joan back now so that she is able to turn the machine off.  God bless you all. 


28th June, 2016 - The Messenger:  Be aware of the groups who have come to the earth plane to put fear in your heart. 

God bless you.  As you know, I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is by my side.  We are going to stand aside now, with love and appreciation for the one who comes.

                                                    *      *      *    

I am The Messenger.  I have been before and again they have asked me to be their spokesman.  I come with a message from the worlds beyond.  Collectively they have asked me to convey these words to you.  We have said many times that there is a change coming over the earth.  Well, you are now in the change that we have prophesied for so long.  You are in the change now and the message to all on the earth plane is to think positively, think of your future not with panic and fear. Think also that you have a life ahead unknown but because you are Spirit Divine and because of the change that is here now with you, you will find that if you go inward as we have asked you to do and which is so important for you, go inward, be quiet in tranquility and peace and you will help us in this way so that we can lift you.  Don’t you realise that the power within each one of you is going to help to push you forward.  As you go forward step by step, do so with courage and hope and the desire to help your fellow man.

You will find here and there over the earth groups of people who have come to the earth plane to disrupt you, to put hate into your heart, to put fear into your being.  We want you to be aware of this because hate has no part in the future that all of you are now heading towards.  Whenever you see something hateful arise and you are affected by it, take no notice but go inward and say: ‘take away the vibrations that were sent to me’.  Be aware of these groups of people that are sending out these awful, low life vibrations.  I want you to be aware of this because it is happening all over the world. It is happening because the change has ignited some people to form groups as their vibrations mold them together as a group from which they can spread fear.  Oh, lovely fear to make you doubt yourself, to make you think that life is not worth living any more!  Then they put pressure on the way you live, bring uncertainty into your life.  I want you to be aware, aware of the dark forces that are about.  Lo and behold there is Light, yes, and Light Workers all over the world, their Lights are growing brighter and brighter because they put self on one side. 

You, children of the world, we want you to be aware of these dark forces that are making you afraid of the future.  We have come to say to you today that you have a glorious future.  You are on the cusp of the Aquarian Age that brings in upliftment, joy, peace, a way of living that is so suitable for each of you.  The sun is shining, it’s shining – don’t you see, it’s shining.  Look around.  Look around you – it doesn’t matter what people say or that someone is in panic – go within.  This is your salvation.  Go within and gradually you will find that the thoughts will go and the emotions will settle.  Once again, you will be valiant and strong and you will find that you can face the unknown. That is what you are afraid of, the unknown.  You have so much help, help that you are unaware that you are receiving.

There is a wonderful vibration that is around the earth at the moment and this is a vibration of Light and colour.  The Light and the colour are beaming down upon each person on the earth, strengthening and helping each one to have a vision of the future that lies ahead.  So this day, I come, The Messenger, and those who are around the earth, they say to me: tell them, tell them. This is what I am doing.  You are beginning now the golden age because of the change that you are living through and each one of you must live your day with faith, strength and courage and when you feel the shadow of doubt come upon you, there is a star that shines above you, a six pointed star.  Think, please, everybody, think of this wonderful star that has come from the skies above. Three points go up into the heavens and three points go down to the earth.  The Light will come down, down through those last three points and you will find that the whole world is lifted, lifted. Each one has this wonderful star above them.   Think about this star as it will give you strength and it will enable you to live your lives each day in the knowledge that you are going forward.  You must be patient as you have only just begun.  Many people will ask how long this will take but I The Messenger say to you be patient, little ones.  Live each moment of your day as though it is the last.   Give to your day.  Be aware of what is happening.  Be aware of who is around you trying to make you afraid and saying dreadful things about different people who are living on the earth.

This day, the message is for you to know who you are.  You are the Divine Spirit and it is the Divine Spirit within you that will help you.  Remember the six pointed star that shines way above your head.  When in solitude, in quietude and peace, you will find your wonderful helpers are around you to help you and lift you to receive the bounty and the greatness of this sparkling, sparkling star.  As you find its Light coming down towards you, you are strengthened.  You can see the future for your children and your children’s children.  That is what it is all about.  We are indeed in The Aquarian Age so lift up your hearts, people of the world, lift up your hearts because you have the help of the planets around you.  You have the stars that send out their Light, you have the moon that has the greatest, greatest vibration upon each one of you and above all, you have the glorious sun that is the God within you.

I have come with this message from all around the earth and I say this day to all of you, remember my words as it is vitally important that you go within yourselves in quiet moments and be at peace within.  Again a warning – the dark forces will try to pull you away from the peace and the love that is within each one of you.  Therefore, be aware and in your awareness, recognise those who try to change your mind by sending low thoughts, low emotions.  You are on a golden path now.  Walk it bravely with courage because you are doing this not for yourselves alone but for your children. Have strength to go on and walk proudly into the unknown with the help you will receive to do this. God bless each one of you.  May the Light of the stars come down and shine upon each one of you giving you the upliftment that you need to live day by day being aware, doing your best and, if you can, putting self to one side.  Also for those that have come into your world who are not, let us say, English speaking, have compassion, have compassion and love.  Love means that you embrace and by embracing, you become God and in tune with the God within. Change the world by the way you think, by the way you feel.  Do this for yourselves and for the children and also do it for The Universe, The Universe.  May God bless each one.  I will leave you with the star that shines down upon you to give you strength and love, knowledge and wisdom.  God bless you.  Thank you for receiving me but remember, it is important that you remember, think and ponder over the words that are said today.  I have delivered my message.  May God be with you always.

                                                    *      *     

There is not much more for us to say.  Gabrielle and I give love.  We give love, understanding, courage, the upliftment of your souls.  We are with you to help you, strengthen you.  Call out to us. Call out and we are there with you.  May God bless you now and forever more.

21st June, 2016 - Mary brings to us love, serenity and peace. 

God bless you.  I am Sister Julia, as you know, and Gabrielle is by my side.  We come always with love for you.  We do many things here in The Sanctuary that you know nothing about.  We give love to those who come.  We help the receptionists to give their love and a wonderful feeling to those who come so they do indeed play their part very well.  It is now time for us to stand aside because beloved Mary is here.

                                                    *      *      * 

Oh children of the Light, I come with love and blessings for the world.  I come with a bower of flowers to give you and I bless each one of you.  We in Spirit bring serenity and peace to your souls and today from within my heart I send great love not only to those who work in The Sanctuary but to the world and I speak to the world today.  We in Spirit have found that there is much love amongst all of you, wonderful love. How many times when an angel has come to the earth to do its work and has been hurled into the Spirit world quickly, does such love and compassion come out from those who gather.  That love goes up, up, up into the higher spheres helping with the cleansing of the world. Whether alone or in groups all over the world I, Mary, say to you this day, send out love to your planet, send out compassion, send out your heart and let the heart speak as there in the heart lies the God within you.  Lift yourselves up, children of the earth.  Every day we ask for prayers from all of you.  Oh the world, children, listen to me.  I come with such peace and the glory of God to help you, lift you and to make you understand why these things happen.

We pray with all our hearts that one day one will be able to say that the earth and its aura have been cleared only because they has been quickened by your love, your prayers, your prayers asking The Father to cleanse the world and its peoples.  Send out the great love that is within you.  Each of you walks the steps, the golden road, towards the great God within you and every day each one has a lesson to learn.  Don’t you see, children of the Light, you have to learn these lessons and once you reach a level in Spirit, it is so beautiful.  It is so wonderful and the vibrations….it is beyond words that I can give you.  The flowers, the flowers will speak for me. To reach that level is hard work, of course it is hard, but it is not meant to be easy if you are to reach high.  You need to be pure and the only way to be pure is to face your lessons bravely and ask for help to overcome.

We are going now to talk about thoughts and emotions. It is so important for you to be able to overcome negative thoughts.  If and when you get such a thought in your head, as your awareness is being developed, I ask you, children of the Light, to be aware when it is not correct.  Straight away you will feel no, that is not what you think, not what you want, and you send the thoughts upward to be cleansed.  They will then go away.  If you do this each time such a thought arises, if someone irritates you, if someone does something to hurt you, if, if, if, if…. If you get a response quickly in your mind, that thought has affected the emotional self and then you react to it.  Be aware of your thoughts and be aware that they affect the emotional side of you.  I do know how you feel and that it is a struggle but you need to overcome all these things.  You will, I assure you, as we will help you.  We can’t take this lesson away from you, as you know, but we will help you by putting the right thoughts into your mind and by calming your emotions.

Be in the aura of love and peace every day.  Every day, lift yourself up and say:  ‘Father, I live in Your peace.  Show me how to be compassionate.  Show me the right thoughts and how to command then.  Help me to realise that I am the Divine Spirit’.  So many of you do not know the power that you have within you and you don’t use it at all.  If you use it, you will find that your life is easier, better and you will overcome things because you have the right attitude.  The right attitude comes from within.  Follow that golden road that leads upward to the level of this wonderful peace for which you are searching.  It’s all there within yourself and when you think that at the back of the heart, this golden Light is shining, it is well worth persevering with an awareness of the thoughts that come into your mind because you are being bombarded by the vibrations of the earth.  Because of this, negative thoughts come to you but if you are aware, you will realise that they are not ‘you’, you don’t think that way.  Remember that you serve The Lord with all your heart and with all your soul, that you are a Light bearer.  You all are.  Children of the world, you are God’s Lights.  You are His children.  Therefore, He has given you a part of Himself and that part is your Light.  Turn towards the Light within you and you will find that the awareness will be developed to a fine degree.  You will recognise unworthy thoughts and send them upward to be cleansed.  Your emotions will be less affected, too.  Watch your emotions.  If you find that you are upset about something, remind yourself that it is not worth it.  Stand back and say to yourself that you do not want that emotion as your emotion belongs to the Light, the God within.

Children, none of this is hard.  The only hard part is your willingness to do it.  Thy will by done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give your will to The Great Father and he will guide you.  Persevere within yourself.  The Lights are going out from the Spirit world to the earth, cleansing, uplifting, waiting for you to respond.  Is it not worth it to live in peace and love?  Is it not wonderful to know that your neighbour, your fellow man, shares the same feeling so that there is a wonderful vibration that comes to you?  It is lovely, lovely, lovely.  Persevere.  Will you do that, please, persevere?  I can assure you that a great deal of help will be given to you.

This is all I am going to say except that around me are the flowers of love, roses of every colour.  Their perfume is delicate, uplifting, and it is food for the soul of the earth.  I lift up the beautiful roses in my arms and over the world their petals flow.  As they fall, their perfume of love, peace and tranquility helps you to walk the golden road towards the Christ consciousness.  God bless you, my lovely children.  I come with such love for each one of you.  We are always there to help you, to lift you and to put you on the golden road again so that you can cope with all that is before you.   May God bless each one of you and know that I, Mary, have spoken to you today with love, with love.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *

Sister Julia:  Now, there is not much more to be said, is there.  Gabrielle and I will simply add that always we give you love and always remember you have your wonderful guides around you.  They are always willing to help you.  Be calm.  Be calm and be still, still in yourselves.  Go inward.  Be still because that leads to the golden road.  Now God bless you.  May God keep you in His loving care today and always.  Amen.



16th June, 2016 - Leave not this toxic heritage for your children – it is your privilege to do something about it now. Father John speaks through Joan.

Beloved children, I am, of course, Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me.  We come surrounded by a radiance.  We come to open the pathway to he who wishes to come through so we stand back now, with reverence and love.

                                                     *      *      *

To come to the earth again was no easy feat, believe me.  Much had to be done for me to speak through this instrument.  I am Father John.  I belong to the sacred heart of The White Brother- hood.  We belong to the solar system and we send out love and upliftment.  We send many emissaries to the earth to lift you and to Leave not this toxic heritage for your children when it is your give you knowledge so that you understand what is going on.

I want you to know that the planets also play their part in helping to clear the aura of the earth plane.  The earth world and its aura are choked, as you would say, with weeds, brambles that clog the way.  What do you think those in Spirit are doing?  Are they not clearing the ground?  Are they not pulling up the toxic poisons that surround the earth?  You are the ones who put all that there, not I, not the planets and not The Great, Great Spirit of All, but you, eons ago, eons ago when life was cheap, when the earth was was a dreadful place.  No-one knew it was a dreadful place because that is how people were.  Hate.  Hate.  Always wanting to kill one another, which unfortunately is still the case today.  Because of what has been sown into the earth, the brambles have grown, the weeds have grown, all from those seeds that your forebears sowed.  This came from their thoughts, their ambitions, from the lowest of the low.  The darkness came from your people of the past, though now there is great sorrow for what has happened on the earth.  I want you to know to have cheer, however, to pick up your hearts because this is a message to you:  help us, send out good, loving thoughts.  I assure you that these thoughts will be lifted up and the weeds, the brambles will begin to clear because of your love.

Think of your children.  What is your legacy to them?  Are they going to have struggles?  No.  The responsibility is now in your hands.  Peoples of the earth listen to my message.  It is your responsibility to love, lift, give and to know that The Great, Great Energy receives this.  Gradually, because of your love and your determination to win this battle, so everything will be cleared.  This is what is happening now, bit by bit.  Bit by bit, hard boulders of hate that have been built up in the past are being lifted and thrown away clearing the aura of the earth but it is a hard job.  That is why we need your help.  We have said this before in a previous prayer.  We want you to send love to the planet earth.  We want you to send out a glorious feeling of courage.  Send out from the heart and may your prayers go upward.  As they do so you will find that they gather strength and gather power. This power will pluck out all the weeds and brambles and all the toxic conditions that have been built up by your forebears.

Now I say in a softer tone, children of the earth, leave not this heritage for your children when you can do something about it yourselves.  Why should they go through all this?  It is your responsibility now towards your children and their children.  You must pray with all your heart and soul.  You must say: ‘Father, lift this from us’.  With these words give love and understanding.  With love going from your heart, the weeds will wither, the brambles will shrink and the toxic poisoning that has been built up centuries and centuries will be plucked away.  This will not be achieved quickly because it has existed for so long but it is now your privilege to be able to cleanse the earth, cleanse the aura of the earth.  Think what you are doing.  Send love.  Send the greatest love and ask The Great Father to accept that love.  The workers in Spirit have be working so hard on your behalf.  They need your love.  Send it to them.   They will work on it.  It will be ammunition for them to spray upon the toxic growth that they have to attack.

Do you not see how hard the work has been?  That is why it is important that you to act now, you, Spirit, because you are Spirit, you are Spirit Divine.  Always remember that.  With the Divine Spirit within you there is courage and forthrightness.  You must say to yourselves ‘I will not allow any more poisoning to go into the ether, poison that is killing all the beauty that is around me’.  Your forebears did a very, very wicked thing.  With your courage and your love, lift yourself and tell The Great Father that you want to help Him, you want to help Spirit to clear the poisoning of the earth. Have courage and know that you are doing this not only for yourselves but for your children.  Why should they inherit that massive, toxic poisoning when you, you can do something about it now.

I speak from a sacred heart and I send out love, as do all my brothers.  We have been sent, through the permission of the planets, to tell you the following:  Saturn has sent to the earth law and order, which will be apparent shortly.  Venus has sent you an emissary of love to give love, to lift you and to make you realise that loving is the most important thing.  Sirius, the planet of knowledge, has sent numerous teachers to the earth and there are other, far-away planets whose influence is coming closer to give to the earth as it is important to the planets that the earth be cleansed.  Those upon these planets do not wish to be affected by the poisonous vibrations coming from the earth and that is why they are doing what they can to help the earth.  Bless the planets and what they do and bless the Divine Spirit that is within each one of you.

I end my message with the love of the Brotherhoods and the Sisterhoods of the solar system who work arduously for your benefit.  It is not so hard, you know, to sit quietly and send out love, love to the world and love to the planets that I hold dear. Remember that each planet sends a colour and that colour corresponds to the chakras of your body.  In your meditation, there is a unity and a pathway for each chakra, with its different colour that goes into the auras of the planet.  Children, I have given you spiritual truths today.  Work on what I have given you because you are not a body. You are living in a body but your Divine Spirit is all.  Remember what I have said today. Remember.  Remember.  God bless you all.

                                                    *      *      *

What can we add this day.  Remember the spiritual truths that have been given to you.  Remember that we rely now on the holy love and Light that comes from each one of you.  There are billions of Lights in this world today and if you add your Light to theirs, it will go up to help those in the spirit world who are toiling day and night to free you from the conditions that your forebears built up for you, now, to clear.  May God bless you.  From Gabrielle and me, Julia, God bless you all.



7th June, 2016 - Faith, free will and a wonderful rainbow of glorious colour that arches around the earth.

God bless you.  As you know, I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  We come today with such love, such blessings.  With all our hearts, we feel that we want to lift you because you experience such dark shadows on the earth plane.  We do see this and when we do, we come to you.  All your lovely guides surround you and help you, uplift your thoughts, give you ideas and lift you from that dark place.  They do lift you many times from despondency.  We stand aside now for there is another who wishes to speak to you.

                                                    *      *      *   

God bless all of you.  I am John.  I have come again today as I feel the necessity to remind you and ask you to realise what faith is, how important faith is, faith in yourself, belief in yourself.  Above all, have faith in The Great, Great Spirit of All who commands your life, takes you through the hours of your day.  Has He not given you the energy to do this, wonderful energy that enables you move, speak, think, feel?  All these things that you are, all these experiences, come from The Great, Great Energy of All.

I also bring to your notice today your free will.  Now, your free will can take you up or it can take you down.  When you think of free will, it is what you want, how you think and it is governed by the way you are.  Do you want to come closer to the God within you?  Then make sure that your will says ‘that is what I want and I will get nearer’. That is your will doing good, stating its wish to be closer to the higher self. Perhaps at times, you may just be thinking negatively, thinking this and that are too hard.  That too is your will, your free will.   It takes you wherever you want to go but it should be governed by the greatest thought, the greatest feeling that you have within you. Direct your greatest thought and greatest feeling towards the God on High.  Do this with love, love, love meaning service to others, to give yourself to someone in need. Give a smile, love - do something to help.  Do something every day that will help someone whether by thought or deed.

Let us turn to faith.  Your lives can be altered by faith.  By having faith in the God within you, you will find that every obstacle, whether regarding your health or perhaps your finances, will be taken away and all crooked places will be made straight, only because of your faith.

We refer to you as beloved children as this is what you are, you know.  When you are in Spirit you will realise that we say ‘children’ because you are learning all the time and as you do so, you expand yourself.  That expansion reflects in your free will – how do you feel, what do you think, which way are you going.  I am asking you today to make your free will go outward.  It will give you the joy that you want, that you need and it will take you closer to that glorious higher self.  Faith is so important to each one.  As you grow in faith, you will experience a joy and a lighter feeling, a feeling that you can manage, that nothing is impossible.  Think, think and as you do so, you can say to yourself that whatever it is that you want to do in your life on earth, that faith will lift you, help you to go forward towards the dreams that you have within.  With faith, you can say ‘Father, I am in your loving care.  Help me please because I have faith in you and because I have faith, I know, dear Lord that you will help me to overcome.  Help me to do this.  Help me to draw closer to you step by step.  The love that I have within me may be tucked away, locked away in a little room but because I have faith, I will unlock that room’ and I can assure you that when that room is unlocked, you are free.  You are free to feel love, free to draw nearer to the higher self.

All of you are experiencing different lessons, lessons that cause you to either ponder or to react quickly but whatever the lesson is, I ask you again to be still, quiet.  In that quietness we will come to you and tell you what to do and how to do it.  Help is always there but you must give us a chance to come to you to help you.

It is with God’s blessing that I have said these words today.  To recap, my message is for you to have faith, be sensitive to your free will and the way it is telling you to turn.  Be sensitive and aware but above all, have faith and belief in yourself and in the God within you.  Now, God bless you.  I have come with this special message to lift you, to help you and to remind you to be aware of what is going on within you.  God bless you.  I hand you over now to the wonderful Nuns who send out such a great deal of radiance.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      * 

I am sure that you will listen to these words as free will is a wonderful gift given to you by The Great, Great God within you.  Use your free will wisely.  Watch where it is going, whether down or up.  Gabrielle and I are today sending you a rainbow.  The rainbow arches over not only The Sanctuary but over the world.  The colours are beautiful.  The rainbow arches, curves around Mother Earth and within in it is mass of glorious colour.  The colour is around each one of you.  This we give you this day, the rainbow of love and tranquility.  On that note, we say God bless you.  Remember who you are.  Each of you is a child of God.  God bless you.



31st May, 2016 - I am Mary, the servant of The Most High.

God bless you.  Sister Julia, Sister Gabrielle.  We have come with such love today and we realise why, of course.  We stand back now.

                                                     *      *      *

Oh, beloved Children of the World, I come with peace and with love.  I am Mary, of course.  I embrace each one of you and would say to all of you, peace, my children, peace.   Let the peace be absorbed into your very being to lift you and to help you.  Love is so beautiful when you can see the glory that it brings to you and it is this love that I send not only from myself but from all the wonderful workers in Spirit who are around the world at the moment giving cheer, lifting minds and hearts.

What I want to say, my beloved children, is for you to seek within.  We have said before that it is from within yourself that you find the answers that you seek to your questions.  Travel within yourself and as you do so regularly you will find your answers, as we have said so many times before, but I say it to you – I am Mary and because I am Mary I have been blessed with the vibrations of the higher love, which I bring to all of you.

Be still and let the waters of the mind trickle through you and sweep away the tensions of the earth.  Let the beams of the sun within you shine upon you and as we lift you higher into the different realms of Spirit, you will find that you are indeed in a beautiful, colourful place of love.  When you reach that love within you, and it is within you, you will find that you are led then upward to the golden temple of the higher self.  When you reach the higher self and the temple that is within, there is a glory that comes to the very soul.  All your problems you are able to meet effortlessly because you have the power of love and the power that is within you to heal your physical body.  Children of the Light, I am asking today that you make special efforts to do this because you cannot go outward – there is nothing on the earth that can help you as all there is money and materialism.  You have to go inward and you can, you know.  Once you sit quietly, just see in your mind the flowing waters of a river that you sit beside.  As you sit beside this flowing river, toss into its waters your problems, the things that worry you, the things you have to cope with.  Throw all these things into the river of life and love.  Do this regularly, throwing away the negative conditions that you build up within yourselves, throwing them into the river as you stand watching as it so gently flows.  There is a light in the river.  As this light becomes stronger and stronger, you are drawn towards it.  As you are drawn towards the Light, you are drawing it into yourself.  These are only images that I am giving you to help you to sit quietly.  As you sit quietly, your helpers around you are able to lift you higher.  As you sit regularly, the higher you will be lifted again and again until the day comes when you can sit and go up, up into the golden temple of the higher self.  It is waiting, patiently, for you to recognize your spiritual self.  In general, the peoples of the world today do not know their spiritual selves but many do.  So many of you are Lights and know how to reach the higher self.  So, recognize the spirit within you because it is the spirit that commands.  It is the spirit that will help you, lift you, strengthen you, heal you, the Divine Spirit within you.  Children, listen to my words.

I bring peace to you, tranquility, and it because of that and my love for all of you….  We can see the struggles that go on within you, of course we do and as we can sense it, feel it, we are drawn towards you to give you that extra help but you see, as we have said before, you yourselves must make that effort.  Think to yourself that you are Spirit, that you are Divine, that you belong to The Great, Great Energy, that Great Energy that created you, created you and all the things you see, the trees, the earth, the grass, all things were created by The Great God of All, The Golden King of All, The Energy.  I am giving you today spiritual truths, my beloveds.  I am giving you the truth of Spirit.  Listen to me.  Listen to me.  I bring peace to your soul.  I bring so much peace to the soul and as the soul is at peace, all things are possible because you remember who you are.  You are Divine and you are a Spirit that is tuned in to The Almighty.  Oh Spirit, we are Spirit, you are Spirit.  Remember.  Draw away from the world.  Draw away from the god of money.  Of course, you have to have enough to live on, we realise that, but do not make a god of it.  Take what you need and what you want but do not be greedy.  Love one another.  Help one another.  That is love.  That is love.  But remember always that you are Spirit.  You are love Divine and today I bring this to you.  May God bless each one of you and may the flowers that I bring go out into the world for their sweetness and perfume to uplift your souls.  So I say with the vibration of Jesus that I uphold you, lift you, love you.  God bless you.  God bless all of you.  I am Mary, the servant of The Most High.

                                                    *      *      *

Well, Gabrielle and I…. what can we say….  only to listen to the words.  Try to practice them and to remember who you are.  You are not ‘body’, you simply live within it but you are Spirit Divine. God bless you from both of us today.  Wonderful vibrations have gone out to the world and to The Sanctuary.  God bless you.



17th May 2016 - We hear from Margaret how Spirit are helping little ones in worn-torn places. Abraham and Margaret, speaking through Joan.

For those who are not acquainted with the healers at Sylvan, Margaret was, or should I say is, one of the original founders.  Now in Spirit, we hear from Margaret about the wonderful work being done by Spirit to bring children exposed to the horrors of war to safety.

                                                     *      *      *

God bless you.  As always, Sister Julia with Sister Gabrielle.  We come today to greet you and we do so with a smile because there is someone here who wants to speak to you, someone you know, so we will stand aside. 

                                                      *      *      *

Oh, I feel so happy.  I am Abraham and I come to bring everyone joy and upliftment of the spirit.  People’s spirits do need upliftment at the moment, you know but I do so bring love to you.  I can’t find words to express how much love I feel.  I am in such a beautiful place.  It is so harmonious and peaceful, loving and giving and it’s all this that I come today to give to you.  Children of the earth, listen to me, please.  We ask you so often to be still.  Please be still because the joy is there.  The joy is within you and all you have to do is to sit still regularly so that then you will easily slip into a wonderful silence, stillness of love.  I bring you today this kind of love that I wish you to experience. It’s so wonderful.  It makes one so joyous.  I feel so happy, so happy and this happiness is what I bring to you for you to experience.  I know that you will say that you are in a difficult environment, that you have various troubles, that something is hurting you.  We know in Spirit what you have to contend with and the hardships that your body puts you through but be still and you will find then that whatever is troubling you, we can draw close to you to lift you, help you and our love will give to you a feeling of upliftment.

Children of the Mother Earth, you have listened to the messages that have come through not only recently but for some time, messages of hope, love and up;liftment but are you, please, doing what we ask you to do?  Find time to sit still.  I want so much to uplift you and I came through today with laughter on my lips, my heart uplifted and love, love, love that I send out to all of you.  You can feel like this.  Not quite because you are not in Spirit but you will indeed feel an upliftment of your soul that will make you feel light and that you can manage, can cope.  Put yourself on one side and whatever your body is going through, we will help you.  We will help you to have a different attitude.  For those who may be in wheelchairs or those who may be learning to use new prosthetic limbs, it is a mighty thing to get used to but sit still, be still and allow yourself to drift upwards.  This you should do regularly, at least once or twice a week if it is not possible every day.  Try to do this.  This is my message today.  I am not saying any more as there is someone else who wishes to speak to you.  I will stand aside and say God bless you. Remember, I am Abraham. Remember my happiness and that I am giving this happiness to you.  God bless you.  I leave you in love.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *

I am Margaret.  I have come through once before and I spoke about the children.  We care for the children, look after them but I want to bring to your notice the little ones who wander, displaced, no mother or father, no relatives. They wander and they cry.  I want you to know that we come near to these little ones and we put a ray of love around them.  We send out to their little minds peace and we give them a feeling that all will be well, a feeling of security, so that they can wipe away their tears.  We lead these little ones either to a mother or father who is alive or to a family.  We try to bring them to a home on earth where they can belong.  Those little ones also who are crying we lift.  We put our arms around them to comfort them and we take them to a place of safety.  This is what we do part of the time.  We go to the darker places of the world where there is so much distress, so much anguish for the little ones and we in Spirit love them and lead them to safer places where they can feel secure. That is our job and it’s a job that though fills our hearts with pain.  We give out this wonderful power of love and security to these little ones.

Those who come over to us in Spirit, also in this same state of mind, we are able to bring to lovely, lovely places in which to stay.  All around them is Light and they can hear children outside playing together, laughing and as these little ones are just put to sleep for a short while, when they awake, they will hear the sound of children’s voices. That helps to restore them, apart from the healing and the love that we give them.  We cherish them as we cherish those on the earth.  We look after them.  A great Blessing from The Great Father of All comes through the dimensions of Spirit life to them.  They are cared for.  The little ones on earth who have these sad experiences, each one of us, and there are many of us, we help them and try to restore them.  This is all I wanted to tell you today, to explain to you about the little ones that have been suffering.  There are many more that we have to help. 

God bless you.  Please send out love.  We do need your love on earth.  Send out love to the little ones, not only on the earth but in Spirit, those who have been thrust into Spirit with these painful memories and also to those who are experiencing horror that they should never, ever experience.  But we are there to help them, love them, lift them, protect them and take them to places of safety.  So, God bless you.  It has been such a privilege to speak through Joan and such a privilege that I am able to speak to you today.  God bless you.  God bless the world.  God bless everyone who comes to The Sanctuary because I, Edith and Bill are of course very closely connected to The Sanctuary.  To all of you who give your services so willingly, God bless you, too.

                                                    *      *      *

Sister Julia:  We too will say God bless you.  Think about what has been said to you.  It is all so simple but it is easy to resist the good things, isn’t it.  We I Spirit don’t, of course!  From Gabrielle and me, God bless you. 

15th May 2016 - We are trying to purify you, bit by bit, by each learnt lesson. Brother Paul speaking.  

God bless you.  I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle and I come to give love to you, as always. You know, you are very precious to us.  Very precious.  Those who have an open heart, those who pray for a change to come upon you, when you pray, you will find that you rise a little higher because we are there with you, your guides are there with you.  We help you to lift yourselves to a higher plane of thought.  We will stand aside now as Brother Paul wishes to speak to you. 

                                                    *      *       

Oh, I come with love, love for mankind, love to the planet earth.  I come with a wonderful feeling of upliftment for all of you.  I myself am uplifted and therefore I want you to feel the same.  I want to lift you so that you understand that all is not as bad as you think because we are all in God’s hands and God has a plan, a plan for you, a plan for the world.  We do understand that each of you has felt the effects of the upheaval and cleansing of the world.  We know that and we do draw very close to you to help to alleviate some of the events around you and within you.  For instance, you may start thinking how you used to, thought patterns you had overcome but they have now returned.  Certain things in your life that you thought you had ridded yourself of come back but know that these things are brought back to you so that you understand that there is some work to be done.  I am so sure in my mind that each of you, children of the earth, will be all right.  Do remember this:  you will be all right for one reason if you remember always to be still and to go within yourself.  Nothing outward will help you, only what you receive within.  If you allow quiet stillness within you, you will find eventually that you will be taken up and reach the level of the heaven that you are seeking.  Every one of you is seeking heaven.  This is where you came from and you have travelled through the planets, adding knowledge, until you drew close to the earth and were born.  But you see, within each of you is retained the memory of joy, of upliftment and you want it again.  You want this heaven on earth but you can’t have it.  The heaven you seek is the temple, the higher self, the shrine of the soul.  That is what you are seeking – to return to the state where you can rise upward.  All through the lessons that you are learning, you are rising upward until eventually you reach the Christ consciousness that abides in the higher realms.   As you seek this, you go out into the world doing this and that but endeavouring to reach that pinnacle, that holy temple.  All of you want to go back home, which is what you are seeking.  If you know what you are seeking, we have shown you the way to achieve it, to be still, to be quiet, lift yourself up into Light and let the Light be within you.  Sit quietly within that Light and you will find that your guides are able to draw very close to you to help you.  If you do this regularly, you will find that your attitudes will change.  You will be able to correct yourselves of the errors that you have built up from the opinions and vibrations that the world gives you.

We are trying to purify you, bit by bit, by each lesson that you learn and overcome.  You need to become more pure as to reach that pinnacle, you need to become more pure of heart, pure in thought, pure in emotion.  This is my message today.  Do not lose heart.  You have volunteered to come to this world.  You volunteered to come to learn as, as you know, the earth is a school. It is in this school that you learn, passing from class to class, class to class, until you are able to say that you have conquered yourself, that you are a Master of yourself.  Each class that you visit teaches something that you need to overcome.  You will overcome with our help but remember, you must ask for it.  We don’t interfere with your life, you must ask for help.  Do you not see the picture that I am giving you?  You are in one class of the school and when you have learnt what is presented to you there, you move to the next class, then the next and the next.  But, look at what you are becoming.  You are becoming more pure.  You are becoming eligible for the next step up and that is heaven.  Heaven.  Joy.  Peace.  It is so wonderful.  You are able then to bring down all that wonderful knowledge, the peace that you have attained, to give to the planet earth.  That is your contribution.  You will indeed help to lift those who do not understand.  Those who do understand, you will help to move forward.  Life is not complicated.  It is simple.   Do the best you can.  Help your neighbour.  Send love to the planet.  All these things are your responsibility and to help those who are in sadly in need.

Now, children of the world, remember, there are so many of you who are Lights.  These Lights do shine very brightly so become a Light.  Become a Light for your fellow man.  Be honest.  Be true to yourself.  Ask yourselves during quiet moments – what are you?  Are you true to your beliefs?  Do you really trust in God?  Do you really have that faith?  And you think yes, you have faith, you have faith and that you have given your will to The Father because you know that He will govern you and govern your life and so all is well.  When you give your faith and trust in that way, whatever your problems, the path before you is made straight.  How many times we and our brothers used to pray and chant.  The vibrations from those prayers and chanting used to rise up.  We used to pray for food for the hungry, healing for those who were wounded and we prayed for the souls.  That is what we did but we had faith.  We had trust because we knew that as we asked, so it would be and it was.  You would say it was a miracle but food was found, healing used to a balm upon the souls of those in need.  Oh, the joy of seeing the fruit of our prayers and our love…  I give this to you.  Oh, children of the world, I give this love to you.  Be honest.  Be true to yourselves.  Trust in God and have the faith that all will be well.  I assure you that with every lesson you experience, you will be able to turn to Spirit and ask for help and help will be given.  You will go from one class to another, up and up until you reach that golden temple of love, the Great, Great Soul, the Great Energy, the great Higher Self.  We speak of ‘higher self’ but do you know what the Higher Self is?  Do you know the glory, the Light and the utter strength and energy?  That is what you are trying to reach and you will do so if you go step by step, with us behind you.

I have given you a picture today of what can be with your diligence, making time to be still, allowing the Light to come within you.  It is so simple.  Nothing is hard.  The only hard thing is your resistance:  I can’t do this, how can I do it?  The attitude of some of you is utterly wrong, negative. Be positive.  You know better because you know that the Light of The Great, Great Spirit is with each of you, leading you, helping you and when you think of that temple, that heaven that you are trying to reach, heaven upon heaven – oh, what can I say.  It is beautiful.  You are no longer what you were.  You become the angel and servant of The Lord and you are so happy, so happy and at peace. 

Now, that is all I am going to say as a great deal has been spoken to you today.  Remember that we love you.  We treasure you, especially those who are trying to do their best.  It is with the blessings of The Great, Great Spirit on High do I bless each one of you.  He wants to gather you in His arms and say:  I am The Lord.  I am The God that is within you.  I treasure you, love you and I want to bring you to the temple that is on high.  Just remember that you are in His loving care.  I bless you and bless the planet that you live on.  I say God bless you all.  Amen.

                                                     *      *     

Julia:  Well, much has been said.  He is quite right.  There is nothing hard about being still.  It is only that you let the earth interfere with your desire to do it.  You want to do it but then something comes up – oh, I have to do this in a minute, someone is going to ring me in a moment – so many earthly things but you must be firm with yourself, really firm.  Gabrielle is wagging her finger at you telling you to be firm with yourselves.  It isn’t hard!  What comes first – your redemption, your upliftment, or do you want to live in the negative?  We understand that sometimes things happen unavoidably that make quiet moments difficult but come away from the hustle and bustle as often as you can so that your prayers are pure, from the heart.  Try hard, please, try hard.  God bless you and keep you in His care.  Amen. 


3rd May, 2016 - Peace I bring you.   Serenity of the soul I give you. Spoken by Sister Maria.

God bless you, as usual, from Julia and Gabrielle.  We come with such love.  Always we come with love for you and we treasure the moments when we can say how much we love you.  We belong to the White Sisterhood of Spirit.  There are so many people, old souls who wish to speak through this channel but today Gabrielle and I will stand aside for one, a beautiful soul.

                                                     *      *      * 

Peace I bring you.  Serenity of the soul I give you.  I have come today because a message has to be given.  I am Maria, Sister Maria.  We of The Sisterhood give much, as do The Brothers, to the world.  We give power and love, which is so greatly needed in your world today.  Much work is done in Spirit to uplift not only you on the earth plane but those who come over into the Spirit life.  There is much work that we do.  We are endeavouring to lift the vibrations of the earth life and to do that, there must be a cleansing process, as you all know by now, a cleansing of the earth.

We wish to tell all of you today that we bring peace to you.  We help you with the things you are going through in your life on earth.  Each of you, as we have said before, is affected in a different way but you are all affected in some way.  We of The Sisterhood gather round you and we help you.  Each of you is so different.  We want you to have patience and to realise that the cleansing work going on is a hard, difficult work because of the toxic poisoning that has been left behind from eons ago, over a long, long time when man has been so selfish.  And what he has done to the earth itself…..  Man thinks he knows better, but he doesn’t.  Only The Great, Great Spirit of All knows and He can see the blunders that man has made over time.  Something had to be done.  This cleansing had to be done as affecting other planets is not right.  So, we have to go through this tremendous upheaval to cleanse the earth plane.  You will find that impulses come from the cleansing because we have to use strong vibrations to get rid of negativity that has been on earth for eons of time.  Have patience and in your patience, send out love, love, love.  Love your planet to help towards the cleansing.  Say to yourself that you want this world to be a beautiful world as it was long ago when the rivers were clean, when the seas were pure and when the creatures of the earth lived in harmony and peace.  Man thought otherwise and brought in this idea, that experiment.  Today, you have no idea what the planet was like long ago but it was beautiful, peaceful and loving. 

I, today, have been given the privilege of giving a message to you and to tell every one of you to play your part.  Go out of yourself, out in your mind, use the imagination that has been God-given and realise that in your imagination you can send out love not only to your planet.  Send love also up and outward to the solar system, to the Universe itself and to the planets that have a watchful eye upon the earth because they are and will continue to be affected until we cleanse this planet so that there is harmony, peace and love.  You can help to do this by every loving thought that goes out from you to see a bright world, to see this beautiful, beautiful world that is waiting to come.  When this wonderful world comes you will experience the joy of living in Light.  It is wonderful. 

So, today I say to you, children of the earth, go within yourself, be still, be quiet and allow your mind to quieten your thoughts, quieten your emotions.  Be still and be in that state of grace knowing that you are sitting quietly waiting, waiting for your higher self to send the beams of Light to you to invigorate you, lift you.  Be still and in that stillness you will find the voice that has been spoken of, the voice that whispers and each time you sit quietly you will find that it is trying to speak to you.  The voice is your Higher Self but to hear it you must be still.  You must be full of love because God is love.  Love comes when you are at peace with yourself.  Love comes when we can draw close to you and make you realise the importance of your loving thoughts.  Continue giving moments of your time knowing that you have a responsibility, each of you, for the upliftment of mankind.  You are responsible for the loving thoughts that will go from you to the higher spheres and out into the space, into the stars above.  Oh, yes, the stars above.  As you have been told, each of you has your own particular star that shines with purity and love that comes from your Higher Self.  Walk with God.  Walk with the Light that is within you.  Play your part, as we have asked you.  Be still.  Be still and know that thou art God.  Children of the world, I come today.  I am Sister Maria and I work with The Sisterhood of Love.  Sister Julia, Sister Gabrielle and I, we are all Sisters of The White Light.  God bless you.  God hold you in His arms to take you along the path of the earth. May love, faith and trust develop within each of you.  Put self to one side.  Give freely, lovingly.  Oh, my children, do you not see the development that will take place for each one of you because you are preparing for the new world?  God bless you and keep you in His Light.  May serenity and peace be with you.  Thank you for receiving me.  God bless you.

                                                   *      *      *  

Sister Julia:  She is so beautiful.  She is so special.  She is garbed in silver, silver gossamer.  She has such brilliance and Light that she has given to you all this day for the world.  She brings peace and love, the upliftment of your very souls.  She joins in prayer with us and we are very grateful for her divine presence.  God bless you and, as Sister Maria said, walk with God.  Amen.



26th April, 2016 - John: we have to train you, as Jesus trained us… 

God bless you.  You know who we are. Gabrielle and Julia.  We come with love and ask that at this moment you will give out love, each one of you.  Send the Light outward.  Now, we stand aside.

                                                     *      *      *

I am John.  I have come once before to speak to you and I come now with a message to the world, each of you individually.  I have come to remind you of The Master’s words.  Did he not say ‘faith’, ‘have faith’, and did I not say before that many times he had to renew that faith within us until we were steady and strong.  That is what I want to do for you today, to ask you to have faith.  If you fall down in that faith, get up and walk ahead.  I remind you that you each has within the Holy Spirit and it is the Holy Spirit that faith will lead you to because it is faith in the Holy Spirit within that will help you to overcome the burdens of the earth.  We know what you are going through because in another time, we too had to cope with difficulties day by day and therefore we understand the hardships that present themselves to you.  We say in Spirit that we are indeed under the guidance of The Christ, Jesus and if each of you can remember the faith He taught and that He lifted us by faith, He taught each of us faith, which I am now relating to all of you.  Have faith.  Have the faith to know that if you can go within yourselves and reach up into the God within you, the Light within you – don’t you see what it did for us?  We were able to heal.  We were able to tune in to Spirit and we were able to hear all the prophets.  We could hear the directions that they gave us.  That is power and the power that The Lord Jesus gives you is to look inward, pray with all your heart and soul, pray for love, pray for the upliftment of your fellow man and sit quietly, go upward in your mind, in your imagination that you have been given.  Go upward and go towards the great and holy Light that is within you.  If you reach that Light through prayer and quietude, you will find then that the great, great Higher Self can enter the physical body.  Then, all will be made straight for you.  But it is this that we have to train you to do, like  we were trained.  We were trained as when we walked from place to place, Jesus used to talk to us.  He used to explain in a simple manner that we should love one another, to walk the path knowing that faith alone would help us because faith would lead us to the Higher Self within, as it will with each of you. 

Can you not see what I am trying to do for you today?  I am trying to lift you because the influence of the great, great Jesus and the Christ within Him sends out these wonderful influences to help you.  He loves each one of you.  You are precious in His sight and He wants to help each one on this planet earth to lift themselves up now into a higher Light that is within you.  Walk the path of faith.  Walk the path knowing that whatever difficulties you are in will be swept away because of your faith and your trust in your Higher Self.  Your Higher Self is the glory of all.  It is like the glowing sun within you.  It is the spiritual sun and it glows.  It sends out wonderful beams of Light.

So, I want you to sit quietly, as we did.  We used to sit quietly and in our quietness we could hear the voices of those who had gone before us and who had learnt.  We were able to listen and that is what I want you to do.  I want you to listen, to be quiet and listen.  If you do this regularly, you will find that you will hear.  You will hear the voice of the God within you and you will feel the beams of that Light entering into your very soul.  You will feel united, lifted, feel a wonderful glow within you that helps you to walk the path of the earth.  It will sweep away all the difficulties, giving you the strength and courage, because you have listened.  In your listening, you will hear uplifting words from Spirit, words that will give you an understanding of what you must do and why you are here. Do you realise that you are a child of God and when you first came, eons ago, he put within you The Christ Light because The Christ is the Son of God.  He gave each one of you that part of Himself and it is to this part that I ask that you develop within yourself quietude, stillness and listen. You won’t hear a voice as you can hear now as I speak.  You will here a whispering, a low whispering, soft, and as you sit quietly, every time you sit and you give your heart and your prayer to The Christ above, listen and the voice will become a little stronger.  Then, when you can hear clearly, you will know that it is the voice and the influence of The Christ.

My children, and I say ‘my children’ because you are, you know, you are a child of God, I want you to understand that the gift that has been given to you must be earned by your watching your thoughts, examining your thoughts as your thoughts do attach themselves to the emotions.  So, think to yourself when you are in disagreement with your fellow man, why you are upset.  Why do you feel angry, resentful.  Get into the habit of asking yourself ‘why?’ and you will find that the answer will be given to you.  Sometimes your reaction is a reflection of what goes on within you, meaning that you have resentment within yourself.  Whatever happens, analyse your emotions. Question them.  There is a reason why you have them.  Does the problem lie within yourself or with the one who has upset you?  If it is with one other than you, send love, send a blessing. Ask that whatever is in your subconscious mind be brought into the open so that you can deal with it but first, watch your thoughts.  You may ask how you can watch your thoughts.  When you have a thought come to mind that is unworthy, and you will know it is unworthy, caste it out.  Caste it out and acknowledge that you belong to The Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit will not let you harbour such a thought.   So, you will dismiss it as you turn to the Light. 

My message today is faith and trust.  Your faith will carry you upward.  Sit quietly as often as you can.  It is important.  As you do this you will build up a Light around and within you.  That Light joins with other Lights as it needs to do because of the disturbance that is going throughout the world at this moment.  I come with love.  I come to give you this advice and I pray that you will realise that I come under Jesus’ influence.  I have prayed and I have asked that the dear, dear loving Master will send his love and his influence to bear upon the words that I have spoken this day.  He sends His love and states that each one of you is precious in His sight.  He loves you all.  Pray you will listen to His words spoken through me today.  A great blessing is given to the world and to each of you to love one another.  I will leave you now to Sisters Julia and Gabrielle.  God bless you all. 

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I am Julia and Gabrielle stands by my side.  We have been uplifted by the power and the glory that has been given to us and through The Christ that is within each one of you.  But you have to work for this by your thoughts, controlling your thoughts and your emotions.  God bless you and keep you forever more in God’s Light.  Amen for such a wonderful blessing that you have received this day.  Amen.



19th April, 2016 - Mary:  Remember, remember, remember my words…

God bless you.  Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle.  We come today with such a surge of love. Not only do we give this to The Sanctuary and those who work within it but to all those who come for help, which they do receive, you know.  We also pray that these words go outward into the world. We stand aside now. 

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Oh, God bless you.  I am Mary.  I come with love and I bring flowers, beautiful roses with such wonderful perfume and wonderful colours.  Children of the planet, remember that you have the God within you, which is your higher self.  We know that each one of you has been going through trials of the earth, inconveniences, pain, different things every day.  You feel that things are not the same as they used to be.  You can’t rely on anything any more.  This is because everyone is affected by the cleansing of the earth.  At this moment, there has been an upsurging, meaning that there has been a quickening of the earth.  It is now in a quickened state and that is what each of you feels, whether in health or mind.  You feel that nothing is right any more and it isn’t right any more because the earth is changing.  It is being cleansed and you know what that means – there are upheavals, different things happening throughout the planet because the vibrations of the cleansing programme have been quickened.  You, each of you on the planet, can feel this, actually feel it and sense within yourself that you are not the same, you don’t feel the same.  Things are not the same. However, I can assure you that you are changing for a purpose because the cleansing of the earth is going on in a quickening space.  That is why you may sometimes feel happy or, to use your earth word, a wreck.  This is all due to the quickening that is going on above you. 

I want you to understand the reason for this quickening.  It is because the toxic poisons that are upon the earth today must be cleared.  It must be cleared and this must be done in a meaningful way, thorough, because the Light is waiting to come in.  The Light is there and it is the New World that we keep speaking of.  The planet earth must be thoroughly cleansed, but let us now get back to each one of you.  Haven’t we said to you, if you have faith and if you have trust in the God within you, you are then carried forward in the arms of love so that you are able to cope always with what is happening to you.  We will help you, as we have done, but we will increase our help for each of you to be able to cope with the change that you are going through.  You will get through it, you know.

Let me remind you of the need for those quiet moments, turning inward to yourself, lifting yourself up to the Divine Light within you – your wonderful higher self.  This will help you, strengthen you, move you forward into the next stage of your lives.  Don’t you see how worthwhile this is?  You couldn’t live any more in this toxic, horrible atmosphere that has been built up over time.  Because of the severity of the dark energies, there must indeed be a quickening to thoroughly sweep away, to leave everything fresh and clean.

I want you to understand that you are never alone in your efforts.  Now, those of the hierarchy are coming closer to the earth so that their power contributes to this cleansing process and also to help the children of the earth.  This is a day of truth and the truth is that you can have much more power to help yourselves if you give yourself more time to sit quietly and allow Spirit to draw close to lift you and to give you the power for you to be in control of your day.  When I say ‘in control’, this is because the power is there within each of you.  All you have to do, beloved children, is to sit quietly, drawing upon that heavenly power that is your higher self and the higher self will help you to cope with all the current disruptions. 

Send out love, love, and know that by sending out love you will be helping to cleanse planet earth. Can you imagine, when the planet has been cleansed, the New World will come in?  It will bring you peace, bring you joy, bring you closer to the heavenly bodies that are around the earth.  You will find many things happening for you.  You will have a sense of peace, peace beyond your imagination.  It will lift you and you will have many opportunities for advancement, to rise higher and higher. The blessings of the hierarchy and the power that they give are sent throughout the universe and the solar system that you belong to.  The plans for planet earth were made a long time ago and watchful eyes have been upon the planet seeing the poisons build up from negative thoughts.   We were and are aware and we in Spirit mass together in the greatest power of all for the cleansing that is now taking place. 

I want you to know, dear children, that with the darkness comes the Light.  The Light is powerful, beautiful.  Know that The Heavenly Father and the prophets of old are administering towards you and beloved Jesus, my beloved, His power with the Christ that uses Him, brings the holy power of strength to each one of you.  He penetrates the very hearts and the very souls that you are to give you courage, hope and upliftment as He wants you to realise that what you are doing is for the betterment of the planet, helping the New World to come in.  Children, I have tried to explain in a humble way how important it is for each of you to play your part and I know you will.  Think of the glory that those in the higher realms bring you and know that each of you is important to the work and the cleansing that is taking place.  With this great and wonderful love that is being shed upon the earth plane and with the power that comes from high, oh children, you have the power yourselves.  Can you not sit quietly and allow Spirit to lift you to this beautiful, beautiful power that is within you?  That is what you have to do.  As you do so, the quiet moments will come more easily and the body will know what it has to do, it has to sit still.  You know that you must quieten your thoughts and your emotions and as you do so, lift yourself up and the Divine Spirit within you, your so beautiful higher self, so powerful, so peaceful, will put its arms around you, depending on your faith and trust and you will be led forward into the Divine Light enabling you to live on this earth, waiting for the New World to come.  It will come all the sooner if you send love, love, Light. 

I end my loving prayer to all of the children of the earth.  I bless you in the name of Jesus and the Christ that uses him.  God bless you.  Remember.  Remember.  Remember my words.  It is important, very important.  Now, I will take a handful of my roses and I will scatter them far and wide, far and wide over the planet earth that the sweetness of the soul may come to fruition.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *  

Julia:  we can say no more.  You have received a great and most wonderful blessing this morning. Children of the earth, you have been blessed.  Remember what has been said.  From Gabrielle and me, God bless you. 


April 2016 - Those from other planets are not ‘aliens’, they too have the Holy Spirit within. Joseph, channeled by Joan. 

God bless you.  I am Julia and, as always, Gabrielle is by my side.  Oh, we come with love for all of you.  We shake our heads sometimes because we want so much to ease your minds and pains of the body but there is something that you are not doing.  However, I put this on one side for the moment because…. Let him announce himself.

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I am Joseph.  I come to you today as I have been chosen to speak these words.  These are not my words.  I am acting as a medium for those around me who want this message to go to the children of the earth, telling things they wish you to know.  We ask each one of you to understand that you live within the wonderful creation of the body. You have a mind.  You have the Holy Spirit within you.  We have given you the imagination to think past the bodies that you live in.  No matter what difficulties you go through, you forget and we remind you that you have the great power within and that you can draw on this power.  The power comes with faith and with faith comes trust.  We wish to tell you to use your minds – as one would say, mind over matter.  We will simplify this by saying see within your mind that you are well and strong.  See yourself overcoming obstacles.  Not just once do you think in this positive way but day in and day out you should have this picture in your mind of overcoming.  The gift of imagination is with you.  Use it.  Draw from the imagination the power to overcome. 

Now, Children of the Earth, I want you to expand your minds.  Open the doors of your minds upward and upward. You have imagination and through your imagination I want you to soar upward.  Go up to the stars above.  See them in your mind.  See the moon, which has a great, great influence upon you.  Think of the sun that shines within you.  Raise yourself upward.  Float upward in your mind. See the myriad stars.  Imagine, each of you, a bright beautiful star above you that guides you, helps you, strengthens you and is a part of you.

We want you to realise that your body is composed of certain elements drawn from Mother Earth.  With the God within you, you have been able to fashion, under His direction, a body, the human body, to be able to withstand the oxygen and the different things in the ether and you are thus able to live upon earth.  There are other planets in the universe on which the peoples have to do the same thing.  They have to draw from the planet on which they live all substances that create a particular body for that particular planet.  Each planet’s inhabitants have their own bodies that consist of the elements of that planet.  They are not aliens, as you wish to call them.  They have the Holy Spirit within them and that is what makes you brothers.  That is why we say to you today, hold this in your mind.  Each planet’s peoples have its particular consistencies and elements that make up their bodies.  Don’t you understand? The solar system is bright and glorious.  With your own mind you can reach out.  That is what you call The Brotherhood of the solar system.  You are part of the universe.  Remember that.  Dwell upon the imagination that is given within each one of you.  Use the imagination for positive thinking.  Soar upward.  It’s exciting!  It’s wonderful! See the universe in its glory and the different things that are happening around each planet and around Mother Earth. 

We come back now to the human body and to the mind, the emotions and the thoughts.  If a thought comes to you that is unworthy, cast it out and put a positive one in its stead and if your emotions are high and you are wondering what is the matter with you in a negative way, cast this thought out.  You don’t want this lower thought.  Think only that you are travelling a path of Light.  All the Light workers on the earth plane are gathering together to make a beacon of Light to shine upon those who are seeking, those who have not yet opened the doors of their minds. There are brothers who have indeed succeeded in reaching the point of love, Light, fulfillment.  They will hold out their hands to those who have not yet reached that point, though they will at a future time as help will be given.

I could go on but so much has been said this morning, so much for you, you the souls of the earth.  Stride forward and remember that whatever you hear or see that is of a dark nature will always be diminished by the Light.  Walk not with fear but stride on with a sword in your hand – as we have said many times, with a shield and a sword.  Go forward with strength and know that the Light is within that shield.  Where ever darkness may spring up, that Light is there to diminish it.  Do not walk in fear.  Walk in Light.  Walk in faith and trust and because of that you are helping the Light workers and yourselves to herald in the New World, and this New World is beautiful.  Isn’t that worth the effort to control your mind?  Oh, beloved children, this is a prayer from those of the universe.  It has been given through me to the earth world, to its children, to give them love, hope and the upliftment of their souls.  We are ready to help you.  We will uplift you as many planets have far more knowledge than the earth but remember, the earth is a school.  People come to live on the earth as it’s a hard place to live, it’s a place of lessons, it’s your school and you will not be here forever.  Once you have learnt your lessons, you will go to a happier, happier planet.  Now, may God bless you.  May we thank those who came near to us today to give us the message of hope, to continue the trust in yourself but above all, to trust the God within you.  God bless you and remember this day.  I have spoken as a medium for those that are around me from above.  God bless you.

12th April, 2016 - Karmic law applies to the lessons that you have had in previous lives and which present themselves again. Brother Paul, channeled by Joan.

God bless you, my children.  I am Julia and, as always, Gabrielle is at my side.  We come with love for you.  We treasure you, you know.  We do know that life is so difficult at times but we help you through.  These are all lessons.  Sometimes they come upon you and you don’t know that they are lessons, but they are.  Some of you come through these lessons and have done well but others do not know about the Light within them.  Nor do they know that The Great Spirit of All has them in His care.  Many do not know this but I have not come today with a message for you as there is another who is waiting patiently so speak.

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Oh, I’m so pleased to be here.  I am Brother Paul.  I have come to speak with you once before and it is such a pleasure for me.  There is such a lot of love in Spirit, such harmony, such joy in giving, actually giving – it is so lovely.  This joy and this giving we give to you, each one of you.

I ask you to pause now for a moment.  Be still and ask yourself what you are, who you are.  Are you pleased with yourself?  Do you actually know what is deep within you?  No – you don’t and that is what I’ve come to talk to you about.  I have come to ask that you begin to know yourself, how you really think, what your attitude to life is.  Where your emotions are concerned, what is your general feeling about your fellow man?  I ask this because it is important that you know yourself and so many of you do not.  So many think you know, but you do not really.  You need to find out who you are and how you think in this world.

Each of you living on the earth has his own stand, his own spot, and from this spot he can radiate love, warmth, knowledge – radiate because you are complete as you are tuned in to so much that is outside your body.  Children, all I am asking today is that you stop to think who you are.  What do you want to be?  Do you want to ask for help when you find you are stuck within some of these lessons that you go through because we will give, oh yes, we will give.  We will give with all our hearts to help you and we do.  But we want you to realise what your purpose is on the earth plane.  Your purpose is to learn to overcome and to do this joyfully in the knowledge that you are experiencing a lesson and that you will be helped to go through it.  Now with that within yourself you will have courage, a realisation that you can cope and it will also help you to be positive.  You do see what we are trying to put into your mind?  It is the importance of knowing where you are going, what you want to do spiritually.  Know that you are here for a purpose.  Think about what that purpose is and you will then find that you understand that you are here to tune in to the Light within you.  Once you have touched this Light it will fill your being as you have understood that this is your purpose – to learn and as you do so to overcome and also to help those around you know about these things.  You become Light and that is how you begin to become a Light worker.

We understand what busy lives you have and that you are under a great deal of pressure but we do know that you can find minutes within your day, you can make time because this is important.  There is abundance waiting for you in Spirit life.  Don’t miss a chance.  Don’t go to Spirit regretting that you have not done the things we have told you about, wishing that you had felt as we have asked.  It is now the time to ponder, to think.  Look at the trees, the flowers, the grass, look at something beautiful and then bring your mind inward and ask where you are going in this earth life, whether you are thinking right, whether your aims are right, what have you learnt.  There is so much.  You don’t realise how much you have learnt.  Ponder.  Wonderful word, isn’t it – ponder.  This is the message today.  We are around you, you know, we are always there.  All you have to do is ask questions of Spirit.  Ask what you would like to know.  You may not be given the answer straight away or it may be that you are not supposed to have the answer.  If Karmic laws allow, the answer will come to you in time.  Karmic law does apply as you are up to a point repaying.  The Karmic law applies to your new lessons, lessons that come back to you that you have had in a previous life.  They come back in this life.  What ever you are going through, straighten up your spine and acknowledge the lesson before you.  Sometimes you may not know that it is a lesson but as long as you have the right frame of mind, you will overcome.  That is why we are here to help you and lift you.

Be willing to know the worst of whatever the lesson is, be willing to learn and put yourself to one side.  That is an important thing, to put yourself to one side.  Try to develop this.  If someone needs help, whoever and whatever it may be, put self to one side and give.  Some of you sometimes can give a little too much to the detriment of your own health, so be aware of this.  Put yourself to one side to help others, yes, give love but tune in to yourself to make sure it is not demanding too much of yourself, exhausting you.  You may need to withdraw somewhat and be a little ‘selfish’ for your own wellbeing.  Put self to one side but be aware not to draw too much from yourself.

Be quiet, be still and open yourself to the divine Light that is always there.  Each of you, children of the earth, has a beautiful silver star and the points of the star enable spiritual communication.  Think of this star of Light, silver with crystal beams that come from it.  It will help you to walk your spiritual path.  Some of you find walking your path very difficult and some don’t even know that you have a path.  I am telling you today that each of you has a star.  Remember this as there lies your spiritual Light and the strength of this goes upward.  This beautiful star is there to revitalise the spirit.  Its silver crystal beams lift you, cleanse you.  They refresh you, like a flower that has received water.  Do they not lift up their heads?  I want you also to pay attention to your breathing.  You must remember to take in deep breaths, hold them and then slowly release them.  Stop several times during your day and breath in as the oxygen revitalises you, lifts you.  When you are lifted and feel strong within yourself, you are able to tune in to that beautiful star that is always there.

I think that I have now given you the message for today except to say what pleasure, what joy it gives me to talk to you.  Those who live on this planet Earth, ponder.  Think what you are, who you are, what your aims are.  Whatever your aims, let them be raised upward so that you can develop a beautiful Light within you that will help Mankind and also those around the earth plane.  God bless you and may the star of love twinkle in your hearts.  God bless you. 

                                                    *      *      *

Now that was very nice, wasn’t it.  He is such a lovely soul.  He is so lovely, so joyous.  He wants so much for you to experience Light, love, but I think he has told you this.  From me, Julia, and from Gabrielle, God bless you all.

March  2016 - The universe sends its young ones to the earth as it is the school of learning. No-name, channeled by Joan.

God bless you.  Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle are here with you.  We give you our love but there is a presence here that wishes to be heard.                                     

                                                   *      *      * 

Children of the Earth, this is my second visit to the earth and I come to bring a message to all of you.  We have asked you to wake up.  We have asked you to tune in and to look with your spiritual eyes at what’s going on.  I say to each one of you that a change is taking place and there are many of you who do not understand what is going on.  I am here to tell you. I am No-name. No-name, no name.  I come from another planet to visit you, to open your eyes to what is going on.  Don’t you realise that the universe around you has sent you to the earth to learn lessons?  I want you to understand that the planet Earth is a mystery school of learning.  Here we send our young ones to learn tolerance and to learn to be able to love, to overcome all the difficulties that you have on the earth plane.  Many, many people have come from other planets not only to help you but to experience the difficulties that only the earth can produce.  The planet Earth is the only planet in the universe that can offer this kind of experience.  Many souls come in to the earth plane to learn.  They have to learn tolerance, patience, to be kind to one another and to become aware that the universe is the control of the earth.  It is the universe that sends you to the earth to learn.  Some of you are learning quickly and some of you are not and that is why our teachers who are now on the earth are trying to open your spiritual eyes that you can see what is going on around you.  Don’t you realise that every thought in your head and every emotion that you have is there for a lesson, a lesson to overcome, a lesson to control the thoughts and the emotions that come to you.  That is why the Mother Earth holds all these difficulties for you to overcome.

I want you to look beyond the body.  I want you to go up within yourselves in your meditation and realise the magnificence that is going on around you, the universe itself, the power and the glory of the great energy that controls all things.  He wants the earth, Mother Earth, the planet Earth, to rise up in spirit, to live on a higher plane of thought.  Then, when you reach that, with our help, you will find that the Atlantis of the past will come.  The Golden Light is there, waiting and we are waiting for you to wake up.  Don’t think about the body and being closed in – that is not right.  The body is a wonderful creation but you must look beyond that.  You must go up, out, out and recognise what the planets do for you.  Recognise that The Great Energy of All has a plan for each one of you but you must, and I say must, lift yourselves up now in meditation, in prayer, lifting yourselves so that you are on a higher plane. Understand that by doing that, you are helping the Atlantean teachings to come back again.  I come today with love and I come to beseech you to go beyond the small box that you live in, as has been mentioned before.  That lovely body that you live in carries out all the physical functions for you but the spirit within you – it is the spirit that will do the work if you will only sit quietly and go inward.  How many times do we have to ask you to do that before you do it?

Think of these wonderful planets, these different worlds with their own peoples inhabiting them.  To come to the earth, they must mould themselves into an earth body and they bring with them teachings to open your eyes so when you are led to a certain point where you meet someone, or you may find teachings through a book, whatever it is, I can assure you that if you intuitively tune In, you will find that you will be helped to meditate properly.  You will be helped to go up higher and you will be able then to see what you can’t see now.  That is the glory, the glory that is around you, the universe that is around you and which controls you.  It is the universe, you know, that does all these things for you, sending out, being in touch with all the planets.

So, today this is all I wish to say to you.  I come without a name because I am a representative for many, many planets and groups.  I am one of many but I have come before.  I will say to all of you: wake up.  Realise that there is more, more to life than eating, drinking and living a small portion of life.  Break the mould.  Step out.  Feel.  See.  In your meditations, do this and you will find that joyousness will come to you because you are part of the universe, part of the planets.  Think on these things, Children of the Earth.  With that, I leave you.  I bless you in the name of the universe that cares for you.  I say, Amen.  Amen. 

                                                   *      *      * 

Sister Julia:  Well, we will not add to that.  What was being given to you was knowledge beyond yourselves.  Think about it.  Think that you are not the only ones and the only planet.  You are not.  There are others around you and whatever happens, if you can better yourselves, remember that this is not the only planet but it is the planet of learning.  Gabrielle and I say God bless you.  Think about what has been said.  Be grateful.  Be grateful that these wonderful teachers come to you.  Be grateful.

Sister Gabrielle:  It is I, Gabrielle speaking now.  Be grateful.  That is the big word, but please sit quietly and let all go from you, all thoughts, all feelings.  Think of nothing.  Think of the holy cross of love with the sword to lead you on.  I, Gabrielle, and our beloved Julia, we say God bless you.  Amen. 


March  2016 - An Easter blessing from Spirit - Sister Julia.

Beloved children, I am Julia and Gabrielle is by my side.  This is an occasion where great love is sent to the earth plane.  We ask  each one of you to give a thought to the higher self that is within you.  Oh, the love, the love that comes to the earth to lift you and to help you, to strengthen you. Whatever lessons you are going through, we are with you.  You wonder, perhaps, why you have these lessons. From where you came, you were pure Spirit.  However you have to learn more to enable you to truly live in the higher self and the higher realms.  You have to undergo many incarnations and the many lessons that go with them to teach you to be masters of yourselves. That is where we help you.  Whatever you go through is a lesson of patience, to cast out resentment, jealousy and to build within each of you a great inner strength so that you can go through your earth life courageously and lovingly and along the pathway you will learn that your fellow man is experiencing similar lessons.

As you all know by now, a change has come over the earth plane, a cleansing.  It has to be.  It has to be because there is a new ray of life coming to you.  It is there waiting, waiting for the cleansing of the earth but, little ones, children of God, remember that you have to go through lessons.  You are indeed going through them.  We are helping you.  I would like each one of you, as we have always asked you, to give a minute of quietude enabling us to come close to you and do the work of developing you.  Oh, it’s well worth it, you know, well worth it because the development takes you into another realm of joy and happiness.  It gives you inner strength, that little moment of time, and another moment, and another.  Every day, a moment of time.  This will lead you to wonder, to riches of the spirit.  It’s so worthwhile.

If only you could see the glory ahead of you.  If you could see that these lessons that you go through are so necessary and that they will admit you to a higher realm of thought that will give you comfort, security and joy, joy that comes from the God within you.  You wonder who is this God within you.  I say, God is the Light, God is your higher self and it is your higher self that brings you back and back again to sit quietly.  It wants you to feel the glory of the higher self.  Each of you has this wonderful higher self within you.  Oh, it is worth a moment of your time to sit quietly without thought or emotion.  If you do this regularly, you will find gradually that you are able to do this.  This is a moment of time when many of you are worshipping the higher self and as you are doing so you will find that answers come to you to questions that you have asked.  You will find that you are better able to understand things, that you are able to overcome many negative things that are laid before you.  You will become a different person because the quietude of the moments that you give allows you to tune in to this beautiful higher self.

This is the time, this very special time, to pray, to lift your heart and know that all will be well because you are doing your bit, you are making the effort.  Efforts are important, you see.  Put self on one side.  Don’t think about how you feel or what other people do to make you feel.  Put yourself on one side and give yourself to the quietude and the love that is within you, that will give you another way of thinking, a different attitude.  That is what we want to happen to you.

Oh, beloved children of the earth, there is a great Light and this great Light gives power, power of the positive beams that come from the Great Energy of All.  All darkness will be dispelled and disappear before the beautiful Light that shines upon the earth to lift, to help, to help you to go forward.  Think of these things.  Be positive in your mind.  Go forward.  It doesn’t matter what you know or what intelligence you have within you.  Nothing matters, only what comes from your heart, from your heart.  Remember that – from your heart.

This is a moment of blessing and I can indeed give you blessings from The Most High to help you over the battles that you have within yourselves.  You will be helped and I can assure you that if you give yourself that moment of grace, that moment of peace and quietude, you will feel the blessings that are given to you today.  You are blessed every day but this is a special time, Easter time when people’s thoughts go upward as they do at your Christmas time when everybody joins together with joy.  This is a joyous time, a time of love, a time of giving, a time of understanding. Oh yes, each one of you is truly blessed and I end this loving prayer with love and the knowledge that each of you is led quietly along your path by your guardian angels who guard you and help you.  A blessing, then, from me, Julia, from Gabrielle and from those in Spirit who are always working for the upliftment of your souls.  God bless you.  May you be in God’s Light for ever and ever.  Amen.  

15th March, 2016 - In our lifetime with Jesus, we often felt down but His words uplifted us and gave us faith once again. John, channeled by Joan.

God bless you.  Gabrielle and I, we give power and love to you all.  We will stand back for another who wishes to speak to you.

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God bless you.   I come with a message for all of you.  Some of you do not understand what faith means, and trust, so I come today to explain to you what faith is.  Faith is to forget yourself, for a start.  Faith is when you ask for something to happen and ask for help and when you have asked, to believe that you will get it.  Have faith in a higher power that is within you.  We call it the God within you but it is a higher power that each of you has.  Faith is when you turn inward and ask your higher self for help and when you have asked, to know it will be given.  Faith is to forget the lower side that will continue to tell you that things will not happen and will give you a downside feeling.  Be prepared for that and when you ask, know that your request is sent up into the higher power within you and believe, believe with all your heart, that what you have requested will come to pass.  That is positive thinking with the power that you yourself are sending up.  So faith is to ask, believing in what you ask for.  When you really believe, that is faith and trust.

Children of this earth plane, you are going through so very many difficulties because the cleansing is still taking place.  It doesn’t end tomorrow or the next day or the week after or the year after.  It takes time because the cleansing must be thorough and each one of you is affected by this change.  I ask each of you to learn to have great faith within you so that you will be made strong, so that you will feel that you can cope and why?  Because you have the faith to know that the angels are here upon the earth, helping you.  All you need to do is to send out for strength, inner strength, for it to be given to you.  But you must have faith and believe in what you have asked for.  Don’t ask for help at the same time thinking ‘well, it won’t happen anyway’.  No, that’s negative.  When you ask for something for yourself, if you truly need it, it will come to pass.

So many times in our lifetime with Jesus we were on a down note because things had not gone well.  Then we listened to the words of Jesus.  He uplifted us and took us along the path and again our hearts became full of glory and love, undiminished by, shall we say, the barbs that that came from negative thoughts as we went from place to place.  Because of the faith that we had, we were able to face each day.  Jesus always knew when we needed extra power.  He would talk to us and in the end, the power and the glory of His love entered into our lives fully and we did our work well.

You are all disciples, don’t you see?  You are all living a life of learning and overcoming and that makes you disciples.  Open your mind that the ray of Light can rise straight upward because you know that by love, trust and faith you will be helped, strengthened and made well in body.  But you must have faith and you must believe in what you are asking for.  Trust then follows in the wake of your belief.  I have given you a small sample of our lives eons ago but I can assure you that you are all disciples of the path.  Each day, open yourself and say “Father, help me to go further along my path.  Teach me.  Help me. Help me to overcome the lessons that I am going through.  Some of these lessons I recognize.  Some I do not but please help me to be aware and to have faith in You, Great Spirit of All.  Help me through my days’.  Every day, say to yourself “I have faith’.  You must believe because that again is the golden Light that comes and twines around you, lifting you – because you believe.

This message is to help you on your way and to make you realise how important faith is in your life.  It is the key to the golden door within you.  If you have faith and trust, the door will open and as it does so you will find that the energy of love will lift you, help you, strengthen you.  As we have said so many times, you are loved.  Because of our love for you, we strengthen you every day.  Your guardian angels, too, do great work.  They guard you and as you go out into the world, they put a beautiful Light around you to protect you.  They love you and they need to help you.  They do help you.  They try, when they see the way your thoughts are going, to pull you back into a happier frame of mind.  They do so much for you of which you are so unaware.

I go back again to faith.  You can’t live without it, you know, without faith in the higher God within you.  That is the message I bring today.  It is so important.  So important.  Whatever your faith, whoever you pray to, it doesn’t matter.  The Light goes up into the same great energy, the Great, Great Energy of All.  You can’t see it.  You can’t feel it.  If you did, you couldn’t cope with the strength of it.  This energy goes up and out from the mother earth to the planets, the universe and the universes that are beyond our own.  The messages from the planets come in for us to give to you on earth and the major message, I would say, from them is ‘Walk with the God within you, the Light within you’.  They say that it is essential that you live a different life.  Your thoughts must be different. Your emotions must be different.

So, the message is to be aware.  How many prayers have gone out to all of you asking you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings?  These messages come collectively, each one carrying a different vibration, from the universe and the solar system itself.  If you could see the glory of that Light, if you could see it, then you would indeed endeavor to make progress with the help of the divine self that is within you.  It is willing to help you but change the way you think and feel.  Your thoughts must go upward, upward now because the angels that are upon the earth are helping you with all their hearts and souls.  Now, please make the effort because you have the planets around you, the solar system around you, you have the angels on the outer edges of the earth and you have the angels living on the earth.  With all that, you have to change.  You have to look inside yourself and know that you need to change, that you need the help to do so.  Help will be given to you through your guardian angels.  Angels will draw closer to you to help you with whatever particular difficulty you are having and whatever lessons that are with you at the moment.  They will gather around each one of you, lift you and help you through your own guardian angel.

There is no more to be said this day.  Much has been said to make you think.  Remember, as I now go my own way, that I am John.  I come with love and understanding.  Oh, yes, I come with my love and the love of Jesus.  He is, shall we say, the Commander of the earth.  He looks after the earth plane and He wants the children of the earth to do their part, making an effort with faith and trust and leaving it then to the higher selves of each one of you to work things out for you.

Blessed are they that believe in God.  Blessed are they that love and help one another.  Blessed are those that give themselves to the higher self within them.  Blessed are those that love their God with all their hearts and with all their might.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *

Sister Julia:  We couldn’t add anything to this, could we.  We end, Gabrielle and I, with love, love.  God bless you. 


8th March, 2016 - When you pray, it must be from the heart.  That is when it reaches the angels. We hear from ex-slave Abraham.

God bless you.  As you know, I am Julia and Gabrielle is by my side.  I’m smiling because of the ray of sunshine that shines upon us every time he comes and, of course, I’m talking of Abraham.  So we will stand aside for the moment and let him through.

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Oh, God bless you.  God bless you.  I come with such love for you, for all of the world, everybody.  I am so happy. Because I am so happy, I want to give this happiness to you.  I know that many of you are going through such trials in your earth lives and some of you are unable to cope as well as others.  Some are in wheelchairs, some are unwell in hospital, fighting for life, but what I want to do today is to bring joy into your life.  I want to bring upliftment because love has golden threads.  What I want to do is to sew a golden thread of love around each one of you.  Oh children - I call you children because there is so much for you to learn.  You are learning as you are going through so many lessons.  Some of you find them very hard but if you would open yourselves up and pray, asking The Great Father for help to overcome, to have strength, to help you…. you know, help will be given.  It will be given in armfuls.  So, I say to all of you, have faith, have trust.  These are the golden stones of brightness and I assure you that if you can develop faith within you and trust, asking for help to have faith and trust, help will be given.  Because you have such faith and trust, the way will be swept before you and all will be bright.  You will find an upliftment of your soul, so pray.

Prayer is so important because it is full of golden beams.  When you pray with your heart, that is when your prayer rises up.  That is when the prayer will reach the angels.  It must be from the heart.

I also want to ask you not to be resentful.  Resentfulness means that you send out low vibrations and this doesn’t become you because you are Spirit, divine Spirit.  If, for instance, someone annoys you or is unkind to you, send out a word for The Father to forgive them for, as Jesus said once, they do not know what they do.  If people send out thoughts to hurt you, I can assure you that God knows.  He knows and He is waiting then for your response.  So your response, beloved children of the earth, is to say that they know not what they do.  But you do.  You hear these hurtful remarks and resentment could build up inside of you.  I say to all of you, let it all go.  It is not important. Nothing is important in this life as you are here not only to learn lessons but to walk the upward path towards our beloved Jesus and through Him, to the God that is within you.  Just think what that means, the God within you, this beautiful, beautiful bright Light and there it shines daily upon you.  It gives you such power.  Don’t you see, you can’t miss out on that.  Come to know it by prayer, quietude, even solitude if that is possible.  Do you realise that this golden, golden Light, the sun that is within you, the higher self which is so, so beautiful – that is the path you are walking.  You are going slowly through your lessons upward towards the glorious, glorious sun that is the beautiful higher self.

I have joy within me.  I have happiness within me as, as I have said before, when I was on earth I had to have faith and trust because of the things that were happening to me.  It was only because of my mother’s teachings – I say ‘mother’ but on earth I called her ‘Mama’.  My Mama was a wonderful, spiritual woman and she taught me how to love those who were against me.  She taught me not to have resentment and to lift myself up to the glory of the golden sun so that I could be cleansed, so that I could go through another day.  Because of that, I went through my earth life suffering but I developed a deep faith and a deep trust knowing that what I asked for would be, and will be.  That is why today I am bringing these words to you.  I am saying to you – do you want to be happy?  Do you want to be joyous?  I know that this is difficult on earth, I do understand, because you are going through the cleansing change over the world and you are affected by this.  But with faith and trust – ask The Father for help to go through these changes.  Ask Him to be with you, to help you and let your golden Light shine through and to go out to others, too, who are struggling.  We are with you because we love you and we want to lift you to a higher plane of thought.  To do that, you pray:  ‘Father, lead me please.  Help me to overcome the lower side.  Help me to understand my fellow man.  Help me to overcome jealousy, resentment and all the lower things of the earth life’ and you know, you will be helped.

Oh glory, glory, glory to all of you that I may give my Light and my love to all of you because you are loved.  Each one is loved more than you can imagine.  We treasure you because you come to earth to learn.  You come to earth to walk the path upward, upward, to where you belong, to the golden sun that awaits you.  So have heart, my beloved children, have heart.  I, Abraham, know your suffering.  I understand it.  Do what I ask, please.  Do what I ask.  Be quiet.  Be still.  Lift yourselves up.  See the Light around you and ask The Great Father for help, help with your problems, help with any disability of the body, help to cope with it, help to accept and above all, help to love The Father, to love Him with all your heart and with all your soul.  That is what I want you to do.  I leave you now with the blessings of the most high.  I am so happy that you have received me.  Please, please remember what I have said and when my words go out, remember it is I, Abraham, that has come this day to help you, lift you and to ask you not to despair for we are with you.  God walks with you.  He walks within you.   Remember that.  So I say now God bless you and may the love that I give you remain in your hearts.  Amen.

                                                    *      *      *

Julia:  there is nothing for us to add so Gabrielle and I, Julia, we say God bless you.  Walk the path.  Walk the path as it goes upward.  God bless you.

2nd March, 2016 - A most solemn message: wake up to the fact that Man’s negativity affects not just the earth, but surrounding planets. Solar, from the Brotherhood of The Solar System. 

I come with a message.  I come from The Brotherhood of The Solar System.  I come to give a message to the earth, to planet Earth.  I am one of the brothers that represent the galaxy that is around you.  I have come as a spokesman from this wonderful, bright sphere that is around you.  I have needed help to bring these words to you today.  What I have to say to the earth is to wake up.  Wake up.  You do not just live in a body.  There are electrical impulses that come from each one of you.  You send these out and, whether you know it or not, these can be both positive and negative.  That is why there is a cleansing of your world.  We have sent teachers to live on your earth plane.  They are angels that have been sent to help mankind on its journey upward.  If you could see, as we in the cosmos see, that what is happening on your earth affects all planets around the earth and that it is your duty to be awoken from the sleep that you are in.

You must realise the power that each one possesses.  Do you use it?  No, you do not.  Wake up.  Realise that you are not in a box.  You are alive and from you come the vibrations.  If they are good, they will rise upward.  If not, the negative side of the world will TRY to destroy the positive.  You cannot destroy God’s Light, so BE POSITIVE.

We, The Brotherhood, look upon the earth with love.  We give love and we are guiding you.  We are teaching you, helping you to realise that it is not just a body that you live in.  You have the power of Spirit within you.  Though I call myself Solar, I represent the body and organization of the solar system.  Through meditation you can rise and can be lifted to be able to glimpse the glory, the Light, the wisdom and the teaching.  We are under the direction of The Christ, Jesus who is the Master, the mentor of the world that you live in.  The message today is that you must wake up and understand that it is a planet that you are living on and because you are encased within your bodies, you do not allow yourselves to realise that there is a Universe beyond.  You are living as part of the Universe on this blue planet, planet Earth.  There are other planets around you and they are affected by the thought vibrations that go up from the planet Earth.  That is why we are endeavouring to send teachers with wisdom and love to you to awaken you and make you understand that you do not just live in a body.  You have a wonderful creation that the Great Father has given you.  You have a mind, emotions, thoughts – all these things have to be controlled and you need to be willing to go where you can learn to be informed.  There is no better way to do this than by meditation and quietude, just to sit quietly.  Do this regularly.  Your own beloved guides will be around you and will lead you to the wisdom.

I think that the peoples of the earth do not understand that the power that is within them is the higher self, the God within them.  This is the message that we want so much to go through to the minds of men, women and the little ones that are coming to the earth.  These little ones are going to lift the vibrations and believe me, they need lifting.  I cannot stay long but will tell you that you have heard today Solar, part of the solar system, part of The Brotherhood and part also of the planets that are around the earth plane.  Learn.  Be willing to learn about your planet, what goes on beyond your planet.  Make yourselves interested in the vibrations that rise up from the earth.  Also, think of those who are beyond the earth plane who are too pure, too pure to come too close to the earth.  Even I have had to have help from different mediums on different levels to carry my wishes and my vibrations to this one. (‘This one’ is Joan, the medium).  I am Solar of the universe and of the cosmos, which is full of Light, wisdom, knowledge.  I am Solar.  God bless you.

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Sister Julia:  we cannot add anything.  The energy is so powerful, even though the message has come through different mediums in Spirit, because they have all been highly evolved souls.  The last medium to transmit has been Hawk to this little one. (Hawk is a very powerful guide of Joan).  It is enough.  It has been an unusual morning, an unusual visitation for which we have for a while prepared this little one to accept what she has heard and also to rely in her trust in us to let herself be used.  Gabrielle and I, we just now say God bless you this day.  Amen. 


16th February, 2016 - Joseph: Break away the chains that bind the soul – we want your soul to be free.

God bless you.  I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me.  As always, we bring love.  We remind you constantly that we love you and that we help you.  Now we stand aside for this lovely soul to come through.

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I am Joseph.  I bless each of you, first of all.  How blessed you are, more than you realise.  Some of you walk the earth blindly seeing nothing, hearing nothing and some of you are seeking.  You are seeking love, warmth, wisdom. You are seeking and those who are seeking, we come to help.  We see that many of you on the earth plane are suffering and you need to free yourselves.  The souls are bound with chains and are forever wrestling.  We see this happening so often.  You forget who you are.  You forget that you are Spirit but because you are divine spirit within, you can break the chains that bind you, remembering that you are the Light that comes from the heavenly Father. Break away these chains that bind the soul, helping yourself to be free.  When you do this with love and understanding, knowing full well that you have to be still in mind and in thought, lift your minds up and say ‘I am part of The Great, Great Father.  I do not want to bound this way’.

When I say ‘bound in chains’ I mean that you cannot take a step forward and it seems as if you just remain where you are.  But as this wonderful Light comes from you and rises upward, ask the Father to help you, help you to release the chains that bind you and help your soul to be free.  Children of the world, do you know what that means, to be free?  It means that your heart can be lifted, your whole body can be lifted and whatever ails you, whoever you are, you will have set yourself free by your prayer.  That prayer that goes upwards must be sincere, it must come from your heart.  As it rises, this beautiful prayer of Light, you will find that the Light absolutely shines upon the chains around you and they are broken away from you.

I hope that those who read this prayer will realise what I am trying to say.  There is no need to go through your life in deep suffering.  There is no need to feel choked by things that are happening to the body and to the mind. Remember that you are Spirit Divine.  You, with your personality, have to live on the earth plane.  Look at your personality to find out what it is that is holding you back.  It doesn’t matter, children of the earth, what you have been through in your lifetime.  Everything that has happened to you has been a lesson. You have reached a stage now when you cannot sympathise with yourself.  Sympathy is no good but love, love yourself and realise that events you have experienced are now affecting your present life and you do not want this as you want to be free.  That is what I am talking about – the chains that bind you.

I, Joseph, I know.  I have been through all this when I was on earth.  But you see, I remembered that I was Divine Spirit and because of that I knew that all I had to do was to send a heartfelt prayer upward and say ‘Father, I am in your Divine Light.  Please, please help me to break the chains’ but the personality has a very deep root.  What you were and what you carry in your personality is embedded in your subconscious mind.  It is that that I wish you to address as it shows in your personality, you see and you do things, act in a certain way, say certain things that may come from that deep root within the subconscious mind.  You see, whatever you have been in your life is registered in the subconscious and it does come up into the personality.  It is that that you will need help with.  We will help to raise you, children of the earth, so that you can picture the things within the subconscious mind that are affecting your life.  We will help you then to discharge the negative that is within the personality.  Oh, be brave, be brave.  Go forward.  You do not want chains around you holding you back. 

I come with love.  I come with understanding as I do know that it is a big thing that I ask you to do but I ask it because I want you to be free, free of the emotions that give you heartache, aching of the mind and of the body.  So, this day I come with love, I come with knowledge, I come with wisdom and I pray for each one of you that you will lift yourselves up into the Light.  When you pray, pray from your heart.  I say again and again, you will have help.  You will have help because your heart has been opened.  Through the Light that you send upward, we work and we are able to come to you to help you.  Nothing is impossible, nothing.  The glorious Light within you has the power and the strength of Spirit to help the negative side of you.  I end this prayer today with love.  Please, please remember what I have said.  We want you to be released.  We want the souls of all of you to be free.  Pray.  Ask for help from your heart.  We will come and we will help you.  And you will be free.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *  

Sister Julia:  Words of wisdom have been given to you this day.  I want you to ponder them.  I want each one of you to realise that nothing is hopeless, nothing as Spirit has command of all things in your life because of the love that we have for you.  It is love, love that changes your life and all we ask you to do is to sit quietly, send love and ask The Great Father to help you, release you, release you from fear, release you from the chains that bind you, release you.  With the words of love that we give you, we ask that God should bless you, children of the earth, with love, Light and the upliftment of your souls.  We will be with you.  Amen and God bless you all.

2nd February, 2016 - Abraham: by understanding yourself, you will be able to help others and you will gain upliftment.

God bless you. As you know, I am Julia and Gabrielle is by my side as always. As ever, we come with love and when we say we come with love, we do. This love is like a flower, a ray that beams down not only upon those in the Sanctuary, who work with their hearts and dedication, which we appreciate, but to mankind in general we send this heavenly love. Now we stand aside as this lovely soul wishes to speak to you.

                                                   *      *      *    

I am Abraham and I come with such love for all of you. It is so wonderful to love, you know. It is warming, uplifting. It makes your life easier, to love. I bring this love to each one of you so that you can feel the blanket of warmth that comes from it. It is so easy to love. You know my history on earth, how I was. (For those who do not know of Joseph, he was a slave, ill-treated and known only by a number). I learnt to love.  I had to learn to understand. I had to learn to understand peoples’ attitudes and to realise that I should not have a bad feeling about them. I had to learn to understand why they were as they were. Once I learnt the reason why, I was able to cope with it with love. You yourselves may have someone around you that irritates you, angers you, but learn to understand. Think about the person and what they have said or done. Look into why they act as they do, why they say what they say. Understand because in understanding, your pathway opens so that you can rise higher in the realms of Spirit. Understanding is the most marvelous tool that you can use on this earth plane. Try to understand your fellow man, whether a neighbour or in your work place, someone may hurt you, say bad things about you, show anger towards you or just irritates you. Step back and try to understand why they are like that. Ask for help. You will receive it – we will help you. Learn to understand whoever or whatever presents itself. By learning to understand, you rise upwards as understanding comes with love. Then, you see, you must learn to understand yourself, why you feel as you do, why you become annoyed, feel resentful, envious. All these things are earthly facets of the personality that you use. I can assure you that the negative forces within the personality use these emotions very well. All I am asking is that when you are upset or hurt, sit quietly and ask Spirit, ask the God within you, why you are feeling as you do. Ask for help to understand yourself and by understanding yourself, you release within you tensions that can be built up by your own resentments, anger.  Once Spirit is helping you, once you have said that you want to understand, you want to be better, you want to be able to overcome and once you understand yourself, you will understand others. You will realise that you have felt certain things that they feel and that you have overcome those feelings, you have opened yourself, sent a prayer, asked for help and help you have received.

This is what you will explain to those who ask for your help. Don’t you see, it is so important, especially at the moment as you are changing. Everyone on the earth plane is changing because there is a change in Spirit. The electrical impulses that come from this change, which is resulting in the world becoming a better place, are cleansing the world. Therefore, you, too, on earth have to be cleansed. Cleansing oneself means that you are open to the Golden Era that is drawing near. The Golden Era is so beautiful, so Light, it brings love, knowledge, upliftment of the soul, teachings – it brings the upliftment of Man. So you see, to absorb this, you have to learn to understand yourselves so that you are able to help others to understand. Gaining understanding is a cleansing of yourself to receive this Golden Age, this wonderful Light that is waiting to sweep over Mother Earth. A cleansing must be carried out first.

I hope that by my words today, you will see the importance of understanding, loving, giving. When you reach the point of understanding, you will feel such peace, such love within. To have this is so beautiful. To have this peace within affects the human body. Whatever troubles are within all people, all mankind, all who come to the Sanctuary, let yourselves go within. Let the tensions leave you because you are in God’s loving care. If you could see the Sun that shines above you, it’s rays coming down into you, into your body, into your spirit, if you could see the colours of the rays that lift you, help you….  and we in Spirit are always, always there to assist you. If you call out for help, we give it, gladly and lovingly. I can say no more. I come with such a brilliance, a beautiful, beautiful radiance that comes from high above.  There they are, looking down upon the earth plane, and they give. Oh yes, they give. They give love, assurance. The Archangels are there, all of them. They do their work so well. This wonderful radiance that comes from above, I give to you for they are using me as their messenger. But I, Abraham, am so happy, so happy to be able to do this. Will you listen or, if you read the written word, study what has been said, please. Allow the words to be absorbed into your hearts. Surely you want to be cleansed for this lovely golden Light that comes. The hierarchy above are sending this beautiful Light to you and through me. They say ‘Dear Abraham’, because I have suffered and I walked the path of Light throughout all my life on earth. Because of that, it has made it possible for me to receive the golden Light that comes from above. Walk in faith. Walk in trust and know the wonderful Light that is the God, the God within you. Children of Light, I end my prayer. Remember, I am Abraham and I come with love, with love.

                                                   *           *

Well, again, what can we say. It has all been said. He is such a wonderful soul. The Light around him is radiant. From this radiance, the rays that come from him go out to you and to Mankind. Indeed, he is a messenger being used by the hierarchy. All these prophets, they have learnt when they walked the earth so they do know…  They are in a position now of Light and love and Abraham was chosen this morning to receive these words from them for you. Now, God bless you. Enough for today, don’t you think? God bless you from Gabrielle and myself, Julia. Amen.

26th January, 2016 - John: Planet Earth, listen to Spirit… understand why you are on the earth plane.

God bless you.  It is I, Julia, and Gabrielle is beside me.  We give power and love to all of you.  There is someone here who wishes to speak to you.  He has not done so for a little while. 

                                                   *      *      *

Praise The Lord.  Praise the God that is within each of you.  I give blessings and love.  I am John.  I come on the wings of a prayer.  I come to give love and to try, if I can, to give you an understanding of yourselves upon the earth plane.  First, by now and by the prayers that have been given, you know that there is a God within you and this God is all-powerful.  Again, as we have said to all of you, if you sit quietly, regularly you will find that we can help you to go higher, to reach the rays of Light that come from the God within you.  When you do that, from these rays that come to you do you feel within yourself a power – a power to love, a power to lift your fellow man, a power to have the compassion to help all those that you pass by and those who are close to you.  That is the power that comes from the Godhead itself.  You can reach that, you see.  You can all reach it.  It is attainable for all of you.  First, though, you need to sit quietly, regularly and allow us to help you to go upward in the quietness of your mind – no thoughts, no emotions. Then you will reach the point where so regularly do you do this that you reach a place of quietude and peace.  When you reach that point within yourself, you will find that the rays of The Great, Great God above will fill your heart with strength, joy and love.  As you sit quietly, ask The Great Father to help you to bring the power down and for you to send it out to mankind.  Others are doing the same so can you imagine how powerful this is and will be when the Light and power go out from you and from others throughout the world.

Think of the power and the love that is in the world today.  There is certainly love.  There is certainly power but above all there is Light and it is Light that is pushing you forward, pushing away darkness because darkness cannot survive where there is Light.  We have said this before, children.  Children of the earth, and yet you are Spirit.  Remember that you are Spirit and that Spirit has the glory of God within.

I want you to imagine that you are cutting off the chains that bind you.  Many of you are absolutely bound by chains, chains of disbelief, anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy.  We want to cut these chains so that you are able to go within yourselves.  I am talking about one extreme but I will also talk about those who have cast off the chains that were around them.  They are free, free from resentment, free from criticism, free from all the negative conditions that can crowd you because your thoughts, your heart and the power within, which is your heart, go inward to lift you to the higher realm that is within you.

Planet Earth, listen to Spirit.  You miss so much, so much, if you do not.  There is so much that we can give you to help you, to give you knowledge.  Many of you know this.  Many of you are practicing the quietude, the solitude and believe it or not, great are the rewards.  Many of you feel lonely as you go through life but don’t you see, if you go quietly within you will find that you look forward to being alone, to solitude because it is in these moments that you are filled with the grace of God.  Do not fear loneliness, loneliness for the company of someone, the sound of someone.  Loneliness has many guises.  In the solitude that you are entering, we lift that from you and you will find the joy of being quiet, the joy of lifting yourself into the higher realms.  It is there that you find peace and love, love that when you come down again to the level of the earth, you are steadfast and true and you send out the power of the love that you have touched in the higher realm.  Solitude, loneliness – fear not for in your solitude you will find the peace and love of God.  With that, you walk the earth day by day knowing that the solitude that you have experienced has given you the joy of living, the joy of upliftment, the joy of being able to hold the hand of those who are low and depressed.  Your hand will go out to those who want to know more and because of the power within you, you can give knowledge.  Don’t you see, children of the earth, you are here for a purpose.  You are here to help one another.  Stretch out your hand to your neighbour, to your friends and, indeed, to strangers who come into your orbit.  Quietude, solitude – these, with our help, will help you to reach a higher realm.  It is for you to give and give and give.  That is your path in your earth life – to give, to love, to lift and to know that the glory of God is within you.  It comes to you in your solitude.  There are no lonely feelings because you are not alone.  We are with you.  We help you.  We strengthen you.  We do many things for you that you have no knowledge of.  We ask you again and again to sit quietly, to go within yourself without thoughts or emotion.  This doesn’t happen if you just sit thinking “I am quiet’, but are you quiet?  You will feel within yourself a quietude that will come over your mind, that your emotions are quieter.  You sit a little longer, quietly, and become an open vessel for The Divine Father to use you.  All these things Spirit gives you.  Today I, John, speak to you from the Realm of Light, the realm of solitude and peace.  I give these words to you this day and I bless you all.

                                                    *      *      *  

Julia:  The power of love asks you to walk the spiritual path, to  leave the earth behind, to  dwell with Spirit  and the glory that can be yours to live this life on earth.  I, Julia and Gabrielle bless you and remind you that you are Spirit living with an earthly body that has been created for you.  You can make it your temple of love.  God bless you all. 


19th January, 2016 - Margaret with a beautiful message of survival for all those who have ‘lost’ little ones.

For those of you who are reading these words but are not familiar with Sylvan Healing Sanctuary, Margaret was one of its original four founders.  Margaret was a shy lady, content to help others quietly and to organise activities at the Sanctuary, preferring to stay rather in the background despite being a talented healer.  She eventually also became the selfless carer for Edith, the Sanctuary’s wonderful trance medium and healer, for many years before passing suddenly.  We all loved her dearly and were very emotional when she spoke through Joan for the first time this morning to give this lovely message.

                                                    *      *      *     

I am Margaret.  I am different now.  I have learnt a lot and I thank my friend Joan for helping me to speak to you as on earth I was very shy.  I did not come forward – only to those who needed help.  I have come for a purpose today.  I want to say this.  First, my work in Spirit is to help the little ones who come over, the little babies who have come to the Spirit world.  With great joy, we help these little ones to adjust.  I want to say to the mothers, the grieving mothers, that they think that they have lost their little ones but they have not lost them.  Whatever the circumstances were for them to leave the earth and pass into Spirit, no matter how dreadful the families find their passing, we are there.  We put our arms around these little ones and draw them away from the horror so they know nothing of it.  They are asleep in the arms of Jesus and we, mothers of Spirit, for there are many others, tender love to the little ones that come to us.  Mothers grieve, which is understandable, but know that the little ones do not suffer as we in Spirit are there before they pass, bearing them away to little places where there is peace and love to heal.  The babies and little ones that come over, we help them with the love and joy that is within us.  We care for them.  We cover them with our love and they grow.  They are never lost to you as when they are old enough, as they do grow in Spirit, you see, they will then be brought to you.  There may be a gentle kiss on your cheek or in some other way they will make themselves known to you.

So, open your hearts, oh grieving mothers, open your hearts.  We understand your grief but today I, Margaret, one of the many mothers in Spirit, assure you that we look after your little loved ones. They do not suffer.  We carry them to a haven of love and that is where they will stay, under our care, until the day comes when you, mothers of the world, when you, too, are ready to pass into Spirit.  Bear love in your heart.  Send love to this little one who is not, in your terms, dead but lives in glory and love in Spirit.  They live on.  Please remember that.  You have not lost them.  They are there.  So, we mothers of Spirit say to you, send love and know that your children live and wait for you so that you can embrace them with joy.

Now, on earth that would be a very long speech for me but because I am one of the mothers, I so wanted to convey this message.  I do other things as well of course, but primarily my work is to look after the little ones who come over with such special love and care.  We do indeed look after them. So, I think that is enough but please, please mothers of the earth, because you have Spirit with you, will you please remember that your children live on surrounded by the love that we give them. They are and will be very, very happy.  God bless you.   God bless you.

                                                   *      *      

Sister Julia:  Well, that was wonderful.  We hope that the mothers of the world who have lost their little ones will know that their children that they think they have lost are cradled with love.  If they could see the love, they would be so happy to see what is given to them.  Thank you for listening. Thank you for remembering all that we have said to you.  This is a change through which we will help each one of you on this earth.  God bless the planet earth and the people who live within. Amen.


19th January, 2016 - Mary:  I give from my very heart a blessing to all of you on this earth.

God bless you, my children.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  It seems at the moment that each one on this earth is crying out for something, someone, somewhere but I am making way now for our beloved, beautiful soul who has come to speak to you.

                                                   *      *      *

I give you love.  I bring love.  I am Mary and I give from my very heart a blessing to all of you on this earth.  We know how this is needed because the cries come up to us in Spirit and as we draw nearer to you our love is potent and strong.  We give to each of you additional faith and trust for, beloved children of the earth, we send a healing balm.  We try to help you to understand what is going on.  There are many, many different vibrations coming to each one of you.  Some of you may suffer more than others but unfortunately you have to go through this.  With our help you will because the change that is sweeping over the planet earth is a very strong vibration of love and Light.  The Light workers of the earth have risen in their glory so that there is an abundance of love and an abundance of Light that comes from the angels that surround the earth.  All the Brotherhoods of the Spirit world gather together so that the change may be a little quicker but we have to go according to the plan of the Great, Great Father, the Great God of All, who we worship, love and trust.  Our very hearts go up into the greatest heart of all, the Father of all of you.  He gave each one of you a part of Himself, the God within you.

Children, we are with you.  You are not alone.  We are helping and guiding you through this darkest space of time but I can assure you that with faith, with love and with the knowledge that you are not alone, the armada in Spirit, the great force of love is building up to a great strength that is pouring down upon the earth at this moment.  So we ask each one of you, oh children of the earth, we do ask – do not lose your faith.  Know what is going on in the Spirit world.  Know that we are with you.  Know that we lift each one of you when you give prayer.  We are with you, helping you, strengthening you.  So many of you are bewildered, not knowing exactly what is going on so we try in our prayers to lift you and to teach you and by teaching you we allow you to absorb the knowledge of what is going on around you.  Each of you finds different changes whether within the body or the mind, it matters not, but each will register a difference.  If those of you with little faith find that in desperation you turn inward and ask God to help you, that is an opening, is it not?  There are others who have the greatest faith, who have knowledge and understand what is going on and they are helping others on earth who are in a confused, tremulous frame of mind of not knowing where or what they are.  That is what we are doing, children of the earth, helping you through this phase of time.  Have faith.  Look inward.  Again and again we say:  look inward to your Light.  Have trust.  Have faith.  You may ask what is faith?  Faith is to know that all will be well.  Faith because you know that there is a higher power above you, giving out tremendous love to the guides around you so that they can support you, help you, strengthen you.

I come with love.  I come to sooth your minds.  I come to say be easy with yourself.  Relax within yourself.  Give yourself over to the love that is given to you by your wonderful guides.  Relax.  Relax.  Do not build tension within yourself.  Oh beloved children, if you would do that, if you would relax and say: ‘I am in thy hands, oh Father.  There is a God within me, a part of me that is leading me and helping me’.  Don’t you see, by being quiet and still, we and the guides around you will lift and help you.  Then you will find that throughout your day you are managing because you are not alone.  You do see that, don’t you?

So today not only is love given to you but also knowledge of what is going on.  Again and again we repeat that you are guided by the God within and because you are, you know that whatever is in your life, no matter what problems you encounter, you may relax.  Relax and know that the God within you is caring for you and that your guides are leading you as they are tuned into the God that is within them.  With the God within them, they lift themselves up and say: ‘Glory be to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit’.  Your guides lift themselves up so that their Light is glorious.  Their Light is so beautiful.  It is that they give individually to each one of you.

Now I am going to say God bless you.  May God keep you within His loving arms and may the God within you bless you and say to you:  ‘Trust in Me.  Have faith in Me’ and let your guides lead you to higher dimensions because you are willing to be quiet and still.  I I leave you with the roses that I bring you and the perfume that comes from these wonderful, spiritual roses.  I scatter them amongst you with my love and say Amen this day to you.  Amen.

                                                   *      *      *   

She is so wonderful, you know.  This is Julia. There is someone here who wishes to speak to you.  I will step aside.

(Please refer to the next prayer above from Margaret).



12th January, 2016 - Fear is a potent weapon the lower self loves - do not bow down to its vibrations.

I have come to help you.  There are many things in this world today that bring fear into your heart. There is always something looming up before you that makes you fearful.  Fear is potent.  It is a weapon the lower self loves to use and today the message is that whatever you fear, I ask that you open yourself to prayer and to the God within you.  When you are so fearful, I ask that you lift up your heart and tune in by being quiet and still.  It doesn’t take a moment, you know, to do that but I so want you to find the strength that comes from turning in within yourself.  You will find that because you give Spirit the opportunity to help you, they will give you courage, hope and a way out of whatever it is that is depressing you.  There is always a way out, always, but it needs you to sit quietly and be silent, lifting your heart with a request:  ‘Father, be with me.  Lead me.  Help me to face the problems that I have.  Give me the strength to be strong in myself that I will be able to overcome’.

I know that in many, many cases there are in the subconscious mind suppressed memories of the past and even memories from a life or lives that you have lived previously.  These can impinge upon your life on earth making it more difficult for you as you have come into this world with fear. Fear caused by events in the world today add to those memories and that is why, whatever those memories may be, I ask that you sit quietly and still and ask The Great Father to help you to overcome, to be strong.  You know, help is given to you and you will find that because you are doing this, there will be a feeling within you that you can cope, that you have a different attitude to your problem.  Spirit will help you.  The spirit within will help you and you will see another solution to whatever problems you have.

My purpose in coming today is to help you with the fear that descends upon each one of you and, oh yes, we so want to lift you.  Think about the Light within you.  There are so many people around you from the Spirit world who, because of their love of God and because they have had the experiences that you are going through, they come to help you, to lift you and to give you another way of thinking.  Look into yourselves.  Do not bow down to the vibrations that the lower self gives you.  The spirit is divine.  You are strong and the love that comes to you from high above strengthens you, helps you. The Light around the world is so beautiful and  bright because of the gathering of power at this moment, pushing away the darkness.  The lower self has put to you the fear of tomorrow, fear of not being able to manage, fear of what the future will bring, fear for your children, fear, fear, fear.  I am telling you that there is a way out by strengthening and lifting yourself by having faith in the God within you which is brilliant and bright and strong.

Go forward, my children, will you do that?  If only you understood how much strength would be given to you to cope with all your problems.  There is always a way out of things, you know, through the way you think, your attitude.  Some people would say ‘you are not in my position, I have to make up my mind immediately’.  Well, isn’t that the time to sit quietly and ask for the help to take you through the myriad worries and temptations to go low in your mind?  Children of the Light, rise up now within yourselves.  Tune in to the God within you and you will find that Spirit Divine will provide you with the answers by changing your attitude and finding a way out for you.

I have said enough for you to assimilate, enough for you to go into the world with your head high because of the strength of the God within you, carrying you because you have asked for His help. Look at the stars, the sun and the moon and wonder how and why  they are there.  They are there because of the energy of The Great Spirit.  He made them.  He made you and as He did so, He gave you a part of himself, the Divine Spirit.  So, look inward.  Talk to God and walk with God and you will find that the fear that you have in your heart will go because you have a different frame of mind.  You are no longer in the clutches of the lower self because the higher self is the greater self that will lift you, help you, strengthen you and give you that glorious feeling that you can manage with His help.

I am Sister Julia and I have come today to give you this message – to get over the fears that the lower self is trying to give you.  Walk with God.  Walk with Light.  Go inward.  Say that little prayer asking for help and help you will receive.  God bless you and keep you now and forever more. Know that you are not alone and that we are with you.  God bless you all.



5th January, 2016 - The hierarchy has come down from the lofty places because of the change that is now on the earth plane. Brother Paul, channeled by Joan.

God bless you my children.  As you well know by now, it is I, Sister Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  We come with love as always.  We come to share your moments, your guides visit you and they try to impart to you a little knowledge, a little wisdom.  You may wonder sometimes why you have had a certain thought but you see, we do bring to you knowledge for you to absorb and make a part of yourselves.  We in Spirit love you all and to inspire you, the great ones come to bring messages to you.  So, Gabrielle and I will stand to one side as there is one who wishes to speak.

                                                   *      *      *

God bless you, children.  I am Brother Paul.  I come to give you joy and to lift you.  I know that the world is sad at the moment but you see, you are going through this change.  Some of you understand it very well but some do not and find life so miserable but don’t you see, the antidote for that is to go within, sit quietly and as you do so, we in Spirit help to raise you upward to the sun, the God that is within you, the higher self.  We do these things for you so we ask again that you give us time as the change is now here and we are trying to lift you.  Go through the days in the best way you can.   It doesn’t matter if things seem wrong or things annoy you.  It doesn’t matter.  Stand to one side and realise that this is the change that is happening to the world.  You will find also that you will have a change of attitude and that your guides will come close to you to help you with your thought patterns so that you think clearly.  There are horrific, heart-rending things happening in the world today and you view these situations on your planet and wonder what is happening to its people.  But again I will say to all of you, you are living on the planet earth and because of this, every moment of your time that you spend quietly, going within yourself and sending out light, love, love, is so very important.  It is that love that is the power that goes upwards and upwards and then spreads over the planet earth.  As it spreads, you will find that the power of love will come to each one in distress, to those who are coming towards Spirit, living frightening lives.  Know that the love that you send out has power, power to help every one on the planet and those coming in to the Mother Earth. To send out this love, this power, you need to go inward.  You cannot go outward – there is nothing there for you.  You must go inward and the only way to do this is to sit quietly.  Sit quietly and you will find that the power within you will rise up and its glory will go up.  Then you say “Oh God within me, lead me to help the people of the earth”.  This can happen for you if you sit quietly and let your guides lift you.  If you do this regularly, you will find that as you sit and go inward, it will become so natural for you to do this as you are the Light Workers.  Don’t you see, you send out this wonderful Light that comes from love, the power of love which goes out to encompass the planet, to those who live in misery, to the children and to all the places that are down, negative – your love.

Oh, children of the earth, wake up.  Wake up and turn inward so that you can see what Spirit is doing for the earth.  The angels above have come down so close.  The hierarchy has come down from the lofty places because of the change that is coming more and more into your lives and into the aura of the earth.  We are trying to help you, to educate you about what is happening on the earth and in Spirit.  There are so many people now on the earth who have a higher tuning-in to Spirit.  They write books, they broadcast on radio – in any way possible Spirit is using highly evolved people on earth to bring the message to each one of you.

You cannot now avoid the change that is within you but let us think of the happy thought – look to the horizon.  Not a blemish do you see.  You see the Light, glorious, glorious Light, the New Age coming closer because the darkness will be shifted from the earth plane.  This wonderful Light – it is your new world.  In this new world you will experience peace unknown to you, love that wells from your heart.  Think about this, my children, please think about this.  This is what you are now going through, this change that heralds in the Light.  You see, the change has to take place.  The earth itself is on a tilt and this is affecting each man and woman upon the planet.  Things are happening in different countries and the change is taking place.

The heart of Mother Earth is so beautiful.  It is generous in its giving.  It is generous in its loving. This is good moment of time in which to live upon this planet earth in spite of what you are experiencing during this change.  There are different points in the world that are holy places from which the power is sent upward and outward to the earth, the Mother Earth.  We are trying to give you an idea of what is coming to pass and I have to say that it is only an idea because if we showed you what we are doing and what will happen, with the golden Light that is coming in, you couldn’t take it.  We therefore have to give you the information in small measures, as I am giving it to you this day.

Oh children, I try hard to give you the truth and I can assure you that I am feeling very happy.  I love my work.  I love the power of love and I have given this message today to tell each one of you not to be afraid.  Do not let fear enter into your orbit or your aura because all will be well.  All will be well because you are helping by giving out love for this golden light, the New World, to come closer.  All of you, all of you are taking part, each one of you is important.  You are important because of the Light that you are sending out.  Fear not.  Go inward.  Tune yourself in and you will find that your beloved guides will help you.  The rays from the glorious sun that each of you has inside, the higher self, the rays that come from that glorious level will reach you and will put hope in your heart.  You will have strength and know that you are a Light Worker.  In your hand you hold a huge flame and you go forward knowing that you are a Light Worker, that you send out love and lift up those around you.  You light up their lives because of the love you send out.  Think how many Light Workers there are on your planet – thousands, thousands.  Can you imagine the power that they are sending out?  So, children, I am happy because I know what it can be for you.  Let the peace and the love that your higher selves give to you this day lift you and give you strength.  I will say in the name of The Christ Jesus, be still, be quiet, draw in the inner strength that your higher selves will give you if you find time to sit in quietude.  You will go upward and upward if you do this regularly.  May God bless each one of you.  Your guardian angels are leading you slowly up the path.  You will learn much but the knowledge will be given to you in small measures – there is so much to take in.  You are in safe hands.  You are in the hands of the God within you that will lead you to be brighter, better people.  You are already serving The Great Spirit but by sitting quietly and meditating on Light, you will find that your Light will grow brighter.  Jesus’ influence is upon all Light Workers who serve The Great, Great Spirit of All.  May each one of you, because of the dedication and love that you send out, reach the Christ consciousness.  Then, all glory will be around you. God bless you.  God bless you all.  Thank you for receiving me.  Thank you.

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Sister Julia:  What can we say after the love that has been given to the world and to each one of you.  Gabrielle and I will say God bless you.  God bless you.


January 2016 - A New Year’s message of hope from Sister Julia.

Beloved children, I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. Your festivities are now over and all your presents have been given.  Pray we do that you gave thought and love to Spirit.  We are with each one of you in your troubles.  Some of you are suffering more than most but I pray as this year advances that you will begin to realise the importance of our messages in this last year to help you to go forward in the life that you are to live in the future.  We ask again and again and we renew all that we have said – learn to sit quietly and go within and as you do this regularly you will find that you will go upward because of the help that we will give you.  You will find that the God within you will be able to help you, strengthen you, open up your life for you, help you over the difficulties that some are going through now and those that will arise in future.

We ask very humbly to the God within you to allow us to lead you, please, upward towards this great Light.  This is going to be a year of change and we have been trying to prepare you for this. Each one will feel the change in different ways but, again, we are there to help you, strengthen you.  We keep saying walk with God, walk with Light and again and again we say to you look inward because that is where your Light is.  It is within yourself, that which is going to alter and help your life.

If you could see what is happening in the world today you would see the changes that are going on around the planet earth.  Yes, the seasons have changed.  Yes, great upheavals are happening all over your country and throughout the planet because there has to be a change.  The negative has to be pushed out of the way and that always means upheaval.  Don’t you see – it is like when you are cleaning a room and there is always disorder before you can look round and see how good it looks with everything in place.  You can live then within its good order.  That is what is happening to your earth at the moment.  Everything is upside-down.  You can no longer guarantee that all will be as was and that is why you have to go within yourself to draw upon the great Light that is within all of you.

Children, we come to lift you, help you and to make you realise that a change is here.  We want you to have courage.  We will help you to overcome all the circumstances in your life because you are going through all this so that the world will be cleansed.  All the darkness will be dispensed with and then there will be the incoming call of the great Light.  That is what you are doing now.  You are suffering.  You are helping to bring in the new order of Light and that is why all this is happening now.  Those who are psychic and spiritual can see this and understand what is going on.  We are bringing to you today an explanation of what is happening and we are asking you to look inward as this will guide you, help you, strengthen you.  We are all Gods, you know, each one of us  has a God within us.  So, please use the Light that is there.  Spend time, time which means nothing really, not when it is your future that depends on the Light that you send out.  Be brave.  Be strong.  Go through your life every day knowing that help is at hand and that all you have to do is to call out and we will be there to help you.  You know, it is a wonderful thing to think that each of you is helping to bring in the new world and when it comes, it is so glorious, so wonderful.  It’s worth going through all these changes because life can be so much better.  Oh, the Light is so beautiful and you will find that it will enter into your very soul.  You will feel different.  You will behave differently.  Everything will be different.

Beloved children, we come today with a message.  Look within.  Draw upon the Light within you that will give you courage and inner strength to help you to pass through these very troubled times. Gabrielle and I send out love.  Those in Spirit who have used this worker to give messages are sending out the power of the hierarchy to you, to give you the strength to cope every day with all that happens, both trivial and important.  Go through your days with strength and courage and face all that presents itself in your life.  I assure you again and again that Spirit is with you.  There is God within you.  We leave you with the message that we are with you.  We give you great strength and power.  Remember that you have this power within you.  Draw upon it.  To do that, you must go within.  It cannot be reached outside of you, only within.  Bless you.  At this time of year, Spirit is sending out love as do the angels around the earth, along with power and strength for the change that is coming, or I should say the change that is already here as you can see what it has done to the seasons, which are no longer reliable.  So, little ones, you are all in God’s loving care. Remember that, and each of you will be given strength and courage every day to live your life. Think of the Golden Age that is to come and think that you, you, are helping to bring that closer. May God bless you, each one of you, and remember that you are in His keeping.  We say Amen to that.  Gabrielle and I, we say Amen.  God bless you all.

15th December, 2015 - Mary: we will impress upon the space travellers the spiritual side of their flight upward and out from the planet Earth.

God bless you, my children.  It is I, Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We come with such love and blessings for you.  I hope that people will realise that this time of year is not just a time for present giving.  I hope that the love that we give you will open your minds to the understanding of the meaning of Christmas.  Now I stand back.

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I come with blessings, my children.  I am Mary.  I come with love.  I come with peace and hope for the world.  I want, with my great love and the love that comes from high above, to send rays of Light into your hearts and for you to know that we are with you in the changing of this world.  By now you know what I mean by ‘changing’.  Not only do you find the weather and the seasons difficult because they are no longer as you are accustomed to and also within yourselves you find little changes happening. .  Beloved children, turn inward and let us draw near to you to give you peace and love, to uplift you and to help you through this part of time that you are passing through.  So much love we gather, as we have told you before, that has been sent upward into the high heavens.  I can assure you that it is received and send back doubly, doubly, doubly.  When I say doubly, I refer to the immense power that comes from the higher regions of Spirit.

I know that quite a lot of you on the earth plane find life difficult, that you wonder what is happening and when you will ever feel happy but please know that happiness comes from within because, as you sit quietly and go within yourself, you will find that we will lift you, lift you.  When you reach this level, then you feel a sense of peace and joy and once again feel that life is worth living.  Once again you realise why you are here – to overcome the lower self.  As you do so, you go higher and higher into the realms of Spirit.  We are helping you to get to that level.  Many of you have reached it already.  There is so much knowledge and wisdom awaiting each one of you and while you are waiting, praying and being quiet, you will find that much can happen to you while you are in a state of grace.

I know that as you listen to my worlds, you think ‘you are not on earth and you do not have to put up with what I have to cope with’ but we can help you as there is a power within each one of you if you would only tap into it.  The only way to do so is to go inward, to be quiet, to do the best you can.  We do know how you feel.  We understand the tremors of life but the wind of change is coming.  It is blowing through the planet Earth.  Because of the wind of change, because of the Light and its rays and because of the God within you, the darkness is slowly going away.  Think of the sun, shining, warm and think how lovely it is.  Use your imagination and you will find that you draw from the sun within you all that you need and that you can use your power, the power to be happy, the power to overcome your difficulties, the power to think of your future and the power of the love that is within each one of you. 

I ask and pray that as you walk this earth life, think of the golden days that will come.  You will find that many wonderful things are happening now.  Is there not a man going up into space and as he goes up, which is very new to him, we are there.  We are there.  Our knowledge is immense.  Man has only scratched the surface but we will help him.  We will help him to have wisdom regarding what he learns in space.  We will help those men who have been courageous enough to go up into the outer layers of the earth.  We will be there and we will impress upon them the spiritual side of their flight upward and out from the planet Earth. 

My message today is to ask you not to look at things from an earthly point of view.  Try if you can to think in a spiritual way and you will see a quite different picture.

I love you all.  Love comes from a high, high level.  Once upon a time, a long time ago you were able to see angels.   You were able to converse with them because the earth at that time was pure.  Because it was pure, you could see the angels, talk to them, walk with them as you yourselves thought on a much higher dimension and therefore were of much greater purity.  But the time will come again when this will be possible.  This is why we want this wind of change that is coming to the earth to sweep all the debris away.  We are sweeping it away to make way for this new world to come in.

Oh, I bless you all and I ask sincerely that when the Christmastide comes, you will send out love.  Try not to be overly materialistic with present giving.  It is joyous, I’m sure but the real Christmas, the real happiness and joy – oh, if you could see the wonders of Christmas in Spirit.  It is so lovely, so joyous.  The children sit around the tree, which is immense and there is a star shining at its top.  The lights that are glowing over the branches send out wonderful harmony and peace.  As the children sit around, each year a little child is chosen to go up to the top of the tree, which is a symbol of your future.  This is the time when you are close to us, and we to you, so be aware of the Spirit that lives within each one of you, think, go inward and feel the harmony and peace that is to be sent out to the world.  God bless you.  God keep you in His Light.  Go inward my beloved children.  Be silent and you will feel the joy that we bring to you this day.  God bless you, each one.

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Sister Julia:  Oh, she comes with love.  She comes with Light – oh, the Light.  Her face is soft with beauty and purity.  Gabrielle and I say have a happy time but remember, you are Spirit and you owe allegiance to Spirit.  On that special day lift up your hearts and know that there is a future for each one of you.  Hold on to your faith and the God within you.  Gabrielle and I say God bless you, God bless you.  Amen. 


8th December, 2015 - Joseph: Go inward. Therein lies your strength and courage.

God bless you.  This is Julia, Gabrielle is beside me.  We come today with our arms full of flowers to give to the world.  These flowers represent our love.  We thank you for the prayers and for the love that you send out which we gather, as we have said before.  We ask each one of you to be steady and to be true to the God within you.  I ask with love.  We stand back now for one who has spoken before, but we will be back.

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God bless you my children.  I am Joseph.  I have spoken to you before, as you know.  The prayer today goes out to the world.  The prayer goes out and in it are the blessings of the most high.  What is happening on the earth plane at the moment cannot be avoided.  It cannot.  We ask that each of you will draw within yourself hope, courage, inner strength and that you pray with all your hearts going inward, inward because there lies your strength.  You have had to experience the difficulties that now exist and some of you feel great sorrow as many possessions have been destroyed by floods and troubles but, beloved children, don’t look at this loss with material eyes but realise that what has been lost by you on the earth matters not as you cannot take it with you. Know that you come into another world when you pass from this one and therefore whatever has been damaged, whatever losses make you cry, know that these are earthly possessions.  What this is doing for all of you is to bring out the true self. That true self understands that you can make do with whatever has befallen you.  Accept and in this acceptance you will find developing something that you didn’t know you had - courage and faith.  With this faith you will call out and ask The Father for help.  He will help you.

In the midst of the misery that is going on in this world, I ask again that in tremendous moments of sadness, look inward as it is there within yourself that you will find the love, the help, the strength to lift you above the conditions that you are in.  I know that it is easy for me to say these things from this warm, steady place, a happy place, a place full of power and love but we come to you to give you what we have.  We give to you an opening of your mind so that you can see that though you are going through these hard lessons now, think of when you are ready to leave this world for the Summer Land what you have gained by overcoming fear.  This is when your lower self has the greatest joy of all by entering into your hearts bringing fear of what may happen if this happens, if that happens, if all is lost.  That is what it plays on.  Each of you has a darker side that we are helping you to overcome so that you are able to rise within yourself and to cope with all that happens to you.  You will cope because we are by your side.  Because we are by your side we will lift you, help you, strengthen you, bringing out all the spiritual qualities that are needed in the world.  Also, you will bear crowns on your heads when you go to the Summer Land of Spirit because you have overcome, and you will overcome because the Light shines bright within each one of you.  Cast out fear and let the God within you take charge of you.  By doing that you will find that your life will alter.  Things that you fear will cease to make you afraid because you are strong enough, you have the courage now to face the life that you have at this moment.

You can indeed say that it is easy for me to speak this way but I can assure you that you are all here to learn your lessons and as the dreadful conditions that you have been and are in can be a lesson, can you not see that it will bring out the spiritual qualities within each of you?  Oh beloved children of the earth, we are with you, we love you and we will always help you.  Send out thoughts and pray with all your hearts and souls and know that you are praying to the wonderful God, the higher self.  You cannot go any higher than this wonderful sun that is within you.  There are many of you now who are doing this as where else can you turn?  You have nowhere else to turn.  You cannot go outward but you can go inward because there lies your strength, there lies your courage, there lies your hope because we are there helping you, helping you when you stumble, when you are in doubt.  Go inward, ask the God within you for help and we are there.

Children, you are all blessed in this world.  Each of you is blessed and each also has the difficulties of your earth life.  The earth is changing, as we have told you many times and the reason it is changing is that you are changing.  The earth’s crust and earth is changing.  The axis of the beloved planet is moving.  Therefore, the seasons are different.  This is bringing out in each of you prayer, faith, hope and the wish to help one another, to help each other by holding out your hand to your brothers and sisters, lifting them.  That is love.  That is love.  I am going to end this prayer with love and to tell you that you are all taken care of one way and another.  Have faith.  Let go the fear, your lower self.  Walk in Light.  Go inward.   In moments of distress, cry out for God to help you and He surely will.  I end this loving prayer and ask you to understand that you are not alone on this earth plane.  The world is full of Light.  There are changes that we cannot hold back.  Civilization has to move on and that is why you are experiencing this tumult of changes as the rays of the good are coming in slowly.  The rubbish, the lower thoughts are being beaten back and then the New World with its Light and love will come in.  Hold on to your faith and when you feel that all is not well and you begin to doubt, then turn inward and draw the strength of the God that is within each of you.  It is radiant and strong and its rays will help you and lift you.  You are in God’s hands.  If you pray He will lead you through the dark shadows that you feel surround you.  He will lead you within the Light and the dark cannot abide Light. If only you could see the rays of love that come to the earth to lift its children.  You will go through much and will look at things in a different way.  God bless you now and forever more.  Amen.




1st December, 2015 - From a messenger who calls himself ‘love’: The lower entities of the world exist so that you may learn to overcome.

God bless you, my children.  I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  We come with love and we come to prepare the way for a beloved soul who has spoken to you once before.  He comes once again to the earth with wisdom and with love.

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Beloved children, I come to you with love because I am love, I give love.  I come from the spheres of love in Spirit.  There is no name attached to love because love is love.  Love is what you give and what you receive.

I come today to make you realise that you miss out a great deal on Earth as you are unaware of the power that is within you.  If you were to use this power, you would find that it would raise you to a higher level of consciousness and if, as we have asked you many times, you sit quietly and lift yourself up to the Light within you, if you do this regularly you will be lifted into a higher dimension. Imagine that all would be well.  All things about you would fall into place and things that you would imagine would not come do so with ease.  Your life changes because of the power within.  How little it is to ask for you to sit in silence once each day, once every other day.  To truly reach the Light of the Christ consciousness which is within each one of you, would you not put much aside to achieve this?

Beloved children, we thank you for the prayers and for the love that you send out and, as we have told you before, we draw on this wonderful vibration to send out because, as we want you to remember, this power goes upward.  It is gathered together until it is indeed drawn into The White Brotherhood of Love, drawn to all those in Spirit who are helping make a better world for you.  You on Earth, too, can do the same.  Pray with all your hearts and all your souls, pray.  If you could see the love that goes up into the higher spheres…  I would like to describe to you what is and I lift you into the realm of Light.  There you can hear the sounds of the harp that is playing.  It is the harp of David who works ceaselessly for the upliftment of mankind.  Imagine and see every note of the harp, every string that is plucked a colour,  Colours that you cannot imagine come from the strings of the harp.  As the power flows out from the harp, the colours of love and upliftment settle, oh children, on the earth.   If you sit quietly, if you are quiet and if you make this a habit you will find that you can hear, hear the melody of love that is being played, the melody of peace that surrounds the Earth.  You will find that you will hear your note, your colour.  You will find the note that it for you.  Everyone has a different note, different colour, but you will find your colour and the note that comes from the harp, the golden harp of David.  As he plays the harp, so the vibrations of love go over the planet Earth to replenish it, to make it what it was.

At the moment there are many things that have to be done to mend the breakages of the earth.  Think often of the holy spirit that is within each one of you because you have the glorious God that lives within you.  I can assure you that love with conquer with your help and with your prayers.  There has to be darkness in your lives because how else would you learn to rise above the difficulties of your life in the world.   If things were made easy for you, you would never learn.  You would never strive to go upward.  By living easily with nothing happening to you, nothing hurting you, you draw no nearer to the God within you.  Lessons have to be learnt by your raising yourself above the lower entities that are there for a purpose – to help the people of the world to rise up in their vibrations.  When they have done that and when they have overcome the dark shadows and evil in different places of the world, it is because you have helped to push away and to dissolve the darkness.  You will have done it because of your love and prayers.  Bearing all this in mind, I say to each one of you be still, be quiet and listen, listen.   Those who are able to do this will be lifted into a higher consciousness and they will hear the strings of the golden harp, which will uplift and strengthen them.

Oh, the joy that comes to each one when they reach that level because your heart expands and you feel free.  As your heart expands and as you feel freedom, so you see the world as it is.  You can see the power of love.  You can see what you are doing, every effort you make, adding to the love and to the Light.

Remember the golden harp.  It is a symbol of colour, of wonderful music that comes from every string.  It floats.  You think of harps you have seen but you cannot see this harp.  This harp covers the world.  It is immense and from the strings when they are plucked, the vibrations, colour, love and peace settle upon the world.

Children of Light, remember, remember these words and also realise that by silence you will be able to lifted into a higher way of living and thought and what is the greatest, most precious thing of all is the upliftment of the levels of your consciousness that will give you happiness, strength, courage but will also give you peace because of the love that comes from the heavenly notes from Spirit.  Be still, my loves, be still and let the waters run smoothly over your minds.  Lift yourselves up to The Holy Spirit that is within you.  You can do it, you know.  Think of the peace and the power that is within you and remember that I come in the name of love.  So children, I have given you much to think of but most of all, I ask you to sit quietly so that Spirit is able to lift you to a higher way of thought.  Send out your prayers.  Send out love and remember that we gather these lovely vibrations.  We will help you every step of the way but play your part.  You have a part to play.  You want this world to be happy.  You want this world to be free of the lower vibrations.  By prayer and by love, you are helping to do this.  You must go inward to do it, not outward.  Nothing will be gained by going outward.  It is all to do with inner, inner quietude.  When your guides see that you are trying, they will come with love to help you.  Now may the blessings of the higher Spirits of love bless the Sanctuary and all who work in her, all the Sanctuaries of the world that are sending out love and to you, to you, my beloved children who are playing your part.  God bless you.  God is within you and you are indeed much blessed this day.  So I say amen because love conquers all. 

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Sister Julia:   I am back and so is Gabrielle.  There is nothing we can add to that vibration that he brought you. He brought it to the world and it is indeed such a blessing.  We in Spirit are also blessed because love has spoken today.  God bless you all.  Think of what has been said.  Act upon it.  Please remember these words because the blessing, where it has come from, is very precious.  It has given the world an upliftment and urges all the peoples of the world to walk in Light.  Walk with God that is within you.  Gabrielle and I say God bless you.  God keep you in His Light now and for every more.  Amen. 


24th November, 2015 - Joseph: your prayers are priceless in this battle of good against evil.

Beloved children of the earth, I am Joseph.  I have not spoken for some time but today I come with God’s blessing and thankfulness and to those who have been sending prayers and love, I want you to know that all the wonderful vibrations that have come to us from all over the world have been gathered.  The vibrations have been gathered as in the gathering of wheat, the gathering of the power, the love, by the Light Workers.  Please continue with your prayers and with your love because we are fighting on the lower planes, good against evil.  Your prayers go upward and are gathered together to form a wonderful, powerful force.  Can you not imagine this wonderful power that goes to the Light Workers, can you not see them with their hands up?  With the power that you give them, they are sending back the darker levels of life.  This is what I wanted you to know today, that you are doing something priceless, something wonderful because from all over the world you have sent love.  Please keep on sending your prayers and love so that they may rise up for us to gather the energy that you send.  It will go upward and then be sent down into the earth plane.  I assure you that nothing can overcome the power of love.

Today, I wish to enlighten you as to what you are doing and why you are doing it.  You are sending your love and prayers so that the dark forces can be pushed away, pushed away in Spirit, because, remember, these very low entities are trying their best to govern the world.  We won’t allow that, not when we have the help and the love of those now in the world sending out prayers.   Say ‘God help us, help us to send out power and love’ and as you pray, remember also to go inward, sit quietly. As you pray, so the great Light rises up and we gather it.  If all of you continue to do this, imagine the power of the Light.  It is with this power that we are able to push back and push back the darker forces until we have indeed eliminated their power.

Children, this is a momentous time in the earth’s history and we have said before that the rolling conditions built up over eons of time, century after century of evil, bad thoughts, violence, cruelty, atrocities – they have built up this dark force, the lower energies.  Can you see how the weaker people have been used?  That is  what I call ‘the black army’ is upon the earth.  This force has built up over eons of time and has become able to enroll people to its service – people with weaker minds, people who are selfish, people who have no regard for others.  They are wonderful choices to be brought together into a unit where they can be indoctrinated into this dark force.  You see, what you are doing is Light against dark so if you can remember that, let yourself go, put yourself to one side now because this is the most important time for life upon earth.  Remember that although you go through your days doing this and that, during the day you must also send out loving thoughts to go upward and pray, pray, pray.  Pray with all your hearts and souls and let those vibrations go up and up. 

It pleases us in Spirit that we can see the surge of love that has come from the planet earth.  It has opened the minds of many, many people.  Every person must remember that they are Spirit and that the body that they use is just a shell for the spirit to live in.  So remember always to think in a spiritual way.  You have your personality – look at it and examine what within it needs to be changed.  Talk to it as thought it is a separate person and discuss what needs to be changed as every one needs to change attitudes, emotions and thoughts.  Your thoughts tally with your emotions so at the end of the day, just spend time examining your day.  What have you done, what have your thoughts been?  It you know you have hurt someone, contact them and make things right.  Look at your day and your emotions.  Please do this, looking inward within yourself.  It is not a big job, you know.  It is just a matter of finding a little time. 

I can assure you that the Christ Light burns brightly.  It shines upon the earth plane helping those who are desirous of a better world, for the Light Workers upon the planet and in Spirit, for the organizations that are working for mankind.  So much work is done in Spirit and if you sit quietly often, daily, you will find that your mind will be lifted up and up and up until you feel the glory of The Great, Great Spirit within you.  Oh, children, children of the Light, isn’t that worth spending time for?  We are helping you in every way in Spirit.  We send out love, we lift you and we encourage you.  We ask you to keep your courage.  You have the Archangels to help you.  You have only to call upon them.  They are able to go in many directions as they are Archangels and they can do many things in many places many times.  So today, this is all I wish to say.  My message is for you please, please to keep praying, sending love and remembering what you are doing this for – to build up the Light.  By building up the Light, the dark forces have to draw away.  So, beloved children of the earth, this is what we say today.  Lift your hearts, walk with courage and pray with all your heart and all your soul.  We will be there to help you.  In the name of The Father, of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, I end my loving prayer this day.  God bless you.

                                                  *      *      *   

Joseph came with a glorious Light giving love, sending out Light from the Sanctuary.  It goes up and far, far away for the Light of the Sanctuary is important, you see, not only this Sanctuary but other Sanctuaries that are doing their work, sending out Light.  This what is happening all the time. Because Joseph has brought with him the power of love and the power given to him by the higher sources of Spirit life, I can assure you that a beautiful beam of Light goes up and out with great blessings for all, blessings to those who come to the Sanctuary to be healed today.  May the healers be blessed with the love of Christ.  We come with love to bless you and lift you and may God bless you, from Julia and Gabrielle this day.  God bless you.


17th November, 2015 - I am John.  I served The Master a long time ago.

I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  We come with love and with God’s blessing.  We stand to one side now for the wonderful soul who is to speak to you today. 

                                                     *      *      *  

I am John.  I served the Master Jesus a long time ago and in His name I come today with power, Light, love.  Children of the earth, we have asked you, a clarion call has gone out to the world, to come closer together, to go inward, draw upon the Light that is within you and send that Light out. Many times in the past we have asked you to do this but because the dark forces have amassed together to cause atrocities that have frightened you all, we of the spirit world are sending down powerful Light as it is Light against darkness.  Many times in our prayers we have asked you to go inward, we have asked you to send out Light and love.  You have done so.  You have sent out Light to those who have passed to Spirit cruelly and to those who have been injured.  To the world you have sent out love.  Now we are gathering that love so that we in Spirit can come and blend our love with that which you are giving.  By doing this you are becoming crusaders of the Light.

We need Light and it is for each one of you to look inward within yourselves as the power of love is there, within.  Give it out.  Send it out and, as we have said before, think of your children, your grandchildren and those who come after them.  Are you not doing this for them?  What stops many from doing this is that there are many upon the earth plane whose minds are shut, who have no knowledge and who do not want knowledge.  But there are others, the Light workers upon the earth, whose Lights are becoming brighter and do you know why?  Because we in Spirit are showering down this wonderful, wonderful Light that goes all around the world. This wonderful Light goes inward, lifting the children of the earth.  But there is something that you must do.  You must realise that what has happened has brought fear, panic into your lives and that is what the lower forces want.  The dark forces are elated because they can see what they are doing as fear takes hold.  So, I am saying this to you today, go forward as a crusader of Light and when you become afraid, in panic, inside of you is a Light and all you have to do, no matter how panic-stricken you are, how fearful you are is to call out and say:  ‘Father, lift me, lift this condition from me as I am a crusader of Light.  Help me to be strong, courageous’.

As an army of crusaders on earth you have shields in front of you.  Each of you has a shield and as you march forward on this earth plane with this wonderful shield of courage, faith, love, nothing can go beyond that shield.  Can you imagine what this is like?  Many people can see these shields that are before you.  They deflect negative conditions but if you give in to fear, a chink is created and the lower forces will be there – they never miss a moment.  They are there.  Then you will feel doubt, you will wonder what will happen if the dark forces take over the world.  It will be like Atlantis all over again.  But we are here.  We have come as a stronghold of Light.  We are a fort that is strong, built brick by brick with strength and love.  Do your bit.  Do your share.  Cast out fear and in its place go inward, as we have asked you to do.  Go inward.  Draw upon the God that is within each one of you.  Draw upon this Light, this sun that shines above you.  Feel the sun.  Draw the sun to you and send it out.  Can you imagine how it will be?  Nothing, nothing can overcome the love of God, nothing, but He wants the help of the children of the earth because He has placed within each one of you a part of Himself.  Draw upon the power that he has given you.  Be strong. Walk with the shield before you.  Walk forward and let your heart be lifted.  Then nothing negative can reach you as the Light shines within you and pushes away the dark forces.  As the armada of Light pushes away the darkness, nothing can overcome love.  Nothing can overcome faith, trust. Remember this.  Remember this because not only are you on the earth fighting but a grave battle is being facing the strata of the lower worlds of Spirit.  There, there is Light and there is dark and as you send out that love and it goes up, so the Light is strong, pushing away all negative forces.  This is a clarion call to the world.  Did you not send love?  Did you not send love to the bereaved?  Did you not send love for what has happened and what is happening?

Children of the Light remember that The Great Spirit of All is the purest love.  Nothing, nothing can overcome the spearhead of The Great, Great Spirit but each of you must stir yourselves now.  You are not doing this for yourselves.  You are doing it for the future.  Walk with the shield of courage before you and look into yourselves daily and ask yourself whether you are allowing the dark forces to ease themselves into your mind.  Be very, very diligent as to what you think and what you do. You can do it.  You can do it because we are here to help you do it but when you weaken, send out a thought asking for help and strength.  Help will be given to you in abundance because we protect you, lift you.  Not all minds are open but we want to know that the children of the earth are learning and giving their faith to the God within them.  We see the sword of the great Archangel, Michael. The sword goes forward which means that we are working steadily, pushing the dark forces away. This won’t happen in a moment.  It won’t happen today or tomorrow but you must realise the importance of your thoughts, your feelings and every day pray, pray with your heart and soul: ‘Lord you are with us.  Lord you are indeed guiding us.  Lord you are lifting us up into a higher realm of thought.  Help us to be the great Light on earth, as it is in heaven’.  My children, you are blessed and you are loved beyond your imagination.  We give you help in all directions on the earth to open your minds but I say today I am John and because I am John, I know, I understand because we too had to go learn the control of our emotions and our thoughts.  We did it.  You can do it.  Now I think I have said enough but I have brought to you today the power of love, the power and energy that is given to you and to the world.  We are God’s loving children.  Walk in Light.  Walk in love.  Control your thoughts because they go together with your feelings.  Be positive.  March onward with the shield of courage in front of you knowing full well that that shield reflects the Light.  Children of the world, a great blessing is given to you today.  Heed my worlds today.  Live in Light and love.  So I end my visit to you with love, knowing that you will have courage, faith, faith in the God within you. God bless you all.

                                                     *      *      *  

I am back, Julia.  The power, the love, the upliftment of the world’s souls – the great heavens have opened and Light shines.  Lift yourselves up my darling children for you are each precious to us. We cannot say any more than has been said but in the palms of our hands there is a great Light.  It is the flame of love blessing each one of you on the planet earth.  God bless you, from Gabrielle and me, Julia.



3rd November, 2015 - The Messenger explains why the world is in such turmoil and again, asks for the help of every one of us.

God bless you.  I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me.  We come with our hearts so full of love.  We keep telling you how much we love you and help you.  We see your struggles, we in Spirit, and we do all that we can to help and lift you.  When you are in despair, look within yourselves and draw on that Light.  We are going to stand aside now for there is someone who wishes to speak to you.

I come with a message.  I am The Messenger.  I come with a message for the world and may the vibration of this prayer also spread throughout the world.  My message today is to educate  you with regard to what is happening to the world at the moment.  We have for so long told you about the change that is now over the planet and with this change there come disturbances, horrific things that are done to one another, dark patches all over the planet – but you see, we have to bring up the negativity within the earth plane to the surface.  We have to deal with it and to do this it means that you have storms, floods and different things happening that make you despair.  But I come today with a message for all of you.  As we have told you before, you can help. You can contribute to the bringing in of the golden Light that is waiting patiently to come into your lives, into the planet earth.  As I have said before, each one of you is responsible and this responsibility involves your finding time to be quiet and to let all thoughts flow away from you.  Go inward and wait.  Do this regularly.  Wait and you will find that you will feel and see the divine Light coming from above, the God within you.  When this happens, you turn your face upward and send out love, love, love.  You then become a Light bearer and with the Light that you receive from above, you will glow and people will come to you and will feel the Light and the strength that comes from you.  You.  You will have made this possible because you have found time to sit quietly, regularly and go upwards towards the Light.  The Light then fills your very being on earth and you become a Light worker.

What is the job of Light workers?  Their job is this, to send out love into the atmospheres and to help those who do not understand to understand.  Those who already know about the change will help those who need deeper understanding.  I want you to realise what the change means to you. As the earth is changing, it is changing its whole structure and as it does so, it changes you.  You will find that your Light will become brighter and purer.  You will find that there are certain things in your life that you have to leave behind.  They are of no use to you.  You have then to go within yourself to receive instruction from your higher self and your higher self will guide you, lift you and teach you, teach you what you must do as there has to be a change within each one of you on earth.  A change from above is a change below and I want you to realise that the change is a good one because it means that you will then be able to go a little higher, your psychic intuition and senses will become  sharper and those who have the gift will be able to see through the veil.  They will see what’s happening and because they do this, they will turn to their fellow man to explain what is happening.

I know that at the moment there is turmoil in the world and I, I, I am also in turmoil as things are not in order.  I can assure you, however, that they will be in order as each one of you on the planet will give time to Spirit and, as we have said before in prayer, time is important for you to be able to go inward.  You must do this regularly.  There will not be immediate results, you know, you will not ‘see the Light’ immediately.  It does not happen that way.  You have to sit quietly and be at peace.  Let all thoughts go from you, all negative thoughts.  With the Light within you, all will be well.  We have said this so many times.  With the Light within you, all crooked places will be made straight.  You have to experience the change.  This will come in a subtle way.  You will notice.  Spirit will help you to be aware of it because they are trying to refine you, refine even the physical body.  They are changing the cells of the body and this can be a little uncomfortable.  You may have a headache or a pain here or there or you may feel that you are not in turn with yourself.  All this will pass because you are in the glorious care of The Great, Great Spirit.  We are giving you this information today to make you realise that you are not living in a box.  You are living in a beautiful, beautiful body, a beautiful body that was made for you and for your spirit to live within.  There is so much more than that.  There is so much information that we can give you but you are not yet ready for it.  Life is wonderful, wonderful and you are going to make it wonderful as you have the responsibility now of going inward within yourself, going upward to the Light and becoming a Light worker.  This will take time to achieve by sitting regularly, as often as you can.  I know that you have many calls upon your time but do your best.  That is all we ask.  Do your best because it is so important.  At this moment of time, it is so important that each one of you lifts yourself, letting everything else go.  Your personal desires do not matter.  Push them away as they are not important at the moment.  What is important is what is happening to the planet and that is that all the negative conditions are being pushed, pushed, pushed right away so that the new age can come in, the glorious, glorious Light that will fill each one of you with joy, peace, tranquility.  Don’t you see how important this is?

There is another thing I wish to say to you before I go.  Learn to listen.  Be quiet.  Be still.  Be peaceful.  Let all thoughts go away from you, let them slide away.  They are not important as things will work out well for all of you but at this moment, let those thoughts slide away.  Let the peace come within you and as the peace comes within, learn to listen.  Learn to listen.  Some of you may hear the voice of the higher self.  Some of you will feel an extra buoyancy and joyousness.  Listen and be aware in this quiet, tranquil time that you are giving.

What more can I say?  Do your best.  Please do your best.  It is so important that each of you takes the responsibility to lift, to help.  Spirit is doing great, great work.  If you could see what they are doing – clearing all the ugly, bad things that have built up over eons of time with their great Light. That is why, Light workers, we need you, we need you.  So I ask each one of you by my words that will go into prayer, by those that will be put into writing and the vibrations that will go out into the world, I ask each of you who lives on this beautiful planet – and it will be beautiful and it is beautiful, it is a paradise really, take responsibility for healing the planet.  The beautiful Gaia that looks after the planet, the goddess of love, the angel of love, the Light will help her also to heal the planet.

Now my children, I have given you a task.  Each of you is responsible to send out love.  Learn to go inward and go upward.  Let the Light come to make you a Light worker.  As a Light worker then, you can go about the world with your beautiful Light lifting, lifting your fellow man, talking to those who do not understand.  With the Light, the Great, Great Light of All, the new age has already begun but there remains a great deal of clearing to be done on the earth plane.  I ask with all my heart.  I am The Messenger from the Hierarchy that goes up in the Greatest Light of All and I am humble to know that I have been chosen for this message today.  I say God bless every one of you who lives on this planet.  There is much good to come into your lives.  It is exciting, wonderful and all you have to do is to give time, regularly, to sit quietly, be peaceful and let the tranquility lift you up, up to where the higher self shines like the sun, beaming Light.  So be a Light worker.  Work towards that aim.  So many Light workers are already on the earth doing wonderful work.  That is all I wish to say other that to ask for God’s blessing for you again and again.  Walk with God.  Walk with Light.  All will be well.

Sister Julia and Gabrielle.  There is nothing for us to add.  All has been said.  Please listen because you can help so much, more than you realise.  Each one of you is important and that is why we come so close to you to help you, lift you, guide you onto the right path, the right way of thinking, to teach you to be quiet.  We say God bless you.  There is such a wonderful Light in the room.  It is not just within the room as it goes out over the world.  It is such a beautiful Light, glorious, peaceful, loving.  God bless you.  Much has been said today.  Amen.



10th November, 2015 - Mary asks that we send great love into the world that it may become a paradise once again.

God bless you from Gabrielle and me, Julia.  We have come today to pave the way for another to speak but first we give you love, remind you that you are cherished and that we take care of you.  Now we stand aside for the Light is becoming so bright.

God bless you, my children.  I am Mary and I come today not only to give you love but to help you to understand, shall I say, your duty, your duty towards the world you live in.  Oh, my children, if you only knew how important it is for you, for the world, to send out love and in the love that you send, don’t you see that its power will help the conditions that are now over planet earth.  The conditions are there to cleanse you and to help you for a new life and for the great Light that is waiting to enter the planet.  We have asked you before to send out great love the world, to the earth.  Lift yourselves up and be Crusaders.  Each one, be a Crusader and being a Crusader means that you want to save the planet earth.  This planet is going through tumultuous conditions and the cries of the children that come from the earth plane, from the destitute, the starving, those indeed are experiencing dreadful karmic conditions.  Don’t you see how the earth needs your love?  We in Spirit give love in abundance but we need each of you on this earth to be a Crusader, to go forward and say ‘I want this earth to be a place where my children will be happy’.  I repeat words that have been said in a previous prayer – do you not want a happy, happy planet?  Can you not see that you are part of it, you are part of the revolution that is now on the earth plane bringing in the Light and the Light workers on the earth are doing their part, bringing in reams of Light to be able to push away all negative conditions. Therefore, it is necessary at the moment for there to be explosions, a breaking up of the earth so that the Light, the power of the Light and you, the Crusaders of the earth can send out Light to push away the negative forces that Spirit is trying to break up making way for the purer Lights to come in.  That will bring you joy and happiness.  You will find that your bodies will change, lighter.  You will be able to transmit because of the electric vibrations that come in with the new world.  But before we have the new world, we have to break up the old one and those on earth who understand what is happening, they will try to explain to those who do not understand.  Some will have their minds shut, closed and they do not want to know, they don’t believe – but they will believe!  They will.  They should open their minds and listen to what is being said to them as what is being said to them is the truth – we are cleansing the world.  As these different things happen with the weather and the earth itself, children of the earth, realise that though it is unpleasant, of course it is as it affects every man, woman and child on the earth, this is necessary.  There is so much disorder on the earth because changes are coming and if you have the patience, if you open your eyes and open your minds you will see what is going on.

Love is the prominent vibration of all and if you Crusaders of the earth give that love, then you will find that things will be quickly done with until the time comes where you feel and sense the oncoming of this glorious Light.  It is a new world.  It is beautiful but the old world must be broken up first.  Remember, eons, eons ago at the very beginning, this was a very beautiful, beautiful planet.  It was the paradise that The Great Spirit made but as time went on, man’s thoughts polluted it and as the darkness came from one century to another, there was a build up until now, this present day.  But now, The Great Spirit says enough, enough and so over the planet there is a break up of all negative conditions that you feel and see in floods, volcanoes.  All sorts of things are happening that affect you on earth so with my love that I give you I am saying go inwards and if you do so and lift your face up to the Light you will find that many things will not affect you.  However, at the moment many people are not doing this so they are affected.  Turn inward, that is your salvation.  Turn inward, lift your face up to the Light and say: ‘Great Spirit that is within me, help me, please help me because I wish to overcome negative feelings that I am receiving.  Help me to go forward in this Light.  I want so much to join the Light bearers’.  As Crusaders, you will do this if you continue to turn inward and draw down the Light to yourselves.  Please be patient.

I want also to say to those who are full of self-pity, there are so many of you on the earth plane who won’t allow yourselves to recognize what you have to do.  I come with the power of love to help you and I ask you to develop patience, develop within yourself the drawing down of Light when you go inward and with our help, you will pass through this huge, momentous time easily as we help you because you are helping yourself.  Tuning in to Spirit that way with patience and love will carry you through.  This won’t happen today or tomorrow – you need to maintain that patience for a period of time.  Remember that you are doing this for your children and your grand-children and those who come after.  You are the important ones at the moment so, children of the planet, listen, please, listen because we give out love, you have your wonderful guides beside you to lead you and teach you.  Whatever is within you that is holding you back, don’t hang on to it.  Let it go.  Let it go and stand straight and walk in the Light.

I come with such love and if you could see at the moment the downward Light that comes from the higher sources of Spirit.  They are sending to the world this glorious Light to help you, lift you, so that you are able to send out this pure Light, as we ask you to do.  I have come with a message of love, peace.  Be patient.  Be patient, children of the planet.  Your planet is beautiful, you know, so beautiful.  Look at the rivers, the flowers, the wonderful trees.  You will find that the earth will become even more beautiful as the negative conditions will be removed from it, pushed away, dissolved.  The wonderful new world will come.  Be patient and remember that you are doing this for your children’s children’s sake.  If you remember that, you will forge ahead and you will be children of the Light.  God bless you all.  I come heralding the new dawn.  Blessed children of the Light, I thank you for listening to me.  Listen and do the best that you can.  I say, God bless you and remember that the Spirit of God has been given to you as a gift from The Great Spirit of All.  He has given you a part of Himself within you.  Remember that – that you have a God within each one of you.  Draw upon the power.  Draw upon the power that it can give you by being quiet, being still and lifting your face to the divine Light that is there.  God bless you.

I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is beside me.  The love that Spirit bring has poured down upon the planet earth.  It is wonderful to see.  Play your part, please play your part.  How wonderful it is to think of a new, wonderful world.  Remember that it is not going to happen today, next year or even the year after.  It will be when the negative forces, with your help, will be cleared.  God bless you from both of us today for this has been a special, special morning of prayer.  We, too, thank you for listening and again, God bless you.



13th October, 2015 - Mary:  right now, Spirit is purifying the earth.  Help by sending love.

God bless you.  Again, it is Gabrielle and me, Julia.  We come today with such joy and because there are great blessings to give you all.  This is a very precious time but we are going to stand on one side now for you to receive this lovely soul who works so very hard and who brings such joy and upliftment.  We will return.

                                                     *      *      *    

Glory to God.  Yes, glory to God.  I am Mary.  I have come this day with the glory and the Light of the Father that I give to the children of the earth to help you, strengthen you, and to say to all of you that purity from the heavens is coming down to the earth.  The purity will sweep away the darkness from the minds of man and it will make the way clear for the world that you long for.  You long for peace.  You long.

I tell you all that from the world we see that a great love is rising up towards us.  There is a great deal of love in the world.  You think not, but it is so.  There is a great deal of love.  All these wonderful associations that you have all over the world, these are the people who have come to help every form of life on earth.  You have people who send out to these different associations and if there is some unhappy event, do you not place flowers and give love?  Do you not see what we see?   We see love and as this love is growing we ask you, oh children who are living on earth, can you not see that this is not your real home?  Your real home is higher up into the planes of love.  I assure you that, though you cannot see it, much is being done.  The purity that comes from above is now settling over the planet earth and it will blow away the darkness.  Remember that to bring in the new world and for that new world to increase, there needs to be a certain amount of darkness. The darkness, as has been said, does not last long and then the purity of the earth will be once more.  The golden age will come, my children, it will come.  It is the law.  It is the plan of The Great, Great Spirit of All to release His children on earth who are in bondage, bondage from their lower selves.  Some children of the earth are evil, really evil, because they have allowed the lower self to command them.  However, never fear.  Those are the words I want to use:  never fear.  Do not let fear enter into your life because we are here.  Tremendous work has been done in Spirit and continues to be done to clear the rubbish from the earth plane.  To do that does create an upheaval, not only in the elements but also within your own lives where all is not as you wish it.  Many things can enter an individual’s life – depression perhaps – but we know that this will pass.  This is a little darkness that will pass but what we want you to do is to understand what we are doing.  We are clearing the planet earth from all the rubbish that has built up so that love, divine love and purity will be upon the earth.  I ask all of you, please give love.  Send love to all, all in the world who need you.  You know from what you read and what you hear the distress that is happening in different parts of the world and they need your love.  Oh, children of the Light, will you join the Light workers who are indeed endeavouring to send Light all over the world?  Do you not want a new Jerusalem? People of this earth that do dwell, do you not want a Temple of Jerusalem to be in this world that you live in?  This will come about by love, by lifting yourself up and saying yes, you want to be a part of the new Jerusalem that will come.

Children, children, we love you.  We lift you, Turn your thoughts to love, to positive thinking. Nurture feelings of love.  Give freely.  Give with your hearts because there is the true self, the higher self that you can reach.  Don’t you see, we are trying to raise all of you in different stages towards the Christ consciousness through which our beloved Jesus has been directed and helped through His ministry on this earth.  What can I say to you all, planet earth, children of the earth. Build up your Jerusalem, your temple of love in this earth today, block by block, with faith and with love and every block that you build will be of love.  From it, the Light can go out and the new world will come.  Right now, we are purifying the earth, pushing away the debris, so help, children, help us by loving thoughts.  Love your neighbour.  Love all who are endeavouring to lift you up to a higher level.

So, children, I come with love, with understanding and with a great blessing for each of you.  No-one is left out for The Great, Great Spirit of All has you firmly in his loving arms.  I bless you and I thank you for I know that you will make the effort.  Remember, purity is over the earth, slowly pushing away the debris, leaving you with Light.  Think of the Jerusalem.  Think of what you are doing, what you are going to do.  You, children of the Light, are going to lift the atmosphere and wherever there is evil, it cannot continue when love is concerned.  The purity of the earth will cleanse it.  I now say God bless you.  Lift yourselves, children.  Join the Light workers, with love. Know that your life will change.  All your lives will change for the better.  I have come today with reverence to those on the higher planes who have worked so hard for this to happen and I have come to give the message.  God bless you and remember that you are in God’s care.  Nothing can go wrong when you are in His care and Light.  Believe.  Have faith.  Trust.  God bless you.  God bless you.

                                                     *      *      *    

I am Julia.  Gabrielle and I are with you once more.  We can only thank this wonderful soul who has come to uplift you and to give you a message to trust, have faith and send love to the world.  Will you do that?  It is important, you know, more important than you will ever know.  So, Gabrielle and I add our blessings.  You have been truly blessed this day.  God bless you.



6th October, 2015 - Each of you is responsible to send out love now – it is your world. A heartfelt request from The Most High, channeled by Joan.

I come to you today with love.  I come with a message for the world.  I come with love and ask that each one of you should break the chains of the lower self by thinking of love.   When you send love into the world, you send a vibration that will add to the strength of the Light of the Light workers who are sweeping the earth of al negative conditions.  Unfortunately, before the Light, you have to live through a little darkness, just as you are going through now.  However, that will not last long for the Light will come ti sweep it away.  You will find that the chains that bind you to the earth plane will break away and that you will walk upward on your path with hope, with love and with positive thoughts that you must send out to the world.

Each of you is now responsible for the Light to come fully upon the earth plane.  This is a call that is going outward to all of you.  You are responsible by your thoughts.  Send out positive and loving thoughts.  They will go upward and join those of the angels above, forming a strong, united vibration.  This is a call to all of you to send love and to be happy as you are a part of all this.  You cannot live your earth life without changes, changes are coming into your life all the time within yourself.

I ask, again I ask you to be silent.  Sit regularly in silence and you will find that you will go upward and upward and as you do so, you will gather strength.  But now I ask you, children of the Light, to be responsible for your thoughts.  Be careful of the lower self because at this moment it is crucial that each of you takes responsibility for the era of Light that is to come.  It is here now, now.  The darkness will be pushed away by the Light and you will find that a new era of life will come. You will feel it and sense it. 

I come with purpose today, my children, for you are close to my heart.  I look carefully at each one of you all over the world.  Wherever you are, my influence goes out to all of you and I can assure you that you are cared for and looked after.  However, you must play your part now.  It is essential that you do so.  Send out Light to the world and with love will come the purity that will cleanse the atmosphere of the world and the new Light, the new era of Light will come in.  In the meantime, you are experiencing a little darkness but it will not last, as I have said.  You might feel depressed, out of sorts, that your nervous system is not perfect. That is the influence of the darkness but it will go. It will pass over you until you feel uplifted, feel a joy, that your heart is lifted, that there is hope and that life will alter.  All this is only because you are sending out Light to the planet earth.  All those who have imaginations, you can imagine this Light and what love and positive thinking is doing for the earth plane.  So again I say, each of you is responsible.  You are responsible now for the upliftment and Light coming in.  You are responsible because it is your world, though in reality, it is not your world at all.  You are living on a planet so close to Spirit as when you leave this earth, you will enter your homeland, where you belong.  You have come to earth to learn lessons but this is a big lesson for all of you.  Put yourself on one side.  Imagine how you stand in the world, that you stand in the Light of The Great, Great Spirit of All, which is your higher self.  Lift yourselves away from the beams that the lower self sends you and as you sit in silence, you will find that you will rise up towards, that beautiful Light and it will change your life.  This is simply because you have taken the trouble to sit quietly.  Turn inward.  Don’t make an effort – just be quiet, be still and think of the glorious sun and the beams that come from it.

So, we return to what I have asked you.  The world needs love and love it must have from the children of the earth.   Send out love in whatever way you wish.  Think of your fellow man with love or you can think of the soil of the earth needing refreshment.  See in your mind how things could be.  The earth could be brought back to how it used to be with trees drawing nutriment, flowers that can sing, brimming with colour, because of the new world that is coming.  But, and again I use that word ‘but’, you are responsible each one of you.  Break the chains of the lower self and think upward, lovingly and allow yourself to drift upward to the beams of this great sun that is within you. This is not a plea.  This is what you have come for.  All of you have reached the pinnacle and this is the pinnacle.  Allow yourself to think love.  Do you want your earth destroyed by the dark forces? Do you want your children to grow up within this kind of condition?  Of course you don’t.  So for your children’s sake, your grand-children’s sake and their children’s sake, do it for them and if you have no other purpose, this indeed is a purpose.   When you read this prayer of love that I give out, realise that I have the world in my hands.  It is my life, the joy of giving and lifting you.  By the guides who are around you helping with your lessons, I bless each one of you.  I ask you to think of what I have said.  Think of the glory that will come with your help because you are sending love out to this beautiful world.  It will be much more beautiful when the golden Light comes and spreads itself over the world.  Children of mine, will you do this for me for I come with love.  I love each one of you who approaches me.  I give love.  I am love and because of this, I have indeed come to give you upliftment and to lead you to understand the purpose of why you are here because now is the time to show your love.  I end my blessings and I end my prayer for the upliftment of mankind.  May glory shine around each one of you as I give my blessings to all of you who love.  God bless you. God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *   

Now, Gabrielle and I, we bow our heads with love.  Great love has been given, great quantities, and I pray that each one will realise what has been given to them.  There is nothing further I can say so I leave you now with the words of the Most High.  God bless you.



29th September, 2015 - Know that vibrations go from each prayer out into the world. Joan channels ex-slave, Abraham.

(For those who have not encountered Abraham previously, he was a slave known only by a number and cruelly treated but despite this, his faith saw him through his time on earth and has enabled him to travel far along his spiritual path).

God bless you, my children.  It is I, Gabrielle, and Julia is beside me.  We have come to greet you this morning and to tell you how much we love and need you.  We do need you, you know, though you may not think so.  Your guides are always very close to you.  Now I will step aside. 

                                                     *      *      *    

I come today to give you such love and blessings.  I am Abraham and I want you to enjoy the love that I am receiving for you from God.  You have God within you as well and if you open your hearts, and I mean really open your hearts, you will find the same quality of love.  Remember, children of the Light, that the power, as has been said so many times, the power is there within you.  Because that power is there within, it means that your days will be lighter.  You can go through your lives and no matter what is thrown at you, you will be strong, resilient and able to cope because we are around you and we love you.  Oh, don’t you see – I want so much for you to see through the thin veiling that is around you because we are there.  We are there and all you have to do is ask and we will help you.

There is joy within me and my heart is lifted with gratitude for what I have been given.  I remember when I was small my Mama said that although I had been given a number that I had to remember, I also had to remember that my name was Abraham because  we weren’t allowed, you see, to use our names, only numbers.  But my Mama said to me ‘Abraham, you be a good boy.  Follow the faith that is within you.  Look to the God that is within you.  Have faith and if you do this all through your life, you’ll find that the golden chariot will be ready for you and you’ll be able to climb into it.  It will take you up into the heavens if you deserve it, if you deserve it’.  My Mama, she spoke all the time about being loved.  She told me that it didn’t matter at all what happened to me.  All I had to do was to believe that The Great, Great Father was looking after me.  I did that all through my life and when I came to Spirit I did indeed find that The Great Father was looking after me.  He is still looking after me, as He is looking after you if you would only, only turn inward.  Then whatever troubles you have in your life, do not mind them.  Have faith because having faith means God.  Faith is God.  Will you remember that?  There is so much I want you to remember, so much I want to say because my heart aches to see you hurt, aches to see you stumbling because all you have to do is to turn inward and to believe with all your heart that it will be so.  So you see, I pray so much for you, all of you in the world that The Great Spirit encompasses with His loving arms and that is why I ask you please, children of the Light, will you remember that God is near, God is within you.  I try so hard to send out vibrations to you so that you will be aware and know that whatever trouble you are in, the great power that comes from the higher self will help you.  Just turn inward, ask for help and help will come.  It will come.  I do ask this with all the love in my heart, because I want to see you happy and for all your problems to be solved because we are helping you to solve them.  Lift your hearts.  Lift yourself and know that you are all angels.  All of you are angles because you have a part of God within you.  Be aware that angels are beginning to learn, learn how to turn inward, learn to have faith in God and learn that as you tread your pathways, help is there to strengthen you and to abolish your fears.  Fear has no place in your life.   Do not be fearful because we are here to uplift you, strengthen you and to take you along the path of love.

This is all I am going to say today because The Messenger who came before me last week really said it all.  But what I’m doing, because I am quite simple you know, simple in love and simple because I know that The Great Father of All is looking after me, and you.  I just want to tell you that you are led gently along the path.  Have faith, have faith please.  Abraham says to you to have faith because you, too, will have that golden chariot to take you to heaven.  God bless you all and thank you for listening to me this day.  I do love you all, I truly do.  God bless you.

                                                    *      *      *    

Now that was lovely, wasn’t it?  He came with such love and such heartfelt vibrations that he is sending out to you.  So much has  been said today and in previous prayers.  We ask that you read them, ponder, think about what they are saying.  From each prayer, vibrations are sent out to the world.  Whether the words are read, the vibrations go out to help all, individually and the world in general.  We say, Gabrielle and I, Julia, God bless you.



22nd September, 2015 - Remember all are linked so send love and compassion to your brothers and sisters throughout the world. From The Messenger.

God bless you.  I am Sister Julia, as you know, and Gabrielle is beside me.  We come with peace and love as always.  There is a presence here and he wishes to speak to you.

                                                    *      *      *  

I bring blessings, children of the earth.  I bring blessings from the most high.  We give to each one of you a thought for today.  The thought is love.  What is love?  Love is the radiance that comes from the Higher Source, the Great Spirit.  We serve this Great Spirit with joy and with joy and peace in our hearts we look down upon you on the earth, each of you struggling along your own pathways.  We come nearer to you to help and strengthen you.  Many guides are around each one of you to guide you.

I ask each of you to consider, as you walk the path and you meet people, friends, acquaintances, what do they see when they speak to you?  Do they see a person with a kindly face and a compassion that comes from the heart or do they see a bitter look, a sharpness within?  When you look at this person, you do not get joy from them, or compassion?  I ask you to look within yourself and find the improvements that you can make not only to yourself but to your fellow man.  The world, as we have said so many times, is going through a change and in this change, you are very much included because each of you has to change yourself.  By change, it means that you must look on the negative sides of the personality.  The lower self comes through the personality.  Today, the power that comes from the hierarchy down into the world is here to lift, help and strengthen you and to help you to be able to look at yourselves truly to find what can be changed.  By changing the negative to positive, you are helping the greater world, helping the peoples of the world by sending out Light because of your determination to go higher upon the path that you are treading.  We love you for your efforts and we love you because we know that the golden Light is within each one.

Do remember that as each person throughout the world has this golden Light, you are brothers and sisters.  This brings you close and helps you to be more understanding.  It helps you to understand when people are suffering.  Your intuition has developed within because of your compassion so you are able to send out love to help your brothers or sisters throughout this world.

This is a world prayer today to say to every one of you that you play a big part in the change that is now over the planet.  You may well feel this change.  You may feel that things aren’t quite right, you may feel disorientated or indecisive.  All this will pass as, as the mist of time rolls over the planet, the golden Light enters.  Remember, please, that each of you is connected, wherever you are in the world, because of the golden Light within you.  Again I remind you, this makes you brother and sister.  That is why it is important for you to be looking at yourselves with love. Your guides will bring to you the understanding of what you must change.  Then, when you keep repeating the same thing, you will find that you become aware of what you are doing and saying.  You can then begin to counteract that by sending love, love, love.

So you see, you do all indeed play a very big part in the Light that is sent upward to the change passing over the world at this moment.  This won’t happen today, tomorrow or next week or even next year so do not look for timing.  Our time and yours is entirely different but I can assure you that the brotherhood of man in Spirit is working to bring love and upliftment to each one of you.  The Archangels, too, are always there for you to call upon.  They will help you if you need physical, mental or spiritual help – they are there for you.  This day, power comes to the earth to lift you and to help you and to welcome the changes in the personality.  You will remain just as loving and kind but Spirit will make you aware of what needs to be changed.  Therefore, you will do this with love because you know that as you change you will go upward and your Light will become brighter.  You will find, then, that you are indeed God’s servant.  That is what you are here on earth for, not only to learn the lessons that face each one of you.  You all ascend this mountain step by step and those who are far above you will stop and hold out their hands to those who are struggling.  They will lift you and help you to rise upwards.  So you see, you will have help every step of the way along your earthly path.  You have the love of your guides, your guardian angels who care for you and above all, you have the God within you, the Light that will lead and help you.  Again we say: faith.  Have faith in this Light, this wonderful higher self.  Have faith.  Have trust and when you have to go through a dark time and feel that it has gone on long enough, lift yourself up to the Light, to the brilliant sun that is within you, within all of you.  Lift yourselves up and say: “Help me.  I want to walk the path and I want to rise up.  I want to be able to open my heart.  I want to develop myself.  I want to rise higher and higher and higher”.

So, my children, you have much to look forward to for when you reach a level in your development on earth.  Peace, love and oh, the joyousness of living will be there with you because of your efforts today and every day until being aware becomes part of you.  The lower self will always knock at your door and if there is a chink, as we have said before, it will try with all its heart to make you feel low, depressed, worthless.  Remember all this so that when these feelings come upon you, you can throw them out.  You don’t want these feelings because you are going up, up.  So remember, try to be aware when you feel the urge to snap back at someone or you feel anger, annoyance – be aware because that is what the lower self works on.  All you have to do is to pray, to look at the Light, to call for help from one of the angels and help will be given to every one.  As for those on this planet who know nothing about prayer, know nothing about the angels who are there in Spirit, it doesn’t matter.  All people have to do as non-believers is to do their best and to be as nice as they can be.  Those who do not want to be that way, they will have to wait until the Light reaches them.

I come today with the reverence of the Hierarchy.  I am The Messenger.  I come to give you their message.  I come to give you with all my heart love and to give you joy in your earthly life because there is joy, there is joy once you reach that point of trust and faith, there is joy in your life.  You become lighter and you begin to look at your fellow man, begin to look at those around you and your attitude begins to change to  ‘they couldn’t help it, I will help them.  I understand’.  So you see, understanding is the greatest gift that you can have at this moment.  I bring you blessings and as I lift my hands there is a great love that pours down upon you and upon the blessed planet of earth, which we treasure.  We will make even brighter all the candles that are over the world as our we pray for hope, courage, love.  I end my loving prayer with a blessing for the world, with love.

                                                   *      *      *   

Sister Julia:  Well little ones, what can we say but God bless you today and for ever.  Amen.



15th September, 2015 - A message of peace, spoken through Sister Julia.

This is a prayer of peace and upliftment for we realise, Sister Gabrielle and I, Sister Julia, how much you need the comfort of the love that comes from within yourselves, your higher selves.   I ask, please, that each one of you should spend time to turn inward and see the glorious sun within you.  If you are unwell in body or in mind, if you feel that life is not good for you and you are unhappy, we come to bring you peace and love and to remind you that within each one of you is the power to lift away the heaviness of depression.  This heaviness is apparent in the vibration that is over the world at the moment.  We in Spirit truly understand the emotional conflicts that you experience, whether from the way you live or from sad circumstances and we understand how difficult it is with the vibrations at the moment where everything is, at it were, upside down.  But you see, there must be a cleansing of the world and this is happening at the moment. If you can understand this and draw from yourselves the message, the knowledge that lies within you will keep you calm and knowing full well that all this will pass.  It is as if, shall we say, a silver cloud is passing over the earth and as it does so, it sweeps all before it and cleanses the world.  That is why you feel unsettled.

We are giving you knowledge about yourself.  If you know within yourself that you can change these things, we will help you to change them because the higher self can do everything for you, everything, but you must trust it, love it and turn inward towards it.  If you do so, you will feel tranquil, peaceful and at ease.  There is so much that you can do to ease the problems of your daily lives and I ask very simply that you love God with all your heart, with all your might.  Know that all will be well if you have the faith and trust to know that you are in His hands.  To know that is a very big thing, to know that you are in God’s hands.  It means that your life will run smoothly and that whatever problems you have will be resolved because you trust, you know.  With that deep inner knowingness, you can be sure that all will be well.  Unfortunately, children of the earth, many of you cannot imagine yourselves doing this.  Some of you disbelieve straight away but we will keep repeating this until you begin to realise that your higher self is there to help you, to love you.  Think of what it can do.  We have said before, don’t live in misery because we can give you the peace and the love that you need.   Sit quietly.  You can, even within a busy life, find five minutes to do this.  I can assure you that we draw close to you in those moments and we lift you, help you, strengthen you to walk the pathway of your life.  So, lift yourself as we are here.   Each of you, children of the earth, has a guardian angel and they strive each day to give you peace and love. We also come around you.  There are wonderful souls who draw close to you, unbeknown to you, to help you and lift you.

As the cleansing of the world is taking place, there is a wonderful golden aura around it and within this there is such upliftment, such a surge of power.  Please think of that Light because it is the same Light that is within you.  If you send your Light out, imagine what it can do not only for you but for the world.

Beloved children, we come with love, we come with peace, we come with tranquility and we come with beautiful flowers, with their wonderful perfume.  Think of the most treasured place you can imagine, a place where you were most happy.  A lovely scene should come to mind of somewhere that you have found really lovely.  As you think about that place, draw upon the wonderful memories and allow yourself to become filled with Light, love, joy, peacefulness.

Children of the Light, and there are many, many children of the Light, you are holding a banner. Beneath the banner there walk all the children of the earth who have opened themselves to the higher self.   The Light that streams from them is golden.  They are joined by those of the higher realms who have come to give their Light, too.  So you see, there is so much you can do not only to help yourselves but to contribute to the glory that is coming to the earth.  God bless each of you. Walk in faith, walk with love and have a song in your heart as there is hope.  With hope comes joy and with joy come tranquility and peace.  God bless each one.  This day we of the higher realms bring tranquility.  We have been used, Julia and Gabrielle, by someone who came and wanted so much to give this message of upliftment to you.  There are so many who want to help you, to lift you.  Follow the path.  Turn inward.  God bless you.  Amen.



8th September, 2015 - Those who understand, hold out your hand and help those who do not. Hawk speaks. 

(For those who are newer to the Sanctuary, Hawk is one of Joan's guides who used to come through infrequently but with great presence and gravitas, always with a serious message for the sitters in the circle.  We haven't heard from him for such a long time, so for those of us who knew Hawk, it's particularly lovely to have this message).

I come to bless you.  We guardian angels, we lead the way for each one of you.  We treasure you.  We lead you. We guide you.  Find time to tune in to what we give you.  We give you all the help you need from Spirit.  I come with blessings today for I feel the need to use my little worker.  I want to give strength and power and love not only to those who work in the Sanctuary but to the world and it is my blessing today that goes upward to God.  So, I say God bless you.  Thank you for receiving me and remember,  I am Hawk.  God bless you.  God bless you. 

                                                    *      *      *   

We are the Sisters Gabrielle and Julia.  We couldn’t stop him, you know, from coming in as he was determined to speak today, so we stood back knowing that our turn would come.  We want for you to think now of what is happening to the world and to yourselves.  We both agree with what I’m about to say.  We have through many prayers brought love to you.  We have explained love to you and asked you to open your hearts and your minds but now you have proof on the earth of what love can do.  We have worked so hard on so many parts of the world to give love and this you have given in great abundance to those who are unfortunate, those in need.  We from Spirit have given all we could to lift, to enlighten, to lead and to heal.  We are an armada of Spirit workers and we have come so close to the earth at this time to give such love, such compassion.  We have worked so hard for this moment because now you can see what love can do.  It can perform miracles.

Love, love is so strong.  It can lead you, help you, strengthen you and push away the dark forces in the world at present.  They will not survive, I promise you, as this love vibration from the earth plane will diminish the power and take away the souls that have so relentlessly obeyed, thought, felt and carried out such harmful actions.  All that will go.  So, we say to the world, continue with compassion and with love and remember that by sending out this wonderful love, you are also reaching the higher self because it is the higher self that helps you to be the true ‘you’. Love will help all of you to unite, which is what we want.  We want a united, spiritual nation that gives love, understanding.  It doesn’t matter if you are black, white or blue.  Whatever colour you are, each has the Holy Spirit within and so there is going to be a change and this change is already here.  The reactions of the people of the earth, the love, enables people to lift themselves to a higher level.

If you will, we would like you please in your moments of silence to look into yourselves.  If you can improve your actions and thoughts, if you can turn within and acknowledge to yourself that you want to change, you want to be different, you want to be able to lift yourself so that you can draw nearer to the Kingdom of Heaven, for that is where you want to be.  You want to walk towards the Kingdom of Heaven.  So, children, do you not understand that by looking inward to yourself, tuning in to that higher self, it will bring more love, more compassion into the world – through you, each one of you, through you.  Please make time to think of the things you can change within yourself, those things that are stopping you from going forward.  Be silent.  Be silent and you will find that we in Spirit will help you by bringing to your mind what you have to change.  This has been said many times before but we do need to keep repeating it to make you really take notice.

Remember, the Kingdom of Heaven is a place of peace, glory and sheer happiness – something that you will not experience on earth.  Within you, your soul knows and wants to climb higher and to do this, you must look inward and change yourself for the better.  Your higher self is the God within you, the brilliant Light.  Your higher self is the golden sun that sends these rays to you to absorb in silence.  Within this golden sun, where the Light is so strong, so beautiful, so bright, right in the middle of the sun is a great silver star.  The silver star is within each soul and by changing yourself, you reach that silver, glowing star that will take you up, up unto the glorious sun that shines upon you.  Be silent.  Be quiet.  Turn inward to yourselves.  Within every one of you, the soul knows that that is what it wants.  It wants to climb ever higher, level upon level until it reaches this land of love and beauty.  So much depends on you, the work in the Sanctuary to which you give your time and love and to the angels that are around you when you are working.  Therefore, be aware that the glorious Light that comes from here, from the Sanctuary and from other Sanctuaries, goes out into the world and you help so many by lifting, loving, giving.  Love and compassion grow strong within you.

Oh, wonderful children, please listen.  Please listen and think of the words that are spoken today.  Now, I am going to say God bless every one of you and all those in the world who understand these words – I pray that your steps will go higher.  Turn back though.  Hold your hand out to those who do not understand.  Help them to understand. Help them to walk a little higher.  Children of the world and all the Sanctuaries of the world, send out your Lights and help others to understand the glory of the higher self because the glory is within each of you and you will find it if you will sit quietly, turn in within yourselves, try to improve yourselves and you will find the rewards, the riches of Spirit will be with you.  Now I end my prayer.  Gabrielle and I, we bring such love to you.  Each one is on a pathway but you are together as your higher selves, you are one whole.  There is no separation between the higher selves of each one of you.  It is the personality that lives within you that you must change.  God bless you.  God keep you and may The Master’s Light go over the world to bless you, help you, strengthen you this day.  Gabrielle and I say Amen.



2nd September, 2015 - Beautiful words from Spirit from a being named Love.

God bless you.  I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me.  We come with such love, such reverence.  We bow our heads to The Divine with love and joy.  We have with us today one who has come to speak to you so we will stand back.

                                                     *      *      *   

I bring a blessing to you all.  I come with love and my name is Love.  Just listen to the angels – listen to them for their voices are raised high into the heavens, raised in song to heal you and to love you.  Listen to their voices.  They are sweet, uplifting.  They bring down towards you love.

I pray, my children of the Light, that as you go forward in your earth life, remember always that you are Spirit.  Though you are Spirit, love your bodies also as your body is a part of Spirit.  I bring to you not only love but I give you strength to face the problems of the earth life.  We in Spirit are gathered together as certainly the world is in need of us.  We bring you Light, courage, help and we ask again and again that each one of you finds time to turn towards the Light.  Again we remind you that that Light is power. It is your power, power that you do not use and it is there for you.  If you would be quiet and still, open your minds and say ‘Lord above, great Light, help me in my dilemma, help me to be strong, help me that I may have the inner strength to walk my path in today’s world’.

I ask each one of you to pray for the strength to overcome the lower self.  The higher you go, the more your lower self tries to bring you away from the joy and the love and power that is within you. This lower self doesn’t like that at all so when there’s a chink in your armour, when you are tired and dispirited or feel that life is too hard, it can get through.  Don’t you see, beloved children, that’s the time to turn inward and think of the sun shining upon you, of the glory and warmth that it brings you.  Think of the Light.  It will lead you through every difficulty that you face.  There is nothing that you cannot face if you turn to the Light.  Can you imagine going through this life turning in to the power within you, which is your higher self, the God within?  Can you not see that turning inward tunes you in to this power and that that power then makes your days easier, lighter?  You will have a different attitude, a different frame of mind.  The lower self cannot enter then because the door is closed.  You walk the path bravely, lovingly, asking The Father to help you, take you where He wants you to go as His will be done.  His will is your will.  When you can reach that stage, then you can indeed say: ‘Father, Thy will is my will and I will abide by your love’.

I bring you love today to lift you, sooth you and for those who are tormented in their souls, this love is strength, a balm which heals.  It will heal all peoples of the earth if they will turn to the Light.  So many prayers have been sent out to all of you reminding you constantly about the Light because that is your power.  Those who do not use it are in misery.  They walk in misery and unhappiness, depression.  So today I bring love because I am Love.  Because I am Love, I want to help you, lift you and put my loving arms around you, holding you.  Don’t miss these wonderful opportunities to lift yourselves into the Light.  We are there waiting for you.  We are there waiting to give, to give, to give and to smooth your paths for you.  Children of the world, remember that love means not only of mind and spirit but of your beautiful, wonderful bodies that were made for Spirit to work through. Any effort, even the smallest effort that is made is noted in Spirit and we work on it to lift you, help you, bring you to the state that you should be in.  God did not intend you to suffer.  God wants always for you to be happy, happy in body, happy in heart.  That is what I am saying to you today – the power is there.

I know that somebody somewhere will ask “what about these dreadful things that are happening in the world?’  Well, we in Spirit would reply that these are delinquents that are in your world.  These delinquents are being managed, manipulated by the extreme lower self.  All over the world different things are happening.  Don’t despair.  Send out love to that particular situation, love.  Love is a particular vibration that will go to that spot.  Wherever you send out love to, that vibration will lift and help.  I assure you that Spirit knows and understands.

We will remind you once again that there is a change coming over the world that you live in.  The golden Light of love, the angels,  the Lightworkers in Spirit and on earth, the earth angels, all are working steadily bringing in the vibration of love to clear away the debris of the lower thoughts and the lower side of man.  The Light is coming and as it sweeps over the world, you will feel upliftment in your heart, a glow within you and a joy.  You will realise that you have never had such a feeling before, such joy, peace and tranquility.  Then you should give a prayer of thanks to the Father for the Light because all of you on the earth have been sending out His Light, helping the Golden Age, the golden Light to come.  So you see, you play a very big part in overcoming your lower selves. Remember, when you are low in spirit, when you are experiencing difficulties, don’t go outward for there is no help there.  Sit quietly, turn towards the Light and ask the Father for help, whether for anger, fear, jealousy, depression and help will be given.  Ask, as a child of the Father, for help through the challenges that you face.  Lift yourself to His great Light and you will be given such love.

Children, great love, the beauty of love, go to all of you to lift you.  You forget about the lower self so we need to keep reminding you to turn towards the Light within.  Each of you has a wonderful Guardian Angel that lifts you, leads you, helps you.  Don’t you see the power that you have?  We ask the Father to bless each one of us.  We know that each is blessed with love.  May the power that the angels bring help everyone.  Whatever we are going through, help us to recognise the love that is given to us and the love that is the God within us.  So, my children, I say God bless you all for I bring love this day to you all.

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It is with reverence and love that Julia and Gabrielle give thanks for such a blessing this day.  God bless you all.  Remember the words that Love brought to you.  God bless you.  God bless you. Amen.



11th August, 2015 - We are trying to help you towards mastering yourself
Joan channels a Spirit from the higher realms.

God bless you. We are the Sisters Gabrielle and Julia and we have come as always with love. We do so want to lift you, help you and when we see you struggling, we are beside you. You only have to call out and we are there. You have to go through all these lessons but remember always that we are there to help you when you fall, to lift you and to help you to go forward. We would like so much for you to be more in control of your emotions. That is the very biggest part of your lessons, apart from patience, to learn that when you are angry and resentful or the emotion of being hurt comes over you, be aware – it is emotion. Be aware that that you can stand back, even if only a little way, stand back and acknowledge to yourself that you are angry but that that is not how you want to feel, that you want that emotion to be lifted from you. It will be lifted but you must be aware of this and ask for it because through your thoughts are your feelings and your feelings, of course, are tuned in to your emotions. We are trying to help you in this, to step towards mastering yourself. You may think that it is difficult and yes, at first it is as you have to train yourself to be able to be aware and not to sink into the emotion when you are very angry. I can assure you that if you are aware of controlling this anger or resentment or whatever negative emotion you feel, unless it is the emotion of love, if it an emotion that is going to fire you inside, a wrong emotion, you are on the path towards the Christ consciousness. You must be aware of your emotions. We will help you and there are many others in Spirit who will come to help you so it is not as if you are doing this alone. You are not. I ask you today to go forward and to be aware, aware always, of how you are thinking and as you think, so you will feel and you will not react to those negative thoughts. Send out love to yourself. Love yourself. Love your physical body, no matter what state it is in. Remember that the body has been good as it has carried you so far in your life. Many of you have had to experience lessons, perhaps you have had to cope with the disability of not walking or blindness, or many other things that you have had to overcome but you know, these are all lessons and they give you much more power within yourself. We want to give you that power so we want you to think about us as we are there all the time. Now I am going to step back as there is a very lovely soul who wishes to speak to you.

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Children of the Light, I come with love. If I could enfold you in my arms physically, I would but I will do it spiritually. I will help you and I will give you the strength to cope with your earth life. We of the Brotherhood, we come always to help you because we have been through all the traumas of the earth and we know the difficulties that present themselves to you. We know the temptations that are there. We know the struggle that you have to walk the path because we have done so, we have been there. And so we of the Brotherhood come back and we help you, strengthen you. There is a lovely Light around all of you when you send out for help. We bless you and we love you and want you to know that every thought, every feeling and everything that you have gone through and are going through, we have experienced the same things. But you see, we have come out of that triumphantly. We are able to look at you and be compassionate for you and to you and we will lead you. Allow us to lead you, help you and to do that, my beloved children of the earth, you must go inward. That is the only way, you know. We found that out to our cost. It is the only way, the only way that you can triumph over any lessons that you are going through, any disability that you have in the body. Going inward is the only way to reach what I call the pinnacle of love. It will give you strength, cure you. It will do so many things for you but don’t go outward for your help. Go inward.  

Oh, children of the Light, we bring so much love with us because we know, we understand. We of all nationalities are blended together here in the Brotherhood, blended by the love of man and the love that we bring you. There is so much, much for you to learn but we are helping you to do so by helping you over your difficulties. Now I shall go but I wanted to explain that the more you cope with your difficulties, the higher the level you will reach and in that higher level we are able to come to you. The pinnacle of your Light will be towards the Christ consciousness and it is that that we are helping you to achieve. God bless each one of you and it is with gratitude and love that we place our honour and the feeling that we have for The Great, Great Spirit which will draw down this love to give to you. God bless you and keep you forever more. The Sisters will now end this prayer.

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Gabrielle and I, we are filled with Light that this wonderful soul has brought from the higher realms but we end the prayer now by asking you to think about what has been said today. Think and do the utmost to do your best. God bless every one of you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

4th August, 2015 - We honour your guardian angels for the sacrifices they make on your behalf.

We are the Sisters Julia and Gabrielle and we come today because The Great, Great Spirit blesses all of you. He sends forth His angels to help the earth. He has given to each one of you your guardian angel to guide you, to lift you. Above all, He has given you the power to go inward, the power upon which you can draw daily, the greatest gift of all, your higher self. I ask each one of you if, to use an earth term, you had an appointment with your doctor, your specialist, would you not make sure you were there? But to turn inward in quietude is more important than that because it is the Divine within you that waits so patiently to give you help, strength, answers to many of your enquiring questions. So many of you do not find the time and we wish to help you today to realise what it really means for you sit quietly, once a day. Go inward, not upward but inward and then gradually as you do this daily you will find that you automatically turn inward. It will grow quieter and quieter and as you become used to this, so the silence begins, the magic, silence and quietude. As peace comes upon you through practice, so you will find that gradually beams of Light come from your higher self. They will come in streams of Light towards you. As you grow accustomed to this and as you find each day you go into the silence, the souls that are there to help you will indeed do so but the highest gift of all is to get to the point of the level of your consciousness where you open yourself and hear the voice of the higher self, of the God within you. When you reach that level because you are giving time each day to grow into the silence within you, then the souls around you are able to help you, to lift you into your higher consciousness. Because the beams of Light come down towards you, they draw you up into that golden Light and you hear the voice. That voice will help you. It will say to you: ‘Little one, that is not right. This is the Spirit way’. Or, if you are thinking something that is not correct, the voice will say: ‘ Your attitude is wrong. Think the Spirit way’, and the higher self will tell you, show you the Spirit way. You will know then that that is quite right.

There is a part of you that longs to do the right thing as there are two sides, the lower and the higher. The higher self wants to reach upward but the lower self tries to put a chain around you and pull you down. Because you go into the silence, you begin to be more aware of the chains around you and because you are having help from the higher ones, you can loosen yourself from the lower self. Remember, though, that the lower self also has a mission. Its mission is to influence you to take the wrong turning. That is your lesson. The lower self has its use, to make you aware and for you to rise above it.

Ask yourself, what is thought. When thoughts come into your head, you are not aware that you are having them because they are silent. However, the voice of the higher self will tell you when those thoughts are not right and will show you the Spirit way. You will become aware of thoughts coming into your mind. At the moment thoughts just slide in and you will find that sometimes you react to them by your feelings but by silence, quietude and the development of this wonderful higher self within, you will rise upward and be helped with your thoughts, your feelings.

There is a great power within each one of you. Those who read these words, listen to me.  Listen. I tell you that you have great power within and that power can help you live your earth life if you would only give time to develop with inward journey. Silence, peace and tranquility will empower you, lift you, strengthen you not only to live life on earth but also will allow the souls around you to lift you to a higher consciousness. Do you not see, children of the earth, do you not see what I am trying to give you? Peace, tranquility and development to enable you to rise higher and reach the beams that come from your higher self. I can assure you that once you become able to hear the voice, it will help you with your problems and with your health. Can you imagine? You will have the power to heal your physical body. All these things can be yours. The jewels of the spirit can be taken from a higher source only because you have made the effort to go inward into the silence.

That is all I am going to say today. We have come with great love so remember what we have said. Children of the world, listen, read, think, find time, find time, just once a day or more if you can do it. The inward prayer that we give to you will lift and help you because we are here to raise you every day. Whatever problems you may have, we help you to surmount them by your attitude.

Before I go, let me mention to you your guardian angels, though perhaps these are just words to you, ‘guardian angels’. If you could see your guardian angels, there is a Light around them and the power of love, the power that comes from their own higher consciousness. They come to lead you, help you, lift you so in gratitude to them, think of them, how they have dedicated their lives to the earth world, atuning their lives and yours. They have dedicated themselves to lift you, guide you, strengthen you so we honour your guardian angels for the sacrifices they make on your behalf to help you. So, we lift ourselves to The Great, Great Light, the power and the glory that waits for us. May the beings of this Divine Light shine upon each one of you in this world today. There have been others around me who have given this prayer through me so it is collective. Those around me, they have given me love and power so that I can give to you. Gabrielle and I are so grateful for the Light and love, not only for ourselves but to all of you. Oh children, walk with God, we pray. God bless you. 


28th July, 2015 - A message given with such joy and merriment to uplift us. Sister Julia introduces Brother Paul.

God bless you from Gabrielle and me, Julia. We come with love as always and we come remind you of the beautiful, wonderful guides that you have around you. They ask that you call upon them when in need. Each will come to help you. This is a world full of rushing and cares and because of this, everyone has so much on their mind but we ask, if you will, that you remember during those little breaks during the day, even if there is only one, to think of Light, to think of love and to ask your angel to help you to walk the path that you now tread. We know that many of you find life very difficult but you see, with our help you will overcome and when you do, you will have a rest before you go on to the next challenge. The purpose of your life on earth is to overcome karmic conditions that you have brought with you and to help you to be able to see a Light ahead of you. Believe it or not, there is a Light as that Light comes from within you. Because it comes from within, it gives you courage, strength, power and with us beside you, you are able to give healing to yourself by your faith and your trust. I am now going to stand aside for a very lovely soul who just wants to say a little prayer with you.

                                                    *      *      *   

I’m so pleased to be with you. I am so happy that I am able to come through to talk to you. I feel I want to give you the merriment that is in my heart. I am so happy that I can talk to you at long last. I am Brother Paul and I serve the order of St. Francis of Assisi. Our order is to help the sick, the poor and the starving. So you see, we have to keep very cheerful, with a happy frame of mind and in our prayers we ask that our Father should lift us to the Light, lift us to the Light and help us to give to others what he gives to us in prayer. We ask to be helped to have inner strength, to have the courage of our convictions. We ask for this in our prayer and it is this that I pray for for all of you, that you may have courage to walk the earth life, to overcome the difficulties that arise in your life. I want to bring you merriment, happiness. I want to lift you because the God within you is a very happy God and a very loving God who gives out love and caring. If you tune in to this you will find that through prayer alone, you will feel happy, very happy. I bring this happiness to you as I bring you quietude and love, peace of mind. I give this to all of you, all of you throughout the world who seek peace and the tranquility that comes with it. I give this to you through my prayer for you and I say to you to have hope in your heart, to walk the path of the earth and as you do so you will find that strength will be given to you to overcome what hurts and bothers you and what you have difficulty in understanding. Just be still, be quiet and tune in to the God that is within you. So great is the power of love that comes from the great Light and I want very much to make you understand that by silence, the tranquility will come into your very being. You will be able to lift yourself up within and discover the glorious Light within that is your higher self. Let the beams of that Light fall upon you, at the front and sides of you for you to be led in tranquility and peace.

I come with joy in my heart for you to share. That joy is to believe in yourself. Believe. This has been said before but I am repeating it – please believe that you will be better, believe that your finances will be better, believe that the archangels are there, helping you. As you believe in your heart, you will find that the wonderful Light will draw nearer to you because you are preparing the way for it to do so, so holy, so bright, so powerful it is. It needs you to believe in yourself and to believe in the holy Light that is within you and which will guide you, help you. I come with joy and love and with such merriment within me because it was so wonderful that I could come through to talk to you. I have waited quite a time, as have others, to speak to you so I bring you upliftment and joy. There is something to laugh about, to giggle about, a little quirk in your eyes that can see the funny side of your life. I, Brother Paul, bless you and tell you once again that you are well loved. Please play your part, children of the world, play your part and have moments of quietude. Then your guide, your guardian angel can lift you a little towards the beautiful sunbeams that are always, always coming down towards you. Lift yourselves within your silence. See these beautiful beams because each one brings to you courage, inner strength, love, hope, quietude and peace with your soul. Now I give a great blessing to you today and I thank you for receiving me, which has been a great joy to me. God bless you and forever may The Great Spirit keep you within His loving arms. Now I bring you back to the beloved Sisters who work so hard to maintain the Light around you. God bless you.

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God bless you.  We are here again. He has waited so long and was so excited that at last, at last it was his turn to speak. He is a very lovely, merry soul and it was a joy to have him with us today. That is all we wish to say except that we do love you and we do lead you, each one. All your guides, they all come and your guardian angel, of course, loves you, watches over you and tries very hard to put you on the path when sometimes you fall. God bless each of you. Walk with Light. Amen.

21st July, 2015 - Things have happened that necessitate a cleansing of the world. Joan channels Abraham.

God bless you. Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me. We come with love today because the earth is so greatly in need of love. We come to tell you that we are with you always. There is never ever a call that is made to us that we do not answer.  A beloved friend is waiting to come through so I will return later.

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I am Abraham and I come with so much love in my heart to give to all of you. May my love be like doves that will spread that love over the world to lift you, help you. Love is like a balm, you know. It can heal the sore places in your heart. It can help ravaged souls that have had experiences beyond measure. Love indeed is the balm for all things. We know in Spirit that you are going through hard times and experiences that have been cruel and difficult. You see in Spirit we watch and we cry for you and send great love to lift, help and heal you. Certain things have happened that necessitate a cleansing of the world and as has been said before, love is supreme. Certain things happen around you and affect you. Call upon us and we will be there. We will bind all these wounds with love. We will lift you. Be brave, be strong as we are with you.

It is hard for you to do as I am going to ask you to do and that is to look upon the ravages upon the earth, upon those who have caused such upheaval, those who are at the moment causing fear to come into the hearts of each one of you, wondering what will happen. The lower selves are taking hold of so many on the earth but I want to tell you that the Holy Spirit is within each one of you. Again, we ask you to sit quietly and allow the golden spirit that is within you to heal you, help you and take you forward. When you are met with these very strong influences and difficulties, I want you to send love. Stand back from your personalities because your personalities are angry, resentful. Stand back from that and let the Holy Spirit that is within you, that is love, shine from you. Whatever circumstances you are in, realise that the God of love is in charge. Try if you can to send out this holy Light. Know that without a doubt each of you has the Holy Spirit within. Will you now stand back and remember that all the feelings that you have of hurt and bother are of the personality, not you, you the living spirit that is within you. That spirit within cannot hurt. Send out love. Love to heal. Love to lift. Now think about that, children of the earth. Turn inward toward the Light. I can assure you that it will help everything. It will lighten your life. It will help you through the trials and tribulations that you are going through.  These will eventually come to an end because love conquers all and that is what my prayer to you all today is about love. I, Abraham, know about love. I know how I had to control the feelings that I had because of the injustice given to me. But you see, because of the Light within me and because I went inward, I was able to lift myself up and say “Father, lead me, help me, strengthen me, put a shield around me and draw me away from the lower self because I want love to enter my life”. As time went by I found I was able to do that because I constantly went within myself and gradually I was lifted higher and the golden light within me lifted me. Then, when I had to deal with the cruelties around me, I found I was able to do so with God’s strength within me, with love, with love, and I survived, with love. So, what I am saying is that I learnt by going inward to the Light. Oh, children of the earth, children of this Sanctuary, those who come for love and for healing and those who administer themselves and open themselves to the power that we give them and through their hands so they are helped, strengthened and ready for the day, there is indeed a most wonderful golden opportunity for everyone in this world to rise above all conditions because of Light.  The only way you can do this is to turn inwards and gradually you will go upward and the golden Light is then able to draw near to you to guide you for the hours, day, weeks, months and years of your lives. So, you will be helped.

Now I am going to leave you to hear the closing prayer of the beloved Sisters. I have come with love and I go with love. My arms go out to spread love throughout the world, throughout the peoples of the world and what a blessing is given to you from the higher hierarchy. Their Light falls upon each one of you. Walk in faith. Walk in trust and know that everyone is within God’s loving arms. Amen, my children. I go with love and peace and it is that that I give you – peace, peace, peace. Be still. Be still. Amen.

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Wasn’t that lovely? So lovely. Such a gentle, loving soul. To be near him, he lifts you with his divine presence. With the love that we send out to the world and to all of you who work in the Sanctuary, a blessing is given you you from a very wonderful soul.  We, Gabrielle and I, end our loving prayer. Please remember that we are with you and we do help you. Remember, too, that your lovely guides are around you. Listen in the quietude when you go inward to yourself. Listen to the voices. They will talk to you. You will hear them. Do this constantly and build up the power. Listen. Now, God bless you. God bless you. Amen. 


14th July, 2015 - When you hear of dark and negative deeds, send love and Light.  That is what you are here for.  It is your responsibility. Joan channels a guide who gives no name.

I am Sister Julia and as always, Gabrielle is beside me. God bless you. There are so many people at the moment wanting to speak. So many. I will continue. We bring great blessings to you. As you know, we always try to lift you and to take you along the path of your earth life. I would like you to know that so much help is given to each one of you so that you are able to cope with whatever problems beset you whether of health, finance or within yourselves. You are helped every step of the way along the path before you. We ask for patience. We ask that as things become heavy, difficult and you think that all is lost, you become unhappy, you feel that there are so many things that you have to cope with, realise that with your faith and trust in The Great, Great Spirit, all these burdens can be taken from you. Now I will step back.

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I have come before to speak to you.  As I said then, I call myself ‘no name’ for I give no name. I come to you today with power, with love and with great upliftment of your souls. I ask you all why, why, why do you drag these heavy chains that you pull and push – your lower self. The lower self for so many of you has chained you and you go through each day of your lives with unhappiness, depression, thinking that all is lost - fear, fear, fear. These are the chains of the lower self. This is not good, not good at all. I remind you that you are magnificent and that within yourself there is a consciousness that deals with your every day affairs. However, you must remember that you have a sub-conscious mind and that this is really a computer. Whatever you give out, whatever you send, the sub-conscious mind wants to do your bidding so if every day you send out fear and unhappiness, things will never be right. The unhappy thoughts are sent to your sub-conscious mind, your computer and it will take in all your wishes, sending back to you what you have requested, making you feel worse, that all is lost. I tell you that there is no need for that. Flick your switch on to positive and tell yourself that nothing bad can happen because you are in God’s loving care.

Every thought that you send out is a vibration that goes to the sub-conscious mind, which is your servant. If you continue to be positive, positive, expecting that life is going to be good, that you are going to get better, that there will be an abundance so that you can lift yourself from a financial problem, these are positive messages that will pass to your sub-conscious mind, your servant. It will give you what you send to it. Don’t you realise that you have something absolutely marvelous within you but you do mis-use it. Perhaps you would prefer to go down the low road, prefer to be miserable. So be it, but I assure you that you can change your life by switching to positive. Every day when you wake up, tell yourself that you are not going to be unhappy today, that you will be positive and tune in and send to your sub-conscious mind all the things you want to happen. We have told you before that you are tomorrow what you think today. Don’t you see that it is in your hands, your free will?  If your will sends out positive thoughts every day, you will find that the sub-conscious mind will do as you ask and it will send more power, more love, more upliftment. You will find that your path on earth is easier because of your positive way of thinking, because your attitude is different.  Don’t you see that? Turn away, turn that switch away from the lower self. Let the chains fall from you and be free, free from low thoughts, free so that you can know within yourself that all will be well as you are sending out positive thoughts to the sub-conscious mind, which will act for you.

Remember, as you send out these wonderful, positive thoughts to your sub-conscious, there is Light. Light. You will become lighter, become Light, and you will send out Light into the world. This Light will join the armada of Lights that is there, doing good work, sweeping away the darkness, pushing it away. The Light that you send will provide additional power. All of you throughout the world, if you think positively about everything, all will be well. Train your mind. That is your purpose.  Train your mind to be positive on all aspects of your life. I ask you to sit quietly, turn inward, let the Light shine straight from you so that you can go forward. As your Light joins all the other Lights, it will diminish the darkness.

So you see, the lower self acts on fear and all that you hear and read puts fear into your heart. If you read or hear of any negative event, then send love to that part of the world, love, Light, because that is what you are here for. The angels are close to the earth and they want you to realise the potential that is within you and how you, all of you of the world, can help by sending out Light. But to do that, you must switch on to positive thinking of love. Remember that nothing, nothing can overpower love. Oh, be at peace. Think in the way that I have asked you today, be positive and know that all will be well, whatever you are going through. Be quiet. Be still and allow the Light that is within you to take your burdens and make your life as you want it. It has been said before that you were not meant to suffer. You were only meant to have the joyous love of The Great, Great Spirit, but there exist evil intentions, as we have said before, that built up over eons and eons and eons. Now is the time for all people throughout the world to think very carefully. Do you want the Light? Of course you do. You have children, grand-children and their children and that is what you are praying for. But you have to change. You must have only positive thoughts, positive thinking and great, great trust and faith in The Great Spirit. Do realise that when you give faith, it builds up a wall of Light because faith is Light. Faith is Light, my children.

Go forward in your lives, now, will you. Go forward in love and know that you are responsible for changing the negative to positive. Please remember this because this prayer is a very powerful prayer from above. It wishes for you to remind yourself of the responsibility that you have chosen in Spirit - that when you came to this earth, you were going to be a Light bearer. So, wherever there are chains around you, caste them off. Turn the switch to a positive attitude of love and Light which you can do with the aid of your spiritual guides and also with the power of The Great, Great Spirit of All which is within each of you. Now I will leave you in the good hands of the Sisters. A great blessing goes all over the world to every, every, every one. Listen to the words today for they are indeed important. You must add Light to the Lights and sweep away the evil intent that is trying so hard to capture you and put chains around you so that you live in fear, always fear,  fear of your well-being, fear of the future.  We don’t want that. The time has now come for you to switch to positive, to Light.  God bless you. God keep you. The sphere from whence I come has come to help you, to teach you and I feel very strongly about this: the time has come for you to make the effort to go forward and to lift your Light upwards and over the world to cleanse it, cleanse it. That is your responsibility of positive thinking and we have shown you how to do it. God bless you. God keep you in His Light. Go forward for you are helping the angels of Light bring the new age. You say ‘New Age?’ Be patient. Be patient. God does not rush foolhardedly into Spirit affairs. He has a plan.  Have patience. As the saying says, wait upon the Lord. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

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Now, indeed, he has given you something to think about. I will end with loving thoughts for all of you and to remind you that your loving guides are always near you. You can always call on them and they will always help you. I think you must now be patient. Patient with yourselves. Patient in what you are endeavouring to do.  Leave it in Spirit’s hands because we will guide you. We may seem slow and you may think that nothing has happened but I can assure you that much has been done. You are led very slowly to the way we want you to be. Gabrielle and I say God bless you, God keep you in His love, in His love. Be at peace. Amen.

7th July, 2015 - The darker forces will become nothing because of your Light. Sister Julia introduces an angelic messenger.

I am Julia and of course Gabrielle is beside me. We come with love to prepare the way and we will stand on one side now. As we do so, we are filled with love and great reverence of The Great, Great Spirit. He who comes to speak to you today will hold you and give you peace and love. We stand back now.

Glory be to God. Glory be to the Great Love. Glory be to the flame of the divine. The Light that is within each one of you is the flame of golden Light and I come this day with love because I am love. I come to give love to the blossoms that are with you, within you, to grow. As they grow within, these blossoms represent love. Love. The power of love. In your imaginations, can you not see? Can you not see the golden Light that shines upwards and downwards? Can you see the glory of The Great, Great Spirit as it gathers the Lights of the world, of the planets? He is gathering these Lights now. We have said many times in prayers that there is an armada of Light and now, because of the call of The Great Spirit, this Light and love is now overcoming all the negatives of the world. The Great, Great Spirit rules with eternal love, for love is the greatest thing of all. Nothing, nothing can overcome the power of love. That is why He is now calling His children. The Light that is coming is surrounding this planet to lift you, help you, strengthen you. Do you not think of The Great Spirit of All and the wonder that He has given you, part of himself – do you not think that when he came on earth eons and eons and eons ago, He gave the paradise that was Mother Earth? As time when on and as thoughts began to get shadowy and darker, negative conditions were indeed built up and that’s where evil entered into the mind of Man. It continued through the ages until now when God with His love, God with His power, God with the eternal Light, is gathering together all the Light workers.

It is said to those on earth, mind your thoughts, let them go upward now. Self must be on one side. All you have to think of is the world and lifting it up, joining the Lights that are there gathered together as an army. If only you could see the brilliance of this Light as it surrounds the earth. As it does so, it will lift and help all peoples, lifting their burdens, lifting their sickness, lifting them to another level of Light. The negative will fade away for we were not meant to suffer – that was not God’s plan. God’s plan was for you to live joyously together, with love, but when the negative forces started to come in, your thoughts then were drained towards the darkness. That has come to an end. We, the angels, are the messengers of The Great, Great Spirit will help you in every way to see the Light. Watch your thoughts. Let your thoughts go upward in strength and in Light and see the world as you would like it to be, free from pain, free from anger. Let love and tolerance come into your life and think of the children that are already born on this earth and those who are coming. Make this a better world by your thoughts. Children of the earth, we say to you think of peoples’ feelings, be helpful to your neighbour, rise up within yourself and acknowledge to yourself that you belong to the God within you, belong to the Light and because of that, you will endeavor to watch your thoughts. You will indeed sit quietly and the love, the powers of love will gather around you. As you sit quietly you will feel the blessings of The Great, Great Spirit. You will feel tranquil and be at peace because you are sitting quietly in love and peace. Develop within yourself consideration for your neighbor, your fellow man and when you hear, see and think of the negative side of the earth, push that away from you. Whatever you read or hear, know that you are in God’s Light and send that Light out. That Light joins with other Light and there is such power. I can assure you that in the middle of the earth there comes a power, a Light of love, peace, glory, hope, joy, help, peace of mind. Turn your thoughts to this glorious Light that is building up with such great force  and which surrounds this beautiful earth. It is so beautiful. We are repairing bit by bit the damage that has been done by the forces of evil. Because of the power of love, because of all of you on earth and in Spirit, we will right it. We are the power and with this power we will push away, melt away, until the darker forces are nothing because of your Light, and your Light, and your Light. The Lights of the world will be brilliant and the Golden Age that we talk about will be brought nearer and nearer. The change is already taking place. You must, individually, feel it.

This is a prayer of love, of Light, a prayer where you can to lift yourself up unto the angels. They come down lower, with the permission of The Great Spirit of All, the guardians of the world of Light and love. Think carefully about your thoughts, your feelings. Tell yourself that all is going to be well with you, that no negative thoughts will enter your mind even if you are suffering, tell yourself that all will be well as you are in the power of love. You are in the care of The Great, Great Love of All. Children, I leave you now. We, the angels are with you. Call upon us. We will help you because now the change is with you. Be still and know that thou art God. Lift yourselves up as all will be well. Now I end this loving prayer, which comes from up high. It is spread over the world, this power, from the centre of your planet it spreads golden Light to every corner of the world. So, my children who read this, send out the message. Send out message. Let them go forth. Let Light go forth for this is now change. Now, remember that. Don’t go low in your mind. We forbid it!  Lift yourself and know that you are being cared for. Once you have trust, faith and once you can see in your imagination the great power of Light that is in the world now, you will find it will come to your notice that somebody forgives, somebody will say God bless you, someone will smile at you – in different ways you will find that people will find an avenue of Light. Now I leave you and allow the good Sisters to end this golden moment for it is, children, a golden moment we give to you. May love bless you, love lead you, love heal you. Amen.

Children, there is nothing more that we can say except to end this loving prayer with thanks for the glory that has been given to each one of you. You are in God’s care, remember. Trust. Amen.


30th June, 2015 - It is a wonderful thing to see the God within you, shining like the sun. A beautiful message from Joseph.

I am Sister Julia and Sister Garbrielle is beside me. If only you could see, as we have said before, the wonderful Light that is in Spirit. It is worth waiting for, you know, to pass into The Summerland where there is a freedom, a joy and an expansion of your divine self, which you do not have on earth. This day we send love to you and there is someone else also who wishes to speak to you. For this moment, I will stand back.

I am Joseph and I come today to go over quite a few points we have raised before. I want you to realise that the word faith is a very sacred word. I want you to realise that when you pray and say that you have faith, praying for this and that, though you pray, what is your own belief that lies within you? You may pray and say ‘please help me’ but within yourself, there may be a disbelief that you will be helped and that counteracts what will be given to you. That is what I wish to speak of today – to ask you to give your all to the God within you. The God within you is a gift given by the higher power of love. The Great, Great Spirit of All gave you a part of Himself. So again I say there is a God within you, a Light within you and that brings us to faith. When you pray, you pray to this beautiful God, this higher self and when you pray, you must do so with all your heart and with all your soul but before you do that, you must believe that it will happen. First, you must believe. Believe within yourself knowing that you are going to ask but before you do, believe that what you have asked for will come. Then, because you believe, you will lift yourself up to the God within you. Say: ‘I have faith. I am in Your beloved hands this day as I walk the earth’s path. I am in your loving care’. Again, as we have said to you many times, if you would only trust the God within you – it is a beautiful Light ahead of you. Why do some of you hesitate? Why, when this glorious power is there to help you, guide you, care for you? It is there, but some of you ignore it, just saying that something cannot happen, cannot be done. Children of the Light, of course you can do it. Don’t you realise how wonderful is this precious thing that has been given to you? The higher self is so great. You can lift yourself and ask The Great Father for help in believing as it is in believing that you are in God’s care. Ask Spirit for that help to believe because you must have that belief first before you have faith.

It’s a very wonderful thing to see the God within you, shining like the sun. It shines so bright and when you sit quietly and turn inward, the Light is there, it is there, and in your mind you can see it. You can imagine it. As these wonderful rays light up within you, you will be given inner strength, trust, because you believe. Because you believe and have trust, then you can say that you have faith as you know that what you ask for will be. Do remember, as you have a thought and as you keep thinking the same thoughts, a picture builds up in your mind, whether negative or positive. Today I would like to say to you, to appeal to you – think not about yourself but think about the world. Your thoughts can make a big difference. See the world happy, bright, and all the things that have been injured, healed. See the world as you would like it to be for your children, your grandchildren and their grandchildren. See the world as you would like it. A good world. A happy world. A world where we help each other. A world where we have belief in ourselves because we know about the wonderful power that is within, the God within. Think that you are responsible for either lifting the world or negatively affecting it downwards. That you do not want, not for your children’s children. You want a happier world and now it is your responsibility. To those who read these words or who listen to this message, I say lift up your thoughts and see a happy world, a world with no violence, a world that is full of love and upliftment and the beautiful places within the earth will heal. Mother earth needs healing. Mother earth needs all the healing thoughts that you can send her because the earth has a soul and that soul has to be healed by your loving thoughts. There have been bad thoughts for so long, building up pictures, violence – can you not see, it is thoughts that have done this, so now you know. Now you know that your thoughts are most important to the world and to the golden age that is coming in. Believe it or not, your children’s children will relish the joy of this golden age. They will have the benefits of it. Know, then how important your good thoughts are today. Imagine a happy world, a world without violence, a world with the sun streaming in and where only positive things can happen. In that Light you will find healing, healing, healing everywhere so that those who come after you will have a better time that you are having now.

Children of the Light, I say to you and to all who read this message, believe. Believe. Believe in yourself and have confidence to know that when you pray with faith and trust, the God within you will guide you and lift you – but you must believe. Please remember that. It is important. And you will find that all that ails you, Children of Light, will disperse. All will go. So, alter your mind to make sure that your thoughts remain positive but above all, believe. Believe in The Great, Great God that is within you. This will carry you through the day but you must believe and have faith. Belief comes first, then faith. With faith, all your ills will go but if you hesitate and do not believe, then you go on as you are. I am giving you a jewel of knowledge. Believe, children of the Light. Lift yourselves and say ‘God that is within me, take me along my path. Take me along with belief, faith, and knowing that the Great God that is within me will banish my pain. Lift me to Light and it will give me knowledge that I need’. I say this to all of you: love is all. Love is the conqueror of all things and on this note, I, Joseph, who listens to the Christ and pass on His love, His deep, deep love for all of you. Again, He stretches out His arms and He blesses each one of you. To those who read these words, God’s blessing through Jesus, through the Christ Jesus and through me, to you. I say, God bless you all. Amen. 


16th June, 2015 - The Universal Brotherhood is attempting to bring harmony to the world.

God bless you. As you know, I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We come today with strong voice because we need to remind all of you time and time again about your thoughts because your thoughts of today make the day of tomorrow. The energy of your thoughts is very powerful. My mission today is to tell all of you, all over the world, wherever we can reach you that you are looking through a small window. What you see is limited by that small window but others can look out onto a wider screen, the larger windows of their minds, and they can see what is going on. Those who look only through that small window cannot see what is going on. I ask you once again to turn to the Light, be quiet, be still and allow yourselves, please, to develop a wide screen to look through. As you do this you will find that you will be developed to go higher and higher. In the higher regions there is the Universal Brotherhood and they at the moment are attempting to bring harmony into the world. They are a brotherhood of masters. They have undergone great trials to reach the level at which they now are. The Universal Brotherhood is surrounding the world giving Light and also bringing to each of you knowledge that you can accept according to your mind. Things are happening in the world that now you must indeed look through a wider screen of your minds and if you do so, you will find that there is so much going on in Spirit to uplift and help you. Yes, I know, you get messages, you read about things that people do – all these things make an impression upon your earthly minds. Look through the wider screen and you will find that the Light is there. So strong is the Light.

All these things you see and experience on earth are illusion. You live in illusion and it is by your thoughts, positive thinking, that the illusion of today will change tomorrow. We ask so sincerely as so much is going on in the Spirit world to bring forward the Golden Age. It is there and, believe it or not, it is worth developing yourselves by sitting quietly. It is well worth you trying by sitting quietly so that Spirit can come to develop you, lift you, strengthen you and then show you through that wider screen what you have built up because of that silence that you enter. Then you can see the wonders of Spirit, the wonderful Light, that the patches of darkness are an illusion that will fade away as you will think only of Light, of love supreme. Nothing can conquer love. Love is the supreme ruler of all things. Love is in every plant, every tree, in the earth, in every cell of your body, every part of your mind – there is a God within you.

Children of the earth, we ask now that you send out Light so that it goes upward to meet the angelic forces that now surround the earth. With the universal power that comes from up high and with the angelic forces that are there, you must now do your bit. You really must. You must set aside certain times of the day to be quiet, be still and allow peace, serenity and joy to come. If you wish, think of the Lake of Peace. Think of the quietude that comes from that beautiful, spiritual lake. But be quiet and still.

A clarion call is going out through the world and through the spirit world. There are going to be changes. There are already changes in your lives. You will feel in charge of yourself because we in Spirit are coming closer to you. We are making you in charge of yourself and this means that you must sit quietly. It all comes back to that one thing. Be quiet. Be still. Let your mind wonder. Don’t look through that small porthole that gives you nothing. Envisage in your minds that you are looking at a vast scene of Spirit, love, upliftment that love gives you and, as you seek, you will see things in your mind. We will put images in your mind so that you can see but only if you sit quietly. None of these things can happen unless you develop, draw upon the Light that is within you, the God that is within you, make yourself worthy of this wonderful, wonderful god of love and Light. So bright is the Light and by your sitting still, we can develop you. The clarion call goes out through the earth and in Spirit. Great powers are coming to the earth to lift it and you will find a great change coming over you for the better. You will find that your intelligence, your inner being, will be clear. Burdens will be lifted from you and this is because you are thinking differently, because you are sitting quietly and allowing the great, great God within to come near you because all feelings, all thoughts go from you. You lift yourself into the Light and ask The Great Father for help to come nearer to Him, but only if you sit quietly, peacefully, and let all thoughts and feelings go from you. There you are, in silence, in serenity, in quietude. Love will surround you.

Now, children of Spirit who are listening, children of the earth, you are treading the path upward. As I end this loving prayer, there are those now around me who come to visit you, to help you, to lift you, strengthen you. Go on your way now. Go through your days but again and again and again we say, find time for Spirit. Find time to be quiet. That is all we ask of you, not really a great deal. You find time for other things so find time for the most important thing of all and that is Spirit. May the blessings of The Great, Great Spirit of All be upon each one of you. Today we speak with a strong voice as it is important that you look at the world but remember that it is illusion and that can disappear very quickly because of your thoughts, the way you think, but, and most importantly, be quiet, be still. God bless you and may you walk His path in peace. Walk with God. Amen, my children, Amen. From Gabrielle and Julia, servants of The Lord, Amen.


9th June, 2015 - Don’t forget that God is within you, the gift that was given to each one.

I am Julia and Gabrielle, of course, is beside me. We come with blessings today, as we always do, to lift you, help you, strengthen you and also to remind you that God is within you. Again we remind you to sit quietly. You don’t have to do anything, just be quiet, still and as the quietness washes over you we are able to come to you to help you.  Know that God, the Great Spirit of All, knows how you feel. He knows about your soul, your spirit, your body and your thoughts. He know it all and takes you all on unconditionally, for His love never waivers, ever. He would like you, please, to make sure that you have a quiet moment in the day. We have asked you so many times but again we tell you that it is imperative that you sit quietly. As you do, you will find that you, too, are sending out Light. What is Light? If you could only see, with the God within you and we who are around you, developing you to be aware – the Light that is created because of the quietude and stillness that is within you. That Light is a most wonderful beam, like sunshine. It is so light and it darts from you so quickly, joining other sunbeams to form a glorious sun – Light that pours down upon the world, which is so needed at this moment.

You have to think not of yourselves, as you must put self to one side - that self that tells you that you should and could be better, you could be richer, you should have friends who love you or you should have a better life than you have – put self to one side. That is what you have come here to do. You have come to be able to think about what’s happening in the world, about the suffering of others. Think about others. As you do so, you will find that you yourself receive peace and love. Many of you are doing this already. Many of you are already putting self to one side. Do you not dart to the side of a friend who needs you? Do you not have compassion when you read something that touches your heart? So many of you can do this and are actually working but I say to all of you, more must do so. Put self aside. Find that quiet moment and I can assure you that God knows all. He knows your thoughts and desires. He will bring them to you if you give Him a moment of your time because in your quietude and peacefulness, you are able to receive and enjoy the stillness which is the Great, Great Spirit that is within you. Don’t forget that God is within you, the gift that was given to all of you. So many forget and indulge in the earth life. Stop for a moment and ask yourself what riches there are on earth that can give you what is beyond price - peace, tranquility, love, stillness and the glory of the Great Father that gives you these wonderful things. In those moments of quietude when all thoughts leave you and you wait. As you wait, think of the Lake of Peace. As you sit, you will find that from the crystal waters of the lake come tiny bubbles. These bubbles come towards you, each containing love, peace, trust, tranquility. As you sit quietly, these beaufiful bubbles of many colours emerge from the lake and come around you. You find yourself being lifted and lifted. There within you is a golden glowing light. It, too, lifts you and makes you feel a part of the Great, Great Spirit. It gives you hope. It helps you to know that all will be well. The bubbles come to you and touch you, one by one. Feel them on your face, each one bringing tranquility, trust, peace. All these beautiful colours – they raise you up within yourself and you feel the love of God. You feel the joy and the beauty of the colours of the lovely bubbles that dance around you. Thank God for the unconditional love that He gives you, His mercy. He takes you as you are but at this moment, as you sit by the lake, you are in a place of glory, of peace. You feel exalted because of the angels that gather around you. They want you to understand that as you sit quietly by the Lake of Peace, it will always give you something, something to lift you. As you thank God for what has been given to you, you are now at peace, you feel the tranquility around you.  As you come back and down into your consciousness, you remain at peace. A glowing feeling of love comes from your heart. Give your thanks.

So, my children, will you please remember this. Remember that you can draw power from the Spirit world. But many of you don’t use it at all. Those who do are filled with exaltation, happiness and they know that their lives ahead are in God’s hands. It is God who leads you and helps you. In this wonderful feeling of loving, remember that the Great Spirit will lead you through all your troubles, no matter what they are. I assure you that He will take your hand and lead you out of the mire into the glorious Light as He loves each one of you. This love is extended to all of the Spirit world, to the angels who come down to the sad people who know not.

We go back now to the moment of stillness for you to realise that in stillness, you are sending out love. We leave you with glory and with love. There is a golden Light around us and there are people here who nod their heads because they, too, are adding their power and love to each one of you – those who read and those who hear. I assure you that Spirit is blessing every one you. What more can we say, Gabrielle and I, because no longer do we want you to think of just our voices but of the glory of the people who come around. People, sages of old, they come because of the Light. Children of the Light, look upward to meet the angels that are sending love down so that the world will be filled with love. All dark places will be pushed away. Have faith now, have faith. Love is always with you. We end our prayer and as we do so, the prophets of old, the hierarchy that have come this day to bless each of you. Every person in the world can be lifted and loved, and you are loved. Gabrielle and I, because we are in the midst of this wonderful company of the high levels, we say God bless you all. 


2nd June, 2015 - We in Spirit need your Light – you have this wonderful Light burning within you.

God bless you, my children. Always, always, I say ‘my children’ as Gabrielle and I see each of your faces, upturned with expectancy. Today I would like to impress upon you how important it is to draw away from the earth and the earth’s vibrations. We ask you, prayer upon prayer, lifting you, holding you, showing you with the different lessons that have come through the many prayers but my beloveds, I want you to be strong. I want you to be able to look within yourselves and feel the great strength that comes from your higher self. It is your higher self about which we wish to speak. You must understand that to connect to the higher self is not easy as you have to purify yourself. You have to think good thoughts, have good feelings. You have to go forward every day with part of your mind connected to the spirit within and these needs practice. You have to practice all these things. I know that this is difficult for you within your busy lives, some busier than others, but I can assure you that help will be given to each of you if you will give the time to sit quietly. You will find that this becomes a habit that you can practice every day, until it becomes a normal part of your day. As you sit quietly and go inward, you will find that we come to help you to be sensitive to the vibrations within you. Please realise how important this is, that if you reach the star, the sun within you, think what you could do, the work that you could do, the energy that you could send out. Also, your Light would be brighter. In all our prayers to you we try to bring to you the realisation of how important your behavior on earth is and also your endeavours. We need to get through to you the importance of quietude and silence, going into yourselves. I can assure you that it is of the greatest importance. We have said in other prayers how important it is because the world needs Light, Light now more than ever. We talk about the crusaders of Light and if you could see the Light building up in Spirit and the huge flag that is flying in the front as they go forward slowly - everything has to be slow - and as they in Spirit go along with this Light, it is poured down into the world.

Some of you have a Light which is so bright and that Light goes upward and meets the glorious army of love and Light that is pushing away the darkness but surely it does need you. It needs every one of you. That is why our prayers are constantly, constantly reminding you because in your everyday lives, you can forget. Gabrielle and I remind you that half of your mind should remain aware that you are God’s child and that you are connected with Spirit. Remember that that is there, at the back of your mind, always there. As you go about your day, that part of you should be tuned in always to The Great, Great Spirit. That is why we say, Children of the Light, lift yourselves and go forward. Each one of you has an energy that comes from good thoughts, good feelings. It doesn’t matter really, does it, if someone should offend you? Just look at them and say to yourself that it doesn’t matter as your inner self knows that there is a golden Light within them shining brightly. So it matters not if they offend or, indeed, take the glory away from something you have said or done – nothing is important, nothing, only to develop within yourself the golden Light.

If only you could see the great, great warmth and love that come from the higher planes down to the earth and the Light of Jesus, controlled by the Christ Light – it beams down towards us to help us. Be like sunflowers. Open up your petals and face the Light, absorb it and grow within yourselves. This is a prayer to give you knowledge, to help you to understand what goes on as every thought in your head is an energy. Know that you are loved and know that whatever help you need, we give you for we want you to climb that mountain. Think of the prayers that have been. Many have come from a higher plane to talk to you. They have spoken about love and lifting yourself up, how to do it and your lessons but we have to keep on reminding you as the earth is not a very nice place. We need your Light - you have this beautiful Light burning within you and it will become brighter with the energies that you are going to build up because of the quietude and peace that you are going to give yourself every day, or every other day. Make this a habit – the same place and if you can, the same time.

Children we send great love. We in Spirit can see far ahead of each one of you. We know that you are doing your best and because you are doing so, we honour you but listen to the words today and know how important each of you is. In Spirit, we need you. We need you because you live on earth and this means that your love and the power of your love can go like doves carrying the message of love quickly. We use the image of the dove as they are a symbol of peace and love. We can reach the unhappy places faster through you and by the Light of love that is surrounding you. Think what good work you do. Think of your loved ones in Spirit, all indeed taking their places to help to clear the negative stations of the world. This is so important because the new world will be ready to come into the planet earth but it must first be cleared of all negative conditions for this Golden Age to begin. Beloved, beloved, beloved children of Light, I end my loving prayer. Gabrielle and I are sending our love and support and your guides, such wonderful souls, each endeavours to help you, to lift you and to lead you, so have faith, please have faith in them. Have faith and love. Love your guides because love makes a wonderful communication between you. May God bless you, lead you, help you. Help you to rise to the pinnacle where the sun is shining. May the Light be with you now and for every more. God bless you.  Amen.


26th May, 2015 - Know that every thought has an energy that goes out to your fellow man.

God bless you. I am sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. We come today to remind you, and you do need reminding so often, to be aware of the way you are thinking. We want you to realise that every thought in your head carries an energy and this energy goes out to your fellow man. So, if it is positive, the energy will be light, helpful and compassionate. If your thoughts are negative, they go to the place where negative conditions go and that is on the sad side of life. Be aware that, as we have said repeatedly, what you think today will be tomorrow. Whatever thoughts you have, be positive. Build up whatever it is in your heart – think about it, be positive about it and go forward knowing that that is going through to another day and you are, if you do this day by day, building up the conditions that you long for.

We ask you to have your faith in The Great, Great Spirit, the God above and we ask that apart from thinking positively, when you think of The Great Spirit, know that you are in His care. But do you really know what this means? It means that you must be positive in mind. You must realise that there within yourself is your own salvation.  When you look up to The Great Spirit, the faith within you tells you that once you have lifted yourself up and put yourself in His care, by good thoughts and feelings you will be led to greater faith and trust. Know that the thoughts you have can either be good or bad for you. So again I say, think about the faith you have in The Great, Great Spirit. Think, be positive in your thinking and say to yourself “I will be open to this glorious Light and as I go through my day, whatever happens all will be well”.  Think positively. Know that all will be well. Analyse your feelings. What are you thinking about? Do those thoughts make you happy, distress you? Look into yourself. Ask “What am I?” and go forward with that in your mind.

Know within yourself that you belong to The Great, Great Spirit of All and that if you call out for help, you will receive it. This is another thing that I wish to say to all of you who listen or read. There is a very great, powerful energy in the universe but you must understand that you have only to ask for help with any situation as the energy is there to help you. However, you don’t call upon it. You don’t recognize that you have this energy upon which you can call so you do not receive it. All I ask is that you think positively about what is going on around and within you and remember that when you turn to the Light, it will gather within you and go from you to anyone who needs care and love. Go forward, please. Be positive. Think good thoughts. Be in charge of your thoughts and feelings, which come from your thoughts. We don’t want you to miss out on anything as there is so much in your world and in the spirit world for you. All you have to do is to have faith to know that The Great, Great Father of All is there, looking after you, smoothing your day. So co-operate. Be positive. Know in your heart that God is within you. Pray and know that your life can be easier because you are asking for help, help that comes from the great energy that is in the spirit world for you to use. Love yourselves. Love your body no matter what condition it’s in and realise that the healing power of spirit can ease you but, and there is a ‘but’, examine your thoughts and your attitude towards yourself. Wish within yourself to go into a deeper level. Really find out what is hindering you from advancing. You need to go deeper within yourself and ask for help to find out what is impeding the help that you should be having because everybody has something deep within that needs to be lifted away from them.

I also want to mention your consciousness. When you have done wrong or done something that you think may be wrong, your consciousness will tell you, make you uneasy, That is your consciousness so whatever feeling you get from it, try to put it right by word or by action. Put it right before you sleep at night. Put it right to the person concerned or to yourself as sometimes you are not kind to yourself. Positive thoughts, faith and trust in The Great Spirit, listening to your consciousness – children, you are children of the Light that is within you. Remember that and those who do not know what the Light is, just sit quietly and if you do this often enough, you will see the Light, feel it. A very great blessing comes today not only to you who listen and read but upon the world as at the moment there is a great deal going on that you do not understand. I can assure you that the Light is always the winner as nothing can overcome love and Light. At the moment, positive thought is needed for the world to lift it into Light and if you do your part, the misery that some are going through will pass, I promise. So, with God’s love, with Spirit’s blessing, I end this prayer that is given with the greatest of love to lead you, to teach you and to make you aware. In the name of Christ, I say bless you all. Amen.

12th May, 2015 - Some things we hang on to and we must let them go if we are to progress spiritually.

God bless you. I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. There are so many here today. They all seem to want to come. So many. There is such a lovely Light. Gabrielle is here to give power as she always does while I speak. I am the speaker for both of us. We want you to feel the love that we are bringing to you. There is so much love, you know, so much.

We ask that whoever reads these words becomes more understanding to your fellow man, to your friends, to your family. Don’t look at what they say but look inward because that is where the truth lies, their real self, which is beautiful, lovely. If you could see within each one the wonderful Light – it glows and is so beautiful.

We want you to realise who you are. It is about time that you realise fully that you are spirit and because you are spirit, your spirit has command over all things. However, the spirit has to back off from your personalities, as we have said before. You may say to yourself that you are fine, you like people, you do this and that but you don’t look inside yourselves. If you did, you would see many flaws in your personality. If you can be quiet, spirit will impress upon you what you need to alter. There is so much ahead of you that we want to say to all of you that you are walking the path to go higher, to where your higher self is and it waits for you. It tries to help you but I can assure you that the flaws within the personality hold you back – hold you back from a happy life. Attitudes become different, you become different when you are reaching this wonderful Light.

Now, look inside yourselves and ask yourself whether you are happy. You may say well no, not really. What is your attitude towards those who you speak to? Do you form a quick opinion? Are you impulsive, not liking a person straight away? I’m trying to give you an idea of what to look for. Look within yourselves because it is you who is holding back your progress. When you are sitting still and quietly, letting all thoughts flow away from you. You will find that we are able to come near and to impress upon you the things that need to be changed for you to go forward. You have no idea of the extent to which you hold yourselves back because of the flaws in the personality. You can look at the lovely side. Yes, there is so much that is lovely but just look for the little flaws that are holding on to you, the negative side. Look and ask yourself what you can do to change. Spirit will help you by impressing you as to what you need to change. Are you angry? Are you resentful? Are you jealous? Look at all these points and if you can say ‘yes, I am like that”, don’t you see, you are holding back your progress along the path towards the higher self that is waiting patiently for you to be aware of what you have to change. If you are resentful, analyse why you feel that way. We will help you. Are you angry? What are you angry about? Cool the anger. Cool the resentment. Cool the jealousies. I am asking you this day to be aware of what is going on so that you are able to deal with it and we can help you to do so. Change your way of life by the way you think and then, when you have faced what you must change, you will find that you feel lighter. You will have cut away the impressions of the past and you will be aware of the things that you must leave behind. Some things we hang on to and we must let these go if we are going to progress spiritually towards the higher self. So a great deal of understanding will have come into your lives that will help you. You also have your guardian angels who are always there to help you if you ask for their help. There are many things that they can do for you. These angels are the representatives of God, The Great Spirit of All. It would be too much, you could not come near to that vortex of power and so you have these wonderful angels to represent Him. To these angels, we can ask for help.

Oh beloved children of the earth, listen to me, please. You miss out on so much happiness and when we see you trying to change, we help you. We help you every step of the way because we, too, want you to be lifted up and to live a happier live. You will if you can only command the flaws to go. You don’t want them. You want the joy that’s ahead of you and the lovely personality that each of you has, because that lovely personality is love. Love can change you. Leave behind what you can’t do, what you want, all the feelings that things are not going right. Why? Because you are not aware of what is pulling you back, these negative feelings that lie within. We love you dearly and will help you all we can but you must be aware of what’s going on within you. Children of the earth, look inside. Look inside yourselves. Clear away the debris. It may not be much or it may be quite a lot. Regardless, it will hold you back. Not only that but if you harbour too long these lower vibrations, it affects your body, which has to carry the burden. So don’t you see, all round you will gain: a lighter body, a lighter mind and a spirit that is enhanced by the joys of the Light that the upliftment will give you.

Now, we have standing here waiting patiently Abraham and he wants to say just a word.

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I am Abraham and I come to say to you, love isn’t difficult, you know, and love can heal you. When I say love, I mean have faith. Have faith. Have faith in The Great Spirit of All and when you have faith and trust and when your whole being goes up, you will say: “Father, thy will be done. My will is thine.” Have faith in the wonderful spirit, this wonderful vortex of power, the intelligences on earth that spin in this huge, huge vortex of time. Children, love is not difficult. What is difficult is yourself, not allowing yourself to love, love your people, love your family and when people annoy you, just remind yourself that they have the higher self within them, God is within them. It is the personality that you don’t like and this we have said before. I have only come to say a word but I do want to tell you that love is not difficult. I know. I know. So will you please do as the Sisters have asked. Look within yourselves. Find the flaws. We will help you to find them. We will influence you. And when you become aware, be on your guard and say that you don’t want those negative reactions interfering with your life. Once you have that will within you, that can make the flaws depart and you will find that we will bring you love to help you and strengthen you. The personalities are all different, with flaws that have arisen for different reasons – heartaches, accidents, difficulties in lives, but put them to one side now. They are no good. Think about tomorrow. Think about a happy day because in a happy day all will be well as you have faith in The Great Spirit of All. He will lead you. He will help you. Who better than I to know that? I hand you back to the Sisters. God bless you and thank you. Thank you so much for listening to me. Please note the words that I have said because Abraham knows. 

                                               *      *      *

Now that was lovely. He comes with so much love. He has had so many experiences and he is trying to show you how he became Light. So, what remains to be said. God bless you all. May He lift you up into the Light, give you courage, courage to walk the path of the earth. We are here to help you. May God bless you, lift you. There are so many here, the room is crowded and the Light is so beautiful. I raise my hands and as the Light falls down through my hands, I bless you. Walk with God and all will be well. From Gabrielle and myself, God bless you.

28th April, 2015 - Jesus asks that we turn to Him as we are being led home… 

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and of course Gabrielle is by my side. We come with love and we have prepared the way for there is someone, a lovely soul, who wishes to speak to you. 

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God bless you, my children, I am Mary. I have come with love and with the blessings of The Great, Great Spirit. We in Spirit know the happenings of the world and in Spirit we give power and love that will be a healing balm to those who are suffering dire stress. We wish you to know that the souls that are coming over to our side are being cared for and that each one has its helpers so this prayer is to say, oh, beloved children, send out love. What can be better than love and compassion and when your fellow man is sorely hurt and when the very soul of the people is cut asunder, we need love to come from each one of you. As you send out that Light, the power and the love are sent on the wings of a dove to go into all places where the balm of love and healing is needed.


We are working very hard in Spirit to try to bring harmony into the lives of each one, not only of the earth but of Spirit but we must say to all of you that this is not God’s work. This is the work of the lower self and all the lower selves that have lived through the ages. It has built up this tremendous energy that is causing all these problems. I can assure you that though it seems bleak and though there is horror and fear, the Light in Spirit and the Light that is upon the earth because you Lightworkers remember who you are will overcome. You are Lightworkers, every one of you who sends out compassion and love. You are a Light worker. So can you imagine the Light that is going out now and going over into this planet earth? Can you see it in your mind, this wonderful, warm glow? Remember the Archangels and the love that is coming from the higher planes down to the earth. The earth will be healed. People will be healed, helped and strengthened. We are working at the moment at the moment on all these wonderful charities that have come forward with their help.  Remember that we, too, are at the back of all these wonderful things that are being done in God’s name. Remember the lower self. It has built up over ages and ages.  It has its own lower energy. The energy has built up, you see, and that it why the Lights, the army of workers of the Light from up and down are so, so important. I can assure you that God’s will, will be done. Though at the moment everything seems dark, I can assure you that the love and strength is like a balm of healing that is going over all places, a balm of healing to heal the heart and to give hope, hope that in their children’s time, things will be better. This is a day to say, my children, I, Mary, bring you love. I shower you with the petals of divine love and the perfume will rise and spread over the world. It brings hope, love in abundance. So, this is a prayer coming from the higher selves, a high axis, to bring love and to gather, gather the children who have passed over that we give them comfort, love and we hold them dearly to our breast. To those on earth, you have thousands and thousands of helpers from the Spirit world who are helping, lifting and I can assure you once again that God’s will, will be done. 

So, this is a message to say that there is hope in spite of your miseries. There is hope and there is love that surrounds you that will help you and give you the inner strength to cope with all conditions. We are there to help you, to love you and to give you hope for the future – because there is a future. Oh, beloved, beloved children there is a power, a great power of love, a power that is tremendous that is coming from The Lord Jesus Himself. He says: 

I am here. I am here. Turn towards me. My Light will lift up your hearts and help will be given in all directions. Turn to me for I am Love. Turn to me because I give the soothing balm that will heal your spiritual wounds. Turn to me, my children, for I am Love and I draw this Love from the higher forces above me.  Today I give this message to Mary and I say children, turn to me. Your Light, your are precious to us for you are Spirit. You are the divine Spirit, each one of you. Remember that. We are leading you home towards The Great Spirit of All through the agonies that you go through and are suffering. You are being led home to your spiritual home and while you are on earth you will find a great power given to you to strengthen you and to help you because we give you hope. Yes, we give you hope and we give you upliftment for your soul. Turn to me. Turn to me for I am Love and I give Love unconditionally. Whoever you are, wherever you are, I embrace you, for I am Love. 

That was the message that I, Mary, have to give you. We are honoured this day. We are honoured because there is a great healing that is descending from the heavens to the earth and I ask each one of you to give love, wonderful thoughts, turn inward yourselves, children that are living on the earth, turn inward and remember that compassion softens the heart and gives out in a beautiful Light to all that are in need.  So many need the Light. I have spoken today and I have, through my medium, given hope. We have given upliftment of the souls that are in Spirit and also to those on earth. Lift your hearts. Send no low thoughts. Think not about fear. Cast out fear, children of the earth, and send out love because you are travelling the path towards home and The Great, Great Spirit. This is what all of you are doing. You are walking towards your true place and that is at the feet of The Great Spirit of All.  So – you suffer, but you overcome. Send out positive thoughts always and guard against the lower self that sneaks in, as we have said before. Now, children of the Light, I leave you with our blessing and from my heart, and think of a golden heart, that I send out to you, my children who live on earth. Go through your lessons. Great power is coming to the earth. Turn inward. See the Light that is within you. God bless you all.  God bless you all. God bless you this day.

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Well, I am Julia. This is indeed a very special day and we thank you for your love and your co-operation to give Light. May I say God bless you now. Gabrielle also gives her blessing. She stands always by my side giving me power. We both love you and we say this day, God bless you.


21st April, 2015 - “I belong to the Brotherhood of Man and I come to give you blessings”. An un-named Spirit from the higher realms. 

Bless you, my children. Bless the souls that live on this earth plane, walking their paths. I have not come to you before. This is the first time for me and Father Joseph.  I belonging to The Brotherhood of Man and I come this day to give you blessings, peace, tranquility. You have been given a beautiful link of peace, those who read the words and those in Spirit who long to find the peace that I speak of. 

I ask you, children of the Light, with the cross before you and with the rose that is your heart, the spiritual heart that has been given to you before, I want you to walk through the meadows and I want you to arrive at the beautiful Lake of Peace. Sit once again, my children, find time, have a moment of quietude that you can sit quietly and breathe in the breath of Light and love. As you sit quietly, the energy comes again as a soft breeze against your cheeks. The energy that rises from the lake is love, tranquility and as you sit quietly you will find that there will be a stirring within you. The flame starts to grow and through the heart you will find that you will go to a higher level of consciousness. In this higher level you say “I accept.  I accept my life on earth. I accept. Help me that I may have patience to wait for thy will”. For, children of the earth, you are very impatient for things to happen ‘now’ but you must do things in accordance with the will of The Great, Great Spirit and if you do that, you will find that all conditions will be made straight for you. 

You were made to be happy. You were made to be joyous but because the lower self interferes and some of you listen and go plummeting down to the depths time and time again, we lift you. Time and time again we remind you – go to the banks of the lake and sit. Look to the crystal clear waters of the lake. Allow the beauty and tranquility to enter into your very being and as it does so you will find that all things are made possible because of your trust and because of your love of God because the God is within you. It shines brightly. It is a reflector of The Divine and the power and the glory that shines through the sun that is within you. The beams of Light as you sit quietly will catch you up into an array of colour and beauty and, children, you will feel at peace. You will feel the tranquility and the quietness that comes to your very soul. To those whose souls are in torment, it will bring a healing that love and only love can bring. 

I come to you today to lift you and to all those who are so down-trodden, those who are suffering, I ask that you as you sit quietly beside the still waters will give out love to your fellow man. Because you give out love, you join, then, the army that is amassing on the earth, the army of Lights. As the Lights go up into the higher spheres, the angels who are there are pouring down their Lights to you also bringing a balm of love and healing to the planet earth. Play your part, we ask. Lift up your hearts and know that you are being led, that each one of you has a guardian angel who will guide you and strengthen you and as you sit quietly before the waters still, there comes a golden Light of love. As the breeze blows this love towards you, you feel ‘Father, thy will be done’, and you have given yourself to the Great, Great Energy of All. Go forward with Light and love in your hearts for your fellow man and I can assure you that whatever suffering you are going through, please accept and again I say be patient because all will be done in God’s time and you must wait for that time.  So beloved children, I give you love. I bless you in the name of our beloved Jesus, the Christ Jesus and I bless you because I know that when you leave the Lake of Peace you will be enhanced with inner strength. You will face your problems. You will face the world and say ‘Father, I am in your loving care’. So, children of the Light I say God bless you all. God bless you all. 

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I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We give blessings also and we are honoured to have such a wonderful soul to come for the first time today. God bless you and keep you in His Light for ever more. God bless you. Amen. 


14th April, 2015 - I am Mary. I bring you love to enable forgiveness, for forgiveness is divine. 

Glory be to all of you. May the Light of the heavens fall gently upon you. I have come today because I want to lighten your hearts. Of course, I am Mary. I have come to give you love. I come because each one of you has problems, difficulties and sometimes these difficulties come one after another. As soon as you finish one vibration, you go into another. You may ask yourself whether it will ever end but, my children of the Light, bear it, accept it. Accept whatever you have to go through.  Know that you are in God’s Light and that there is a reason for going through all these traumas in your earth life. 

Within yourself, within each one, there is a golden cross and within this golden cross that is your spirit there is a rose of Light. It is a beautiful rose and that rose is your heart, the heart that beats for The Great, Great Spirit of All. Draw close to this beautiful rose that is within you and realise that the crosses you bear are the earthly things that you have to go through. Realise also that we are here to help you. Why is it that you experience all these traumas? We ask that you accept them and say ‘Father, Thy will be done – not mine, but Thy will. If this is what you say I should go through, then it is Thy will and I accept it’. Oh yes, children of the Light, accept it for by accepting God’s will you bring towards you the upliftment of your soul and you are able to go through your earth life with all the difficulties swept out of the way because you have accepted the traumas that you experience. Say ‘Father, if it is Your will that I should suffer this, then I accept it, it is Thy will’. Once you have said that, all will be well. The heavens and the Light will come down and lift you and your earth life will be smooth. All things that your heart desires will be given, subject to karmic law. Think of this cross within. Think of this beautiful rose that is sending out the vibrations of love that will help you to carry through. This is a symbol that I am giving you so that you can bear the different conditions that you are going through. You can, whether they are spiritual, mental, whatever, you are able to cope once you go inward, inward to where the Light is shining, always shining, waiting for you to tune in. Once you have done that, you are lifted in a heavenly embrace. It is as though you burst forth into the Light. 

Children, I come today to make you realise that the earth plain is not meant to be a happy one and yet, contradicting myself, it is, but you see that the various traumas that you have to go through can bring to you a lack of faith, lack of trust. You pray to the Lord to help you and we are here to teach you to accept what you are experiencing. You may feel unhappy, worried, trying so hard to be able to think the right thoughts – all suffering of some kind. What we want you to do is to go inward so that you can rise upward. Then you will find that things will change in your life, sometimes so quickly that you will thing ‘how wonderful’, once you have changed your attitude, the way you think. 

I want also to bring love to enable forgiveness, love for you to understand your fellow man. This doesn’t mean that you agree with everyone you meet but that you allow them to have their own opinions. Allow them to be the way they are, think the way they think. However, something that you may say or do may open a small chink in their minds and because of that, Spirit is able to work through them. 

Today I have described to you the cross within. It is a golden cross that represents your life on earth and the rose, such a beautiful rose, is at the centre of the cross. The rose is so beautiful and its perfume goes out and out because it is love. The cross represents your heart, your true heart, not the physical heart that beats but the true spiritual heart. Will you think of that? Will you remember it? Because it is this rose that is going to bring you closer inward so when you sit and tune in to the higher self you will find that the rose, the heart of you, will be able to draw towards you strength, love, peace and the will that you have given to The Great, Great Spirit of All. Children of love, I give you love and it is through the love of your beloved nuns Gabrielle and Julia and also the medium who I am using. None of this could be possible if her energy was not high enough to enable us to work through her. So, we thank her also for her love. I bless everybody. I bless the Sanctuary. I bless those who give prayers and those who forgive, for forgiveness is divine. Go forward, each of you, on your pathways and remember that everything you go through is shaping your spirit, making it finer, and you are able then to go up into a higher sphere because of your sufferings. Children of the world, remember this. Every suffering that you go through refines the spirit and brings you the joy that you seek. Now I end my prayer with great blessings, great love. I watch over you and through the love of The Christ Jesus, I say, God bless you all. Amen. 

Joan’s guide, Sister Julia, ended: Well, that was good, was it not? We are full of emotion today. Our hearts go out to you. We love you and your guardian angels, they care for you, love you. God bless you.

10th March, 2015 - The power of the Light of God within you enables you to repel the efforts of the lower self.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me.  I come with the power that Gabrielle gives me to speak to you. I want to lead you to the lake of peace. I want you to stand beside this lovely lake and as you do so, with the sun dancing upon the water, I want you to absorb its atmosphere and realise that you are God. Each one of you is a God. Each one of you has God’s Light within and that Light means that you are part of God. We ask in Spirit, as we have led you to the lake of peace, to be still. Leave earthly things behind. Let all your doubts fall away. Let all negative conditions that crowd into your mind flow, flow away from you. Stand by the side of the waters. They will bring you refreshment of the soul. We ask while you stand in the peace of the lake that you put upon yourself a cloak, a glorious cloak of faith. Let this cloak surround you and may its glory lift you. By your side there is the Light of trust. We lift you to a higher dimension by leading you to the lake of peace. We ask that all earthly things will flow away – whatever is strong within you. Some of you cry out and say ‘I want, I want this, I want that’. Some of you do not realise that by wanting all the time, making demands upon The Holy Spirit, you will not get what you demand. However, the spark, The Holy Spirit, the higher self within you knows what you want. It knows what you long for and you will get it but first, go to the lake of peace within you, be still, be quiet and allow the reflections of the waters into your being and then be patient. Patient. Believe. Believe in the Light within you and when you do this, children, I say this to you, all will be well. There is nothing in your earth lives that will worry you, bother you mentally or spiritually because you have given your will to The Great Spirit within you. You say: ‘Father, Thy will be done’. Mean what you say. Give your will to The Great Father and let Him, the glory that we call Father, take charge of your life. Those with worries and negative conditions in your lives and those who are going through heartaches and huge problems – don’t you see, with your utter faith in The Great, Great Spirit of All, you will be led through all of your difficulties and all crooked places are made straight.

We ask that you seek silence during each day for you to think of the help, the love, the direction and The Holy Spirit that is within you. It can change your life but it can only change it during the quiet, the silence when you lead yourself to the lake of peace. Be quiet. Be still. Think of this glorious lake. See the pure, pure Light that emanates from it and goes out to you, to all of you in the world today. Sit quietly and think of the lake of peace. Think of the love of God that is within you. You are Gods. Gods in the making, some of you because there are those who are not awake and are not aware of the great, great Light within them. But we are trying to open the minds of mankind so that all can enjoy the wealth of love and understanding that to be in God’s care is a wonderful thing because you have no worries. Then, whatever comes to you in your daily lives, you know it will be taken care of because of the Great Spirit within you. It knows your earnest desires, your dreams and will try, according to your karmic conditions, to bring your dreams to come true. Again, it is up to your free will as to the way you want to go.

If you listen to the lower self that is for ever hammering at your door, when that door is opened you will be flooded with “I can’t do this, this is going to be dreadful, it’s going to be an awful day tomorrow’, with the horrors that could come to you – children, recognize the lower self. Be aware. It is that part of you that does not want to walk into the Light. Go to the lake of peace. It will strengthen you and help you to say to the lower self: ‘Be gone. I want no more of you. I am in the Light of The Great Father and I am in His care. Go away’. Shut the door on the lower self. Be aware, children, as however careful you are, the lower self will find a chink to come in and it will try to destroy the happiness and joy that the great God within gives you.

I can assure you that the angels who are now so close to the earth are actively involved with your wellbeing. Call upon them for divine help because in your very heart, you know that you are God’s child, that you are here for a purpose. You are here to face the karmic debts that you owe from another life. You are here to help to lift your fellow man. You are here to realise the importance of this life. Above all, you are here to realise that the angels descend great power to each one of you living on the earth plane and the glory of God is within you. The Light is beautiful. It is strong and when you sit quietly by the lake of love and peace and the emanations that come from it, you will find the peace that will lift you and help you and the glory of God will influence you. Listen to the small voice within you and the more you draw towards the lake of peace, the more it will be not a whisper but a loud voice within you.  Listen. It will teach you and it will help you. You can talk to the higher self but at first, you hear only a whisper. Listen and every day when you sit quietly and draw towards this heavenly lake, listen with your inner ear. As you do this, the habit will grow and you will find that the whisper will grow stronger because the God within you is quiet. It has much to do to penetrate the different feelings and emotions that you have. If you sit quietly and think of this peace, you will find that the whisper becomes stronger. That means that you have risen higher and higher to another level. When you reach that level, the voice can be heard more clearly.

So, children, please listen to what we ask of you. You have this wonderful God within you. Try always to draw closer to this glorious peace. Remember the cloak of light and faith is around you. The cloak of faith and love and trust is a cloak of Light clasped with jewels and Light, each jewel meaning something beautiful. This cloak of Light will embrace you and hold you. Think of that. It is more beautiful than you can imagine.

Before we go, we say to all of you who are reading this and those in Spirit who listen, think. Be aware. Be aware. Do not be sad or lonely because if you feeling this way, believe me, you give the lower self the tools to work on you – and it will work on you. It will make you feel bereft, that you are alone, that there is nothing in life for you. Nothing can be further from the truth. So, I am giving you these words today to help you repel the advance of the lower self because you have the power, the God power within to lead you to the lake of peace so that each day you will hear that whisper, that so-subtle whisper, so soft. It will say: ‘I am here. I am here’. Go forward every day. Draw nearer to the lake of peace and you will find that the whisper will get stronger and stronger. Oh, beloved children, do you not realise, if you go forward with faith and with trust, nothing can go wrong because you are in God’s care. It is with love that we speak to you and from the angels who draw close, we also give their love. They draw close to this wonderful place with love. Think on about this. So in the name of love, in the name of Light, we, Gabrielle and I, Julia are Sisters of the Light. The Sisters of the Light and your wonderful guardian angels are with you to lead you. Give them the opportunity to do so by sitting quietly. Now, enough has been said. God bless you. God keep you in His divine Light now and forever more. Amen.


3rd March, 2015 - Mary asks so earnestly that we all work urgently now to dispel the negative energy that we ourselves have built over eons.

God bless you. I am Mary. The nuns Gabrielle and Julia have given a great deal of power for me to come through this day to you. Oh, sweet children of the earth, I bring love, petals which shower their love and perfume. I bring to the earth the message of those of a higher plane. We are working towards victory over the dark shadows over the earth plane. The glory of the Light that they send to the earth is brilliant, so brilliant that you would not be able to look at it. Within that brilliance of Light there comes power, love and in that love is victory. Always remember, children of the Light, that nothing can surpass love. Love is always the victor. Always.

Lessons have been learnt and are still being learnt on earth and those who still ponder within themselves what to do, how to do it, those who are in pain, those who have had shock after shock through the happenings of the earth – some have not learnt yet to turn in. Turning in to the glorious Light that is within you, you connect yourself, and again we use that word connect, to the Light that is in Spirit. How can I express to you this day the glory of the Light that goes from the higher levels and descends to you. And don’t forget, you also have your own guardian angels. Each guardian angel cares for you, looks after you, watches out for you. So don’t you see, if you are in a quandary, don’t think you are alone for you are not. You are never alone. Simply go within yourself and ask for help. You will find then, if you have the faith and trust in the great Light within you, as we have said many times before, all crooked places will be made straight. Nothing can happen to you because you are protected by the loving rays of the great, great Spirit, The Lord Jesus. He looks after the world. He looks after what is going on in the world. He draws to him the highest angels, the archangels, that they are able, through His direction, to help what is going on in the world at this moment.

There will be peace. Of course there will but what you on the earth are up against is the eons of time, eons of time that these dreadful negative conditions have been building up. These negative conditions have been so bad that you have had volcanoes, whirlwinds, accidents, disasters all over the world. This is because of the energy that mankind has built up from the beginning of time, from the time of Atlantis when it was a beautiful land. The rot set in then by the dark forces and this is what we are fighting today on earth. So you see, it is important that each one of you sends out a Light and when you are in trouble, when your heart is aching for whatever reason, turn inward to the Light and you will be helped, strengthened and then put on the level to which you belong. The Light can go up and out.

Please understand the situation that you are in, that it is because of what you yourselves have done in the different lives that you have lived eons ago. But you are now back onto the earth plane and you have a chance once again to open your minds, lift yourselves up into the glory of the Light that is within you and that Light will go upward and will change things for each one of you. You will find that the glory of the Light will rise up to the Light workers and the Light workers will go on, making the darkness diminish. It cannot fight against Light and love. We do a lot of work. Indeed, as you know, many souls go to darker places but where there is a chink of Light, it is then, as we have explained in a previous prayer, that we are able to help them to come to the right way of thinking.

Children of the Light, remember that you are here to serve The Great, Great Spirit of All. He gave each one of you a portion of Himself and that portion is your higher self. You higher self can be reached by you quietly going within yourself and letting the Light brighten up within you. You have only to sit quietly and let the world leave you so that your mind is at peace. Then these shards of Light will come from the higher self to lift you, strengthen you and you will feel gloriously uplifted and ready to meet the world again. So, don’t you see, my beloved children of the earth, not of the earth really – you are only visitors – you have come to overcome the different karmic conditions that you have built up for yourselves in previous lives.

Now I think that I have said enough this day but I want you to know that the glory of God is within each of you. Again I say mind what you say. Tune in to your true feelings. Watch your thoughts. In fact in the quiet of each evening, think over your day. Think of what you might have said and done and if, as we have said before, there is something that you need to put right, then, my children, put it right. Oh, dear children, we love you with all our hearts and we are here to help you. Ask, please ask and we will be there to share your burdens and to make them lighter. And remember your wonderful guardian angels. They do so much work for you – you have no idea.  I give a blessing to these wonderful angels who help you. May they bring peace and power to you and may they influence your minds if only you will sit quietly and tune in to them. They will help you to turn inward to the Light. Now, God bless you. May the heavens and the Light of the heavens and the glorious Light of The Lord Jesus be with you now and forever more. Amen.

24th February, 2015 – To those souls on earth who already have their minds opened and who are giving their Light upwards, we say, God bless you.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia, Sister Gabrielle is beside me. We work together. Gabrielle supports me while I am speaking through this channel. We both want to bring, not only to the healers but to all, the power of love to help you and to make you feel you are safe because you are safe in the loving vibrations that come from the heavens bound towards you, children of the earth. Though we have said ‘children of the earth’, you have the divine spirit within you. When you feel as though you are harassed by things you have to do during the day, we ask that you do one thing, just one thing, and then leave the rest of your tasks to God. Do one thing quietly and leave the rest to The Great, Great Spirit. He will resolve things for you. Connect yourselves every day to the Light within you. If you cannot find the time to sit quietly, we ask that you think within yourselves, think of God. See Light. That is your connection. As you go about your daily work, think God, be God as He is within each one of you. Connect yourself mentally daily that way and you will find that your way will open before you, things will fall into place because you have that love within you, the connection that the God within you gives you. Because you connect, you see Light. As you go through your day, connect again. Think Light. Be Light. Connect and no matter what is going on in your life, all will be well.

We have said before that within you is what we bring to you and bring to the surface – the Christ that is within each one of you, the Light of the Christ is there. It is Godly and beautiful. By connecting to The Great, Great Spirit of All, you will find that the Christ within you will draw you upward and you will feel the love, the joy and the beauty of love itself. You will be drawn upward into this wonderful Light all because you turn inward and connect to The Great, Great Spirit. Walk along the paths that you are walking and I know that within your hearts is to help those who do not understand. We ask you to have patience with them. They are not on your wavelength. It is up to you to teach them in a kindly manner. As you walk the path upward, you will find tasks precious. You will find that lessons come to you. You may feel yourselves to be in a quandary as to what kind of lesson it is that you are learning. Ask your guardian angel and he will tell you. He will give you the feeling, help you to understand and bring to you a condition that you will react to. Then you will say ‘Oh, that is the lesson. Oh, I should be more patient with this person. The lesson is to be more patient. I must not be irritated – we are simply at different wavelengths’. So, that is one of the lessons that will come to you but you will always receive help if you ask for it to discover what that lesson is. You can then carry on with understanding. You understand that it is your personality that is being tried – not you, within yourself, which is God-like, but your personality. Please look into the personality. I know we have asked this before but it is important that you draw away from the personality. It is a stumbling block to your progression. We will strengthen you and help you to know the answers although answers to some of the questions that you ask are not for you at this time. However, the time will come when those questions will be answered.

In the meantime, we ask you, Spirit children who live on the earth, turn inwards, please, because the time is right. The Light that you send out now is important. This has been said so many times but we will repeat once again, lift yourselves up. Give yourselves to The Great Father within you and He will guide you. If you only knew the help that your guides, your wonderful guardian angels give you… I ask you, walk the path now upward and realise the glory of love. It has been said that the strength and power of love cannot be conquered. Nothing can overcome the purity and beauty of love. Please remember that you are all children of the Light and because of that we say to you all in the world, lift up the Light within you. Join the armour of Light, the army of Light.  Would that you could see the world and the Light coming from these wonderful souls who have given themselves for love, they walk under the flag of love. I can assure you that from the earth plane, the mind of Man is opening and his Light is lifting, lifting, joining the armour of Light that is in Spirit. You can imagine that part of the world is full of Light. We have in our world souls who are ready to go into the darkness. They have to cloak themselves and dim their Lights but those on the dark side can see a flicker of Light. These lovely angels go nearer and put into those minds that are flickering love, hope and the thought that what they are doing is wrong. That is some of the work that these wonderful angels do but they cannot stay long. They have to withdraw. They have to return. They have then to lift their vibrations and to clear the impurities they have picked up from the dark side of life. But what they have done is to create the little flickers of Light that are appearing, flickers of love, upliftment and they whisper to them ‘turn to the Light. What you are doing is wrong. Let love enter your heart’. Wonderful work is done by these wonderful angels who have come to help, to lift. They are clothed with the armour that is put on all the Light workers, silver armour of the Archangel Michael. Imagine each of these Light workers clad in their silver armour going forward with their love and Light shining in the dark places. Such great work is done by these wonderful souls, I can assure you. So, people of the world, please, please help. Give your Light. Let it go upward. You can feel the sun, the warmth of the sun, those who do not understand my words. Think about these things and to those souls who already have their minds open and who are already giving their Light upwards, we say, God bless you. You are a Sisterhood and a Brotherhood of Divine Light. 

So, beloved children of the earth and here at The Sanctuary, the healers and all the Sanctuaries that are sending out this wonderful Light, thank you and may God bless you all this day. Gabrielle and I, Julia, say God bless you and may He keep you in His wonderful Light now and for ever more. Amen.

10th February, 2015 - Abraham tells us how, in his days of slavery, he came to love and forgive his persecutors.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me. We come with love as always. We come to uplift you, to help you through your days. We try very hard to help you to understand yourselves and we’ll keep on doing so as we love you. Now I will stand aside for this lovely soul who has been waiting for some time to talk to you. With love and joy he waits.

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I am Abraham. Remember me? I have waited and I have been patient. I have learnt that. I’d like to remind you of the years of slavery that I had to endure and of the conditions that I had to live through. But I was able to overcome. Overcome the cruelty. Overcome by being patient and overcome, above all, by love. When we say love, and this I have learnt, it is not your personality that we love but it is the Light that is within you and when we see that Light within each one of you we do indeed love you, love in its purest form. Love. And remember that each one of you has this beautiful Light within.

I want to tell you that when I was a small child, my mother used to say to me ‘Child, you may be a number on the earth but in your heart is written ‘Abraham’ and that is your name. So as you grow, my little child, grow in faith and love and no matter what you have to endure, endure it, face it and know that you are in God’s loving care’. She taught me to love. She taught me to love the persecutors. She taught me to forgive and by doing so, it enriched my soul for when I went over to the other side, when I went home. Oh, the voices of my brethren who used to sing. They sang while they worked. They sang with all their hearts all day long because it lifted them, helped them, strengthened them and there was an energy of love that went between us and we were able to learn these lessons. Then I did not know, I did not know that they were lessons but I only went by my mama’s teachings. And she taught me well because as I grew up, I found that her teachings of love for my fellow man helped me tremendously in what I had to endure.

I bring to you all these memories for you to understand that you, too, whatever conditions you are going through, with love and forgiveness in your heart, you can lift yourselves up like we did. We said ‘Hallelujah, Father, we love you. We are in your care’. Try, if you can, to understand and remember these words ‘we are in your care’ and therefore, because you are in God’s loving care, whatever you go through, you will be victorious because there is love. Love. And you will learn how to love properly. Not love where you say ‘I love you, I love you’ but the love I am talking about is the love of the soul. The love of the deep spirit goes out unto all peoples who are suffering, all peoples who need to cling to faith – all they have is to cling to it.  I have learnt all these lessons and I am still learning in Spirit but I learn in a spiritual way.  I am able to come back and able to say to all of you who read these words: I am just Abraham and all I knew was what my Mama taught me. I lived by her teachings and I forgave. I tried to love and I tried whenever I was in desperate straights to say ‘Father, I am in your loving care and I know that you will see me through the crisis that I am in’. It is the same for you, my little ones on earth, if you would lift up your hearts, because not all is lost, you see, because of faith. Have faith. Have trust and let your life be handled, ordered, by the love of The Great Spirit within you. I am humble. I have great humility to the great love, the Light that is within each one of you. Have humility. Have love. Have love for your fellow man. Don’t look at the personality. Look at the Light that is within each one and if you can see that Light, you will love. You will love with your heart and because you are living with your heart open to love, you will lift up your brethren. You will lift each one by sending out this love. You will help each other.

I have said what I had to say. I have learnt so much and when I entered into the glory of The Father, I saw the chariot, the golden chariot, that would take me upward, upward, upward. When I arrived home, when I arrived in the land of Spirit, I was filled with the glory of love and thankfulness for what I had to endure. It was worthwhile because I am here and I bathe myself in the love that is given to me today. I give all of you my blessing and my love. Be at peace. Lift yourselves up. Don’t listen to the dark side of you. Turn away. Turn away and open the door of love and Light. It is a privilege that I have been allowed to speak through Joan today for she has not been well and therefore, we lift her up also into our Light. Her spirit will glow, as yours will glow because you will have added faith, added trust, and lead your days and your life in God’s hands. Thank you. Amen. 

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Is he not a wonderful soul? He has brought to the earth love, warmth and hope. He gives you hope for the future. We, Julia and Gabrielle, say to you – put a picture in your mind of what you want. Picture it. Picture it and think what you want to become and if you do so each day, so it will be. God bless you all. God bless you all this day. Amen.

27th January, 2015 - Mary: I have come, I have spoken and I have sent my love to the world.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me. We are here with love to uplift you but I will stand aside for there is another, a great light, who wishes to speak to you. With the power of love, there is a pathway.

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God bless you, my children. I come with my arms full of love to give to each one of you. Oh children of the world, do not think for one moment that you are alone because we are with you and the angels of love come down so near to the earth to give you the consolations of their feelings for you. We are compassionate and I can assure you that we lift you and help you.

We ask each one of you, children of the earth, if you would spend such a short time, and it is only a short time as you do not seem to have time for the real things in life that are important to you – we ask that you spend at least ten minutes of your time each day to turn inward to the Light. Whatever circumstances that you are in, no matter how you cry out in sorrow, aching and hurting, do you not see that you do no not get help from the earth? The earth can give you nothing but we can. We can help you. We can give you the love and help that you need but you see, you have to turn inward. Alas, you do not do that. You go on in your lives with the heartache and the misery. I know that each of you has different problems. Some of who have been hurt cry out from the soul. Some have been hurt physically. Always there is heartache of some kind within each one of you. Children of the earth, there are books available that you can read, and some of you do read them and when you read these wonderful books of wisdom, they lift you. But when you have read the book, do you not put it on one side. At that time, you feel uplifted but it doesn’t last. You forget the book. You forget what is written in it. You forget that it gave you enlightenment. Don’t you see, beloved children, if you turn inward there is your hope. There is help. Imagine the sun within you. Imagine a lovely day with sunshine upon you. Feel the embrace that the wonderful rays give you. Think about that within your imagination because it is there that we reach you. So, beloved ones, will you not spare time? Why don’t you see? Why don’t you know and understand that it is from the inner Light that we guide you, lift you, solve your problems – not the earth. The earth can offer you nothing but misery because there is so much pressure within it. It is affecting every one of you. Every one of you.

What I am asking you to do today is to sit quietly, let everything float from your mind and just see the rays of the sun beaming down upon you. Ask The Father, The Great Spirit of All, to strengthen you. You see, the Great Father of All, He knows. He knows what agony some of you are going through, the difficulty that you have to live and to eat your daily bread, which, perhaps, you cannot even afford. And you have responsibilities to your children but don’t you see, all you have to do is to turn inward to that Light within you and you will find that it will neutralise and make all crooked places straight for you. But will you do this? Children, this is a call to each one of you. No matter who you are, the golden Light within you shines brightly because The Great Spirit gave part of Himself to you and within each of you, this wondrous sun shines and the beams of Light come from it. All you have to do is to sit quietly. As you do, you will find that you will change. You will find that hope will come into your life.  Imagine – hope. Your heart will lift and you will feel that all is not lost. You will go forward in life with hope. Every day give time, time for what is really important. Not television. Not the trivial things of the earth. What you have from your inner selves is priceless. Priceless because it will lead you, help you, lift you. So have trust, my children, trust and give yourself to The Great Father. He will change your life. Yes, He will and He will change it because you are changing. You are giving time to what is most important. Time to give to the spiritual side of you.

Today I have come, oh I have come to give you love, to lift you, to remind you that the miseries that are going on with each of you can be helped by the Light within you and you will find that you will rise up with this glory and Light within you. As you go up, so your heart goes up and it will seem that glory comes from the heavens downward upon each of you to guide you, lift you, strengthen you and gloriously you will absorb the Light that the great angels come to give you. Light workers on the earth are indeed working hard to lift you. The beacons of Light that go out are unbelievable. The Light that comes from them and their energy is directed to their sisters and brothers on the earth. Give time. Spend time. Be quiet. Tune in. If you do this daily, you will find that it becomes easier and easier. You may ask how you turn towards this Light that we talk about and I say again, think of the sun, think of its rays coming down to you, think of a sunny day where there’s warmth and love. Imagine it. That’s when you tune in, beloved children.

I come today to lift you and to give you the love of the Divine. You all have that within you.  Each one has the gift of the Divine. If you turn inward, you will find gradually that you will be lifted within. You will find yourselves on a different level and the joy that comes to you from the spirit of love. And now, my children, I have come, I have spoken and I have sent my love to the world. I love you and embrace you. I come with love. I come with love. I beseech you, each of you, take time to sit quietly and tune in to the rays of the sun that are within you. May the glory of The Father beam down upon each one of you and may love reign for ever and ever. God bless you. May these petals that float down from the heavens as I speak, the pinks, the blues, the reds, the whites – these are the petals of peace. God bless you my children. I leave you this day with my love. 

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I am Sister Julia. What can I say. Such wonderful love has been given out to the world but we say again, please give time in your lives. Take time to tune in to the Light within and you will be told what to do and how to do it. So, children of the earth, we say God bless you. Walk with God now and forever. Amen. 


20th January, 2015 - A message from Joseph in which he stresses the urgent need for Light workers of the earth to do their work in this battle of Light and love.

God bless you, my children. Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle. We are here to love you, to greet you, to lift you and to say that all the teachings and knowledge that you have been given by Spirit, you must now draw upon so that you are able to help others. Lift up your hearts. Go forward in the life that you have to live. Whatever it is that you have to overcome, you will overcome. We do give blessings this day but we stand aside for someone else to come with a message. God bless you for now, God bless you.

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God bless you, my children of the earth and of Spirit. I am Joseph. I have been with you before many times. I come to enforce the message for you to go inward to the Light that is within you because you are Light bearers, remember, and you must be connected. You must indeed tune in to the Light within so that you are able then to let the lamp that burns there to rise up. Many, many lamps are aglow at the moment over the earth plane. There are so many people who have gathered together in different places to throw out the Light, as a mass. The Lights that are coming from different parts of the earth at the moment are strong. Some of you are beacons of Light.  From some, the Lights are perhaps flickering but I can assure you that the flickering Lights will grow stronger. So, the beacons are rising from the earth, love is coming down from the angels, who are sending the influence of love and Light and the Light workers also on the Spirit plane – all are working so hard. So you see, with the joining of the forces of the earth rising upward and we in Spirit working downward, we will produce, indeed, a force of love. This force of love will go before us to the negative conditions that are coming into our world at the moment.

Light workers, we need you. Light workers, pray. Light workers, go inward and draw from that golden Light within you. Walk the path of God. Every day, part of your mind must be with the Light and I can assure you, the energies and the love that come from the Light of the earth and from the heavens will indeed conquer. We lift up the hearts of those who are in peril, those who are unsure of their faith, those who are ill and depressed, those who are wounded spiritually and within their souls that have been damaged – all these Lights coming from the Light workers will heal, lift and help. This is a day when the Clarion call goes out from the Spirit world to the earth world. This Clarion call is to tell all of you to rise up and claim your heritage, which is pure Spirit. You are pure Spirit living in a physical body. Remember that. Remember also that you are a beacon of Light because you have your trust in The Great, Great Spirit of All. You have your faith to know that all will be well with you, each one of you. Oh, Light workers of the world, lift yourselves up and up until the power of Spirit is within you, which goes out with such great energy. Can you imagine in your minds the Light that is going out from the earth and it does so only because of the Light workers, because you are a Light worker. Walk the path of love and, as we have said in a previous prayer, all will be overcome. Love will be the conquerer. Love will always have the shield and the sword and the glory of the Light of The Great, Great Father Himself will come down through us of the higher realms. It will come down to lift and strengthen you all.

Little ones, Light bearers – this is a prayer for the Light bearers. Help your fellow man.  Walk the path of love and know that nothing, nothing can deflect you from your path as you have love and The Great, Great Spirit within. So Light workers of the world, this is the Clarion call to each one of you. Go inward. Draw upon the Light and the Light will help you in your own private lives. It will open the way for you, open the doors of opportunity and resolve such problems as may arise. You must step away from whatever may be in your past, whatever makes you feel low, whatever it is that you are struggling with – draw upon the Light. It will give you the inner strength to be able to go inward to the heart, inward where the pure Light abides. It rises upward to The Great, Great Power of All. So, children, I speak to you with love. Have courage. Go forward in hope and go forward, know that when you draw upon the Light, nothing, nothing can overcome love or overcome the Light that each one of you has within.

Now it is with God’s blessing that I bless each one. I bless those of the world whose Lights are bright and shiny. May you help your fellow man to realise how important it is that each one sends out the Light and to love your God with all your heart and with all your might for this is a battle of Light and love. The negative energies that are in the world have tried to be strong but nothing can overcome the Light. So be strong.  Be positive and let your Lights turn into beacons. Can you not see – there is always a winning side and that is love. Now, God bless you. The power of love blesses each one of you. The power comes down from the higher levels and encompasses the whole world with Light. I am demonstrating with my hands to show you the meaning of the Light and Lights that will push away the negative forces that are trying to be strong, trying to instill fear. Fear is the weapon that they are using.  But there is nothing to fear because you are beacons of Light and fear does not come into your life. It does not affect the Light because while you are in God’s care, while you are thinking of love and while you realise that nothing, nothing can hurt you because love is strong, that is your weapon. Now again I say God bless you. Walk with God. Walk with God. You can do it. You have to deal with your earthly matters but your Light will be always there so during your day, just think of Light and love. May the angels guide you. May you be lifted, strengthened and children of the world, walk forward with hope and with the strength of the Light that is within you. God bless you all.

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Sister Julia -I am back again. Think, think, think of the words that have been spoken today. Take within yourself the meaning of the words. We love you deeply and we will always, always help you. You have your own lives but we do help you. If you only knew the help that you receive. God bless you, children. God bless the world. God bless the Light that is in the world. From me, Sister Julia, and Sister Gabrielle, I say God bless you this day. Amen. 


13th January, 2015 - Live spiritually.  Live a life of love and Light, without fear. A prayer from The Messenger.

Beloved children, I have come this day to give you cheer and to lift you from the blanket of fear that is now prevalent in the world. This is exactly what the lower selves of each one of you want. They have been waiting a long time to have the collection of minds to send out the low energy. I want you to know that hovering over the world at the moment are Lights, great, wonderful Lights that are coming down into the earth plane to help you. You are helped and you are strengthened in your beliefs, no matter what denomination you are. You are helped, strengthened. You must now go within and tune in to the Light that is there. That will cast out your fears. Nothing can happen to you with your faith and your trust in the great Light that is within you. Lift your hearts. Do not be pushed to the ground by these low vibrations that are sent now into the world and by the things that are happening which are fearful, horrific and have upset the balance of each one’s mind. Fear has crept in. Therefore, today this is a prayer to let you know that love will always win. The Light will always be the victor. Always. So as you go through your daily work and the thoughts that flood into your mind, remember, love and Light – that is all. That is the victory. Love and Light are the victory over fear.

Oh, my little ones, lift your hearts because we are near you. We are near you to strengthen you. I want so much for you to turn to the Light so that we can draw nearer to you to shoulder what I call the heavy negative conditions that come to you and to the whole world at the moment – a blanket of fear, but I can assure you that there are also great, beautiful Lights upon the earth. To combat current conditions of fear and negativity, we have seen a great energy rising from Light workers on earth to meet that sent down from the heavens to lift, to bring love. This, you see, is the work of the Light bearers. They came in a mass to show you the Light. So I ask you, in your daily work and things you do, be positive in your mind because you know that all will be well in time. But first turn to the Light, lift yourselves and have the greatest faith of all to know that the power of love wins over everything. Nothing can go against the vibrations of Light. Light will always win. Always. So, at the moment, the lower selves and the energy that is at work are trying their very, very best to win you over to their side. Don’t do it, little ones. When you feel that flutter of fear inside of you, turn to the Light and know that it will always prevail. That is your strength, what helps you to go forward.

This prayer today is to remind you that the Light always conquers all but at the moment the lower selves are having a wonderful time, giving you insecurity, making sure that wherever you go, whatever journey you make, there is always that flutter of fear. I want you to turn inward, go towards the Light within you and know that nothing bad can happen. Nothing can overcome the Light and that Light is within you.  Will you remember that and remember also that you have to tell yourself that you cannot live in fear, you cannot live like that, you are not on the earth to succumb to the lower self. You are on earth to overcome. You are on earth with God’s messengers and Light and the Light bearers. They will carry through those who are doubtful, those who do not know.

I can assure you that much is being done in the Spirit world to neutralise, to help and strengthen you. Go forward from this time forth. Go forward and know that not all is lost because the truth is that it is not, little ones, because we of the higher orders are sending Angels of Light to the earth plane and their influence is very great. Remember this when that flutter appears within your solar plexus when you go out into the streets, when you journey to work or whatever you are doing. I ask that you turn inward and say a prayer: “Father, I am in your beloved hands and all will be well with me”. Go forward with the banner that now flutters strongly in the wind, the wind of change. That change is within you as you are going to overcome the lower self and the lower vibrations that are indeed around the world at the moment.

May the leaders of the world get together and join forces with one and other and may the spiritual side of them rise, rise, rise – all countries and all those who govern countries, we have a great blessing to give them. Live spiritually. Live a life of love and Light. Lift your hearts now. Go forward. You are not alone. There is an army of love. The Light workers at the moment are sending out a wonderful beacon of Light that will neutralise, that will help. You yourselves have to do this, too, by having faith and courage and allowing the Light within you to govern you. To do that, you must turn inward. This morning, this prayer is for strength, courage, hope for the future and the upliftment of your souls because we are with you to strengthen you, love you and in everything you do, we try to help you. Ask for help. Ask for strength. Ask for help to overcome whatever weakness you have. Ask for help and you will receive it. Turn inward. Turn to the Light and remember that you are not alone.

I say these words today because they come from the heavenly sources – lift your hearts now. Know that you have help. Know that we are with you and know that the Lord above is sending out the influences for good, Light, upliftment. Turn inward my beloved children and with this on my lips today and through the medium we are using, we say God bless you. God bless all of you. God bless the world. It is in the name of love and of Light that I come. I am the messenger, come to give the message from the higher realms. Thank you and God bless you all.

16th December, 2014 - I am John. I come this day to talk to you about long ago...when our Lord Jesus taught us to love one another.

God bless, you my children. As you know, I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me. We stand aside for there is someone here, this wonderful soul, come to speak to you. Send out love… 

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I am John. I come to give you greetings. I come to bring you love from the world of Spirit. I come to help each one of you on the earth plane to lift yourselves up now, lift yourselves up into the Light, as we keep saying. I come this day to talk to you about long ago. We worshiped and loved the Lord Jesus. He gave to each one of us courage, resourcefulness and, above all, He gave us faith. He taught us to love one another because at times there were disagreements between us but because of the love of the great, great leader, Master of All, He helped us to understand the meaning of love. He told us the message that we had to give to the world, those around us at that time and it was very difficult. Very difficult because there was much anger then and people did not understand the message that was given to them. At times we came back towards our beloved master and He would teach us love. Love. We must give love no matter what happens, how people feel. Love is the prime golden star. Walk in that Light. Have greater faith. Be strong with one another and go out into the world with love.

I have come today, and I won’t stay long, as I want you to have this message from the Great Master, the Master of all Masters and the great, great Christ spirit that lived in Him. The angels of The Lord, all the Lights of the earth and all you peoples that will turn towards the Light within you, then it will be a greater world, happier world because the consciousness of man is being now raised to a high level. We have spoken about this many times before.

I come today with love. I come to say to all of you that when you turn to the teachings of The Great Master, nothing can go wrong with your lives because you live a life of love. Give love. Be love. That is what we were taught and we were able, when the time came that we were on our own on earth, to go to other places. Some went to different countries to preach, to give the message of The Great, Great Spirit of All. That is what I want to bring today, to the earth and to the loved ones - and we are loved ones to The Great Spirit. We are His children. So I say today practice love. Be love.  Look within yourselves because it is there, there, that you will find the answer to any of the miseries that you may be going through. We had to learn – but we did learn because we had the soft vibration of Lord Jesus. God bless you. Live in Light. Love one another. I, John, have spoken today. And so, God bless you.

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Well, my children, what can I say. Such a wonderful soul. He has come with Light and blessings for the world. Listen to what his words say. Turn towards the soft, beautiful Light that is within you. Walk in God’s Light because once you start on that path, you never need to look back. Gabrielle and I say God bless you. May God keep you always within His arms. God bless you.

9th December, 2014 - Mother Earth will bring about destruction as she cleanses the earth for a golden age.

God bless you. I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We wish to bring you so much joy, so much love for we understand, you see, your struggles. But I am not here today to talk to you for there is another who wishes to speak to you. You know him well. God bless you for now.

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God bless you, children. I am Joseph. I have come at this special time because I want so much to lift and help you, to strengthen you. My message today to all of you of the earth is to walk with God. Have we not said this many times? At the moment it must be very hard for you to think of this because of the heavy pressures that are put upon you but we say to you, walk with God. Walk with His divine Light that is within each one of you. We don’t want you to go through your earth life in fear – fear of tomorrow, of next year, of even the moment you are living in. We in Spirit endeavor to come close to you to help you and though this is a happy time of giving and loving, there is an element of fear, as I have said. Fear links with you very strongly because in each one’s heart, you wonder how you are going to cope with the next day. There is an undercurrent of fear running through the planet earth at the moment, an atmosphere, a fear of what might come, of being hungry, of not knowing what to do. This is why I am here today, to say to you, children of the Light, the lower forces do gather in strength at this time of the year as well. They gather to give you doubt, fear and to make you feel that you can’t cope. Oh, how fearful they can make you. But beloved children, so many times we have said, within you there is a golden sun and the rays from the sun shine down towards you but unless you turn inward, how are you going to be eclipsed by this Light and this wonderment that will help you? The Light, when you absorb it, will help you through the shadows that are around you. It will help you to be positive and to have courage but above all, the Light will open the way for you. You will find if you turn to the Light more and more that your life will open before you and that fear will disappear because we will give you confidence and courage. We will give you all these things to lift you and you will go about your days knowing that you are in the Light of The Great Father who is within you.

Today we ask you to turn inward, to think of the sun, of the rays of the sun – it’s so easy. These wonderful rays come towards you and as you absorb them day by day by turning inward, life will be easier for you. You will find that things of the earth will come your way and as things open up, you will think ‘how wonderful – how did that come to pass?’. But you know how it came to pass because you turned towards the Light. That’s what I call walking with God. Walk with God. Feel the heart that comes to you from the lovingness of The Great, Great Spirit.

We have said many times that the angels that surround the earth are sending out their wonderful angelic influences and there are angels on the earth that are valiantly trying to lift mankind. We are trying to say that the consciousness of man is shifting to another level and because of this shift, a disturbance may be caused within yourselves. This could make you feel unsure. Whereas you knew what you were doing, because of the shift of consciousness, you begin to feel a little unsure and that is why the golden Light within you will give you love, strength and purpose to walk the path upward. You cannot remain the same as the planet is changing. Mother Earth is changing the contours of the earth. This is why there are volcanoes and disruptions of the earth, disturbances all around the earth. Within this disturbance, you will find that your consciousness will rise upward. Mother Earth will cause a lot of destruction to the earth itself but it has to be as she is cleansing the earth and she is destroying the dark patches of the earth. She is bringing in purity and upliftment of the earth to a golden age that is waiting to slowly come forward. As you see these things happening, try not to be afraid as the Light will help you, teach you, tell you what is going on. But if you go through life trying to do this and that through your own energy, can’t you see, you will become frustrated, unhappy, depressed and then you lose faith in yourself and, above all, faith in The Great, Great Father Himself. I ask today that you please look inward and draw upon the Light because it is that Light that is going to see you through the traumas and difficulties that will meet you while Spirit is changing and lifting all of you into a higher consciousness. For that to happen, there must be a disturbance but if you turn inward and know that you are looked after, your way will be made straight for you and your heart will no long beat with fear as you know that the angels above are sending you angelic influences. Isn’t it wonderful to rise to a higher plane? Isn’t it worth the suffering that is going on at the moment, when you know full well that you have the Light to help you? We are here to give you service of love and all you have to do is to call out, call out to the angels, call out and you know that they will be there because you have asked them to be there. They never intrude – you have to ask, as we have told you before. If only you knew how much you are loved and how much we try to teach you to go forward and upward but now the change has come. Therefore you will find that there are differences within yourself, with the way you think, the way you feel. Try not to be disturbed by this. Turn to the Light because it is only a shift, a lifting. Love one another. Enjoy your Christmas. It doesn’t matter what religion you are. The Holy Light is there and it shines over all of you. Pray. Go inward. Find the Light. Think of the sun and the rays of the sun. Tune in to the rays and you will be helped through all your difficulties. It will lift you because you are preparing for the shift of consciousness and this is what I say to you today, my children. Have heart. Have faith. Have trust and know that you will be guided and the road you travel will be made lighter for you because we are around you. There is a great, great power that is within the earth. The Great, Great Spirit of All wants the earth to be as it used to be, which was love, the advancement of souls. A great blessing is put upon the earth this day. Love, courage, Light. Lift up your hearts. Go forward and may this wonderful blessing from The Great Father of All come to you through the angels and through your higher self which is within each one of you. Glory be to The Father and to the Son and to The Holy Spirit. Amen.

2nd December, 2014 - Whatever you give, give with love so that the Spirit of love goes into that gift. 

God bless you, my children. I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We bring blessings to you today. We always bring blessings, we always bring love and we always bring tranquility to you because each of you has a burden to carry – in different measures for each one. But now, for the moment, we stand aside. 

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I am Mary. I come to bring love to each one of you. For those who are suffering physically, emotionally, I come with love to ease your burden and to say that whatever is your heart’s desire, if you have not achieved it, there is always a reason.  I can assure you that all will work out well for those who feel thwarted in their lives. 

Today I bring a message, a message, my children of the earth, to say that we are entering the festive season and in the fervor of your buying material things for your children, for your loved ones, remember, as you give presents to each other, the symbol behind the giving, the symbol of love and of Spirit. Do not sink yourselves into the materialism of the world. Remember that within each one of you the Christ lives and it is the Christ vibration that we bring to you to lift you, help you, guide you. It is indeed within each one. 

In this festive season we ask that you tell the little ones, while they accept these lovely glittering presents that make them so happy, tell them the reason why they are receiving these gifts, the spirit behind the giving. Help the little ones that belong to the mothers and fathers. Help them. Teach them what is holy and good. Teach them to be good to one another even at their young age because as they look upon their parents, they are given an example. 

I want today not only to bring the message and the blessings but also to remind you what Christmas really means. That is the upliftment of the soul because an Angel of Light came to the world to teach you love – to teach you love. Love for one another.  Each of you has a personality and it is this personality that you have to try to change because it will allow the negative to creep through. The negative can sometimes be very, very strong but if your hearts and your minds, parts of your personality, are tuned in to the love that is given to you, to the love and the Light that is within you,  part of you will always be connected to Spirit. Oh children, I do come with love. I come with lovely petals that fall so gracefully down towards you all. The perfume that they give will help to lift you, help you to go inward to achieve the pathway, the road to love, the road you travel. Teach your children love, to give to one another. Teach them about the Light. You might say what is the Light, how do I do this? I don’t know how to turn towards the Light. I say, children of the Light, you are Light. Turn inward and see the rays of the sun shining upon you. As you imagine those wonderful rays, your eyes are closed and you are looking inward. There you can see the Light. That, my children, is the Light. As you turn towards it you will find that the heavens open and that your wonderful guides will lead you. So have faith. Faith. This is the time now when you can have faith in The Great, Great Spirit, in your guides. Know that they will guide you rightly. Go forward. Go forward in this Light. Learn to teach your children love and to give to each other and also you, who have grown to adulthood, also give to your fellow man. So much Light shines upon the world today because, as we have said before, with the giving and the loving, the vibrations go upward and the veil of Spirit thins. At this time, until the holy day comes, you will find that it is easier to communicate with Spirit. It is easier to listen to Spirit and it is also easier for you to feel Spirit. Lift up your hearts and know that you are taken care of in spite of the heaviness of the body, of the mind. Turn inward, my beloved children. We are there to help you, to love you. As I go about different places upon the earth, prayers are lifted up into the heavens asking from the heart for guidance, help will come to all the children of the earth. Trust and know that you have come down to this world to find yourself. Who are you? What do you feel? What do you think? What is your earnest desire? There is a lesson in that earnest desire. Be patient. Be full of love and know that what happens to each one of you is ordained by your own thoughts. If your thoughts are positive, loving, uplifting, they will lead you to a higher place but if your thoughts are on the low side, your personality must alter. It must develop faith, love and the great strength of the angels that come to help you. Be aware of what is happening to you.  Be love, great love. We will lift you. Help you. Pray with all your hearts and with all your souls. Lift your eyes unto the heavens, unto The Great, Great Spirit that guides each one of us, whether on a high or lower plain. The Great, Great Spirit has you in His loving power. Children, lean against The Great Spirit. Lean against the great golden cross that is before you.  Lift yourselves up. Your burdens will be lighter. No matter what pain you are in or what anguish you feel, steadfastly have that cross in your minds. See the Light that comes from it. Gather strength from it because the rays that come from it are from The Great Spirit of All. Now, I have given my message of love and of thanks to the Holy Spirit that is in this world today because of the loving and the giving. Don’t be materialistic. Whatever you give, give with love so that the Spirit of love goes into that gift. God bless you. God keep you in His Light, my dear, dear children because it is the love and the upliftment of The Great Spirit that touches you today. God bless you.

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That was a wonderful blessing, wasn’t it. If you could see the power, the love, the upliftment of your souls. You may not feel it now, but you will as the day goes by. Your soul will be uplifted. Gabrielle and I say God bless you. What more can we say after that wonderful blessing. God bless you and keep you always in His Light. Amen.

18th November, 2014 - I ask with all my heart, children of the earth, that you have a happy frame of mind.

Beloved children, once again, Julia, and Gabrielle is beside me. We come to give you love. As always, we give you love. Each time we come, it may seem that we are going over old ground but it must be so because, children of the earth, you are so forgetful and do not remember. You need to be constantly reminded.

Today, I want to ask you once again to watch your thoughts and your feelings. We have spoken about this before but I ask that when you wake up in the morning, instead of thinking about what is wrong, perhaps thinking ‘oh dear, another day’, we want you to start the day, no matter what is around you, thinking what a lovely day it is, a good day when all things are going to be right, that The Great, Great Spirit is with you and that you know it will be a good day because you are happy. You are happy because you are in the glorious Light, because you know that your guides are around you to help you. Whatever happens during your day, have happy thoughts. When you have happy thoughts, I want you all to realise that not only do you help your fellow man by your energy, but also the energy goes within. When the energy goes within with happy thoughts, happy feelings, it controls, it gives, the energy to all cells of your body. You are renewed, renewed because of the joyousness and happiness that come from a happy thought. When this wonderful energy goes within you, you will find that it renews you – renews your blood, muscles, ligaments – whatever is wrong with you. For some, this will not be a cure but you will be better than you were. I ask with all my heart, children of the planet earth, that you have a happy frame of mind. Go through your day knowing that you are being helped, that all around you is good, that you are going to be happy. If you start off that way, a Light accompanies you throughout the day and it clears all negative things around you. This is because you have faith and love in your mind and you know that The Great Spirit of All has given you a divine spirit within.

Children, I ask humbly of The Great Spirit that He will guide you, help you.  Remember the energy that comes from you and when you are sad or grumpy, stop for a moment and say: ‘No, I’m happy. I’m tuned in to The Great, Great Spirit of All that is within me, my higher self’. Again we remind you – you have this wonderful higher self. Please learn to do this. Please learn to distinguish the negative from the positive and to stay on the positive side. Try in the morning when you wake up to make your first thought that it is going to be a happy day. You will then be giving happiness and help to those around you. Sometimes you will not even need to speak because that joy within you comes out and it affects those around you. Energy goes in circles so you see, not only will you be helping yourself but you will be helping those around you. Tell them, too, to be happy, to have happy thoughts. It’s so easy to be happy, easier than being sad. We in Spirit do realise that sometimes that you carry pain. But you don’t have to because all you have to do is to turn towards the Light and ask that no matter whether physical or emotional, help will always be given to you.

I now want to say, children of the earth, learn to accept the situation that you are in. Do not rebel. Do not resent. Tell yourself that you must accept. Cry out for help but think to yourself that you want to accept your situation. Once you do, you will find that life opens up, life is so different and whatever you want in your life comes to you because you have accepted your situation as it stands now. Think that as you accept that this is where you are now, if it is God’s will, so be it, you will obey that will and accept what is around you and within you, knowing that you are in God’s hands. You are in His hands, in the glory of His Light. Learn to accept. Those who are in great pain, struggling with their physical bodies – you can do it, you can do it. Accept what you are experiencing and by acceptance, you send out a Light and it makes the way for good things to clear in each person’s life.

So, beloved children, The Lord Thy God has sent his angels of Light and the angels who live on the planet earth – they are sending out their love and your own personal angel is there to guide you,  help you, strengthen you. I am going to leave you today with these good thoughts: wake up and feel happy. Throw away the negative condition that you don’t feel happy as you are happy because you are going to be very positive. Also remember to accept your situation and that once you do so, you will go on into the glorious Light that is there because of the energy that you send out. That is enough for you to assimilate. Remember that you have the love of Spirit with you that guides you, helps you, lifts you. Turn towards the Light always. God bless you all. Walk with God. Walk with the Light that is within you. So, Gabrielle and I say God bless you. God bless the world. God bless the Light that is lifted by the angels of love. How blessed we are. God bless you, children.


11th November, 2014 - A prayer from Julia on the remembrance anniversary of WW1.

The love in my heart goes out to all of you knowing full well that you have your sorrows, your heartaches, but you know we can help you. We can lift you. Turn towards us when you are in such pain for we will be able to help you over it, whatever the circumstances are. If you turn inward towards us we will help you. We will give you the strength that you need, the courage. Have faith. Have faith in The Great, Great Spirit. Remember that when you have this faith and this love, all things can be made straight for you. You can be helped beyond measure over whatever it is that is in your pathway.

Be still and know that thou art God for within you is the Light, the higher self. We have told you before, it is a gift from The Great, Great Spirit of Himself. So I ask each one of you to turn inward to this beautiful Light and place yourself in the hands and in the love of this great Light within you. The spirit of love will carry you through whatever circumstances. There has been such an up- surge of remembrance of those who have passed into spirit. There has been heart ache and tears but I can assure you that those who have gone over to the spirit world have been helped and are already helping those who have come over with no knowledge. Because you have sent out these loving thoughts of remembrance, I would say to each one of you, when you go back into the life of the earth again, think. Think about the contribution that your loved ones have made and because of that I want you to think that you, too, want to make a contribution. That contribution is: live your life with love. Live your life giving and loving and also understanding your fellow man. That is your contribution. Change your thoughts. Change your attitudes. Be not rebellious against things because the contribution that you are going to make in the name of this remembrance is to give love to help the planet, to live what I would call the Light, the Light that has been given to each one of you because of love and of the remembrance of those who have passed on and are in spirit. You have a duty now to them to carry on the cross of love. But duty also means that you have to quieten your tempers. You need to have more compassion. You also need to think of your fellow man not with hatred but with understanding and love. Go forth now. Go forth now into the world each day giving your contribution as you will be carrying on the sacrifices that have been made in honour of your country. Spirit has a different view of wars and conflict but of course we understand. This is what we want you to do. Contribute love.  Cast away negative conditions by constantly being aware of what you are thinking. Walk in Light. Turn to the Light. It’s there. It’s there to help you. There is no need for these dreadful surges of deep despair.  We are there, always, to turn the corner for you. All of this is done in the name of The Lord and of The Great, Great Spirit. Don’t you realize that when you turn to the light and pray, you pray with the knowledge that you are in God’s loving care. Again we say, when you are in His care, what can happen to you? Good things. And the angels can draw closer to you to love you, help you, putting their wings of love around you to guide you, strengthen you.  Oh, so many things. And at the end of your term on the earth plane, you will look back and say: ‘I did try, I did my best’ and doing your best, my beloved children, is what we want you to do. We want you to do your best. Go beyond yourself. Faith.  Love. The security of being in God’s care. Lead on. Go towards the star, the star of love and Light. Go towards it. Take a deep breath, my children, to give you the energy of the power of love that is there. Lead yourself day by day by thought, by deed. Lift yourself into the heavenly embrace of the angels around you, always willing to help you, to guide you. Oh children of the Light, with the armada that is in Spirit and the Light that is growing, walk toward the cross that is ever before you. It shines, it lifts, it radiates. Walk towards it with the banner of love flowing freely because of the breeze of dedication that comes from the cross. Lead on, children of the Light. Lift your brother and sister. Lift them, help them, strengthen them and may the Light that comes from the earth plane upward, may it be a glory that shines. Go forward, children, with courage, with hope in your hearts and say: ‘I will make my contribution this day and every day and I will pray for courage, I will pray for hope and I will pray that I will be guided by the angels of love to go forward, to bring more Light into the world’. Then you are contributing in the right way.

So, children of love, children of Light. I am ending this prayer, I, Julia and Gabrielle.  We lift you, love you, care for you. We are always there, always there – the Light, the love, the angels are always there. Call upon them. Call upon your lovely guides.  They are wonderful souls who give wonderful service to you and to mankind through you. God bless you and God keep you in His Light. Walk steadily, purposefully. Look up. The Light is there, shining. Go towards it.

Children of love, I end this prayer with all the love of Spirit that is raining upon all of you and in the name of Light and of Jesus and the Christ sphere that works through Him, we say God bless you. Amen.

4th November, 2014 - Love your God with all your heart as you will be led, eventually, to sit at His feet.

God bless you, my children. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle stands beside me. Today, we wish to say to all of you of the world, peace be within your soul. Be quiet within. Send out the gentleness of love that is within you. Lift yourselves up to the divine Light that is forever shining within you. Because of the tremors and heartaches around you and because you need us so much, we look at you and cry for you because, you see, there is a simple way in which you can ease and help yourself and live a better life. But so many of you are swamped by negative conditions and you cannot see the Light. That is why we bring it constantly to you. The great powers above and the angels of Light that surround you, live amongst you, are there to lift you and to help you. Be peaceful. Let your hearts open to love and Light and when you do this, beloved children of the earth, don’t you see how able we are to come to you?  It is so much easier when your hearts are open. Go forth into the Light. We bless all of you. Now I stand back for there is one other who wishes to speak to you.

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I am Mary. I come with blessings and love for all of you. We send these blessings to you.  We lift you, help you, strengthen you. Nothing goes by without us knowing your thoughts and feelings. Tread the path of Light. No matter what anguish or heartaches you may have, no matter how you feel, please sit quietly for a while and think of the sun shining upon you. If you can do this, you turn towards the Light and by turning towards this wonderful Light we come to you and bring you more than you give. Always we are giving more to you. But we ask that you ask for us to take part in your life. We do not intrude upon any one of you. 

We want you to watch your thoughts, as we have asked so many times. Beloved children, if you knew how important your thoughts are. When a negative condition comes to you in the form of a thought, you will know because you are training yourselves to be aware of how the lower self tries to creep in to your daily life. Every now and again, examine your thoughts. Go over your day. Train yourself to be aware of the times when the lower self tries to slip in. We don’t want that. You are living in a very difficult world, full of anger and hate but because of that, we are trying to give you extra strength and power to enable you to lift yourselves up.

I am called in many directions all over your planet and whenever there is an earnest plea to come, to help, to lift, that’s where I am. I am kept very, very busy by those who believe in Spirit but with your help, with your divine love to give compassion that is within each one of you, don’t you see, Light bearers, your Lights grow brighter. As they do so, no matter who you see, who you talk to, even on your telephones, because of your Lights, the energy that you are goes out and out and out. Thus, many are touched by your Light and the inner compassion that comes from you.

So, children of the world, open yourselves to Light and it will carry you over life’s problems. It will sooth and place a balm of love over the hurts. Turn to the Light. So many of you are not doing so. We need the energy coming from you. We need that wonderful uplifting Light and energy that comes from love from each one of you. This is a message to say: do you love your fellow man? The message is: do you know what love is? And the message is: ask what true love is and the answer will be to put self on one side. Go on with your life and as you do so, there is Light behind you, Light in front of you. All it needs is the opening of your minds. We bring this message to you today: please be still. Look inward and walk with Light, walk with The Great, Great Spirit who has given part of Himself to be your higher self. How many times have we said that in prayers? We will keep on and on repeating ourselves.

So, my children of the Light, and there are so many, many Lights in this wonderful world, you know this world is going to be a very wonderful place eventually. But first learn self-discipline and to be aware of the lower self that is within you. We all have a lower self and it is this that is always tugging away. Be aware of it. It is part of your ‘self’ – the lower self as opposed to the higher. Go forward in Light. Oh, you are loved beyond measure. If you could see the Light that streams upon each one of you… So I say, love your God with all your heart and with all your might because you are going to be led, eventually, to Him to sit at His feet. It is a long way yet but you are walking the path. As you walk the path upward, we will help and strengthen you and one day, one day, you will be able to help others because you come then, children of the world, to a higher plane. Try to reach it by light and love and we will help you. May God bless you and I, Mary, have come to give you blessings this day. You are loved, each of you. God bless you and walk with Light. Amen.


28th October, 2014 - Your higher self waits for you to reach a point where purity runs through you.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and, of course, Sister Gabrielle is beside me. We have come today to tell you that you are all loved. We know your thoughts, we know what you desire, what you dislike but today I bring to you a thought, and that thought is as follows. There are so many, many people who are old, who are weary of life, who are sick. Some of them know about the golden Light within them but the majority do not and so they live a life of loneliness. Therefore, we ask that you give love and under- standing because one does reach a certain point in one’s life when one needs the love of one’s fellow man. For them I ask you to send out loving thoughts that those who are struggling should feel the Light and I ask humbly that the golden Light of love will come down from the angels above to help those whose Lights are flickering. Lead us, oh Lord, this day to help the children of the earth. There is so much that we have to pray for, Lord. We pray that the love that You bear us can come through us, the Light workers, that we are able to help, to give, to love. We ask you also that when you awake in the morning, remember to have happy thoughts. Go out into the world and whoever you meet, smile because a smile from you will be love.  Look at others and understand that they are lonely because you pick up the emanations coming from them. Give love. See the loveliness that is within each person you meet. Give love and look at the good things that you can see within them. Give brightness and love, a smile to lift their hearts. What is love? How often have we said that love is a graciousness of Spirit. Love is the giving of yourself and we ask all in this world who listen or who read these words to put self on one side and look at your fellow man with the eyes of the Light that is within you. Remember that the Light within you is the higher self that has been given to you from The Great, Great Spirit of All. The Light shines when you turn inward and as you do so, look upward so that the Light reaches you and can be sent out into the world. Your higher self waits for all of you to reach a point where purity runs through you. When you are pure, higher in your mind, you will feel the strong impact of the rays that come from the higher self. The higher self can only come so far. You have to work on yourselves. To do this you need to go out into the world, give love, smile, lift and whoever you touch, as you do so, healing power comes from you.

Your presence, all Light workers, is needed in the world. Whatever you give to a stranger, someone you pass by in the street, smile, even if they do not see you. Nevertheless, you will have given them a beam of Light. So this day I am going to say that love is within you but you have to practice it. To do so, you need strong, happy thoughts. Go out in the world and see the good in everybody. Give love to everybody. Don’t see the dark side. There is always a dark element, but see the light side and  by looking for love, looking for the good in others, then you will express the love within you. That is your work at the moment – lifting, giving, understanding. Understanding how others feel and what level they are at. Although they may look at you blankly when you speak, I can assure you that your words go within and will be remembered. At a certain point, they will remember and you will have set them on the path.

Beloved children, that is all we are going to say today. Look into yourselves no matter what is before you, however busy you are. Have happy thoughts and all will be well because you are in God’s loving care. Don’t forget that – in God’s loving care. Give trust, give faith to your fellow man. They will then pass on the Light to others. Now, God bless you and remember that we are here to help you no matter what. Be quiet, be still and send out your thoughts to us. We will come and we will help you. God’s Light not only shines upon the Sanctuary but it shines upon the world and, steadfast and true, the angels of Light are pouring their Light down into the world to lift, to help and to give happiness. Happiness comes from good thoughts, strong thoughts, positive feelings. See the energies in your mind build up. See the Light. See who you are. You are angels of Light. God bless you. May He keep you in His care. Love Him. Walk with Light. God bless you. Amen.    

21st October, 2014 - Mary asks so earnestly that we draw away from the darkness of the earth and send out love.

God bless you, my children.  I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me.  It is such a joy to be with you today. We stand aside now for someone else to come through to you.

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Oh I bless you all. I am Mary. I come with love. I come with the joy of The Great, Great Spirit. I give you all Light, I give you trust, I give you faith. Have faith. Have Light. Have love for one another. Send out the thoughts into the world so that your wonderful energy that comes from your thoughts of love will open the dark forces. You will then find that that little chink of Light will open the dark places of the minds of those that know not. They do not know. Only by the love that you send them can you help to lift them from the abyss of darkness. You will help to lift the world, which indeed needs lifting.

Oh children, as we look upon you, we say to you put self on one side. Again I say to those who read and those who hear, put self to one side. Give your will truly to The Great, Great Spirit because He knows best. He knows every thought that comes from your mind. He knows your feelings, what you want, what hurts you and He knows with the greatest compassion as you are His children.  Did He not create you?  Did he not place part of Himself within you?  That part of Himself is your higher self.  It is so beautiful. The rays that come from it go down towards you and that is why I say to you, lift your hearts, think of the sun shining brightly and beautifully. See its rays coming down and feel them go within, Light within, and lift yourselves up towards the rays as they come towards you. Blessed children, you’d have luxury beyond your imagination if you could see the power of love, the power of Light and we send that power, we send it out to the world. It is within you and you are lifted up into a higher level of thought, a higher level of thinking. And we await you so that we can gather you to us, inspire you and teach you to love more. Spirit of love, we give to you because, oh, the Light is so beautiful. This is what we give to you. We give it to you, healers all over the world, Sanctuaries all over the world and to those who are indeed on a higher plane, I say open your hearts. Do not allow the dark shadows to creep into your consciousness. Turn inward and pray: “Father, Thy will be done”. You will find then that your life will be led for you, you will be led through the days and weeks because of the way you think. I have said this before, I know, but will repeat that the glory of living within this wonderful Light is worth controlling your thoughts, your feelings.

So today, brought down from the heavens and in the name of the beloved Jesus, who loves you all and the beloved world that is controlled by The Christ itself. What more, my children, can you wish for than these heavenly bodies that come to you to help you, to strengthen you. It is only by messengers of this kind that I, Mary, can come to you as the energy that I am using enables me to come freely to you, to talk freely to all of you and to the world. Lift up your hearts. Walk with Light. Walk with the Crusaders.  Walk towards the golden cross that is ever before you. Before you also is a flag of love and that flag, also, in the breeze of love goes forward. Now, go forward with this wonderful validation, this love that we give you and your wonderful guides that are around you to help you, lift you. Put your free will in the hands of The Great, Great Spirit of All. Have no thought for tomorrow for today will be taken care of. Have faith. Have trust. Please, children, draw away from the earth. I know that you have to do earthly things but be Spirit nevertheless. Be Spirit. Walk with Light within you. Nothing, nothing can harm you. Love and upliftment come to you and to the earth plane this day. Love and Light. It will reach the consciousness of the dark shadows, the dark shadows of the men and women that are in such dark places. Your love will send out an energy that will make a chink in their consciousness. Through that chink of Light we are able to work, so can you not see how important your Light is. So, my children, I say to all of you, give love. Listen to my words. The flowers of love surround you. I hold you in my arms and say God bless you, each one of you, my children. Think Light. Be Light. Walk with God, who is within you. God bless you. If you could only see the flowers, smell their perfume, to lift you and help you. God bless you. God bless you.

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Wasn’t that lovely? Such energy has come, not only to each one of you but for the world to lift, to Light the darkness. Each country has its own beloved savior but it is all one, all one, for there is only The Great, Great Spirit of All. I am Julia, as you know, and with me is Gabrielle, who ever gives power and love. Go forward.  Listen to what has been said to you today because it is important. Give yourselves to Spirit. Let part of your mind be with Spirit and know that they are there with you loving you, guiding you. Don’t despair, don’t be depressed. Push those dark feelings away. We are with you to help you. Your guides are with you to help you and all you have to do is to call upon them. Call upon the Light and you will be guided and lifted not only this day but all the days to come. Now God bless you. May God keep you in His care.


14th October, 2014 - The angels around each one are gathering momentum of power and energy.

God bless you. Sister Julia, Sister Gabrielle. As always when we open the prayer, we give love, we bring love, we are love but I want to say today that there is a greater blessing at this moment that is given not only to you, my children of the world, but to the little ones, both those who come into Spirit and those living on earth. To those lovely little souls we send our love and I know that in your prayers that you will send love to the little children who need the love that we give them. Now I will stand aside for there is another teacher to come to you, one who you know.

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God bless you. I am Joseph. I come today with a message to the world. I come to tell you that the blessings of the most high are pouring down upon the world. We ask that the crusaders of the earth and of Spirit make their Lights brighter by prayer, by sending out positive thoughts for those who need attention, need a great portion of the great love as there are so many who need extra love, extra care.

We ask that each one of you, as we have asked again and again, watch your thoughts. Thoughts turn to feelings and feelings turn to actions. We say to you that The Great Spirit of All is in your midst. The angels surround the earth and the angels around each one of you are gathering momentum of power and energy. To each one who reads this message I ask humbly of The Great, Great Spirit to send a message – be still, be quiet and allow the energy to work upon you, to lift you into a higher realm of thought, to help you, to give you courage. By doing this you will find that you will have courage, you will be able to walk the path, you will be able to help your fellow man because the Light within you will stream out and those around you will feel it, be lifted by it, guided by it. Oh, children of the world, if only you realised the potential that is within each of you. Everything is simple. Nothing is hard, I can assure you. The only thing that is hard is making all of you realise the potential that you are. Turn inwards. Turn towards the Light during quiet times. Lift up your minds and let the Light pour into you and out of you, saying: “I work for The Great, Great Spirit. I work because I am a Light worker”. Realise that, every one. If you could see the wonderful energy that pours out of each one of you when you turn inward towards the Light… The energy goes out into the world. It helps, lifts and brings solace to those in need. Not only does it do that but you build up the forces of the Light to meet the darkness that is indeed establishing itself in the world today. My children, turn towards the Light. Make your Light brighter by your fairness, your love for your fellow man. Do you not see that there is a gathering of you, a crusade of Light workers who gather together. The Light is not just light, it is the streaming of the power, the energy that will go towards the dark places. It will then try to find little chinks in the armour of those who bring darkness into the world.

You are here to give love. You are here to give Light. Light is love and love is Light. I ask each of you today to put before you the golden cross, the cross that is an image of what you are doing. Put a cross in front of you. Work towards that cross because it gives out Light and because it is indeed connected to the higher forces. The Light comes through that cross. It is a wonderful cross and the Light and Light workers are drawn towards it. The cross will lift, it will give you the energy to think good thoughts. Your feelings will be different. Spirit Divine, pour down upon each one that lifts his head and says: “I am Yours, Great Father. I am Yours to work, to love and I have faith and trust. Because I have faith and trust, I will teach others to open their minds”. Faith. Trust. No matter what troubles you, what ails you, if you need the help of Spirit, it is there. The energy is there. Sit quietly. Don’t have thoughts in your head. Just open your mind and send out to this glorious power. Say: “Help me and help those who I pray for. Help those who are in deep need”. Pray for those as well.

Around the world there is a golden Light. This beautiful Light falls and as it falls, the power and the glory of The Great, Great Spirit pours down upon the earth plane and the children who have opened their minds will be lifted, strengthened and they will indeed endeavor to overcome negative conditions, negative thoughts and negative feelings. Help will be given to you in all ways. Have faith. Have trust and have confidence in yourselves that you know you are marching up the path and that you are closer to the heavenly, heavenly souls that are pouring the Light of love to each one of you. Gather yourself together. Go forward knowing full well that The Lord God is with you. The banner of love flutters in the breeze and you walk with this banner towards the darker regions to push back the dark and also the darkness that tries to surround each of you. With the Light in front of you, you will find that you are able to push away the darkness because you are going to be the saviours of the world.  Children of the Light, walk under the banner of love. Walk steadily and truly because right is on your side. Now, a blessing is given to you all. We say again, whatever you read, whatever you hear, let your own Light glow upon the negativity that the words try to give you. Don’t listen to things that are of a lower nature and don’t read them. Don’t allow the door of your Light to open for the dark force that is indeed endeavouring to surround you. So with the love of God, with the love of the great energies that come through the great, great souls in Spirit, this is a day when you must now wake up and I mean wake up to what is happening in the world and in the Spirit spheres. God bless you. Walk with Light. Walk with faith and trust and all will be well. With the angels around you, may God bless you and keep you in His Divine Light. God bless you.

God bless you. This is Julia. Joseph is a magnificent soul. Marvelous. Listen to his words because he brings not only to this Sanctuary but to the Sanctuaries of the world love, courage, Light. God bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

7th October, 2014 - Mary explains what it is to be a Light bearer, what light is, what love is…

God bless you. Sister Julia, Sister Gabrielle. We come today to give you blessings and love, as we always do. We are always caring for you, looking out for you. All these things we do with love, wanting each one of you to rise above yourself. Now we stand aside for there is one who wants to speak to you.

Children of the Light, I am Mary and I have come to give you love. I have come to lift you. I have come to give you tranquility and peace. We give to the world an abundance of love to meet the darkness that is within the world. We come to you to say, beloved children, that you are the Light and it is your Light that we depend on because with your Light you will find that you are able to educate others. Beloved children, if you could see the strength and the power that goes out from your minds…

Think of love. What is love? Love is a most beautiful thing to see. It is full of joy, harmony, peace and good will to all men, to mankind. We pour down upon you this wonderful Light and as the Light goes downwards towards you, it will find the Light bearers. They will open themselves up and they will assimilate the Light we give them to make their Light brighter. Now, what is a Light bearer? To be a Light bearer, again I remind you, is to be love. Love is compassion for your fellow man. It is, in an instant, to hold out your hand and help your brother or sister. Love is compassion that streams from the heart. That is a Light bearer because everything you feel has energy and the energy that is pouring out of you is Light. That is why you are called Light bearers.

I ask, children of the earth that you put self on one side. Putting self to one side will give you a clear idea of what you have to give. Think, go within yourselves and ask whether you are giving enough, whether you are thinking the right thoughts, are your feelings right, are you helping your fellow man, are you helping to open the minds of man, woman and child. Think about what you are doing. Make sure that you are sending out compassion and love, that you help your fellow man, that you lift your hearts up and say: “Father, we are all in Your loving care and because we are in Your loving care, we know that our Lights will be brighter so that we are able to help one another”. Oh children, if you could see the energy, the energy that each one of you on this earth plane sends out. It can send out depressing thoughts, low thoughts, unhappy thoughts. That is the lower self and we don’t want that. We don’t want the lower self to tinge anyone. I want you to realise that the lower self is always trying to come close to you.  It doesn’t want to leave you, you see, it wants to cling to you. Be vigilant, examining your thoughts as to whether they are right, asking the Great Father to guide you, guide you, please, into the Light – always have this in your mind. Lift yourself into the higher realms of life. We will help you because we can see your earnestness, that it comes from the heart. We are trying to train you. I am using the word ‘train’ although it doesn’t always go down rightly with some people. We are developing you into a higher state of mind.  It doesn’t matter what you do, the lowest jobs of all, so long as you have the heart, the heart to give, the heart to love and the heart to lift yourself up and say: “Father, it is Thy will. I will do Thy will. Thy will is all.  I give myself to You. I am a worker on the earth. I am here to help all peoples of the earth” so that your Light will be strong. You can send love and compassion to the other side of the globe that is dark, misty. Children, I want you to realise that there is a Light within each one of these misguided people. If you can send your Light, it might open the door so that the Light that is within them can come out and when it does so, they will realise the wrong that they are doing and they will be filled with remorse at what they have done. With your love, do you not see, the doors can be opened of the darkest minds and that is what you are doing with that wonderful energy that is going out. I know many people would ask why they should do that – they have done this wrong and that wrong, dreadful atrocities, why should they send love. But beloved children, don’t you see, these are lessons that you have to learn, hard as it is, lessons of forgiveness, lessons of using the Light within you to give you the right attitude, the right way of thinking. To those who are deeply, deeply affected, I say: God walks with you, God is your Light. Turn to Him for help to understand what has been done to you, to your family, to others. But your Light, the power and glory that goes out from you by right thinking is glorious to see. Each one of you is beloved, loved, loved for your efforts, no matter what they are. We can see that they are efforts.

So, beloved children, this day is a day of love. This day is to turn inward and to realise what you are – a Light worker. A Light worker that provides love and compassion, a helping hand to those who need it. But no judgement. Don’t judge people because you do not know how they are feeling or thinking. If you give compassion to those who are trying, then your Light will help them just by your presence because the Light that you are will shine out of you. It will help those who are with you and around you and above all, around the world that you live in.

Now, beloved children, I leave, with love. I go to many places where I am needed to give the Light of Spirit and I try to lift up hearts, to make people feel that there is a better life for them. The earth is such a hard place to live and the lessons that they are learning are very, very hard indeed. Nevertheless, I try to instill into their minds that they should turn to the Light, turn to God, lift themselves up to The Great, Great Spirit. So you see, great work is done by Spirit. That is enough for you to assimilate today but know that the blessings of The Great, Great Spirit pour down upon you daily and that Jesus, our beloved Jesus, beloved Christ, our Lord, sends out love. Jesus sends blessings and love and says: “I am here, speak to me. I will listen to you. Speak to me. God bless you, beloved children”. Amen.

                                         *      *      *

I am Gabrielle, of course. What can I say. What can I say. The love that was brought down to all of you was past your imagination because it was so full of love energy to uplift you. So have faith. Have faith in The Great, Great Spirit of All. He looks after you, guides you. Trust. Faith. Love. I say Amen. In the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.

30th September, 2014 - We are here to serve mankind and to help the Light workers to do their tasks. Sister Julia introduces Joseph. 

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is with me. As you know, we always come with love. We try to give you peace so that you can rest upon the love that we give you but I make way now for our beloved to come through. We are all beloveds in Spirit that love one and other.

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I am Joseph. I come today to say to you all, think of love. Do you know what love is, what it really means? Love is energy. Love is Light and with that energy and Light you can go up higher into the realms of Spirit and feel the rays of the golden sun that shines upon you. It will help you to realise the meaning of love. Love is beautiful. It is joyful. It is like a spring day where there is new growth, life is all around you and there is a feeling within you that you can dance for joy. You are Light. You feel the power and the glory of life. Love. Love. Love comes in so many ways to each one of you and if you think about love and the energy in which love is, if you could see the energy of love, you would be amazed.

On earth you say ‘I send out love, I send out Light’ but I want you to go within yourselves and realise that love is an energy of Light and when you truly love within yourself, this means that you give yourself to the higher realms and you say: ‘Father, here I am and I have come this day, this moment of time, to give You honour, to love you and to say You are the great I Am and in the I Am in which You are comes love. Love is an energy that uplifts you and gives you peace. It gives you all that you desire, all that you think you want. Love does all these things for you but you have got to look into yourselves, truly look into yourselves, asking yourself whether you really have love within you. Think, tune in, be quiet, be still and maybe you will find the answer. Remember that your thoughts play a very big part in leading you to the right feelings. Your feelings are most important because they will take you inward and upward. What I am trying to do with all of you, those that listen and those that read, is to show you that love is much more than you think it is. Love is power. Love is energy and it is this energy that I wish to develop more within you so that you can send it out into the world that at the moment so needs you. Have we not said time and time again, we need you. The world needs you so you must go inward within yourself and find the true, true self, what you are and say: 'I am. I belong to The Great Spirit and I am spirit. I know who I am because I belong to love and love commands me. Because love commands me, it will develop within me an energy that I can send out not only to the world but to those around me’. And because love streams from you, those around you are helped. Their healing is indeed wonderful. You can see changes not only in peoples’ attitudes but you can see the Light within them being lit up because of the Light and the power that is within each one of you.

It is so important that you know yourselves. You don’t know yourselves. You go day by day thinking that you find it very hard and that you have to try very hard with your thoughts and your feelings. That is one thing but another is to go within yourselves. Sit quietly. Think. Turn inward and ask Spirit to bring before you some of the things that will help you to know yourselves. And believe me, there is an awful lot for you to know. And when you go into the deep recesses of your being and find that different things come to mind, you will think no, you don’t want that – you want to serve with love. You want to be open to Spirit. So, you see, by bringing up certain things within you, in your subconscious mind, you will become a clearer and purer spirit that we can work through with a higher energy that we have here, waiting for you. It is a high energy but we can’t put the energy through you because your energy is not high enough to take what we can give you. Do you see what we are trying to tell you today? Look into yourself truly and that which is objectionable, ask Spirit to help you to rid yourself of because each one of you in your own way has things in your subconscious mind that need clearing. We in Spirit can see it.

So, beloved children, I come with a great purpose today, to instill into your minds the important of knowing yourself, cleansing yourself and your physical bodies that need water. Breathe properly. Don’t just breathe little puffs of air. In the morning, mid-day, evening – breathe. Let the oxygen cleanse you. Let the water cleanse your physical bodies and you will cleanse your inner selves ready for the energy that is waiting for you in Spirit.

Well, I think I have said what I had to say with great purpose because it is important to bring to your minds that this is what you must do. Children, I do bless you. I bless every effort you make. We in Spirit, we understand but we must remind you of what you must do because we want the energy within all of you to go up. Now, have faith in yourselves. Have trust in Spirit and above all, have trust in The Great, Great Spirit of all. I so end my lesson to you all, with love. I am Joseph and I come with love and peace in my heart to show you the way this day. Amen.

                                         *      *      * 

Oh beloved children, I do want you to listen. It is important, you know. I don’t want you to get embroiled in the daily effects of life. I want you to think well of yourselves. I want you to walk the way proud and strong knowing that the strength comes from higher, higher forces. We are leading you. We are leading all of you with Light. Those Lights that flicker, we help to make glow and burn brightly. We are here to serve mankind and we are here to help the Light workers to do their tasks – all the tasks they have to do. Believe it or not and as we have told you before, there is a wonderful crusade taking place in Spirit. This crusade is indeed going forward and as bad and blackened as the world may seem, the Light is getting brighter because the Light workers are getting together. They are within every country and the crusades, they meet together. Can you not see the glory of the Light. Nothing, nothing, nothing can overcome the glorious Light of The Great, Great Spirit. So I say, God bless you. God keep you in His Light every hour of the day. Walk with Light within you. Make part of your mind tune in to Spirit. You can do this and that but a quarter of your mind must be always tuned in to Spirit. Gabrielle and I say God bless you. Enough has been said today. Love, love, love. Amen.

23rd September, 2014 - Think not of yourself but send out the glorious light within you to heal, to knit together those who are soul sick. Sister Julia introduces Mary.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. We give blessings to you today. The atmosphere is Light and it is full of love so we stand aside now for someone whom we love.

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Oh children of the Light, I am Mary. I have come to uplift you, as always. I have come with love. I have come to give you courage. I have come to ask you to be aware. On the earth plain, it is difficult but awareness is the most important thing for you to develop. If you are going through a forest and you are trained to be aware of sound, atmosphere, as you go through the forest you would be aware of good things in the vibrations. You pick them up because you are aware. You are aware of danger. You are aware of how to deal with it. Oh children of the Light, I am trying to tell you to be aware on the earth plain. Sharpen your senses and be aware, aware of any shadows that might try to sneak in to your very being, to take you away from the harmony that the Light will give you. I use the impression of the forest because the world is a forest. It’s a forest of different vibrations, of happy, happy situations but also of dark vibrations. Please be aware during your day and when you find that you are picking up a low vibration, turn inward because it is your awareness that will tell you if it is good or bad. But we don’t have to talk now about the good, which will uplift you anyway but we speak of the awareness that you must develop within yourself of your thoughts. This has been said many times to all of you – be aware. Think. What are your thoughts? Are they low? And if they are low, again we say, caste them out because it is the lower self that is trying to hold you back.

It is with love that I come today to lift you, help you, strengthen you and to tell you how much you are needed. You are needed so much. Each of you is important. Each is going through his lessons on the earth plain but I can assure you, if you turn inward, if you have that faith and that love within you for The Great, Great Spirit of All, your days will be easier, your requests will be answered and nothing will be denied you if you would only lift yourself up into the Light. Think to yourselves that you are in God’s hands, that you are Light. Think to yourselves that because you are Light, it means that you are love. To love and be loved sends out a vibration far and wide to people who need you. We in Spirit need you. We need you. You are on earth to fulfill the promise you made a long time ago and your promise is to develop yourself into a greater Light, to go forward, to join the crusaders who are working hard in Spirit to purify the earth, purify it of the dark shadows. Your vibrations of love go to the darker side. Go with love. Send out love to men who are going against the great law of Spirit. Abide in love. Oh, my children, it’s so easy, you know, to love. It is only ‘self’ that gets in the way so will you caste out self and say to yourself that you do not want it to interfere with the path that you are travelling and the only way to do this is to think of Light, think of love, think of the good things that are within you, the good things that have happened to you in your life time. Don’t dwell on the bad things, the low things that brought you low. Think of the good things. Raise yourself up and when you sit quietly and turn within, oh, the Light within you, it is so glorious, so wonderful. Don’t miss this Light because you give in to the lower side. Turn to the Light. Always turn to the Light. Live in it, breathe in it and you will find that you will walk in it all the time. Turn inward, my children, turn inward. Lift yourselves. If you could see the glory of this Light, it is so wonderful. You cannot turn away from it because it’s so beautiful. So be aware. Walk the world, this planet, being aware of good, Light, but be aware of the shadows. They will come as close as they can to pull you away from your path. That is where your awareness must be, like a soldier on duty. He knows how to behave, how to push away the darkness. He knows how to approach danger.

Beloved children, send out love, good thoughts, good feelings to the many, many on this earth plain who are so broken, crushed. Send your love and your help out so that they reach those who are in great need and you are doing God’s work. Think not of yourself but send out this glorious light that is within you to heal, to knit together those who are so, so soul sick. You see, this is what you have to do.

I go to many places, many Sanctuaries and those who pray with their hearts, I bless them, love them and hold them in my arms as I am holding you in my arms. Oh, planet earth, I send out love to hold you and to win what I call the battle of the Light. I call all of you to walk under the flag of love and I end my loving prayer to all of you. Do your best. Remember who you are and that is Divine Spirit. Beloved children, I give love. I give love. I give love. Amen.

                                         *      *      * 

Well, Gabrielle and I can only give our blessings because we know that you will do your very, very best to be aware of thoughts, feelings and to give out to this world, this poor, poor planet. It is besieged, provoked by the lower, lower side. So you have much work to do, haven’t you. So we say, with love, God bless you all. May God keep you in His Light, walk in Light, be Light, now and for ever. Amen.


19th September, 2014 - May this spiritual prayer bear fruit upon many minds.

Beloved children of the Light, I come to bring love. I come to help you and to guide you on your pathway. Sister Gabrielle and I, we send rays of lLight to each one of you and as these rays reach you, reach the Light that you have within you, they enhance you and help you to turn inward and to tune in to that Light within you.

You may say in such a casual way ‘the Light’. What is the Light? The Light is the glory of your soul. The Light is a passageway, indeed, to the higher self. In fact, the Light within you belongs to the higher self. So I ask each of you to realise your potential, not to live the earth life with no knowledge of what you are doing, where you are going. Sometimes we do not want you to know where you are going because of the nature of the work that we have for each one of you. I ask humbly to The Great, Great Spirit to guide you and to help you to realise the seriousness of your presence on earth. You have come to give love. You have come to give help. You have come to guide those that know not. This indeed is a very important part to play – to help the children of the earth plane to follow a path that they do not know they are on and that is why you are here. By your presence alone, you send out a Light to each one who comes to you, needing your aid. Your Light streams out from you. It lifts you and helps you. Oh children of the Light, if only you could see the brightness that is within each of you.

Again and again we say take time, take time to look into yourselves and to love yourselves for what you are. Oh Lord, bless these children. Bless them that they may rise to their potential, which they are heading towards. Help them to realise daily their connection with You. Help them to realise that their strength cometh from You. Help them to see the Light and help them to bathe within this Light that will give them strength to live the earth life. Lord, my God, we pray for these children. We know, humbly, the upliftment that your love will give each one that reads the words. Love is the operative word. Love. Love. Love means care. Love means tolerance. Love means that you wish to help your fellow man. Indeed, Father, this is what is happening now because the children are becoming aware. They are aware of your divine Light and they wish to serve you in any way possible. Father, for those who are going through such travail upon the earth plain, those who are in grief and those whose minds are shot, we ask that the angels of Light, which each one of you are, each one is an angel of the Light, send their Light outward to the ends of the earth and may the power and the love go to each who is suffering that they be lifted from their misery into joy and Light.

Those that reach the level of understanding and knowing about the Light and communicate with it daily, they know how to help those that are weak, those that long for freedom of spirit. Lord, oh Gracious Father, from Spirit we pray for your children for Light, love, upliftment of their souls and may this day’s prayer go forward, forward through the planet and may each person who lives thereon, may their minds be open that they may receive the angelic forces and love that come from the higher level of life.

Lord, this is an intense prayer for at the moment, people need you. People need the upliftment and they need courage. They need to accept You. They need to say: ‘Father, You are in charge of my day. You are in charge of my life. I give myself to you and I know that all will be well’. And again and again and again we have said, all crooked places will be made straight. Children of the Light, lift yourselves. Go forward with the knowledge that you have supreme power at the back of you and the love that Spirit gives you daily to guide you and to help you. May this spiritual prayer bear fruit upon many minds and may the blessing of The Great, Great Spirit of All be with you. So we, Gabrielle and I Sister Julia end this loving prayer. Amen.


16th September, 2014 - I am reminding you that you are here on earth because you have work to do. Sister Julia brings through Another.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me. There is a great deal of power here today and it has been brought to you to lift and help you, as we always try to do. I stand back for one who wishes to speak to you.

                                        *      *      *

Children of the Light, I have come here today to give you strength, purpose and I come above all to give you love. We know that the earth is a difficult place to live in but you came here. You came here because you have work to do and of this I am reminding you– why you are here. We of the higher plains would say to you that a long time ago you were trained for the job that you are going to do now on earth. We realise that there are times when you are drawn into the orbit of negativity. The dark side is always with you, prodding you, telling you that you are worthless and telling you of all the things you cannot do but I say to all of you this day: you can do it. You have come to lift the world of the heaviness and evil that reign strongly at this moment but I say to all of you, you are here for a purpose. The purpose is to forget your earthly selves. Remember who you are. You are the Light bearers and because you are the Light bearers, you must discipline yourselves more than you do. You must be aware of your negative thoughts. They slide in, quietly and when you get a feeling with that thought, you must look at the feeling and ask yourself why have you got it, then say that you don’t want that feeling, you don’t like it, it isn’t part of you and therefore, you dismiss it.

Thoughts and feelings go together. With thoughts and feelings come discipline, discipline of the things you do daily. When you go through the day, certain things may be unpleasant and you do not want to do them, you may meet people who you do not take to, you may feel slighted by a friend or have a misunderstanding but whatever it is, you must have that Light burning brightly within you because that it what you are. You should not take offence but you should give love spontaneously from your heart. You have come here to do a job of work and we in Spirit are trying to tell you that you should try to bring to mind how important thoughts are. With thoughts come feelings. We want you to be aware of the sun that shines within you, the Light that is within, because, you see, The Great, Great Spirit of All, The Great Energy of All gave you a part of Himself and that part is within each one of you. Because that part is within each one of you, yet again we ask you, please, that you give time to be quiet. Put yourself in a tranquil mood to sit quietly. Because you do so, you go inward and as you do so, you open yourselves like petals, open, open and with that openness you send along like a tram-line love, Light, energy upward to meet the wonderful rays of the higher self, which is the sun within you. You can reach a higher plain within yourselves if you would be quiet, be still, concentrate on the stillness that is within you because we come near to you then to help you, strengthen you. Then, when you come back into the world again and go about your duties, you will be filled with a feeling of “I can do this. This is what I have come to do. I will forgive. I will give my love to all those who come to me’ and love means friendliness, a smile. Forget the slights. They don’t matter. The person might be ill or have something wrong. Excuse them in your heart. Forgive. Lift. Remember, when the Light grows strong within you because you have been quiet and still, Spirit may easily lift you higher within yourselves and think what you do to others with the Light that streams from you to whoever you talk to. And also to those you do not see –the world, mankind. Pray for mankind. Send out loving thoughts to mankind that man’s mind may be open, open to the Light. Some of you, yes, your minds are open and it is so much easier, then, for your minds to be lifted to the place where they should be but there are others who have closed minds, which makes us very sad but nevertheless, we do not stop trying to help.

Don’t you see, your place in the world is important, very, very important and that is why we come now from the Plains of Light to make you realize who you are. Not all of you know who you are but you must remember that you are Spirit. You are housing the great, great Spirit that you have been given and this wonderful Spirit within you will lead you to higher things. So, my children, with hope, with love, ask in your prayers to be lifted up to make you understand yourselves. That is the important thing – understand yourself because by understanding yourself, not only will the richness of your understanding go out to others who are in need as you are able to teach them, help them but you will begin to understand your feelings, your thoughts. So, we come back again now to thoughts and feelings. It is so important, in Spirit, that you are aware of what’s going on. It is important because you are important. Every one of you is important to Spirit because you have come here to do the work of The Great, Great Father of All. Don’t you see what we are trying to do? We are trying to lift you so that as you meditate and pray and go upward within yourselves, you go towards the Jesus Figure and as for the Jesus Figure, He is controlled by the Christ sphere itself. That is what you are trying to do and that is why we are trying to help you, to lift you. It won’t come in a day or a week but steadfastly, if you concentrate on your inner self and try to be as beautiful as that wonderful sun within you all, you will receive all the help you need. When you do not understand a problem, or if you would like something to be explained, send out a thought asking for help as you want to understand. We will lead you to a book or perhaps a voice on your radio – but you will have the answer, if you are ready for it. We will help you always. 

9th September, 2014 - I am Mary of the higher planes… And I come with such love.

God bless you. We open today with someone who is waiting to speak to you.  Send out love to her at this moment, please. Send out a great deal of love. Love has a vibration, as you know.

                                       *      *      *

Beloved children. I come with my arms full of flowers. My heart is full of joy to give you this day. I am Mary and I come with such love, not only for you but for the world. The blessings of Spirit pour down upon each one of you and as the flowers and the perfumes spread their wonderful delicacies over the world, so they come as a balm for those who are broken hearted, whose hearts are asunder, for those who have no hope, those who have lost their faith. I come to lift you, to help you and to give you the glorious love that is in the highest realm. I know each one of you is going through the arduous task of your lessons and you wonder when is it all going to end but don’t you see, my beloved children, develop more focus upon the Light within… The Light is the armour of God and when you have this Light within you – turn to it and put on this glorious armour of Light so that you can go through your days, your weeks and months focusing on the divine Light that is within you. Do you not know that when you give yourselves time each day to tune in and meditate to this wonderful Light, it develops within you the feeling of being uplifted into a higher consciousness leading you to the Christ Spirit and, indeed, you will know it when you reach there. I would say also that all your karmic debts on earth, once you reach the plain of The Christ, are wiped out. You are clear. So from that point of view alone, turn in to the Light and realise that that is all, that is it, the Light. This is where you come from and this is where you go to and no matter what you want in your life, realise that you were not meant to suffer so much. It is the way you are thinking, what you build up in Spirit by your thoughts and when you have built up a crescendo of energies, these energies come back, back into your body. It all depends on what you are wishing for but if you are wishing for love and upliftment, don’t you see, you build your little houses in Spirit and because of that, you will find that it comes back down into the physical. If you want to be made well, build up in your mind a well person, a person who is free from pain,  a person who is flexible, a person who can go out into life. If you are in a chair, imagine yourself walking. If you are crestfallen and unhappy, say to yourself: ‘Oh, Great Light of All, lead me, help me, lift me’ and even by that request, we come, we help you.

There are so many souls in the world today that have come down to lift you and lead you and you have to realise what you are here for. You are here not only to give service but to develop within yourself the Christ Spirit. The Christ Spirit comes with loving, giving and always, as I have given this arm full of beautiful flowers, so you must open up your arms and give flowers to those around you. Oh, not only give but allow the power of love to be created around you so that wherever you go, people in need will be drawn to your presence, people in need will find solace within the Light that you send out. You may not be aware of the Light but it is there and why is it there? Because every day you send yourself up into the Light and you say: ‘Father lead me, teach me, help me to get over my lessons because I want to walk the path to where The Christ liveth’ and that is on a plain, a plain that you can reach if you do these things.

Have faith. Have faith in yourself. Don’t get moody sometimes. We do see so often how moody and unhappy you are. You can’t afford to feel like that when there is the Light within you. You see, you make your own misery by the way that you are thinking. Your thoughts are vital. Your thoughts bring to you feelings. Concentrate on the feelings that give you love. Concentrate on the feelings that you most want in your life. Think to yourself that you are the Divine Light, that you are here to serve and to lift and to give but you are also here to be happy. You are not supposed to be so miserable but the negativity of the world does reach you, does affect you.  Draw back from it. Send out that love. Send out the perfume of the roses from Spirit towards the darker regions and bless them. But draw back. You don’t have to be part of that because it is negative and you want only to be positive, to live in the Light. Draw back. Watch it. See it. But as you see it, don’t let it penetrate into the inner core of you. Stand back and know within yourself that you are Light and because you are Light, you send out power and love. This energy goes towards the darker places and you will find that, like petals, it will drop into the minds of the groups and individuals that are doing all this unkindness and cruelty. So though you yourself do not know what you do, I can assure you, you do a great deal. I am asking all of you who read these words, use your imagination for it is that which I am calling for. Build yourself a good life by the thoughts and imagery in your mind.  See yourself well, fit, strong and see the Light within you growing brighter and brighter so that each one is a beacon. Because you are a beacon, you will rise up and join the armada, the Crusaders of Light who are valiantly doing their work.

Oh children, I come with love today. I come to give each one of you all over the world the blessing of Spirit. There are many, many of us coming through different mediums giving the same message, perhaps in different ways. As you read books, each has the same message because so many souls now are sensitive to Spirit, able to write what is given to them. Spirit, Spirit Divine is within each one of you and every time you send out love, you send out the flowers and perfume, roses, sweet peas, all kinds, whatever flowers that you yourself would like to fill your arms. My arms are wide and my loving arms are around the world because we are under the law of love.  We are indeed under the vibration of Jesus and Jesus is under the vibration of The Christ. Now I say God bless you. Remember what I have said today because I speak in earnest and I bring so many souls that are giving themselves to the earth plane to lift you all. Your guides are luminous, bright and beautiful and the service that they give you, you will never know. May God bless you and keep you in His bright and wondrous energy not only today but for all time. I say, from Mary of the higher planes, God bless you and may he keep you always in His loving care.

                                  *      *      *

I am Julia. There is nothing that I can add but Gabrielle and I are filled with radiant love. It is so joyous. We love you and we appreciate you. We know the efforts that each of you makes. Try not to make too much effort. Be still and let us come to you to do our work to lift you, help you. Now, God bless you. It is with the glory of The Father and of The Son and The Holy Spirit that I end this loving prayer. Amen.


2nd September, 2014 - Understand that love is potent. It is the wonderful glory of Light. Sister Julia introduces another.

God bless you, my children. As you know, I am Julia and Gabrielle is with me. Today I bring towards you great souls in Spirit and one in particular is ready now to speak to you.

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Beloved children of the earth, we look upon you with love. We guide each one of you into the bowers of truth and Light. I come from a plane where there is love and harmony and truth and I come today to give a part of this great love that we all have for you. Love is but a word sometimes to you all but I want you to realize that love is potent. It is wonderful, the glory of Light that it is. It is this glory, this Light that we want to give to each one of you. We want you to realize that you should never be in despair. Turn to the Light – always we say, turn to the Light. It is only the Light, my beloved children, that leads you, helps you and whatever it is that you carry through your lives, each of you, get rid of the negative parts of your life. You don’t need that. You don’t need the shadows that are blocking your way. We can see that there are some things in your lifetimes that have caused you distress and indeed have shaped you into what you are today but I say, turn to the Light. How boring it must be to listen to that all the time but if you could realise and see what it means…. It means that you are lifted into another state of consciousness.

There is a change coming into the world and I want you to be ready for it, ready for it because your consciousness is lifted into a higher state of thinking and that you are in control of your emotions. Don’t let them run away with you. When you are in trouble, be quiet and look within yourself because within yourself is the strength and the power that we give you – and we will give it to you if you ask for it. You are not alone in any of this, you know. Please, please, please don’t walk the path of life with your head down. Walk with your head held high. Know very well that you are in God’s Light and in His care. Again and again we tell you that when you turn to the Light, you are in God’s care. What more can you wish for than to be in the Light of The Great, Great Spirit because all help is given to you no matter whether your struggles are emotional, mental….you have only to ask, turn to the Light. Let the Light help you, strengthen you. I want you to walk now the path with strength and with power, power that we bring down to you from the higher planes. We have said this in a previous prayer, I believe, but I will repeat it and say that you are not alone. Walk the path, with courage, with Light in your heart and know that all will be well because you trust and have faith. Lead on. Walk on. Walk in God’s Light.

I do not come alone today. Other souls, too, come to give love and service to you all. However, The Great, Great Spirit is in charge and no matter what happens in the world, He is in charge. Through the shadows, through the negative state of the world, we are learning great, heart-breaking lessons so stand back, my children, see what is going on and to what you see, send out love and send out compassion for those who do not understand.

There is a Light that is given to the world, a Light that is given with the greatest love from the higher planes of Spirit and with this I am going to say a blessing for you and for the world. We say: lift up your hearts. Walk on. Walk in Light. Be Light. Remember the crusaders who are working so hard. Help them. Help them by your love, by your compassion. Be at peace, my children, be at peace for God’s Light is within each one of you. This day I gave and give a beautiful, beautiful bowl of Light to bless you and to bless all God's children on this earth.

                                     *      *      *

Well, what can I say. So much Light has been brought to the Sanctuary, to each one of you and to those in the world. The world needs Light, remember, but also we, Gabrielle and I, we say to you Look within yourselves. Don’t put blockages in the way of your advancement. This is a time of change so whatever it is in your lifetime that is blocking the advancement of what is to come, be quiet, be still and ask Spirit, us, your Guides, to help you to recognise the blockages within each one of you, to help you to overcome them and to remove them from your sub-conscious so that you have a free mind in which to do your work. So, my Light Workers, Light Workers all over the world will respond and I end now our prayer of love to each one. God bless you and God keep you in his care always. Amen.




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an's website)Joan’s Prayer for the healers of the Sanctuary - 2.8.14ruth and the truth is love. I go within myself and as I do, I seek the answers that my soul tries to transmit to me, to know where I am going, to know where I have been, to know the health of the body, to know the strength of Spirit that I know lies deep within me and within us all. Take our hands, my Father. Lead us please to the mountain top even though as we climb it is arduous. But on the way up Father, Great Spirit of All, we learn lessons. We learn to know ourselves and we know that with each step we take up this mountain, we go towards the greater Light that is within us. Lord, help us to know ourselves. Teach us, please, to know the right and the wrong. Help us to understand ourselves and by understanding ourselves, to understand our loved ones, under- stand the people around us and the world, as well. Oh Lord, my Great, Great Father of All, Great Spirit that You are, it is with deep humility that we look up into your Divine Light and say lead me, lead me, lead me on. Help us upon the pathway that we tread. Help us so that we can help others. Help us that we may be able to stretch out our hands instinctively, because the lower self doesn’t come into this, with compassion that will grow as we steadily climb the slope towards the summit. We are indeed more compassionate for the higher we go, the more we learn the ways of The Great Spirit. Teach us, my Father, on the way up to be loving and kind. Help us to be strong against the darkness that assails us. Help us, dear Lord, that we will be able to understand ourselves, to get to know who we are, what we are. Oh Lord, it is indeed such a great thing we ask for I know that we have to deserve the knowledge and the opening of our consciousness and that as our consciousness opens, so this knowledge will be given to us. Oh Lord, we pray for mankind. We pray that the minds will be opened. We pray that they will be able to feel. Some that are gifted can see but those who are not, help them to be aware. Help them to understand what is going on within them selves and to understand spiritually what is going on within the world that we live in. Lord, we all have our guides. We all, my Father God, are helped to turn the corners of life. Some of us can see a little way ahead but those who cannot, that is where the trust and faith must be used because we have to go on blindly and go into the future blindly but with faith and with love and with the security that The Great, Great Spirit of All is with us, guiding us. Remember, please remember, and think clearly, using your imagination, of that great, great Light that is within you, the sun that shines, the rays that come from this glorious sun. Is it not worth working on your selves? If you have resentments, forgive, forgive, forgive. Love. Love. All these are previous things to learn so, my children of the Light, we pray not only for our Sanctuary but for each one to follow their path, for each one to feel, sense that inner glow within and to know then what you have come for. Do not lose sight of that because of the earth and how it tempts you to do this or that, that it doesn’t really matter – but it does matter. It matters a great deal what you choose because you have free will and you either go the way of Spirit and not be tempted or you allow the lower self to take over, in which case you will realise after a while that you have come off the path. That is where the dear guides, who stand very close to you, wait so they can bring you back again to continue on the path. Believe in love. Love has many guises – compassion, a helping hand where it is needed, sharing a person’s sorrow and giving out warmth, protection from the Light that is within you. So today I ask that all of you, all of you, open your hearts. Open yourselves for The Divine that is with you and allow It to lead you upward to the summit. Oh dear, dear children, if you could see the glory and the power – it is so wonderful. Remember that God, the angel within you, is for ever waiting for your divine love to walk the path with strength, resilience, and for you know where you are going so that every circumstance in your life has meaning. Each is brought to you for a lesson. So, beloved children, walk the path with your heads up. Open yourselves to the higher Light and allow Spirit to come near to you to help you. Remember your free will that plays a big part in your life. God bless you and may He hold you in His loving arms. Be careful. Walk the path. Be aware. May the heavens open and may the sun shine upon you now and for every more. Amen. God bless you all.26th August, 2014 - Each one of you in your turn has said that you will come to the earth to bring Light to the earth plane and now is the time. We call all of you to rise up now...

Children of the Light, I speak with love. I speak with the greatest humility knowing that The Great Spirit is not only with us in Spirit but that the holy Light is within each one of you. Today I wish to ask all of you stand back from the world and all the sadness. Stand back from the hate. Stand back from the cruelties of man. Stand back from the lower self. Now is the time when the Light within you must grow strong and again we say, your Light with other Lights must grow. There must be a sun shine of love. No darkness can live within the range of the rays of love and Light.

Can you not see what a difference you make? Can you not see the future of the world? It lies in the hands of each one of you. It lies within your hearts of love and we call to each one of you to rise above what you hear and see and realize that within you is the golden Light of strength, of purpose. You want this world to be at peace. You want this world to feel the tranquility of love. Can you not see, it’s in your hands, the way you think, the way you feel. Control your emotions and realise that the earth life that you are living is not all. There is more and more for you to know. You do not belong to the earth. You belong to the spirit of love. You come from the spirit of love and each one of you in your turn has said that you will come to the earth to bring Light to the earth plane and now is the time. We call all of you to rise up now, rise up into the heights that you can reach within yourselves because this is the time now for your love and for your Light to be strong.

When I say ‘your Light’it is a collective Light. You are on a crusade, a crusade of relieving the world of the darkness. That is your life now. Restore harmony. Restore tranquility. This can be achieved by your efforts, what you do, what you think, how you feel. Don’t give way to the negativity that can surround you and which can keep saying to you ‘how do you feel’, ‘what are they doing’. Yes, they are doing dreadful things, dreadful things but don’t you see, the power of your love, the power of your Light, can disperse that.

This is a call, a call to rise up, to look within yourselves and say ‘this cannot be, it cannot go on’. Realise that when you really feel that something must be done, then you, and you, and you – all over the world –must band together and send out this power of love. Only by doing that can the dark shadows shrink back to nothing. Know that the influence that you have over those who are doing cruel things, painful things. Their actions make you wish to retaliate but do not do so. No matter what you see, hear or experience, please remember that you are God’s child and that you are here because you belong to the crusade of Light. You belong to the Brotherhood of Love and it is this Light of love that will end the atrocities and hate of the world.

So my children, I simply ask all of you, rise up within yourself. Put self on one side and realize who you are, what you are. You have come to give Light and this is the time, now, when you must give it in full strength. May God bless you all and may you turn inward and draw from the higher self that is within each one of you. May God’s blessings be with you and turn your face away from the darkness inward to the Light as it is the Light that will disperse the dark. Nothing, nothing can overpower the Light for the Light is God-give and The Great, Great Spirit of All will give each one of you strength and power. When you are massed together, what an army, what a crusade you will form. Save this world by love, right thinking, correct emotions. Do not be overwhelmed by what you see. Stand back. Stand back and as you do so you can draw upon the Light, become Light and join others with Light. Oh children of love, I end this loving prayer and ask that you turn inward, turn to The Great Spirit because strength will be given to you. Ask and you will receive. What ever you request, ask with your heart and I can assure you that it will be done. There is nothing in this world or in Spirit that cannot be given to you if you speak from your heart. God bless you all and remember that you are in the power of The Great, Great Spirit. This means that you have Light, strength, purpose and the flag of love goes before you. It heralds in the dawn, the new age because you, my children have risen to the call of love. Come forward now. Go forward now in the Light of love. God bless you. God keep you now and for ever. Amen. 

5th August, 2014 - Forgiveness, love and courage.

I am Sister Julia. Sister Gabrielle is with me. God bless you, my children.

This morning, I want to ask you and those who read these words that each time you become irritated with someone or that you feel that there has been an injustice, forgive. Realise that it is the small things, as we tell you repeatedly, that matter. When you forgive the small things, you will find that there is a balm of love that comes from you and strengthens you. You will find that you build within yourself a self-reliance because you feel that you are in tune with the Infinite.

Face the steps that you have to take with love and know that you are led along this path. We want you to build within yourself courage, courage to face the world, courage to face yourself and when you can sit quietly and go within to see the Light that shines within you, you will gain an understanding of the things you have to overcome. Perhaps this may be a sorrow or resentment or something that you long for and do not have the patience to wait for – I ask that you lift yourself to the Light. By learning to deal in this way with all the small things in your life, it becomes so much easier for you because then there comes a higher power, a great power, to lift you and lead you. Small things lead to big things and when you have that lovely power of love within you, it goes out to the world and helps your fellow man. You have no idea of the different directions that love can take. It has many qualities and I can assure you that if you play your part, you will find peace and love within yourself. Just let things unfold.

I end this loving prayer. Know full well that you are in God’s loving arms this day.



29th July, 2014 - We want you to bring peace to those whose minds are closed and ignorant.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. Today, my children, I want to bring you peace. I want to bring peace to your soul to uplift you into the higher realms of Spirit where there is harmony, love and the great compassion that we have for all of you on earth for what you are going through. Those in Spirit are very busy working to bring down harmony, peace and love. Love is the main thing, my children, love to be compassionate to each other, to embrace your fellow man, to be able to help when it is needed, to do good acts spontaneously from the heart. We in Spirit, we work in harmony and we work in love for one another and that makes a wonderful vibration which we try to bring to the earth plane. We wish to give you the peace and love which we enjoy in Spirit but we do, as we have said before, need your help. We need your help by your saying to yourself every day that you are in the hands of The Great, Great Spirit. We have said this often to you but I would like you to look within yourself earnestly and lovingly and really and truly from your heart say “Father, I love You and trust You and I have faith in You’. We say this many times to you but you see, it is the only way that you are going to find the peace that each of you seeks. You will not find it in the world. You find it within yourself. The different things that are happening in the world today can crush you, turn you into a state of fear but I say this to you, my children: turn inward, turn to the Light and ask for help, saying that you do not want to be fearful, that you want to feel the power of love come through you so that you can send this love to the dark places of the earth. Feel. Feel the sense of love and power. Once you have asked, once you have lifted yourself into that Light, then you send forth a most positive ray, an energy, that goes to the darker parts of the world, This is what we want you to do. We want you to bring peace to yourself and peace to those whose minds are closed and who are ignorant.

We ask, beloved children, that you have faith, faith in what you are doing, faith to know that you are doing God’s work. That’s what you have come for – to give, to bring harmony to the world. But bring harmony first to yourself. By doing so you can send it out. Harmony within means that you should quieten yourself, be still, draw away from the darkness of the earth and go into the brilliance of the Light that is within you. Say to yourself that you are one of God’s children and that you have come here to give love, to give harmony and to help those who are not on the same plane as yourself, that you have come to do God’s work. Again, look inside your being and acknowledge to yourself that you are God’s child and that you have come to do His work. If you keep on remembering these things, if and when you become upset and bothered by the earth’s vibrations, then I say to you, beloved children, be quiet, be still and let the harmony of the higher planes come to you to bring you peace, love. This inner strength that is given to you, send it out into the world, into the darker places to help those who are struggling, struggling because they do not know how to pray. They do not know how to ask for help because the misery deep inside them overcomes their lighter selves. That is where the harmony and love that you send to the world will help, lifting and giving them Light. By lifting them, they will be able to find their own Light within themselves. Don’t you see, that is what you do. That is what you have come for. Again and again we tell you that you are Light Bearers. You have come from heavenly spheres to do this work but you yourself must sit quietly, tune in to the Light within you and you will find the Brotherhood, the teachers of the Light, will come very close and help you. Oh, it is so wonderful to feel the harmony, so wonderful when you sit quietly and feel the peace and the glory that God gives you, the heavenly upliftment of your very soul. How cleansing and beautiful it is, cleansing of all the dark places that have surrounded you and which have affected you in many ways. Then the soul will lift itself to the heavenly spheres, saying: ’Father, thank You for harmony. Thank You for love. Help me please to go forward in Your gracious work this day’.

So, my children of the Light, may harmony and love be with you. Remember what you are here for. Remember that the world needs you so look up into the heavenly spheres and thank the Father for love, for the inner strength that He gives you. May the angels draw closer to the earth to help each one of you who is doing God’s work and aiming for a higher sphere to which to raise yourself through your consciousness. Glory be to The Father, to The Son and to The Holy Spirit. I end my loving prayer not only for you, little ones, but for all those in Spirit who listen and all those who read – God bless you, every one. Think of the golden Light. Think of the sun. Think of the warmth of the heavenly Father this day. Amen and God bless you all.



22nd July, 2014 - Understand the importance of disciplining your thoughts.

God bless you, my children, God bless you. Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle. I have come today to say to you that I want you to understand that it is the little things in life over which you have to discipline yourselves, not the big things. That you can do but only when you have mastered the little things. When doubt comes to you during your day because something has happened to make you feel afraid, discipline yourself by telling yourself that you don’t want to feel that way as you are in God’s hands, so what can happen to you. I want you to discipline the thoughts that come into your mind. I want you to be able, as these thought arise, to say ‘No, I’m not having that. It isn’t me, the real me, to feel that way’. So, what do you do? You tell yourself that you are positive, that you walk a positive path and the thoughts will then disappear. You will find time and time again that you have thoughts of despair, deep anger with life or resentment. Again, tell yourself that you are going to discipline yourself because this is not you, the way you wish to think. Remind yourself that you walk the positive path. These negative thoughts may come to you more and more strongly because they realise that the more you discipline yourself, the more they are losing you.

As you overcome these feelings, realise that you have to be patient. Patience is indeed the valour of life. You cannot push time ahead and you cannot experience what you need now, your cannot have things your way – you need to be patient and wait for God’s will because there is a right time. You may feel that you have waited so long and become disgruntled because you think it will never happen, whatever it is in your life that you desire, but it will happen in God’s time. So you must develop patience. That is the key word. Patience that goes hand-in-hand with discipline. Do you not see that all the struggles that go on within you are for a purpose? The purpose is that when the larger things come into your life, you are so patient and disciplined that you can cope but only because you have learnt to deal with the lesser things in your life. Now, I am going to stand aside. Gabrielle wants to say a word.

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Yes I have come today for a reason. I have come to wake you up. I want you to realise that you are living a wonderful life because you chose it. You chose it because you want to rise to a higher level. All these problems are pin pricks that jab at you but you are strong enough. You have The Lord God behind you! I want you to buck up. I want you to turn inward within yourself and say “I am strong. I live a life during which many things will happen to me, small and large’. Get over the big things in life. But you know, patience, discipline, they develop within you and when you are in despair, be quiet, be still and turn inward because we will be there. We will be helping you and not only that, your own Light within will help you. So that’s all I want to say. I want you to buck up, look within yourselves, and realise that small things or big, you can always cope with whatever comes up in your life. Remember that you are looked after, you are guarded, you are loved and we show you the way always. Think about these words because they are very important to you. To go on with your development, you will tackle now in the small things in your life with patience, discipline, and look up to The Light and feel the sun within you. Glorify yourself and know that love is given to you in such abundance. You will succeed because you will remember these words. Now, God bless you and Julia will take over.

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There is such a lot of love in the world, you know. So many people are struggling but, as has been said so many times before, do the best you can and again, we know the struggles that you have. We are sympathetic. We love you but you see sometimes we have to stand back as we cannot always smooth your path. There are certain things that you must overcome and you will overcome because of the teachings that you are given. You know that there is a wonderful path up to heaven and that’s where you are headed. You are walking up to heaven. You are walking up to the glory and the Light of The Great, Great Father and when you think about that, you know that you want to be up there. You can, because you are now walking the path upward but you must look within yourself and when difficult things happen, don’t panic. I realise that you are upon the earth so you do panic but for only a moment as you must remember that you are in God’s Light. You walk the path upward. To do that, day by day, isn’t it worth overcoming? isn’t it worth it to be at peace with your soul? To be at peace with your soul – oh, the tranquility and the beauty of it. It will come. It does come when you try, as we want you to do. Try. Isn’t it worth trying for the heavens above? When you see the steps leading up to that Light, you think ‘Yes!’.

So today, we give love. Of course there are people around you now in Spirit. Your guides are with you. They are helping you but most of all, Spirit would like you to understand trust. Trust means that you give fully to your guides because they love you, they help you and they are there for you. Therefore, when you trust, you bring the warmth of love to your guides and that love is returned to you in a hundred ways. You are safe in the keeping of The Great, Great Father and I say to all of you, those in Spirit who are listening and those who read these words, have courage, go forward and know that when you learn those small lessons of discipline and patience, you will find life easier, smoother and you climb another step up the ladder. God bless you, and a blessing comes from Gabrielle. May the rays of The Great, Great Father always shine upon us all in Spirit and on earth. God bless you and keep you now and for ever. Amen.



15th July, 2014 - Send out your light to uplift those who are not awakened.

This prayer began as the words of Sister Julia but we became aware whilst listening that the tone of voice altered and another high Spirit took over during the course of the prayer.

God bless you. It is I, Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. Be at peace with your soul. May there be peace within you. May there be love to light you. Look at the star above you. Look at the sun that is within you. Be still, thy soul. Let the quietude of love fill you, sooth you.

I ask today that you will look into yourselves at the things that you do, not the big things but the small ones. Learn to discipline the small things in your life. Have thoughts that are happy. Have thoughts filled with hope, not hope-lessness. Hopefulness.

I say to you, one and all, that the power of healing is within each one of you. You can rise to the heights and feel the glory of The Great Spirit that courses through you. Oh my little ones, fear not. Look forward with hope knowing that whatever you are going through, whatever troubles you, with the love and with the energy that we give you, you will be lifted. Remember that you are in God’s hands. It doesn’t matter that you look upon yourselves and feel that you are not getting anywhere. You are not the judge of your progression. We can see. We can see the efforts that are made whether or not you think you are not good enough, strong enough or that you do not believe enough. We can see in Spirit the efforts that you make and we say to you go forward, keep making this effort, lift yourself up and know that all will be well and do you know why? Because you are in God’s hands. Be patient and whatever comes your way, just decide that you will wait for The Great, Great Spirit. In the waiting, you will gain patience and in gaining patience, what you desire will come to you.

As we have asked before, do watch your thoughts. Every now and again tune in to yourselves and check what you are thinking. If you are thinking in a low way, just stop yourself with the thought ‘No, I belong to The Father. I am governed and helped by the Divine Spirit within me. I am going to have happy thoughts about today. I am going to live this day and let it unfold. I am not going to be depressed.’ Be still thy soul. Be peaceful and allow the great, great power of love to go not only within you but to surround you and lift you. Be still. Be quiet and allow the glory that is in Spirit come near. This will help you with your thoughts, help you with the actions of the day as you will feel that you are in safe hands, that you will develop the power of love within and that all will be well. Lift yourself away from any negative thoughts as by doing this, your Light will grow brighter for you to send out into the world, which, as you know, is in sore need of it. Your Light is important. Send it out to uplift those who are not awakened. Send your thoughts to the darkest part of the world with love, peace and tranquility. Oh my children, you could do so much, if only you knew the power that is within you. The power. Use it. Use it in positive thinking, directing your actions, knowing that it will be a good day because you are in control, you are The Divine Spirit and because you are, you will lift yourself into the glory of the Light that is within you. You command. You lift. You control. With love. Be at peace with your soul. Let tranquility enter the inner temple of your being. Let tranquility be the power and the glory that is around each one of you. May the world prosper with love and with Light and may it push away the darkness that is trying so hard to interfere with the lives of the people on the earth.

So, my children, I have said what I have said and I have come to you to uplift you, to show you the way. It is not difficult. What is difficult is the way that you turn inward to ask what are you today, what are your thoughts. Every action that you do, everything in your day, your accomplishments, do them all with love, inner strength and the discipline that you are learning to control negative thinking and negative action as the glory of God is with you, the glory of the heavens, the high heavens, is coming to you in Light, in love, to uplift all of you on this planet. And those of you who come to do their work within The Sanctuary, again, the Light shines and lifts. Glory be to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit. I end my prayer of love…control, discipline but mostly love. God bless everyone who listens or who reads the words of love that come from the highest sphere. Do the best you can and may the Spirit of The Lord above give you the peace that your soul desires. I say God bless you this day. Heed my words. Heed my words for they come with love. I do not judge you. We are here to help you, to love you and to show you the way. God bless you.



1st July, 2014 - If you manage to overcome in this life, how much easier it will be in the next.

God bless you, my children. To come through today is a joy for us, Gabrielle and myself. We want to ask you to please not look at things from an earthly point of view because at times you might think that all is lost, that you are unworthy or that you may have done or said the wrong thing and suffer because of it but I want all of you to realise that if you could see things from the viewpoint of Spirit, you may view things entirely differently. I want you to stand back sometimes when you have a problem and if you have done your best in your effort to solve it, that is all that is needed.

Children of the Light, go forward, please, forward and upward and do remember that if you can manage to overcome in this life, how much easier it will be in the next because you have smoothed the path for yourself. Look into yourself, realise that you are guided by The Great Spirit and allow yourself to have a deep inner feeling of peace and love because you know by faith alone that all will be well. Indeed, faith you must have. You must also, as I have reminded you so many times, have trust. Go forward in this life with love, trust, faith. Again we ask you what can go wrong when you are in The Father’s great care. Think of the higher self within you. The light of the higher self is so beautiful like the sun glowing in the sky on a lovely, bright day. That is with you all the time so isn’t it worth trying to cope with your problems, sitting quietly, looking into yourself, allowing us to help you. Remember all the time that you have this beautiful, golden Light there, ready for you as you look within. You will then find that you receive such wonderful peace and love.

Now we say God bless you, God keep you in His care always. Have love for your fellow man. Even if you do not like someone, no matter, you send out love. God bless you and keep you for ever in the Light that is within you. Amen


24th June, 2014 - Be strong. Do not allow fear to enter your thoughts. Julia, channeled by Joan, introduces another spirit, without a name.

God bless you. I am Julia. Gabrielle is with me. We have come to greet you and to say to you peace be with you. Now I’m going to stand aside for there is someone who would like to speak to you.

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God bless you, my children. I have come this morning to talk to you about fear. Oh my children, there is so much fear and especially at this moment of time when the news of the world is very grave. Fear strikes the heart of all who listen and read about these terrible, negative conditions. But, where are you? Where is the Light? Come. Be strong. Lift up yourselves into that glorious, glorious Light that is in Spirit as you are Light. Send it out. Nothing can hurt you. You are in the care of The Great, Great Spirit of All, especially with the guides who are around you to guide you and help you. I would like to say to you don’t fear but if you do, and you are fearful, be quiet for a moment. Go inward and ask for help as you do not want this fear, you want to overcome it because you know that the Light is within you. When you think fearful thoughts, these thoughts go out. Remember that you are Light. Nothing can happen to you. It is only your thoughts that make you low, your thoughts. Ask yourself if you are thinking fearful thoughts and if you are, bring the Light to these thoughts so that it can disperse them.

Whatever your problems, Children of the Light, remember that you are in God’s loving care and because of that, all will be well. Whatever barbs and hurts you have in life, each of you has something to make you fearful but there is no need. All you have to do is to sit quietly, go within yourself and ask for help as you believe with all your heart in The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit because you are Spirit. Say these things to yourself. Raise yourself up and when you see the news and you find that a blanket of despair comes over you, then begins the fear but remember that this is what you are here for. This is what the Light is for and your Light must grow brighter at this time. I am telling you – think lovely, happy thoughts, love one another and send love out. It’s essential for this to be done at this moment of time because, though you realise that The Great Spirit has everything in hand, these are all lessons for you, lessons by which to grow upward and also to recognise the Holy Spirit that is within you. The Holy Spirit within you can heal everything. There is nothing that it cannot do except to make you think rightly because this is your responsibility and if you think rightly, if you say to yourself that you are now in God’s loving hands and that the Spirit within you will lift you, help you and give you harmony. It will also help any medical problems that you may have.

Let us have faith now. Let us go forward into Light and I remind you, I have come to remind you, that you are the Light bearers and it is now that you have to send your Light out to the world with love. When it comes to individual thinking, where daily lives are concerned, now this is what I want you to do. When in trouble, and I speak now to those who are listening and those who read these words, and when life seems to overwhelm you, each one of you I ask to sit quietly. It doesn’t matter that you don’t see golden lights around you or some other magnificent thing – it doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that matters. When you sit quietly, send out a thought and say: ‘Father, I am in your beloved hands. I know that you are governing my life. Help me to get over this problem. Give me the strength, the power. I have faith in you and I know that all will be well’. How many times have I told each of you that when you do this, you are tuned in to a higher vibration, your higher self, and therefore all crooked places are made straight. But watch your thoughts at this present moment. You must think very carefully. Examine your thoughts. Are they unhappy, depressed, hopeless? Are they negative thoughts that make you feel low? If so, ask The Great Father for help to overcome. Ask that His love and strength help you, and help will come. Fear is of prime importance to the negative world at the moment. It wants you to be afraid and to take away your self-confidence. It wants to wound and hurt you but it can’t. It can’t hurt you because you have that living glow within you. It is your higher self. Think of this Light because when you do, help will be given in all ways.

This is a prayer today to bring harmony to you, to bring peace and to tell you that the love of The Great Spirit goes through the channels of your higher selves and the higher levels and I can assure you that help is given freely and lovingly. So, there will be harmony in your lives. Think about your thoughts, send out love to the world because remember, you are Light bearers. Believe in yourselves. Believe in love. Believe in Light, which is love, and may God bless you, lift you and bring the harmony that you need today. These words come from a higher source and from this higher source comes a blessing, upliftment of the soul, a lighter feeling within you and this I leave you with today. God bless you, God keep you in his care now and for ever more.

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Now, remember the words. You are not alone. We have told you many times, Gabrielle and I. You don’t walk the path alone. Ask for help and you will get it. Be quiet and still and let your Light burn brightly. Let it go out into the world and may it shine on your own life as well. Now, God bless you. This has been a very special morning, more that you realise. Gabrielle and I say God bless you and keep you in His Light.


17th June, 2014 - You are in the right place at the right time for the right experience.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. Today we want to explain how much we wish to give you the quietude of spirit, the stillness, the tranquility, that comes from The Lord above. In our silence, we can bring to you the wonderful balm of love that soothes and lifts the soul, giving you inner strength to carry on with your earthly lives. We know that it is a hard task. We know that you walk constantly in shadows but we come today to give you that balm of love to refresh your soul and when your soul is refreshed, you feel the Light of The Great, Great Father. As the Light grows within you, you feel positive. You feel able to face the earth life once again.

Whatever experiences you are going through, they are there for a purpose. You are in the right place at the right time for the right experience because how are you going to lift your inner being and go higher along your path if you didn’t have these experiences, each one being overcome so that you go a step higher and a step higher. As we have said before, we are with you and we help you. But again comes free willl. Your free will, will take you to the left or to the right, the negative and the positive and I would say to walk the middle path but veer to the right, the positive, so that you are in control of whether or not you will be drawn in to the lower side. So you have that choice, that free will, to go to the positive or, if you are not strong enough, you will go to the left because there is a weakness in you. But if you do go that way, remember that we are always here, always do we come to whisper in your ear to remind you that something is not right, that you should think positively. You will then be back on the path once again, walking onwards towards your inner Light.

Oh children of the Light, we do bring you love. When we can see the suffering souls upon the earth plane, we in Spirit, and we are many, many, an armada as we have said before, we gather around the world and when we see a soul that is struggling, we are there to lift, to help. Also from Spirit we send out this wonderful balm which sooths, lifts and heals the soul and I can assure you that there are so many of us always around you to lift you and to those in dire circumstances, we have the greater power that is within us to give to that soul so that the waters of life can refresh and lift and that soul can go onward in the earth life knowing that knowledge has been placed within. We bring a tremendous amount of healing to the world that you live in. We lift you, we guide you and we are there to help you – so long as you ask for our help. We cannot come unless you ask for help. Those souls who are in dire need we come close to and because we know that within their hearts they have asked for God’s help, we can do so. So would you please remember that we are here to help you. March on no matter how hard life is. March on. You cannot see the glory and the Light that is before you. Overcome your difficulties and know that you are part of Spirit, that the difficulties are lessons for you, lessons that have been put before you. How wonderful it is when you have overcome. You will recognise the lessons because your inner self will tell you that you need to overcome, find forgiveness, love, to help your fellow man, to look within yourself for all the small things that irritate you. All these things you have to overcome – jealousy and resentment must be swept out of the way as they will impede your progress.

Today we have come not only to speak to you but to tell you that we bring love and upliftment so go inward, go inward and I would say to all of you who listen and read my words, God is with you. There is a great purpose for all of us you know. The purpose is that you are journeying upwards towards The Great, Great Father of All. It’s a long haul, a mountain to climb but there are always hands to help you. That is your goal, to go back home where you belong, to The Godhead and then you go further. But it’s a long, long way. The pathways grow steeper and much is demanded of you as the higher you rise, the more pure you must be. So you see why we keep telling you to walk a stead path, look inward, and when you are weary, sit quietly and let the waters from Spirit trickle down over your very soul to lift you and help you to breath the love of Spirit.

Now, God bless you and may you walk your path bravely for the goal ahead, if you could see, is worthwhile. God bless you and remember that you are indeed golden Lights that come to the earth to help others and to show them the way as we are showing you the way. May the angels guard you and may peace be within your soul now and forever more. Amen.


10th June, 2014 - Prayer and teaching from Julia and Gabrielle. The Light within is the angel, the God, within you.

Beloved Father, it is with a great felt love that we, Julia and Gabrielle, join with Joan for this prayer. It is within each one of you to lead a goodly life, to look up to the golden Light that is forever shining down, waiting for the moment when those in Spirit can come with their wonderful rays to help you. This wonderful glow that is within you is your higher self. Walk the path bravely and have courage to look upon your life. As you look back, say to yourself that you will forgive and as another memory comes, decide that you will overcome your resentment.

Lord, lift us into the higher regions of love that we may not only overcome the difficulties in our own lives but to help those who are in sad need. Give us the strength each day to be able to overcome the dark shadows that beset us. Give us strength and purpose and help us to look beyond ourselves to see the larger picture. The larger picture is of a life of giving, of service and dedication. Look beyond that again and see mother earth crying out for your love, wanting her children and the consciousness that is within each one to open and for them to realise that the body is not all. Just think, The Divine Father has given part of Himself to you. Because of this, you are given imagination and through your imagination we try to give you knowledge, knowledge so that you do not think of yourself but put self to one side and you can look then into the world as it is and see what you can do from your corner to help. I can say that if you give love and if you ask for greater understanding of what is happening around you, then I can assure you it will be given. You are all Light bearers and to be Light bearers, you have to look beyond yourselves for you are not just a body, you are the divine light and this divine light was given to you by The Great, Great Spirit of All to come to the earth and to do the work of the angels. So in spare moments, sit quietly, think inwardly and draw upon the great Light within you because that Light, the greater self as we have said before, that is the angel, the God, within you. Just think what that means. It means that wherever you are, whoever you speak to, you send out this golden ray that not only uplifts but it eases the mind like a balm that you send out to all those in need. It also opens the consciousness of man by being loving, kind, compassionate and understanding what the other feels. If they do not understand, give them gentle love and say to them ‘God is with you’ and lead them on a simpler path as not everyone has the knowledge that is within you.

May God bless each one of you and we pray from our hearts for the progression of your souls, for the Great Light to come to ignite you more so that your Light shines brighter. Let each of you be a beacon of Light. Go forward.  Have no fear because, as we have said before, you are in God’s loving hands. May God bless each of you. Love one and other. Be patient with one and other. Hold hands with each other and go up the mountain together. One of you may be ahead of the other but look down, hold out your hand and help the other one up because you are all linked together. God keep you in His Light and help you to realise at all times who you are and what you have come to do. God bless you. God keep you and from Gabrielle and I, goodbye.


3rd June 2014 - Please read these words: Your Light is needed now for the salvation of the earth.

Beloved children, I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We come today with great earnestness and with a purpose to show you the way. If you could see what we can see of the earth plane, it is very sad. Much is done against the Light. We pray daily that the Light that goes down onto the earth plane will open the consciousness of man and that he will begin to realise his responsibility to uplift the Light for the Light is the most prominent force that must be in everyone’s mind. Man must go forward, upward and as he goes upwards on the path towards the Light that lies ahead, he has to experience many things. As man overcomes these experiences, his Light becomes brighter.

We have to tell you today that we need you. Please fulfill your promise because you promised before you came to the earth plane that you would uphold the Light, the shining Light, so that your fellow man who is less knowledgeable than yourself can be helped by the love that you brought with you. But alas, some of you have fallen by the wayside. Some of you have forgotten. You have forgotten this glorious promise in your hearts when you came and we are trying now to take away the blockage that is in the minds of those who came to earth with Light. We are endeavouring to save these people so that they in turn, because of their experience, can help those who are beside them. Don’t you see – can you not see the picture of the Light in the world? Can you not see the evil, the dark shadows that dance about in the minds of man, making him cruel and bestial to a great extent? We are the Light, don’t you see, we are the Light that will be able to diminish the darkness. If only you could see and understand what we are trying to do. Don’t plod on in your life thinking about what you have to do. Put ‘self’ to one side. You can’t have ‘self’ if you are a Light bearer, don’t you see, because it hinders the wick of the Light that you have. It is important at this time that you go forward in your life knowing that you are Light. Don’t argue with yourselves. Don’t argue, because you do, so many of you. You think that you are not Light, you don’t feel like Light but please see that Light is what you think and what you feel.

This is such an ardent prayer this morning. Oh, children of The Father, don’t you see the history that goes on with the earth and the eons of time that man has been so destructive has now come to a head, the kernel of things, and that is why things are happening. The earth is undergoing such an upheaval because of the thoughts, feelings, selfishness of man. You must see now that it is so important that you love, love yourselves. Love yourselves and know that you are here in a body and regardless of what you suffer in that body, the Light will always help you to get through the conditions you are coping with. First there is faith, faith within yourself, faith to know that you are guided, loved, cherished, so what can happen to you: nothing. You life would be one straight course. All crooked places would be made straight because of your love.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this prayer. It means so much for us in Spirit to see you listening to and reading these words. This is a crucial time on earth. There is a clarion call going out to the planet gathering in those who love, those who have given themselves to Spirit and obeying the laws of love. Oh, walk onward, children, please walk on and upwards with love in your hearts knowing that there is a Light that burns within you. That Light is necessary now for the salvation of the earth. Realise that when the fight is over, the earth will be going into a golden age, a golden age of upliftment and with souls coming from different planets because it is paradise, as it was once. There is so much for you to think upon, but think upon this. Each one of you is important in your own way and all we ask is that you lift yourselves up inside. Be true to yourselves and the truth of yourselves is that you are Light bearers. Put unhappy thoughts away. Whatever experiences you have had emotionally and/or physically, know full well that they will end when you come to the plateau of your own mind knowing that you will be looked after.

Now, beloved children, as I have said, this is indeed a prayer of great earnestness. Gabrielle and I send love to each one of you and we know that if you think upon these lines, you will be going upward on the pathway towards The Great, Great Spirit of All. You have a long way to go, as we in Spirit do because on every level that you reach, you have to overcome feelings, the reluctance to forgive, the reluctance to let go and that it what we are asking you today. Let go of your feelings, feelings that are going to hinder you, that will not help you to rise. Children of the Light, just be quiet, be still, that’s all you have to do and to send love to all and sundry.  That is all you have to do. There is no urgency to stop you doing this. No – just be quiet, still, and let your thoughts go upward saying ‘Father, I came to the earth to serve you. I am your beloved child and I walk the path. Help me please to understand more.  Help knowledge to trickle through my consciousness so that I may begin to understand deeply. Help me to walk the path, Father, with the sacrifice of putting ‘self’ to one side’. It doesn’t matter what you feel or think, you are here to be a Light bearer. They are only words, aren’t they? But you know they are not just words because coming from each one of you, those who listen and those who read, is a great Light. When you pray, the Light goes up and there is a brilliance that will join other lights, other lights and other lights until there is a glow coming from the earth. This glow will then push back, diminish, the lower order until eventually you will find that the Light will prevail. The Light will prevail in any case for we are under the wonderful devotion of the Divine Spirit. I end this prayer with earnestness and with love because I know that each of you has listened, on earth and in Spirit. Do your best. Do your best. May your consciousness open and may your Lights burn brightly. Oh, children, it is with love that I now say God bless you and know that you are under the Christ vibration through Jesus, our beloved Master, and all the beloved prophets that have gone before. Amen to all of you.

27th May, 2014 - From Gabrielle, We in Spirit are saddened by the state of this planet earth.

God bless you, my children. I give you love and I give you greetings from Gabrielle and myself. We know the world is going through a trauma. There is much that reaches us in Spirit and we try to reach those who are in such great difficulty. There is an armada in Spirit that goes to the aid of those all over the earth where there is a need for help and cries for help. We, The Sisterhood and The Brotherhood, are there ready to help, to lift and also to help those to cross the borders of the earth life into Spirit life. Where so many are so beleaguered, we have to soothe and help them to realise that they have passed over for they are so bewildered. We ask today, with love, we ask that you will turn inward, turn to your own Light and send it out. Send it out to this planet because your Light, as we have said before, will be added to the Lights that are already burning brightly. In your moments of quietude we require you as Light bearers to send out your Light for the earth needs healing. Those who live on the earth are going through traumas that are soul-tearing and that is why we in Spirit lift, give, take those who we are able into the Halls of Rest but if you could see what we see in Spirit, I would not need to ask you to do this for your hearts would go out and the compassion would flow freely.

It is not only your life of you or the life of your family, it is the life of this planet that has to have more Light to push the darkness away. The darkness can be in some places of the earth very strong and that is why you and all people upon the earth need to sit quietly and send out love because the love vibration will do much to heal, to sooth, especially for those who have passed violently from your earth into Spirit.

So you see, as you go on with your daily life, it is not your life because you have come down here with the dedication of working for Spirit. Your soul knew what it had to do and because you come to dedicate yourselves in service to Spirit, then remember, remember why you have come. Remember that you are here not only to develop within yourselves a brighter Light but to turn to the Light for others. You can send out this power. If only you realise the power of the Light. It is not just a light, it is power and when you send it out, the power goes into the world to lift, help and strengthen. So to those who listen and to those who read these words, we say ‘love’ and may the vibration of love be a balm, a soothing balm, to the souls that are in torment. We hear cries for help and we are saddened by the state of this planet earth.

Today is a day of remembrance of who you are, a day when you can give more service by the sending out of love and Light and also to tune in within yourselves again and again to make the Light stronger within yourselves. May the prayer go outward and may the prayers that come from the higher spheres go forward.  Gabrielle and I have much work to do. We see, we hear, we receive and with our brethren, we go forward to the places where the cries are strongest and most heartbreaking. We take the children of the earth who have passed over and we gather them in our arms to give them solace and warmth and we try to sooth them. When we have done that we take them on to the next level where they begin to heal for we are not only healers of the spirit but we work for The Great, Great Spirit of All. Through Jesus and through the prophets of old, we give strength, Light and under-standing and I pray for each one of you that you will receive knowledge in your quietest moments and really tune in to the Light within. We pray that you will have the knowledge to understand. This is a prayer of upliftment for mankind. It is a prayer of love and compassion. Let me send out the Light to lift, to give and because of the Lights coming from above and coming from the earth plane upward, may the Light be strong, which it is, to push away the darkness. So you see, beloved children of the earth, we need you. We need you to remember why you are here and no matter what experiences you are going through, remember that the great Light within you, which is the God within you, will help you through all your difficulties. May the blessings of The Great, Great Spirit, the Father of us all, enfold us in His love and I end my loving prayer for I, Julia, have been used this day by the spirit of love. God bless you. Walk in the Light now and forever more. Amen.


20th May, 2014 - Believe in yourself. Have trust in yourself.

God bless you. I am Julia and also here is Gabrielle. We come today because there is a necessity to remind you that though we say to you that you are light bearers, we want you to realise what this means. We want you to realise that within yourself, that is where the Light comes from – the higher self, and do you know what the higher self is? It is the God within you. It is the God that gives you the energy and strength to carry you through the days and weeks ahead.

I ask that no matter what problems you may have, no matter what emotional or physical difficulties you find yourself in, turn to the Light. You say that yes, you will turn to the Light but do you know how to do this? How you do it, my beloved children, is to have faith and to have love within you for The Great Spirit of All. Love your higher self. Love it because it sends out so many wonderful things for you. It helps you to walk the path and will come nearer to you if you overcome earthly conditions. Many of you ask how we can say this, if things are so terrible but we do say it and we say this: the higher self sends love and warmth. It sends security to you, the security that you definitely need on this earth plane. We ask only this but if you cannot sit quietly, if you cannot imagine the Light within you, then pray and say ‘Father help me, I know you are there’. It is being aware, aware of the fact that there is a Light and that The Great, Great Spirit of All is indeed within you. But if you cannot do that, say a prayer and acknowledge that you know that the Great Father will help you. Now, if you say that with sincerity you are tuning in to your higher self. Do what you can, how you can. Tread the path of your life with courage and say to yourself that all will be well and it will be well because within yourself there is this wonderful Light that is ready to help you, strengthen you.

All I ask is that some time during your day you think of the sun. Think of the warmth, the enjoyment of just being in the sunlight. If you can just think these things, it will help you forward and help you to be able to cope with the situations that you are in. Again, as we have said to you before, believe in yourself and I mean this truly. Believe, trust yourself. Do not go on a negative path thinking that things are no good, you can’t do it – but you can do it. It is the lower self telling you that you can’t do it. No matter what situation you are in, tell yourself that you can do it. Things will alter for you. You will walk a positive path and know that whatever lies ahead, help will be given. Doors will open and you will walk through those doors because you have faith that things will alter, faith that you will have courage, faith because you know that the higher self is within you. Believe in yourself. Know that you can do this and don’t falter on your path because we are leading you step by step higher and higher and this road that you are following leads to the higher self. But for the higher self to come lower and be able to do the things that you want to do, you will have to alter your attitude towards yourself. So I ask you to believe in yourself. Have faith in what you think and what you do because you are going to walk the path being aware of the shadows that cling to you. Think about the future. The future is Light and remember that we need you. We need you to lift yourselves up and we need you to send out the great and wonderful Light that is within you.

That is all I wish to say today but for each one of you to know you are loved, you are helped. Ask for it – ask as we cannot interfere– ask for help and don’t be impatient that it does not happen today or tomorrow. We are working on what you need and we will help you. But you must ask for help. We cannot interfere unless you ask. So beloved ones, I say God bless you and know that many colours are surrounding you at the moment. If you could only see the wonderful colours – they form an archway around each one of you lifting you, helping you, strengthening you and above all helping you to have the Light of the Great Spirit within you. God bless you and may you walk the path bravely, with your head up high. God bless you.


13th May, 2014 - From Sister Julia and Joseph. Know that you are God's angels on earth.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. We do bring you love, you know, and we bring you support. We know your difficulties whether physical, mental, emotional. We know your desires. We know your souls. We do draw very close and each of your guides is very close to you to help you. There is someone here who would speak – just popping in, as you would say. I will depart for a moment.

I am Joseph. I come today to ask you - think about it - I want you to believe in yourself. I want you to believe and have faith in what you do, faith in your guides but above all, faith in yourself. The lower self, as we keep telling you, is always tugging away giving you thoughts of unhappiness, illness, fear and it is because you are Light workers that you have to say to yourselves that that is not the way you want to think because you are Light, and because you are Light you can overcome the shadows that are for ever, ever trying to pull you down their way. It is not only your Light that we wish to brighten up but we want you to realise in the quiet moments during your day that you should go inward and as you do so, I want you to find who you are, what you are, what makes you weak, what makes you strong, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what makes you react to things. I want you to be aware of yourselves because you see, sometimes you go along through the day coping with this, coping with that, but find out who you are and by quietness, stillness, go within yourselves and you will find that Spirit will help you to find out who you really are. Don’t you see, little ones, you are angels of Light and it is because you are angels of Light that the lower self doesn’t want you to know who you are and therefore they put within your minds any time, any where, any low thought. So you must be aware of the low thoughts within you. Many of you who are suffering emotionally and physically may say to yourselves that you don’t think you are angels of Light but take it from Joseph, you are. You are God’s angels on earth and that is why your Lights are so important, because you have come for a purpose. I want you to be quiet and allow yourselves to go up and as you go as far as you can, in quietude, ask yourself “who am I?” and you will find that the answer will come and that what I am saying to you will be confirmed. Because within yourselves you will know it is right, you will feel it, sense it. And the Light goes out, and that is why you will know who you are. Walk the path that you have come to walk and realise the goodness and the loveliness that is within you. It doesn’t matter where you are and who you are, we will help you to get over agony, pain, emotional heartbreak, resentment, jealousy. We will help you but be aware of what I have said. I have come very specially to talk to you because it is so important at this time on the earth. The time is getting nearer where we must have Light. Now God bless you. God bless all of you – those who are listening in Spirit and those who read the words – lift yourselves up into the great, great energy of Spirit and may God bless you all. Amen.


6th May, 2014 - From Joseph: a lesson in faith, trust, courage and love.

I am Joseph. I have come today to talk to you and to all those who have come to listen, for there is a gathering in Spirit to listen to what is to be said. There are those who will read the written words and they will gain understanding and enlightenment to their minds. I ask you: do you know what faith means? Do you know that when you say that you have faith in something, if you say you have faith and you look within yourself for the bright, shining sun which is your higher self, then you will really know what it means to say you have faith. To have faith means that you give all to the beloved Father. You say: “Father, my life is yours. Command me. Help me. Help me to do the things that will bring me closer to You. Help me to be faithful and true. Help me in this earth life to lift myself up into the Light where You are, where You abide. Help me, please, to know the true meaning of faith”. Oh children, do you realise that it means that you give your days, weeks, months, your years –you give them gladly to The Great Spirit because you will be cared for. Whatever happens in your life and whatever experiences you go through, because you are turning inward to the Light, then the Light cares for you. Many times we have said to you, all crooked places will be made straight. Whatever besets you, whether you are in Spirit or on earth, when you are troubled, turn inward for help and help you will receive.

And then there is trust. What is trust? Trust is really the sister of faith because along with faith comes trust. So when you have faith, you trust with all your heart and with all your might. Trust and know that The Great, Great Spirit is beside you and will help you through the difficulties of the earth, so things are easier for you. Turn inward, I ask you, turn inward for there comes your help. There within each one of you is the Divine Light. So understand what faith means and give all to the beloved Light within you and trust to know that all will be well because you are in His loving care.

And now we will speak of courage. Do you know what courage means? Courage means to let the self go. Whenever anyone is in trouble, put the self on one side. Don’t think of what it might mean to you, or, shall we say, the disturbance it could cause for you. Put yourself on one side. That takes courage. Courage to actually do the act of drawing away from self so that you are able to help your fellow man.

The next thing I would ask you to do is to think of love. Love is Light and because love is Light it means that you, you, you and you, you all over the world and those who are in Spirit, those who come in to the Sanctuary, I say –love. Lift yourselves up into the Light and send that love out to the world because the world needs the love and the Light to push away the dark shadows. The dark shadows are, shall I use the word, afraid for their existence because the stronger the Light, the more the darkness diminishes, fades, until the planet is free of it and becomes the paradise, the golden age of Light and with that comes the upliftment of mankind.

You do see that what I am trying to do today is to teach you the meaning of faith, trust. Courage comes in many, many guises – including that you would lay your life down for your fellow man. Laying your life down means not that there is danger but that you will bring Light to all who so desperately need help. You can help in many ways. There are many gifts that you have to help bring the Light and I pray this day that the Light of The Great, Great Father will shine down upon the earth plane to lift it, to help mankind to open its mind and to see the Light of healing that shines down upon him. I can honestly assure each of you, those who listen and those who read these words, that you can help. Oh yes, you can help more than you realise. So this is the message from Spirit. Lift up your hearts. Go through your days knowing that you are blessed. Have courage, open your hearts to send out love because the earth needs you, it needs your love. It is the planet of love and to be as it should be, you need to work to lift the vibrations of the earth to a higher level with love and Light. Have courage to go forward to the unknown places, remembering that you are never alone. Remember that we care for you. So, beloved children, enough has been said this day. I bring love to lift you into the higher realms. May God bless each of you. Bless you. Joseph has spoken this day…… with love.


29th April, 2014 – From Sister Julia and we hear once again from ex-slave Abraham: hope, positivity and love.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is here. We have come to greet you today not only to bring love and understanding but we come to give you hope. Hope is a precious thing because within you when you have hope, you have the Light that goes before you in your future. It can lift you and it can build many bridges for you to cross over safely. Oh to those who read these words I say and to those who are listening I say and to those who listen in Spirit I say: lift up your hearts, go forward in your lives and bring the love and joy that comes with it. Hope will bring towards you a feeling of safety because you know that you are being guided and loved. The Great Spirit of All has you in His loving arms and protects you as you turn towards Him. He leads you into quiet waters and He helps you whenever you send out a deep prayer. Certain conditions that you have to experience as you go through life can be very hard but again we say to you, you will go through them with our help but you must ask for it. We have said this before in our prayers – turn towards us and we will help you. We will not take the condition away as it is necessary for you to experience it but we can help to make the road easier for you. Remember also that always beside you there is a very dark, shall we say, angel, an angel that has turned into a negative force, negative feelings and also longing to be able to drag each one of you down to its level. I therefore ask once again that whatever conditions you are experiencing, turn inward to the Light because you will not be helped from outside. Now, there is someone else who is so eager to come through so for the moment I will stand aside……

Oh it’s so lovely to come back again. I didn’t think I would be able to do that because there are many people who want to speak. I am Abraham and I come to give love to you and to tell you how much easier it is when you turn inward to the Light and I do know – I have had the experience as I’ve told you before. I had to live a very hard life and I didn’t have a name you see, I only had a number. My mother taught me to love even though there had been cruelty done to me. She taught me to love these people, to turn to the Light within and I did. I did so many, many times. I did and I found the glory of The Father, who helped me with the crosses that I had to bear. I am so happy now in Spirit and so happy to know that I was able to go through knowing on earth that I had Light to help me because I could not have survived the cruelty that was administered to me. So why I have come back today, and I have had permission to do so, is to say that I want you to feel what I feel. I want you to see what I saw. I want you to know that no matter what it is, wherever you people of the world are living, read my words and realise that you can be helped through all situations. If you hate, even if is a small thought, recognise that it is a wrong thing and ask God to help you. If you are jealous, resentful, or heart-broken and if these difficulties are hard to bear, ask God to help you and indeed He will because the Light then will grow within you. All of you will realise that you cannot live without this golden Light. This Light will lead you, help you because it loves you. It wants you to recognise any negative feelings that you have. Recognise them and know that it is the negative that pulls you down. Turn inward. Please do that for me because I have experienced all these things and I know that thinking of love, thinking of peace and tranquility, thinking that God gives you the inner strength to cope with all things –remember what I have said this day. I come with love to lift you, lead you and I want you to know what the experiences I have had did for me. So it is with Abraham’s blessing that I come today because The Great, Great Spirit loves you all and your beloved guides who are around you lead you, love you, lift you. Turn inward. Turn inward to that golden, golden Light that is forever shining. Now, God bless you. Oh yes, God bless you every one. I say goodbye.

Sister Julia: Well, that was spoken from the heart. What more can I say. Walk your path bravely, lift your heads up, face the world, face your problems head on because you know that behind you is the golden Light of strength to clear the way for you, help you, strengthen you. So I say God bless you. Gabrielle and I want to describe to you that there is a golden mist that is so beautiful – it sparkles and it is sent out to the world. Before we go we want to say that in your prayers, send out love to the world and for the upliftment of the minds of mankind. If you will do this, you will be doing a great service for Spirit. God bless you and may you walk in His light today and for ever more. Amen.



8th April, 2014 - From John: know that you chose this life.

I have come to bless you. I have come to remind you. My name is John and I have come to share with you the love that we have for you. You came to the earth to live a life and the life will hold for you many treasures but your life has come to you to give you experience, to build your character, to build up your faith. I know how you feel. Each one has come to this earth life to live it to the full and though you may have your joys and upliftments, you are also placed in situations that seem impossible, you may experience different agonies of the heart, physical sadness – all of you experiencing these things can be pulled down. Again we tell you how important thoughts are. It is so easy to go downwards. You must always keep a check on your thoughts. Examine whether the misery within you is dragging you downwards. Please lift your hearts and go forward. Know that you chose this life. You chose these circumstances and all the things that befall you. You chose them and are now living them. Whatever your situation, lift your thoughts. Lift yourself to the Light and know that every time you overcome, you will work out a karmic debt. Isn’t that nice to know, because when you get to Spirit it will be a very wonderful thing to have paid your debts, debts that have come from the past and debts that you have accrued during this lifetime.

Children, remember that you have this glorious Light within you but you don’t use it as you should. You don’t turn inward as you should. You think you do but the turning inward means that you live the Light, you are the Light and it then streams from you and all around you. You will find then that life is easier and the physical problems of your body will be helped, your burdens eased. With the Light, you will be at peace with yourself.

Remember that you are the servants of The Great, Great Spirit of All. Do not forget the wonderful Lord Jesus, who was and is a wonderful soul. He still works ardently for those on earth and, you know, Jesus is not unapproachable. If, in a moment of quietude, you are in distress, think about Him and with your heart ask that He strengthens you, helps you to go forward. You know, Jesus does come near you. He comes near you with His wonderful vibration and as you open yourself up to him you will find that you will have the help you need. He is working very hard to lift mankind and therefore He makes Himself accessible to all those who call from the heart. This is what I have wanted to tell you today. I should know. I should know because The Lord Himself taught and loved and was amongst his fellow men to lift and guide them, teach them, and he was always there for them in compassion and in love. So, I am going to say God bless each one of you. You are in God’s loving care and you have come to the earth for a purpose. Know that whatever befalls you, help is always given. God bless you. God keep you and thank you for listening to me this day. Amen.



1st April, 2014 - We in spirit call for harmony to reign. The words of Joseph.

God bless you. I am Joseph. I have come today to repeat many things that we have said in our prayers. We call for harmony, harmony that will give you peace, strength, courage. We in Spirit are always there, as you know, to help you. Think, think, think about your thoughts. What are you thinking? What are you sending out into the planet Earth? What are you sending out to those around you? Is it harmony? Anger? Jealousy? Harmony is what we need, what we pray for, to bring peace to each of you.

Think of the power of thought, what it can do. When you awake each morning, think to yourself that your thoughts will not descend to the depths but they will rise higher that you may receive and that you will send out what you receive to those who need love, harmony. I tell you that each one of you has the God within you. The God within you shines bright and beautiful. You can’t look upon the God within you because of the brilliance of the Light but wonderful waves are sent down to you that you may bathe yourself within them – waves of positive thinking, of love and of harmony.

What I want to say to each of you –those here who hear my words, those who read them and those in Spirit who listen, is that the chains that bind you are the chains of the lower self. Your lower self will, if your thoughts are low, drag you down into the depths that it is so very accustomed to. We are here today to tell you to look upward. Look up to the Light and ask for help to release yourself from the low conditions within your thoughts or low circumstances in which you are living. Ask to be released, helped, to see the Light. When you ask for divine help, my children, we come to you and we help you, lift you. If continually your thoughts go upward, then the chains of your lower self will fall from you and you will be free. You have no idea of the brilliance that is within you. You have no idea of the help that can come to you. It is a wonderful thing to have the God, the higher self, within you. Worship it. Love it. Know that you are in the care of this wondrous, wondrous Light and whatever ills that befall you, say: “Father, I do not want this experience but if I do have to go through it, beloved Father, help me”. We on our side will come and ease the overcoming and it will not be painful as you have recognized that you have to overcome and that we are there to help you. Remember how important thoughts are to you for love, harmony and peace to come within you. We want you to live each day in peace, not with fretful thoughts of what you’ve done and what you want. The Great Father of All knows what you want. Sometimes, no, you cannot have what you want as there may be a lesson for you to get over but then again, we help you, as we have already said. Walk the path upward and may the Great Light of All shine in front of you that you will see, feel and be aware that each step of the way, you are helped and strengthened. With that glorious feeling that will come to you, so will come harmony. The harmony will pass from your divine spirit, your inner self to your personality and to the physical body. Harmony will reign. You will find at long last that you have the peace that you yearn for. We will help you over all the circumstances that you are going through. You must ask for the help and it will be given. It may be slow and you may find that it does not happen as quickly as you wish but work is done this side so that eventually you yourself will overcome because we have helped you to do so. We give you a different angle to things and this enables you to free yourself from your lower thoughts.

Children of the Light, may your Light go out and strengthen those Lights that are wavering and may the angels that surround the earth continually, continually send their love. Those again on the earth who are angels, help them, strengthen them as the work is so, so hard that they may shine brightly amongst the darkness. But things are and will be better because we will speak again and again about your thoughts and as you lift your thoughts to the heavens, you will know that all will be well and that as mankind is lifted, there is a better life for each of you. Children, lift yourselves and know that harmony and love are there. Share your joy and happiness with others and give service by helping in whatever way you can. You are children of the Light. I think I have said enough. Sister Julia and Gabrielle are here and they will end this prayer. God bless you. Remember your thoughts! Amen.

Sister Julia: Oh children, he is so wonderful. He brings love. He brings Light. We are always beside you to lead you, to bring you the vibration of love that comes from the highest. That vibration is there to lift you. We both want to say God bless you and may you walk in Light now and for ever. Amen.


25th March, 2014 - You are precious in our sight and we need every one of you.

I am Julia. God bless you and God bless all those who are reading today’s prayer. I want you to realise that you are Light. You don’t, you know. You don’t realise the importance that you are to Spirit and the importance comes with the knowledge of what you are. You are Light bearers and to be Light bearers means that you turn inward to the Light, as we keep asking you to do. As you turn towards that Light, you will find that you are tuned in to something very lovely, very beautiful and when you tune in you will find that the reflection of love comes down towards you. Because you are Light bearers, you are like mirrors that reflect and as you reflect the Light that comes from above, others benefit by it because the reflection goes out not only to those who are near you but to the world. The world needs the reflection of your Light.

Go forward, my little ones, please go forward. We are always here to help you but do remember that we cannot take away your free will. The Great, Great Spirit of All can help you through your experiences and therefore make them lighter. Once you have overcome each experience, it will be gone, never to return, out of your life for ever. Oh dear ones, if only you could see what we are trying to do. We are trying to lift you from the violence within parts of this globe on which you live, the unmerciful ways in which people treat one and other. We watch it and we come, yes we do come, into the dark sectors of your planet, wherever they are. Wherever there is violence, we are there in the thoughts of those who are so mercilessly cruel. We send out vibrations to lift, to help, and we will continue to do this until eventually the Light, which they have within them, will come to the surface and they will begin to turn towards the greater Light. Much work is done on your earth plane. There are so many in Spirit who have particular jobs to do – shall we say, to give the prayers to uplift and also to uplift you, The Sanctuary. It is my work, mine and Gabrielle’s, to keep a Light burning so that each one of you can have the reflection of what we give you. I ask humbly to The Great, Great Spirit that love shines down upon you. There is nothing more precious than love. It doesn’t matter what service you are giving, when there is love and compassion, there is God’s love. Never under-estimate yourselves. Never think you are unworthy. Go forward on the path. The path leads upwards, remember, and it leads to a greater glory than you can imagine. In the meantime, remember that there are around this planet the angels of love. They, too, are Light bearers as you will know from previous prayers. They send the reflection of their love down upon the earth plane. Those who are already angels on this earth, they open themselves and lift themselves and therefore the power and glory goes upwards to meet the Light and reflection that comes down, making them strong because they need strength to live on this earth as they are angels of love. It is very difficult sometimes for them to look at their fellow man. They give thoughts, love and upliftment and they try so hard to change peoples’ thoughts so that they could acknowledge the Light within themselves and let themselves by led by it. That is what we do. We go wherever we are needed. Not just Gabrielle and I but there are armies of spiritual workers who are endeavoring to lift you, strengthen you and to say to all of you who read these words – nothing is ever lost. Go forward on that path and know that with the Light within you and with the faith and trust, you will be led very slowly so that you will begin to realise that there is a temple within you. It will lead you, help you, strengthen you because of the Light and love that are within each one of you.

I pray today for those who are broken hearted due to the loss of a loved one because we in Spirit know their anguish. I can assure you that their loved ones are cared for and looked after. To those upon the earth plane who are heart broken, sad, worried – we say turn inward, little ones, because the help is there. Not from the outside, we say again, but deep within you because that is where your help and strength will come from. Believe it or not, the Christ vibration will come close to you to give you help and strength. Beloved children, do the best you can and please do not deride yourselves because you are indeed loved. You are precious in our sight and we need you. We need every one of you. Lift up your hearts and say: “Father, Great Spirit, we give our free will to You” but remember, look inward and ask yourselves whether you really do give your free will. To give your free will means that you give yourself completely into His hands knowing full well that for every problem, every ache and pain, direction will be given to each one of you as you are in God’s care. So, lift yourselves, have love, faith and trust and truly give your free will knowing that your life is in the care of The Great, Great Spirit. I end this loving prayer with the vibrations that come down to the earth from the hierarchy and from those who have been to the earth and are now risen to a higher place – they send their vibrations of help and love. Each one of you, let your meditations go deep within to touch the vibrations that are sent to you to help you, guide you and strengthen you. A great blessing to the earth, to the planet, to the people who live in it, may God’s love be with you all. Amen



18th March, 2014 - You and the Light that you are, to rebuild the beauty of the earth.

Beloved children, I come today with my heart full. I come today with my dear Gabrielle beside me. We both wish to lift you to a higher dimension. We want you to realise what you are here for. We want you to realise that you are a light bearer and that Light that you have within you not only goes to those who are near you but goes out to this planet, earth. There are many doing the same as you and you must understand the importance of what you are doing and what you are thinking. Watch your thoughts daily. Be careful of what you think and of the vibrations that you receive from one and other, those who pass you by or casual acquaintances. Be careful of vibrations for the lower self is always ready, always ready to pull you down, always ready to tell you the wrong thing, always ready to take away your confidence, take away the purpose for your time here. So watch your thoughts. Be careful.

The Light that is in the planet at the moment is given to you by the angels above and the angels that live upon the earth plane doing their work. They are also sending out the greatest Lights of all so that the earth can be lifted to a higher place so that you, my children, can breathe more, live more. We want you to learn your lessons well. Children of the earth, do you realise that all these things come to you for a purpose? Remember how ‘self’ can get in the way– when you feel hurt, when you are sad, don’t you realise that these emotions are stirred up by the lower self? Whatever you feel, put ‘self’ to one side because you are not here to serve yourself. You are here to serve The Great, Great Spirit of All and above all, the children living upon the earth. That is what you are here for. Don’t miss your opportunities to overcome and do remember, thoughts are so important. It is thoughts that I wish to talk to you about. In your minds, think of peace and love and think of the dearest thing of all that you wish to be. Imagine that dearest thing that you would wish for. Sometimes, you will not have that dearest thing you want because it is not time or perhaps it is not right, but nevertheless, in your imagination, build up a beautiful world, a world where the minds of men are open. Do this in your imagination because it is your imagination that becomes the creative force. Think good thoughts, love goodness and let ‘self’ fade away so that you can overcome with the strength that we give you. We understand your feelings, we understand your thoughts and the difficulties that you have to embrace. We are with you. We know all these things. We have been through them ourselves so would we not understand the tremors of what life does to you? Don’t you see, children of the earth, again and again we say, turn to that golden Light that is within you and let it shine. When you sit quietly and look inward, see that golden Light within you in your imagination. See it because it will help you over all your difficulties whether physical, mental or spiritual. We will be there to help you. We will be there to guide you.

When we on this side are looking at you, struggling away, we want to tell you not to struggle as the Light is there to help you. Why are you struggling so hard? Be full of faith, trust. Trust in The Great, Great Spirit of All that is within each one of you. Don’t struggle so hard. Be still and know that you are God, because God resides within you. He lives within you. Practicing turning in to that Light brings the God Force down and as it comes down, you will find that all things will be helped and strengthened by your wonderful guides who are continually, continually loving you and helping you.

So, Gabrielle and I want so much for you to see the beauty and the love that is around you. Think of the earth and the wonderful places that you have been to on the earth plane because this is indeed paradise given to you. However, because of man and his violence, many wonderful places have been destroyed. In your minds, lift yourselves and know that this is a glorious life that you live in Light, that you give out Light, that you are Light and as you do so, your Light will go out into the planet, to the people who live within it and to all the wonderful things that The Great Spirit has given you. You and the Light that you are are to build up that beauty once more. Oh, there is so much that you can do with your Light. I’d like you to know that there is love, and where there is love, there is Light and around each one of you, your auras can be brightened. The upliftment of your very soul is in God’s hands if you turn inward to the golden Light that is within you. Children, light bearers, you who read the words that I have given this day, have heart. Know that you are not alone. Have faith and by having faith, you will find that all the difficulties that you are encountering will be helped by the golden glow that is within you. We bring love and blessings for each one of you. We wish to gather you in our arms to show you the truth of giving, the truth of pure love which comes from up high to within you.

God bless you and may He keep you within His divine Light. In the name of the glorious Lord Jesus, we say Amen.



11th March, 2014 - Lift your soul being into the Light.

Beloved children, I am Julia. We come today with so much love. We want so much to help you on the path. Today, I want to talk to you about lifting your minds. Let your minds go up within your imagination. See the Light. Feel the Light and know that from that Light comes the creative force that can affect your physical body. The more you go up in your imagination, the more you can see the glory of the Light that is the golden energy, the healing energy that can indeed help you with your physical body. There will be no aches and pains and whatever you have been struggling with, you will find that the Divine Light within will sooth and heal. The body was not meant to go through ravaging pain and distress. Go up, up as far as you can in your imagination into the glorious spiritual sun. Think of it. Feel it and you will find that that glorious force that you breath down into the physical body will help to erase whatever it is that the body is going through.

We tell you today, and I say ‘we’ as Gabrielle is very close to me, to look within yourselves as well. Realise that the flaws that you see in others, you have yourself. So you must seek within for these flaws and, believe it or not, if you sit quietly we will show you the things and conditions within you that you have to overcome. We ask humbly, and we say ‘humbly’ because when the great Light is within, one has to be humble, feel humble because so much is given to you. Oh, Spirit is so wonderful. The Light is wonderful and as these words go out into the world, I ask you to lift up your hearts, lift up your very soul being into the Light and ask that this Light will not only ease your body but also help you to overcome the flaws within. Don’t you see that when you are shown the different things that you have to overcome one by one, and you will overcome them as we will help you, by overcoming you are breaking the chains of the lower self, which, I can assure you, has had a very happy time. There comes a time when all this must come to an end and it is brought to an end by the way you think, the way you feel. Your thoughts must be upward, not downward and every day you must say: Father, we know that you are there and we lift up our hearts and bless those around us, bless all those upon the earth who are struggling. Lift up your thoughts for your fellow man and you will find that the more you do so, the more the power of love will stream through you, helping those around you and going out into the world.

The Great, Great Spirit gave you a beautiful world but we did spoil it by our thoughts, our actions, hate, jealousy – all those cringing, dark shadows. If any one of you upon this earth plane is suffering from resentment, lift up. Look up and ask for help to be rid of it as you do not want it. It impedes your spiritual journey in life and if you are jealous, again, ask the Great Father for help to rid yourself of it. If your desire is genuine, help will be given and, again, another chain will be broken. Hate is the worst. Don not hate. Lift yourselves into the Light and let love take the place of all these negative feelings. Go forward into the golden Light that is within you, walking the path towards the Great Father, ridding yourself of dark feelings. This is something for you to ponder, walking the path of spirit and ridding yourself of all dark vibrations. We want you to walk freely upon the earth plane, learning your lessons with love, learning all the time to lift yourself higher into the Light, sitting quietly developing an inner sense as to what is right and what is wrong.

Children of the earth, we send great love to each one of you. You are all God’s children. There are so many light bearers now – the angels that have come to live upon the earth. They have helped to strengthen you. To those they come across, they give love and help and show the way to live a truly spiritual life. This is a day of reflection, a day of looking inward but you do it with the love of God and of Spirit that will help you, guide you, strengthen you as long as you remember that the golden Light is within you. Look up to it. Feel it. Sense it and ask for help when difficult conditions come upon you. So, my lovely children, it a great blessing and love that we give you. All over the planet people are crying out for help but don’t you see, the help is there. Be quiet, be still and go within to the golden Light because it is waiting for that request. Indeed, you will find that all will be well. Again and again we say, all crooked places will be made straight. God bless you. God keep you now and for ever more. Amen.


4th March, 2014 - Remember who you are. You are a Light bearer.

Beloved children, I am here. I have been waiting to come through, with Gabrielle. We want to say to all of you and to those who read these words – when you turn inward to the Light, remember that you are a Light bearer. You carry in that Light love, under-standing, tolerance and you look upon your fellow man and give love. Love comes in the service of giving and doing and helping your brother and sister with whatever circumstances they are in. But please remember what you are. You are above all a Light bearer and you have all come to give this service to The Great, Great Spirit.

Remember also that when you smile at someone, smiling with your eyes as well, there is a radiance that comes from you to that person, a beautiful light that comes from you to them. So – we emphasize today – smile a little more and if for some reason you can’t, sit still, turn inward and indeed we will help you. The smile is such an important thing as even when people you come across have their eyes downcast, no matter. Look at them and smile at them and even if they pass you by, they register the radiance that comes from you. Do you see what it means to be a Light bearer? It means that your Light goes out and the smile and the love that goes with it to whoever is passing by, whoever you are with. Your radiance will lighten their lives.

I also want you to realise that we are leading you very slowly on the pathway and as we do so, you are undergoing experiences whether pain, emotion, battles with your thoughts – just remember that you are a Light bearer and that within yourselves, you can banish all negative conditions that are with you. The body plays a very big part in your life and because of that we must make you realise that within you is The Divine, within you is the Light that comes from your higher self. Ask your beloved higher self to please help you to overcome any negativity within your subconscious and for it to be brought to your mind what you need to overcome. Know that with the help of your higher self and your own persistence, you will overcome. Then the transference of negative thoughts to the body will ease off and the pain will lessen, whatever its cause.

As you walk along the path and go through all these experiences, we are with you, the Light is with you. You can’t fail, not when the Light is governing you and with you always turning towards it. As you arrive at one level, you rise to another level and another set of experiences come to you. Everything is done very slowly so that when you do reach the next level, you are in control of your emotions and your thoughts. Your thoughts are most important because thoughts carry you forward into a dimension – low thoughts mean that you will go down, high ones and you will go up. Try to tune in to yourself and examine your thoughts. I have said this before but I will repeat – tune in to yourself. Realise that there are so many people around each of you and those who read the words must realise that every word that is spoken is spoken with love, the vibration of love, to lift you, help you, strengthen you. No matter what circumstances you are in, love is given to you in great abundance.

So children of the Light, children of this planet, go forward with love. Lift yourselves and know that we are with you. In this prayer, we have wanted to refresh your minds to remember what you are, who you are. You are Light bearers. Go forth with Light in your heart, no matter what you are going through. Above all, have faith, have trust. God bless you. God keep you in His Light for ever more. Amen.


25th February, 2014 - We give you love. Take it and walk forward with love into life.

Beloved children – Sister Julia here to talk to you and Gabrielle, of course, is here by my side. What can I say? What can I do to bring you to a point on your path where instinctively, whatever problems you have, you will turn inward to the Light for the Light to be able to dissolve the pressures that you may have. We give love to you. We lift you. Within our hearts we can see further along the road than you are at this moment and it is for us to keep saying to all of you – love, love, love. Love is a beautiful thing. Turn inward so that you can receive from the Divine Light the love that is there. The world needs love, it needs the upliftment of love. You, you and you – you who read the words, it is up to you to lift the pressures that come upon you on this planet. I know that individually each one is going through sad experiences but we do say again – no matter what you are experiencing, would you not turn to the Light because the Divine Light will smooth your path. Trust the Light. Trust in The Great, Great Spirit of All. Have faith, children of the Light – we are telling you to have faith. Have faith to know that once you have turned inward, as we have said before, what could go wrong? What can go wrong when you have the power and the love of the Great Spirit. We will go on and on repeating and repeating these words until automatically you turn towards the Light within. Don’t you realise that within your grasp, within your mind, you can draw towards you ease and love. If a heart is broken and if anguish stems from that heart, whoever you are and whatever part you play within the planet on which you live, all will be well if you turn to the Light. Say: Father, Great Spirit, take away the anguish that I feel. Heal my heart. Help me, please, to get over my feelings, my thoughts. And you know, you will find ease, you will find the ability to cope, you will find in so many ways that you are helped.

There are many in the situation that I am describing now. So will you sit quietly, think of Light, think of the sun and go forward with love and knowing full well that help will be given to you. At the moment the earth is under so many pressures. There are so many things that we in Spirit are trying to put right but we do need your help. We do so need your help. Lift yourselves up. Think of Light. Go forward. Think of your fellow man. Whoever you are with, whoever you talk to, whichever road you travel on this earth, you will always meet somebody who needs help. With the knowledge you gain from turning to the Light, give freely, lovingly and know with certainty that The Great, Great Spirit is with you.

Now, my children, there is not much more that I want to say this morning. I remind you that you are here for a purpose. You are here to experience all sorts of pressures because you are walking slowly upward towards the Great, Great Spirit, the Great Father of All. That is why you must go through these experiences – no matter who annoys you, who crosses your path, temper your feelings. Look at them and see the Light within them. Go forward with love into life. We give it to you – take it. Open your minds to love. Have trust, have faith and you know, my beloved children, all will be well. In the name of love and of The Great, Great Spirit, I end my loving prayer to you. Amen.  



11th February, 2014 

Regrettably the prayer channeled by Joan did not get recorded. We are not sure what happened but thought that you might like to hear the gist of it as it was important. The first to speak, unusually, was Joan’s Indian guide, Hawk who came through with his usual power and great gravitas. His message was really a plea that the healers draw closer to God via frequent prayer as the negative energy built up on earth over eons is causing the havoc of storms and chaos that we are now experiencing. He stressed the urgency and importance of our using the power of the light that we have been given to lift not only those around us but also to lift the awful condition that the world is in. It has been created by ‘us’ and we must take most seriously the need to put it right.

The next to speak, her sweetness such a contrast to Hawk's deep voice, was Sister Julia to acknowledge and reinforce the message that Hawk had given. 

Sister Julia then introduced a third person, a young, innocent sounding lady named Lily. Lily explained that she had been allowed to observe what goes on in the healing room for some time and that her light had now become bright enough for her to become a helper in the healing room. She described so nicely how she had been watching the energy as it passed from above through the hands of the healers.



4th February, 2014 - I am The Messenger of The Great, Great Spirit. 

I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is beside me. I'll stand aside at this moment as there is someone who wishes to speak to you and it is with love and thanks that this wonderful person has come to give you a message. So for the moment I will leave you.

God bless you and God bless the world. God bless the people who live in it. I come today because I am the messenger. I come from a higher plane with a message, given to me to give to you and to the world. This is the message that I have received to give you. It is said for me to relate to you. Walk with me, my children. Walk with me. Walk beside me that you can feel the rays of my love: the rays of love that I give to each one of you, the love that comes from within. By giving you this love, I am giving you a part of myself. Each one of you has a part of me within you and I want you to walk with me. I want you to open yourselves and go inward to the Light that I give you. No matter what may happen in this world to make the heart feel weary and where the very souls of some of you have been bruised and hurt, whether you are in difficult circumstances and you are trying so hard to manage on your own, can you not feel my love that goes out to you? Can you not feel the compassion that is within me? And I say – walk with me. Walk with the Light that I give you for don’t you realise that that part of life that you have is me. I give you love and because I give you love, I hold you in my loving arms and say to each one of you, no matter what you are suffering, remember that I am here to heal you, to love you and to lift you to a higher, higher plane where you will receive more wisdom and teachings that will help you to help others. Remember that I am the messenger and I relate what is given to me to give to you and I try to emanate and to give in the manner in which it is given to me. If only you realised that whatever travails you are going through, I am here, steadfast and true. Always the same. But remember, there is Light always within you if you will turn towards it.

I speak now for the children who live on this planet. Turn inward. Don’t go outward. Turn inward because I am here, waiting for you. I wait with open arms to help you. There is nothing that I cannot do for you if you are faithful, trustful and know that once you have turned inward and you have prayed, I am with you to guide you and to help you. This is a message of love. This is a message from the highest spheres of life and because I am a messenger, I try to give you that love. I try to make you realise the glory that lives within you. Lift yourselves up, my children. Walk with me. Walk beside me. Open your hearts that my great love can heal you. Let me guide you. I am here always. So, beloved children, I end the loving prayer that has been given to you today for I am the messenger of The Great, Great Spirit. Now my children, those who listen and those who read the written word, remember that you are not forsaken. You are not, indeed, forgotten for The Great, Great Spirit of All knows each one, knows all your thoughts and all your feelings and is there to comfort you. Now that is all today. I think this is enough for you to think about so I will say, children of the Light, remember that The Great, Great Spirit is within you so turn inward, look at the Light, look at the stars, look at the sun as they shine. It’s all within you. So I say, God bless you. Follow the path and walk with God. 



21st January, 2014 - Realise the seriousness of your presence on earth.

Beloved children of the Light, I come to bring you love. I come to help you to lift you and to guide you on your pathway. Sister Gabrielle and I send rays of Light to each one of you and as these rays reach you, reach the Light that you have within you, they enhance you and help you to turn inward and tune in to the Light within. You may say in such a casual way ‘the Light’. What is the Light? The Light is the glory of your soul. The Light is a passageway indeed to the higher self. In fact the Light within you belongs to the higher self. I ask each of you to realise your potential, not to live the earth life with no knowledge of what you are doing, where you are going. Sometimes we do not want you to know where you are going because of the nature of the work that we have for each one of you. I ask humbly of The Great, Great Spirit that He should guide you and help you to realise the seriousness of your presence on earth. You have come to give love. You have come to help. You have come to guide those who know not. This is a very important part to play – to help the children of the earth plane to follow a path that they do not know that they are on. That is why you are here. By your presence alone you will send out a light to each one who comes to you needing your help. The Light streams out from you, lifts you, helps you. Oh children of the Light, if only you could see the brightness that is within each of you. Again and again I say take time – take time to look into yourselves and love yourselves for what you are.

Oh Lord, bless these children, bless them that they may indeed rise to the potential that they are heading towards. Help them to realise daily their connection with You. Help them to realise that their strength comes from You. Help them to see the Light, to bathe in this Light that will give them strength to live the earth life. Lord, my God, we pray for these children and we know humbly that Your love, the upliftment that you will give each one that reads these words – love is the operative word – love, love. Love means care. Love means tolerance. Love means that you wish to help your fellow man. Indeed, Father, that is what is happening now because your children are becoming aware. They are aware of Your divine Light and they wish to serve You in any way possible. Father, for those who are going through such travail upon the earth plane, those who are grieving, those whose minds are in turmoil, we ask that the Angels of Light, which each of you is, an Angel of Light, we pray that this Light will go outward to the ends of the earth and may the power and the love help all be lifted from their misery, lifted into joy and Light. Those who have reached the level of understanding, knowing about the Light and communicating with the Light daily, they know how to help those who are weak, those who long for freedom of Spirit. Lord, oh Gracious Father, from Spirit we pray for your children, for Light, love, upliftment of their souls and may this prayer go forward through the planet. May the minds of all on the earth plane be opened that they may receive the angelic energies and love that comes from the higher level of life. Lord, this is an intense prayer for at the moment, people need You. People need upliftment and they need courage. They need to accept You. They need to say “Father, You are in charge of my day. You are in charge of my life. I give myself to you and know that all will be well”. As again and again and again we have said, then all crooked places will be made straight. 

Children of the Light, lift yourselves, go forward with the knowledge that you have supreme power at the back of you and the love that Spirit gives you daily to guide you and to help you. May this spiritual prayer bear fruit upon many minds and may the blessing of The Great, Great Spirit of All be with you. So we, Gabrielle and I, Sister Julia end this loving prayer. Amen.



14th January, 2014 - Your strong, bright Light will help lift the conditions of the world.

God bless you. Gabrielle and I send great love to you, as we always do. I would like to remind you once again this morning to love yourselves. It is only a phrase ‘love yourself’ but think deeply within your being: to love means that you send Light to your physical body and to your emotions, for they are so closely connected. We just ask that you spare moments of your time to think about your body, how wonderful it is, how faithfully it has served you and is going to serve you. So, whatever is wrong with you, think of the Light and send it to what is ailing you or troubling you emotionally. Turn inward to the Light. Whatever is happening, turn your thoughts to being well, strong. 

When we say have trust in The Great, Great Spirit, trust means that you acknowledge that the great, great Light is indeed within you and will help you through the day, with emotions, with physical disability. When you have trust, real trust, in The Great, Great Spirit of All, don’t you see – you give yourself, your life, to The Great Father and He will command your life. He will make all the crooked places straight and because you trust, the Light within you grows brighter and brighter and that wonderful bright Light goes to the physical body. It makes the body and your very being radiant, uplifted. You are complex beings but remember that you also have the Divine directing and helping you. 

Remember that even whilst being positive, you will be subjected to the negative conditions of the lower forces. The negative conditions have a job to do and that is to try to pull you away from the positive aspects of your life and I want you to realise that those negative conditions are there for a reason. The reason is to teach you overcome hate, jealousy, resentment and also to teach you to love and to give. Up to a point, that is what the negative conditions can do for you but only up to a point. As you progress, you will know that the lower self has a reason to be there but whilst knowing that, you must be positive in your mind and lift yourself into the great Light that is there, with trust and faith. Don’t you see, there is another life for you and that other life is wonderful, peaceful. You can be happy, joyful. You can sing because you have something within you that is so wonderful and so great.

This, then, is the message today – please be aware of your body. Send Light to it and realise that you are in the care of The Great, Great Father of All. Have trust and faith. We tell you this so often so today as you listen or read, please pay attention and go within yourselves. Imagine that Light going to every part of you. Imagine that your emotions are quiet and still. Emotional attitudes can be altered by the great Light. Above all, accept. Acceptance comes from the love that you have within for The Great Father. Accept things in your life, particularly if you can’t change them. Go along this wonderful road of love and peace. We try very hard to bring love and peace to you because we want your Light to be stronger, brighter, as your strong, bright Light will help to lift the conditions of the world. Each one of you is valuable. Each one of you has this to do – to live a good life, to trust in The Great Spirit of All and to accept your life with joy knowing that all will be well as The Great Father is caring for you, loving you. By being faithful and trustful, you are being led through your life and no matter what happens, you know that help will be given and as I have said before, all crooked places will be made straight.

That is what I want to say today. We love you, we need you and we do indeed try to lift you to a higher state of mind. God bless you all. Amen. 



7th January, 2014 - Lift yourselves and realise who you are, what you are.  We were fortunate this morning to hear not only the words of Sister Julia but also those of ex-slave Abraham who we first met a few months ago and whose unshakeable faith in God saw him through such hard times...

Beloved children, I am here – Sister Julia. Oh, I come to bring such love to you today and to say again and again, turn to the Light within you for the world sadly needs Light. Go forward in your lives and have faith and trust. Once you have faith in The Great, Great Spirit of All, nothing can go wrong because you are in His care. Oh, lift yourselves up and realise what you are, who you are and realise that you are not a body, a physical body of clay, but you are a divine spirit that lives within. Because you have a personality and another part of you that has to live on the earth, that has to live on the lower vibrations, can you not remind yourself that you are Spirit? Please look within yourselves and see the glorious Light that is within each one of you. Just sit quietly and let us come to you. It is no great effort on your part – only time. Give us time, please. We have asked you so many times – give us some of your time because now the earth is reaching a point, I am going to say, of no return. You must value what you have within and try to understand and open yourselves to the divine Light that is there. We in Spirit will help you, guide you. We plead with you, even, to go inward. Now those who read these words may look at them and say they have no time and again, as I have said in previous prayers, children of the planet of the earth, it is crucial now, crucial. Can you not see what is happening around you? The disasters that are befalling all – do you not know that The Hierarchy, the ones who look down on you and come to you, do you not know that the angels that surround the earth – all hear your cries for help. And you are crying for help. We are here, here to help you but even in the agony of the circumstances that you are in, please have faith. Turn your faces to the Light and if you can do that, even if you look around you and feel hopeless, we bring you hope. We bring upliftment. We bring you direction in your lives. Even though you may be in despair and unable to see a way out as you are surrounded by disasters, yet again, children, I would say this to you – only God brings you love, only God brings you upliftment of the soul and only God leads you. These disasters are of our making, our making. We have done this. We. We. Speaking for the children of the earth now because speaking to you I would say ‘we’. And you, beloved children, are all part of it, all part of what is happening to you because of your thoughts, attitudes, hate, resentment which all belong to the lower orders. That is why you must turn to the Light, BE the Light and let that Light shine. Let it go outward to those who need help so badly because there is always somebody in need of your help. 

So this is a prayer today to say we hear you, we hear you. We are with you and we are helping you because the rays coming from the angelic forces that surround the planet are coming down to the earth to lift and help you. But I pray, pray that you will play your part and go inward. It doesn’t take long. Just see the Light within you because the higher self is there, waiting for you, to hold you, lead you. But remember that whatever is happening in your life, we hear your cry. We will come post haste to you to help you and we give you courage, hope, upliftment of your souls and the gift of love, strength for you to face your distress, your heartbreak. Remember that we give you the courage to go forward and that when you turn inward and draw upon this beautiful Light that is within you, you are in God’s care, in His Light and I can assure you your attitudes will alter and you will see a way through your difficulties. You will no longer wonder what ever are you going to do as you have turned to the Light and allowed it to guide you through the disasters that the planet is going through. Wake up your heart, no matter where you are or how desperate or low you are. Turn to the Light because that is what will save you. Remember, my beloved children of the earth, there are those in Spirit who come with love to give you courage, hope, so that you will face whatever befalls you with courage and know that the Light within will lead and defend you. Children, you are not clay, not a body – you are Spirit and The Divine Spirit will carry you through, help you to know in your heart that you can manage as God is with you, giving you strength. You will have courage because you are in God’s Light. 

Now my beloved children, it is with love and with the great upliftment of your souls as you read or hear this that we come like an armada of souls to surround the planet. Those who are already teachers, on a higher level of thought, are also uplifting the atmosphere of fear. It is fear that you face. Fear of what may happen. Have faith. Have faith and know that The Great, Great Spirit of All will lead you through with courage and hope. God bless you. Now there’s one more who has been waiting very patiently. I will come back.  

                                     *      *      *

Oh, I am Abraham. Ab-ra-ham. I come because I want to say to all of you, please have faith. Have courage. I know what that means because remember, I have told you that I was a slave and I had to go through some terrible, terrible conditions but it is my faith and my love that saw me through. So – I’m not going to say very much to you but just that with this faith and trust and the Light that is within you… didn’t I come through? Didn’t I manage with an uplifted heart all the cruelty and difficulties that I had to go through? I went through them because I was given strength. So that’s what I want to say to all of you. If you have faith and trust, you will find that you will manage. You will – like I did. Can I say God bless every one of you and that you are in God’s hands, you see. I know what that did for me and others so God bless you. God keep you in His Light. Dear ones who read this and those in Spirit who have just gone over, I say you are comforted, loved and you are never alone. God bless you everybody. God bless you. Thank you for having me. Thank you.

                                     *      *      *

He did so much want to say how his faith and love of Spirit saved him. I’m going to say ‘God bless you’ now. Enough has been said. May the golden Light go out into the planet itself, the lovely golden Light of love. May it surround the earth and bring power, help, upliftment, courage and hope. Amen.



25th December, 2013 - Spirit's message for Christmas from Sisters Julia and Gabrielle. 

Beloved children, this is Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. I bring a message of love. I bring a message for you to lift up your hearts. I wish for you to know that we in Spirit have a very happy time. It is a time of rejoicing, a time when all the children meet together, play and are told about the birth of Jesus. We all rejoice at the love that He brought to the earth. We all feel uplifted because you on earth are uplifted. So many of you know the real purpose of Christmas but some of you do not – for those it’s all toys and buying. But there are those who know the meaning of Christmas. We bring you Light, we bring you joy and this is a time now where you can tune in to Spirit and when we can hear you clearly. Those who can see Spirit can see us clearly and we are able to send to you our love in great abundance. 

Try if you can to have patience with yourselves. Most of you want things to happen now and if you are going to build a good house, you must be patient and go slowly with the development that Spirit is indeed endeavouring to give you and to help you. We are helping you to develop the finer gifts that you have within, to sharpen your intuition and also for you to tune in to the love that is always, always given to you by Spirit. Go forward, little ones, go forward. There is so much ahead of you, so much for you to experience. If you could only see what we can see in Spirit – but it does need your effort, your effort to be aware of what you are thinking and how you act towards people and all the time tuning in to what you are doing on that day – what have you done during that day, how have you thought. By doing that you will find that you will be your own sentinel. You will know immediately what is wrong by thought or by action. Thoughts are the important things because action always follows thought but if you can, as soon as you realise that you are not reacting particularly nicely to something someone has said or what they have done – be sensitive enough to realise that you have thought badly and that you should try to counteract that way of thinking. You say to yourself that you will send out love to that person and try to overcome. You know, this is what it’s all about. This coming year should be about overcoming by being sensitive enough to realise what you have to change and you will find that gradually, by training yourselves, you will overcome. Again we say sit quietly, allow yourself to think. Just remember that, as we have said so many times, we are with you, we are helping you because we want you to reach that pinnacle where it is as though your head and body are above water and you are breathing in the pure air of Spirit and it is so, so wonderful. At the moment, the Light of Spirit is glorious. It has been sent to the world, the planet you live in, with such beautiful colours to lift you, help you, guide you and to remind you. We want to develop within you a love for mankind, for your fellow man. Oh children of the Light, develop your Light so that it’s brighter because the world at the moment needs Light. That is why we ask you to develop a kinder nature, to develop so that the Light will grow brighter and your Lights, as we have said so often before, will mingle with the beautiful lights that come from the angels that surround the earth.

So go forward. This is a wonderful time for the earth to rejoice. Lift up your hearts. Go forward with hope, love, compassion and a desire to know more. As you learn more, you will develop and you will be ready then to march forward and join the angelic forces to help the world, which it so direly needs now. God bless you. Keep in mind the thrill and excitement of what is to come and walk your path firmly, steadily and know where you are going. I know that our messages seem to be repeated but we cannot, cannot let a moment pass without reminding you and keeping you on the path. Now, may our blessings be with you at this special time. God bless you, lift you and in the name of Jesus, we say Amen. 



17th December, 2013 - Words from Mary, Joseph and Sister Julia. As you are lifted, your Light will diminish the darkness... 

I am Julia, as you know, and Gabrielle is beside me. This day we stand on one side for there are those who wish to speak to you.

Children. I am Mary and I have come to give you my blessings, my children. I want to gather you in my arms to protect you because we love you so much and we want to lift you to the heights of Spirit where you belong. We want to help you to be able to understand yourselves. We want you to be able to turn inward and turn toward the Light and so many of you just don’t do that. To those in the world, and I speak now for all those who live on this planet, I say turn towards the Light, my beloved children. As I look upon you, I do indeed want to gather you in my arms to protect you because we know that you have to learn and you have to begin to understand yourselves, but this will not happen unless you turn inward. Turn inward into yourselves, where the most great and wonderful Light is. I come to cherish you. I come to love you and for you to know that I am here, always here when you send out a loving prayer from the heart because I cherish every one of you. I give this love not only to those who listen but also to those who read and I would say I am here always because I bring you Light. I bring you love. What more can I give you than this most wonderful radiance that comes down to the earth plane to lift you and to give you that inner spiritual strength to lift yourselves. I know that this will happen to many of you who are developed in their minds and spirits. It is to those who do not understand that we must give help. But we are entering into what I call the glory of love, the glory of Light and that is why I, Mary, have come today to say that I cherish you and I love you and may God’s great blessings be with you this day. Know that I have been with you this day. I will end with my lovely blessings to all the children of the world who are trying so hard to turn towards the Light. God bless you. God keep you. 

Then, from Joseph: God bless you, my children. I have come today because it is a very special time on the earth and maybe, maybe you will listen. We have tried many, many means with which to reach you. We have many teachers on the earth who are helping you by word of mouth or by books. We hear your cries for help. We hear you and we help you by any means we can and by anyone on earth who we can use. We will indeed use you. 

I will say today that the huge problem that you have is your lower self. Now your lower self at this moment has taken hold of you. It is indeed dragging you down and it is the lower self from which you are trying to free yourselves. When you are quiet, turn towards the Light within you, because there is a Light, sit quietly, think of Light, pray for Light and Light will come – and you will see it. When you do that, you strengthen yourself against the lower forces. At the moment in the world there is evil that is really and truly upsetting, hurtful and lowering and we in Spirit have come to help free you from the chains that the lower self has put upon you all. We want to free you from the ice box that you live in. You are crying inside of it and saying ‘help me, please help me, what is happening to me?’. Well, we are here to help you, to give you Light and even if you are within this encasement, think of the Light and it will melt the ice, the shadows around you and then with our help, you will be lifted and free. You will be free and that freedom is to live a spiritual life and to be able to control the lower entities, the lower strata, that try to drag you down. They do many, many times drag you down. But I, Joseph, say to you today – we will not let that happen because we will be at you all the time. By any means that we have, we will help you but you must help yourselves. We cannot do all the work as no matter how we progress with you all, don’t you see, much must come from within yourselves. You must say to yourselves that you want the Light, that you will try very hard to sit quietly and you can, children of the earth, you can make time for other things, for enjoying things of all kinds so you can make time to sit quietly, to look within yourselves and say that you want the Light. It isn’t really that you want the Light, you are Light, don’t you see – you ARE Light. I ask you today to meditate, be quiet, be still, go within and let that Light shine brightly. Then all the dark shadows that hang on to you and drag you down will be dispelled. Think of it in an earth way. Think of the aura of the earth, look at the evil that has been done and is being done and look at yourselves how you are affected by it. The selfishness that comes into the world – how the lower self loves it. The lower self loves violence, killing, it enjoys the glory of it. But you have the power to stop all that, my children, by Light. Light. And believe it or not, the lower strata cannot live within that Light. It diminishes and goes. So don’t you see how important it is to develop within yourself this thought that you are Light. We are lifting you at this time of the year for you to go forward now as it is so important that you do so. You have to go forward because each one of you has this wonderful higher self within – the Light that you know you are. You will find that this wonderful, wonderful higher self will draw closer and your Light will become a beacon for all to see and for all to feel. As I have said before, your Light will join other lights on this planet and you will be lifted from this dark age that you are going through. As you are lifted, your Light will indeed diminish the darkness. Then, then children of the light, you will see an improvement in the world’s thoughts, deeds, actions. You will find it becoming a happier world but there is a long way to go because you, you, have got to say that you don’t want that world, you want Light, you want love, you want to live in peace and that you will have but you must spare time. It’s a cruel thing, really, to say ‘spare time’ when it should be first on the agenda of your life but ‘spare time’ we ask you. We don’t ask very much but much depends on each one on this planet, all those who read these words, to penetrate into your minds that this is important.

Now, because it is a period of holiness - for some people, yes, for others, no – but for those who have holiness within them and longing for peace in the world, yes, they will go forward. They will help those who are so material. Now, children of Light, and I’m going to call you children of Light because that’s what you are, you will be lifted into a high sphere of love and this love we bring to you in great abundance because we want you to succeed. We want this planet to be rescued from the lower forces, the lower strata. So bless you We love you. We guide you in every way. You are not alone but please, think of Light. Children, a great blessing is imbued upon each one of you to give you the strength to overcome, to give you the thought that you must sit quietly and communicate with your higher self. Sitting quietly will help you to overcome all negative feelings and it will give you knowledge. It will give you the right thoughts and it will guide you in the right way. Now, God bless you and may The Christ Spirit be like an aura around the planet. May the angelic forces come down with their love to the earth and may you, my children, with your Light and now with your knowledge and understanding lift yourselves. Can you not see the glory, the glory that will be? God bless you. Much power has gone into The Sanctuary today. Much power has gone into each one of you here in this room. Much power has gone out to the children of this planet and I say God bless you, God keep you always in his loving arms. May The Christ that is there love you and keep you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I am Julia. We, too, give our blessings this day. God bless you all. God keep you in His light forever and ever. God bless you. 



10th December 2013 – A prayer from Joseph. We in Spirit are drawing so close to the earth... 

I am Joseph. I come to give you blessings of the Spirit. I come to send a message to the world and the message is: lift up your hearts, walk forward, for we in Spirit are drawing so close to the earth. Now it is that you can lift up your hearts and pray and your prayers will be heard. The message is: forgive. Forgive, and let forgiveness rule this planet for in forgiveness, there is love and in forgiveness, there is added strength to the soul. Forgiveness will lead you into a higher realm of thought and in that higher realm of thought you will find the nugget of God that you seek, which is peace.  Peace, love, tranquility. We in Spirit want to draw that tranquility down onto the earth plane to lift up the hearts. Your hearts are heavy but I can assure you that the armada of Spirit that is here, so close to the earth, is sending waves of love, hope, courage and above all forgiveness. Forgiveness for things that have been done to you, forgiveness for hurt, for broken hearts. Forgiveness is the big, operative word – forgiveness. 

Lift up your hearts to know that whatever paths you tread, you do not tread them alone. We are with you every step of the way. We lead you through all your experiences that your soul is now accumulating within itself because the more experience the soul has, the higher you go and as you tread the mill of earth life, remember that you are Spirit. Spirit, Spirit, Spirit. That is what you are. You live in this clay of a body which you have to look after and to which you have to give much of your life because it houses the Spirit. It houses love, many, many other things and your emotions, which are indeed the most important part of your life. Everyone has to deal with their emotions. They can be happy. They can tear your heart out. They can lift or lower and that is why the Divine Spirit is bringing love to the world, to lift you and to make you realise that there is Light, because the Light is within you. If you can turn inward towards this Divine Light, you will find that you will be lifted, strengthened.  You will be led forward into a higher realm of thought and at this time of year, when there is so much love, this is the time for you to reflect on how you feel, on your wishes and on your health. Realise that whatever you are going through, help will come from many directions. 

Oh children, if you could only feel the love that comes to you, the rays coming down from a higher realm. They are so beautiful. The colours are lovely, every colour you can imagine. They are not the colours of the earth – they are colours that are shining, sparkling. The whole planet is showered with this wonderful light of colour. So you see, we in Spirit are bringing love to you. We are uplifting you so that you can walk forward. I know it is hard for you at times. You think within yourselves: what is it all about? But I can assure you, there is a big plan for each one of you and there is a plan for the planet itself. So, my children, lift your hearts. Walk forward with courage and with hope in your hearts. Not all is lost because there will always be leaders on this planet to lead you onwards and there will be always teachers who come amongst you to teach you and to guide you along the right path. Believe me, you are in our hearts and in our thoughts. We help to lift you but you yourselves can do the things that we are doing. With this in mind and with blessings from The Highest to love you, cherish you and lift you into a higher way of life, I Joseph will depart. God bless you.  God keep you in His Light, which He will, because you are Spirit, for ever more. Amen. 

Joseph withdrew and Sister Julia then spoke through Joan: 

Well now, what do you think of that? I have come to end the prayer because I want to tell you that through Joseph comes that which is beautiful to see, such light, such giving and the desire to help all of you and to lead each of you on the path upward towards The Great Spirit, which will happen. It will happen. Not in this lifetime, but it will. So, Gabrielle and I say: God bless you. You know that you have our love and you know that each of your guides are with you to help you and to love you because they cherish you. God bless you and God keep you. In the glorious name of Jesus, we say, Amen. 



3rd December, 2013 - Petals of heaven fall upon you bringing the sweetness of peace and love.

Beloved children, as you know, I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is standing beside me. Oh, the love that we bring for all of you. It is with love that we can see the struggle that goes on on the earth plane and we want to bring to you the upliftment of Spirit. We want to say that each one of you is an angel. Your higher self is the true self and your true self is angelic. 

No matter what circumstances you are going through, no matter if the heart cries out, let there be hope in your heart because hope opens the door of Light and Light will bring you through all the travails that life brings to you. They are all lessons, my beloved children, they are all lessons and we here in Spirit will help you to overcome as we feel for you – we too have experienced the burdens of the earth. Again I have to say to you that much of what you are going through is because eons ago we seem to have fallen from grace. We acted on our own, bringing in much more of the lower vibration. There should be a wonderful balance between positive and negative, which would be correct. However, at some point in our lives all that time ago it was decided that we wanted to improve the angelic conditions, which were happy, uplifting, and no way did we have the problems that we have today. You see, the lower side of ourselves began to manifest itself much more strongly until we have now reached a point where there is tremendous power to the lower forces. We have developed this over the years and with it have come distraction, unhappiness and dreadful events but, Children of the Light, have hope and Light in your hearts because we give you compassion. We give you ourselves and what we have learnt and I want with all my heart to see you turning inward to the angelic force within and to bring that wonderful source of Light to the fore by your faith. You see you must have faith. You must say: ‘Wonderful Spirit within me, I have faith that you can help me’ because that angelic force within you is the God within. If you give this wonderful God, this Angel of Love, your faith, it will help you. It will be a balm over the heart that is hurting. It will help you through all circumstances. It will lift you and we will be by your side to do what we can for you – and we do do quite a lot, I can assure you. 

You have to live the life of the earth but gradually, as you go towards that Light, you will be drawn more and more into the angelic atmosphere where you will learn more, you will understand more, your compassion will be like a burning flame within you to lift those who do not know, to enlighten the minds of your fellow man. Thoughts are very, very important as by thought you can lift, give, create. Today is a day when there is love and compassion and where the door is open for hope, for faith. So, my children, I am going to leave you on that note today because there is much for you to do within yourselves. Silence and tranquility come when the petals of heaven fall upon you bringing the sweetness of peace and love. I end my loving prayer knowing full well that in God’s care you are guided, loved and again I say all crooked places will be made straight. My beloved children, and you are beloved, we want to help you. Think of the fragrance of these beautiful petals each one giving you strength, courage but above all, peace of mind. God bless you and God keep you in His Light. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Glory be to The Son and to The Holy Ghost. 



29th November, 2013 - There will be a change and this change is coming… you are more powerful than you know.

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. Beloved children, this morning I wish to send out a message to all of you to say how greatly loved you are, how you are guided through this earth and its pathways but also I want to bring to mind the gift, one of the good gifts that has been given to you and that is the power of thought. As you think today, so it will be tomorrow. I want you to concentrate on the kind of thoughts that are fleeting through your mind and to bring to your attention the fact that not only do you have the power of thought, you have the power of the imagination. The imagination is a gift of Spirit. By this gift, each day by the power of thought you can build up for yourself the things you need, things that you feel will help and enhance you, to help you to deal with whatever you need to cope with, be it physical or spiritual. Each and every day, look into yourself and your thoughts and concentrate on building up, seeing in your mind’s eye that you are well and fit and that spiritually you are developing the gifts that you know you have.  

So many of you go through your lives without realising the power that you have of thought and imagination. It is your imagination that Spirit works through. They need your imagination to be able to transmit pictures, clairvoyance for you to see. Also, they are truly by your side to help you to develop whatever your gifts are but it must be within your imagination. Each day build up block by block, brick by brick, and you will find that what you build up in Spirit will come then down into the earth plane and become solid. So whatever you wish for, be it God’s will and if it is good for you, whatever it is, build it up by thought. Think about it. Imagine it in your mind. See yourself free of the bondage of the grasp of the lower self. With regard to that lower self, as we have said previously, send out a thought and say: ‘I don’t want this’ and then imagine yourself being strong, imagine that you see Light, upliftment within your Spirit. Build on that day by day and you will become whatever you have created within your imagination. Spirit will be working through you. Do realise that many gifts are given to you but every gift needs effort from your side. If you think on a low note, then you are building up a very low, shoddy, shaky building but I can assure you that if you think of love, courage and tolerance and go forward with confidence, you can leave the lower self behind. 

I speak not only to those who read these words but to those who gather in Spirit to listen to our words. Today we want to lift you, to make you realise the power that you have. Once you find that you are thinking right and that you are building a picture in your mind of what you want, you begin to feel in control. It is a lovely feeling to be in control of yourself. So remember, the imagination is a gift from The Divine Spirit. Every day, strengthen your thoughts. We have said before, tune in to your thoughts so that you can recognise when the lower self is trying to turn you away from the good in your life, turn you from anything that makes you happy by bringing feelings of fear, reminding you that you are in pain, by telling you that you won’t get very far, you are not as good as you should be – all lower thoughts that creep into your minds. Sweep them away. You don’t want those kinds of impressions. All you have to do is to look to the Light within you. I will remind all that read these words that you are potential lights and that there are those on the earth plane who have come to the fullest power of their Light. 

Angels have come to the earth to help you at this time as, remember, Mankind has built up dreadful conditions, such dreadful forces that you are having terrible winds, earthquakes, accidents, violence. The world is now suffering from the build-up of negative forces created eons ago but it will not continue. There will be a change and this change is coming as no longer can you live within that kind of mind. You have to lift yourselves to a high frame of thought, live with the God within you, live with the Light that shines from you to clear the conditions that Mankind has created so long ago. You will find coming to the earth plane wonderful teachers, some of whom are already here to guide you, help you, cleanse you, to help you change your mind and realise that the dark forces are still at work. Indeed they are. They are affecting what I call the little ones, people who are in doubt, people harbouring within themselves low, low thoughts. The Angels of Love come to lift, to help, so you too must do your duty. You have promised. These are the things that you promised a long time ago. Now you must indeed respond, give and lift yourself so that your lovely thoughts can go out into the planet to lift and help it. Work on yourself. Be aware of your thoughts. Think of what you want within your imagination. Think and go along God’s path as it is indeed God’s path that we now walk. It cannot now be tolerated for the earth to carry on in its present way. That is why the Light Workers are here in great quantity. We in our tiny way are also Lights. Please go forward. Please ensure that the Light shines within you. Help those that have come to the earth to help you. Help those that are coming to the earth to help you to sweep these conditions away. To bring this about, there must be a change. You are going to feel the change and you are going to know that there is a change. Ensure that your thoughts are high and that you are blending in with the golden light that is within you– go within, tune in to it, use your imagination, go forward in Spirit. Go forward. Go upward and help those who will come to the earth to help you and those already here to do so, teaching you, lifting you, trying to turn your thoughts the right way – upward.

Now, Children of the Light hear me, hear me, hear me this day because you are reaching an important part of your lives. Don’t be left behind. Go forward in Light. Know that you have this wonderful Light within you. Have faith in the Higher Spirit. Have faith in yourself and have trust. Walk the path. Walk the path. Lift yourselves. It is essential, essential that you think this way. Now I have said enough. Enough for you to think about. Make sure that your thoughts go upwards. Remember in your minds that you are more than you know, more powerful than you know. Don’t allow the lower part of you to pull you down, to tell you that you are not worthy, to try every means to lower you. It cannot do so if your thoughts are going upwards. There is glory as you raise your thoughts to give you confidence, love. So think this day for forward that you must go upwards. You cannot go back. You cannot go down – only up. There are so many on this earth to lift you with their vibration and love and those who are coming to the earth will bring extra power to lift you. Walk with God. Walk with love, faith and trust and feel confident to know that your guides are around you, leading you. Think. Think. It is important to think and use your imagination because there is a great power in your thought, great power in your imagination. With this thought, I will leave you today with the love and upliftment of Spirit and to say march on, go forward and slowly go upward. We await you with love. God bless you all.



19th November, 2013 - For all those who are troubled or in pain.

God bless you, my children and those who will read my words today. We are to talk about your souls. Your souls have had to have many experiences. It needs these to develop and to gradually draw closer to the Light. I speak of the suffering that some have in their souls. I speak of the love of God, which is always there to help and guide you. The soul must have these experiences to widen its horizon so that when you come back again to Spirit, it will have learnt a great deal and because of the soul’s learning, you will be helped through your present life. 

Each of you has certain hurdles to jump. Many have experiences that are excruciating, painful, dreadful until you cry out and say ‘Father help me. Help me rid myself of this agony that I go through’ and help will be given to each that is suffering in that way. We want to make you realise that you have around you a Light and this Light really does help the soul to develop. I can assure you that the suffering is for the benefit of the soul because it can then march on on its path with our help and upliftment. Have faith and know that you will be led through the darkness until you reach a Light at the end of the tunnel of pain. It does come to an end. Go forward in your life and within yourselves, know that there is a God, there is an energy, there is a Great Spirit that will guide you and that there are reasons why you have had these experiences. 

The soul is a very wonderful thing, you know. It’s very beautiful, very bright and it does, whether one realises or not, invite these conditions in order that it may move on.  As it does so, you will experience a peace that comes unbidden to you and when that peace comes, you will be glad that you went through those experiences. No-one realises why they are going through these different levels of understanding, of pain, of peace – you go through so many things. But we want you to know that we are here beside you. You are not alone. You may think you are, but you are not. 

Wonderful souls, remember - as has been said before, your souls are like millions of little pebbles that shine. Each of these pebbles is a wonderful soul and the Great, Great Spirit looks down on these wonderful lights, these beautiful souls and He puts over each one help, calm, and upliftment so that you may bear what you have to bear. So, children, wonderful souls of The Great, Great Father, though you do not welcome these difficult conditions, the soul knows that if you can overcome with the help of the Light of the Father and of Spirit, you will feel at peace mentally and physically. 

Dear ones, please remember that you are not alone. We love you and up to a great point, we protect you but the soul needs these experiences. Remember that you are a Light and that the energy of The Great Spirit will enhance you, help you, strengthen you. You will then feel the upliftment. You will go on as we will help you to carry on living this life but it will not always be pain and unhappiness. Have faith. All of you who read these words, lift up your hearts this day because our message is that we are with you to help you through this life. Turn towards the Light and know that The Great, Great Spirit has you in His loving arms. He truly has. 

From our side in Spirit, again and again we tell you how much we love you. In your mind, look upward and say ‘Father, help me. I have faith and I have love for you with all my heart’. In that love that you give to Him, you will feel the peace and love that come from Him. God bless you. God bless all those who listen in Spirit, all those who read these words. May there be comfort and love given to all. I end this loving prayer in the name and the glory of our beloved Jesus. 

The blessing of The Great, Great Spirit is with all of you. Amen.



22nd October, 2013 - If only you knew the warmth of the love that comes from the higher spheres.

I am Gabrielle and Julia is with me – Sisters of The White Brotherhood. Today we both wish to give to those who listen and those who will read these words the message of today. Be thankful for The Great Spirit, for what He does for each one of you. He sends love, power, hope and a deep, loving understanding to each of you. He knows your thoughts, your feelings. He knows what you want. He knows all things about each of you and yet, does He not love you unconditionally no matter what you are, who you are, what you think? He knows and loves you. Do you not realise that He has sent towards you the Angels of Love? How many times has the prayer mentioned these Angels who come forward to help and lift you and, little ones of the earth – I say ‘of the earth’ but you are only living on the earth as remember you are Spirit. You are guided so greatly, not only by your guides but also by The Great Spirit of All. You are guided through the dark shadows of the earth life. You are given strength and hope from so many directions if you only listen, listen. For sometimes you do not do this. Some of you just sink down in great despair and think that all is wrong and that you can do nothing to change your feelings and your life. People all over the earth are feeling this despair. Some are in agony, we know that, but this is what you must do. Turn within yourselves into the Light. Even if you find the Light hard to envisage, KNOW it is there. Know that you can turn to this wonderful thing, this wonderful being that sends out love, hope, joy. Those who are in emotional distress – please turn inward for the Great Father of All is waiting to help you, lift you and to guide you into a happier frame of mind so that you are able to cope with life. There are all different levels of pain and of learning and I can assure you that those from Spirit around you are helping you, trying to strengthen you.

Know that what is happening to the world at the moment was really caused by man long ago – what man has built up. Man has built up all these conditions and unfortunately you have succumbed to them. However, now there is a cleansing of the earth and a cleansing of each one of you. Again as it has been said in prayer, that is why it is so important for you to turn inward. Oh, if only you knew, beloved children, the warmth and the love that comes from the higher spheres. They understand what you are going through. They understand the things that hurt you but their message is, rise above it now and the only way to do that is to turn inward and say: Father, Great Spirit, I know You are there. Some can see His wonderful Light but those who cannot – just know that it is there.

Beloved children, you are here to learn your lessons and as you do so and as you learn to overcome one circumstance after another, so you will rise a step higher on your spiritual path. Lift your hearts and know that within you is this wonderful, wonderful Light that is always there, always waiting for you to acknowledge it. Know that whatever is happening is within your karmic conditions, brought with you to overcome in this life. Each one of you needs to be aware that The Great Spirit is with you and that you are going to be very positive because you know that your life is guided. Nothing at all can go wrong if you go forward with this in your mind –that you are guided and loved. You will find that life will open up for you. Don’t sink into the pit of unhappiness. Rise above it. Be positive as then the lower self has no entry whatsoever into your being – the Light is there. I think that this is sufficient for you to understand that the love of The Great Spirit governs your day if you will allow it to do so. Turn inward and say: Father, I trust you, I have faith in you and I know that my days will be good ones as you will straighten for me all crooked paths.

So, with hope in your hearts and with the love that comes from The Great Spirit of All and those around you, you must play your part by looking inward, knowing that you are guided, loved, protected. This you can do and no matter where you are and what you are doing, just take a moment to acknowledge to The Father that you are in His Light and under His guidance. That is all you need to do – particularly those in great distress.

For the healers of the world, there is a job for you to do and that job is a wonderful one as you are here to lift and to give. While you have love in your hearts, while you give kindness to your fellow man and while you are helping each other, you are sending out love to the world.

Today I, Gabrielle and Sister Julia, we give great love. We do guide you, as do your guides, but we belong to the white, white stream of love. Because of that we and your guides bring down this wonderful Light to you. We want you to tune into this Light. You will feel lighter. You will know that you can overcome your problems as you feel good, brighter, stronger. Do you not see what this wonderful white Light does? So children of the earth, healers of the earth who come forward to lift mankind – remember who you are working for. Remember that all these wonderful Masters who have overcome all earthly conditions understand. God bless you and keep you in His Light now and forever more. Amen. Amen. May the Angels guard each one of you.


29th October, 2013 - We live in difficult times, which is why the angels have been sent to earth.

I am Sister Julia and I have come to ask you to be still, be calm and to let The Great, Great Spirit fill your being with the peace and love that He sends you. Children, you will find that at times things can seem so disjointed. The day may not be running smoothly but still your mind and allow part of it to focus upward to the Light. No matter what you are doing, a part of your mind can be tuned in to love and peace. Remember this and remember to be thankful to The Great Spirit. It has been stated in many prayers what He does for you but no matter how much you think you understand, you cannot possibly know the way He cares for you, how He directs your path, how He helps you to lift yourself via His angels that he sends to the earth plane. Each of you has an angel of love, an angel that will help you, quite apart from your guardian angel. These wonderful angels surround you and all you have to do is ask them for help. That is what they are there for – to help you. So many angels have been sent to the earth plane to lift you, particularly to lift those whose circumstances are such that they are low-hearted and in need of the upliftment and strength of Spirit that the angels can give. We mention once again here the healers of the world who want to love and lift, to help, to give. That is beyond price, wanting to give to your fellow man.

So, go forward. Do the best you can, whatever your circumstances but remember that a part of your mind should remain tuned in to The Great Spirit, which is love. You are walking a path and as you do so, climbing slowly as you go, these pathways will become golden, golden steps ahead of you. These steps lead you into the higher realms of Spirit. You are shown this image to illustrate what you can achieve by what you think and do today and how you address your difficulties. You need to be strong, to tune in to Spirit, to know that no matter what happens, peace and love are there for you. That portion of your mind should be tuned into this beautiful peace and this will lift you and remind you to be always grateful for what is given to you, for what will be given to you. Lift up your heart and say: ‘Father I am here – lead me on’. And as you say that, you will find that The Great Angel of All is in your midst to guide you, to help you and to make you realise that love is all. Love is all that there is. Peace of mind. When you are accepting, my children, of what is within you, you will be able to help others to climb these golden steps.

So today, I remind you that you are Spirit, that you are walking the path of love and giving and to realise that the angels are with you, ready to help you for we are living in very, very difficult times. That is why these angels have been sent to the earth to help you. My beloved children, we want to help and strengthen you and to help you to walk the path of truth and faith, with that faith leading you to trust. Lift your hearts. Be at peace because love surrounds you. It will lead you forward. Love, love, love. I bless you and I pray that you will tune in to our energies for your divine light. God bless you, God keep you. From Gabrielle and from me. Amen.



5th November, 2013 - Understand the value of the gift of free will.

I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. I want today to talk about free will and how important it is for you to understand how wonderful this gift is that has been given to each of you. This gift is to help you decide the right and wrong of your decisions. This gift is given so that you can decide for yourselves the pathway that you wish to follow. We ask that you look toward heaven and realise the wonder of it all, to realise that we have been given this gift to help us on our return journey towards The Godhead, The Light, The Great Spirit. Along this journey the free will that you are given will help you decide whether you are to be negative or positive. Trials will come upon you until you have learnt the lessons of overcoming them. You will learn on your journey through this life to overcome the negative, which will always be there to tempt you and to take you from the path. The golden Light of The Great Father is always within you and when in doubt, turn inward, as we have always told you, and say: ‘Father, give me the strength to make the right choices in my earth life. Help me to exonerate any harm that I may have done in my previous lives and which I have brought it forward into this life. Help me to be sensitive to the fact that I have free will’. What a wonderful gift has been given to each of you. What a wonderful giving where The Father has said ‘come back to Me. Use your free will in your journey back to me’. But, little ones, you will be tempted during your journey. The lower side of you will always try to drag you away and that is where within yourself you pray for strength and knowledge and pray that you are able to turn away the dark thoughts, the dark shadows.

Walk with God and give yourself the strength to be able to say: ‘Thy will be done, my Father. Thy will, not mine. I give my free will back to You because I know You will guide me, lift me and I know that all will be well.’ However, you cannot do this because at this moment of time, you have the pull of the lower self. But tell yourself that you don’t want to go down that path, that you want to turn your face to the Light and give your free will back to The Great Spirit. Lead yourself to the path where you are continually tuning in to The Godhead and to the Light. So many people have walked the same path as you. Many have tried and have overcome until they reach the end of their earth lives. When you go to Spirit you will find out how it has been for you on the earth. My prayer today, my beloved children of the earth, but of Spirit, is to ask you to think about free will. When the shadows come upon you and you are unhappy and when life seems impossible, turn to the Light. That is your free will. By turning yourself to the Light, you are using the free will that The Great Spirit has given you. 

Look ahead in your life and ask yourself what you want to do with your future, spiritually. You will then think that you want to serve your Great Father. You want to serve His children, to live, to love, to give and to have the strength to use your free will in the Light. Then, you will have the strength to say: ‘Father – Thy will, not mine’. Oh children, lift your hearts, go forward in this earth life understanding that you are here to learn lessons, to help others, to give to others, because each time you give, each time you love, think of what that does for your spirit. It enhances it, makes it glow, it means that you are fulfilling the purpose for which you are here. Beloved children, lift your hearts to the golden Light, walk the golden steps one by one. Feel the strength of the Great, Great Spirit within you – and you can do that when you turn inward and draw from the power that is given to you. You have so much help. When you are in trouble, all you have to do is send out the message and it is heard. Help is forthcoming. When you are in a dilemma and your sensitive feelings tell you that you are thinking wrongly, call out for help and we will be there to do so. Think of the Light and the rainbows of love that surround each of you. Lift your hearts, walk with God and go through your lessons valiantly, gloriously because you know that if you stumble, help will be given as we are always there, as we love you. So, this day, my words are about free will, about walking the path and the golden steps before you. There is so much wonderment ahead of you but above all, remember to have faith, faith in the Great, Great Spirit of All. Have trust – trust to know that once you have given your heart, all will be well. Let your heart gleam with love and light. We bless you, we love you and end this prayer knowing full well that the power and the glory of The Great, Great Spirit is with you all. God bless you, God keep you. Amen. 


15th October, 2013 - Joan Channelling An Un-named Spirit From A High Realm. You are on the way to return to the Godhead…

Peace be with your souls to lift your hearts and thoughts high to the sun within you. Feel grateful. Be thankful and show the greatest humility to The Divine, which is love. Love comes to you as a rose. It is beautiful to look at. It can be any colour that you need and the perfume from this lovely, lovely rose gives out peace. You can smell the perfumes of love as they surround you. The perfumes of the roses of the heart give you the insight of love, true love to lead you on your way, teach you, help you to overcome difficulties on this earth plane. We gather around each of you to help you, strengthen you, because you are on the way, no matter how low down the ladder you may be, you are on the way to return to the Godhead where The Great Spirit awaits you.

Before you can begin that long journey upwards, you have to cleanse yourselves. You will have to be brave enough to look into the pictures of the past that will tell you what you have done wrong and what you have done right. If you could overcome the difficulties of the earth plane now, you will move far more rapidly along the spiritual path towards The Great, Great Spirit. I come today to give you hope, love and upliftment of the spirit. I want you to realise the magnitude of what is within you. You have no idea, each one of you, of the glory that is within each one of you. To reach that glory you have been told many times to have faith, absolute faith and absolute trust in that glory that is within you.

We lead you forth every day. Your guides surround you, help and lift you but it is important that you sit still and think about the roses that represent the love of Spirit. Be still. Be quiet and as you do so, you will find that The Holy Spirit of All will descend upon you and that there is a feeling of complete peace, a wonderment for The Great Father, a joy of the joining that comes with love, with effort – the effort to overcome. Do you not see… I use words, words that can lift you, words that can lead you, words that can comfort you. I want to give you a glimpse of what is to come for to lift oneself up into the glory of Light, you will never be the same again for it changes you, purifies you, lifts you and renders you full of confidence. You will then turn to your fellow men on earth with strength and love because you have been touched by the highest Light. You will then be able to be a disciple of The Great Father. So children, please go forward with Light, with love and remember that you are helped every inch of the way. Please, children of the earth, play your part. Again and again, we say have faith and have trust.

So, with this I give you my love. With this, I bring forth from the atmospheres peace and love and I say to each one of you, believe. Believe that trust and faith will carry you though this earth life. Now, I bless you. May God walk with you always. I will not tell you my name but I have come with love and upliftment of your souls. May God bless each one of you. In the name of Jesus and in the name of the glorious prophets, Amen.



8th October, 2013 - Insist that the lower self leaves you because you belong to the Light.

I am Julia. I come to speak to you today about the lower self and the struggle with the dark clouds that come near to each of you on the earth. The dark clouds come so near to each one and create a fight within. It is a fight because the hold that the lower self has on you is a very great one because, as I have said before, it chips away and chips away at your thoughts and emotions. It makes you unhappy and that is the job of the lower self - to make you feel unhappy, uncertain, unworthy. No matter what the fight seems to be, each of you needs to realise that the Great Spirit within you is like a huge, huge torch. It is a bright light and as you turn to it and ask it for help, it will, even as you are in the throws of trying to overcome your lower self. We are with you to give you the strength to do this but in the midst of what I call the downward tread, I can assure you that you can just lift your mind and say ‘Great Spirit, help me!’. Just imagine that there is a light, a huge, bright torch and you will find that the cloud that has come over you will disperse. How can it not – the Light will always disperse the dark cloud. We will help you over every stile that you have to cross. We are there and we understand that each of you has different things to overcome, things you don’t like and don’t want, things that affect your feelings and which create strong emotions. We are with you to help you and whatever you go through, never think that you are unworthy because every time you try, every time you ask for help, the Light will come to help you, lift you, strengthen you, until the next lesson. And so it goes on through your life. Always there are lessons and the more in service you become in spirit, the more refined you become within yourself and the more tuned in you are to Spirit. Spirit will bring out all the things that have been hidden within you from childhood, all the things that have tormented you because now you can say to yourselves that you are mature, you know better. You are aware of the things that Spirit can give you and that you are strong enough to overcome, but only strong enough because you understand to turn to the Light.

I wanted to talk to you today about the lower self because when it is with you, it really and truly makes itself at home with you and you have to force it out of the way. You must forcefully insist that it leaves you because you belong to Spirit, to the Light. Even at that moment if you don’t actually feel it, just say it: ‘I am Light. I am Light. I go forward in Light’. And even saying the words creates a vibration to tune in to the forces in Spirit that are there to help you.

Walk your path bravely, courageously. You are not alone. Everybody has these negative thoughts – thoughts of bitterness, unworthiness, thoughts that you should be able to do certain things – you are on the earth and you are tuning in the earth’s vibrations and with that comes the lower self. That is why each day, keep turning your thoughts to the Light – prayer upon prayer. In the morning when you awake, turn to the glorious sun within you and ask for help and guidance along your spiritual path. It is so important to each of you to be able to be comfortable within yourselves, to be peaceful within yourselves and when life’s events tear you apart, which happens to everyone at some time in their lives, realise that The great Spirit is there to heal your wounds, to strengthen your shoulders and give you courage. Know that The Great, Great Spirit’s Light is with you. Go along until the next thing sweeps you off your feet, and the answer is the same – you know that you can cope because Spirit is with you. Those grey clouds cannot continue to exist in the Divine Light. The Light is always the supreme power of all things.

That is all I am to say today. Please lift your hearts because you are working for The Great Spirit. Each of you in your way is loving, giving and giving service to The Father. Be at peace. Be quiet. Walk the path with confidence and knowing that whatever you go through, you will get over it with our help. We will give you the strength, but turn to the Light. May God bless you. May God keep you in His light and vibration. We in Spirit stand beside you always willing to lift and help you. God bless you from me and from Sister Gabrielle.



2nd October, 2013 - Remember that in life’s struggle, it is peace that you seek.

God bless you, my children. I am Sister Julia. Sister Gabrielle is beside me. It is a lonely road that each one of you is travelling. You have chosen this road of service but you see, with our help, you will succeed. I want to talk today about your feelings and your emotions. Some of these emotions are strong because the lower self encourages them to become stronger. I urge you – you and all who may read these words – to imagine the light within you, or if you find this difficult, think of the earth’s sun shining bright, its rays warming the earth and warming you. Can you in your mind think of this sun and can you use your imagination to feel its warmth? You will find then that you can imagine your spiritual sun that is always there to help – in this case to help you overcome the urgings of the lower self.

The greatest emotion that you can feel is hatred. The other side of the coin of hatred is love and it is for you to decide which side is to be yours. Are you going to be resentful, angry, jealous? Spirit is with you to help and guide you. We understand. Haven’t we all been through these emotions? We have overcome them because we think of that sun, that light, and it is the light that will change your moods and change you. It will help you to overcome the negative, negative conditions that you slip into. Think of love or think of warmth, think of something that has uplifted you. You must let what you cannot have and your resentments slide away from you. The only way to do that is to think of the Light, as I have said before. Believe me, my children, there are emotions in the world today that many are trying to overcome. Some seek to find forgiveness for those who have hurt them and find this very difficult and many have resentments that have built up inside. This is all to do with negative conditions. Their dark shadows are always there, ready for you. When they can see a chink in your armour, they are there. They glory in your misery. They glory in the way that they can pull you down by negative thought but when you think of Light, the sun and it’s warmth, it will help you to fight the shadows that pull you down. Children, you were not meant to live that way, you know. You were meant to live in peace and love. You have come to earth to learn lessons, the most important being to know your emotions and the feelings that they bring. As you feel negative feelings of hatred, rage or jealousy –you will be pulled down lower and lower. Let the Light within, or if you cannot imagine it, the sun above, lead you. Turn to it at those moments of negative feelings, bring what you know and see and feel into your mind and you will connect to that Light and make it shine brightly for you. Make the effort. Do not feel unworthy because some of you have brought back a karma condition and this is what your are dealing with, a karmic feeling of something that you have not overcome so you have brought it with you to this life. When you realise that this is something for you to overcome, have courage. Have courage and say to yourself that you don’t want these feelings, you wish to live in peace and love, you wish to sit by a smooth, soft river that will uplift you and give you energy. We will help you but you must, and I say must in the kindest way, turn to the Light. Bring it into your imagination. To those of you who can see the Light inside of you, again I say turn towards it because we will help you.

It is absolutely crucial at this moment for you to realise what is happening. Do you want to go down that road of unhappiness, of being hurt inside? Do you want to go on like that? Of course you don’t. We are here to help you, to give you courage, to give you the vibrations to lift and guide you but make the effort. It is the effort that is important. And don’t have bad feelings about yourselves. Overcome them, free yourself from these chains that hold you down and in that freedom you will find strength of mind. In that overcoming, you will feel that you can go forward in God’s Light. You will see and feel this Light and our loving vibrations will blend with yours to lift you. So you see, we are trying to express today the need for effort on your part. Do remember that when you trust and have faith, you are giving yourself to The Great Spirit and because you have done so, does He not know how you are, how you feel? He is ready to hold you in His arms of love but you must make the effort, the effort to recognise that it is the lower self that drags one down. Each of you has different experiences to cope with, to battle with but the challenge is the same: feelings. If the feelings are low, your lower self will be able to, as you say, ‘do a good job on you’ as is happening a great deal in the world today. As the Light of the Father draws nearer to you to guide you, and with the guides who are around you to help you, simply say a sincere prayer to tell The Father that you don’t want this negativity and trust in Him that help will come though your guides. Gradually, and even as the lower self pumps into your thoughts that you are no good, or afraid, or anxious, for that is its job, you will be helped. Within you is the Divine Spirit and the Divine Spirit will find a way to lift and help you so long as you make the effort to look to the Light and lift yourself.  

A great deal of work is being done on the earth plane at the moment. Angels of Light surround the earth and there are also people who come to the earth from a very high level to spread messages of love. You have so much help so believe in yourself and your higher self. Know within yourself that once you have said a prayer, help will be given. It is the Law and the Law of The Great Father is that once you have asked for help, then help will come. So have faith and know that every moment of your life is planned so, when you arrive at cross roads and do not know what to do, when you are so stressed, that is the time to ask God to help you. God will help you. People of the earth, remember that with love, love, the upliftment of your soul will come and you will know peace. Faith comes with heartfelt prayer from the depths of you. The Great Spirit of All listens. On that vibration, we can work and help.

This has been a lesson of overcoming and you will overcome because of the power of the Great Spirit and the love that He gives to each one of your hearts. He knows that your spiritual hearts are pure. Do remember in your struggle, and life is a struggle, that it is peace that you seek, peace of mind. So be it – it will be. As I have been speaking, those from a higher level have sent power, love and upliftment to each of you this day. Father, thank You for Your love. Thank you for allowing us to be your beloved servants. We are in Your care now and for ever. Amen.  

17th September, 2013 - Joan channeling an unknown Spirit of the highest spheres. Be still, thy soul. Lift your heart into the golden light...

God bless you. I give to you today words from The Most High for those who will read them and those who listen. Peace be with thy soul. May you stand by the river and may you feel the peace, the love that is sent to each one of you. We ask that you don’t go out into the world for help as within yourselves, all the help that you need is here. Be still thy soul. Be quiet in your mind. Be still and you will find in that stillness that you can be lifted into a higher realm of thought. Whatever troubles you, whatever it is in this world that is causing you unhappiness or whatever is needing more effort than you think you can give, I say, peace. Still thy soul. Be peaceful and let the glory of The Father calm and do the work for you to open your way to overcoming the obstacle of that moment. Be still. Be still. Be quiet and lift your heart into the golden light that is within each one of you and as you do so, you will find that the vibrations will become finer and, if you can in that moment give faith and trust – that is the most important thing for you to learn. Faith. Faith in The Great Spirit. Faith that the day will go smoothly no matter what the problem is. All you have to do is to call for help and we are with you to help with any dilemma that arises in this earth world.

Be still. Be quiet and in your quietness you will find that the Light within you will grow and it will go outward to others so in need of help. So, my beloved children, listen to your hearts and if you can go into the quietness of yourselves, you will find strength. You will find that your gifts will develop to a higher degree and these gifts will be used for the upliftment of mankind. Go forward in love. Go forward and allow us to help you. We say always – be still thy soul. It is in the stillness and quietness of your mind that the golden rays can reach you and help you. Remember, when you have reached a point of connection with your higher self, you will find the joy is immeasurable. Nothing in the entire world in which you live can compare with the peace, the joy and the love that you will feel. So my beloved children, I come today to give love, because I am love and from the highest spheres, we give love. Go forward in your lives and always remember – be still, be still thy soul and by the waters still, dream and think of the higher forces above. Be filled with the joy of Spirit. I leave you today – God bless every one of you because you are of The Great, Great Spirit, or God, as some call Him, or another name – it matters not. You are in His loving care this day. I leave you with the words “be still, thy soul”. God bless you.

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I am Sister Julia. You have been given a beautiful message today. It is such a lovely message and this wonderful soul has given to you such a wonderful vibration. I will say to each of you, think of what has been said to you because your lights will be brighter and the rays of your love will go out into the world to your fellow man. You are all responsible for one and other. You are all linked in one way or another. This has been a good morning because the vibrations here are full of love, love that is given to you, love that is from the highest in Spirit. We have had a wonderful message today. My children – be good. God bless you. 



10th September, 2013 - May God bless you, take you in His loving arms and guide you.

Children of the Light, you know who I am, Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. We come to you today because light is so needed in the planet on which you live and I ask that you look into yourselves and find the truth that lies within you. If you can turn inward and listen, feel the things that you need to alter, be positive, live each day and each hour consciously aware that you are walking with the Light of the Great, Great Spirit within you. So looking inward to yourself. You will connect to this very high power of love and it will enable you to send out your Light to the planet. By developing within yourself more Light, more understanding and learning about yourself you will learn the truth. Look for the things that you can improve and remember that you are doing this not only for yourself but for your fellow man, who sorely needs help.

As you rise towards the great power that is within you, you will find that your Light glows brighter. That Light that you send out into the world, as we have said so many times before, joins with the Lights of others to form one big circle of Light around the world. You and others like you are on the journey – the journey being to find the truth about yourself. What is it you desire? How do you feel? How do you think? Are you thinking positively or are you glum and sinking into the depths of the lower forces? You know so well that whatever chance they get, they will be there. Your thoughts ride very softly through the mind and if you practice within yourself daily, you can make those thoughts good and positive until at last it becomes ordained that you should think that way. Then, no way can the lower forces, the lower vibrations, get into your mind.

Children of the Light, we do so love you and we, the Brotherhood, look indeed upon each one of you. We want each of you to go forward on your spiritual path because, as you know, when you get to Spirit, you will say ‘I wish I had done that. I wish I had made much more effort to find myself’ because this is what it’s all about, you see, finding yourself, what you are, what you really are. That is what we want you to do. You and all the people on the planet, all pebbles on the beach. Each has the Light within. Some of these lights are very beautiful and bright and these are the Lights that rise up into the air and meet and merge with the Lights that we send. It’s so, so important that you live by Light, think by Light, walk with God and when you look into yourself and begin to find the truth of yourself, then the higher self will come down. You see, you have to prepare the way for that to happen. Now lift up your hearts and remember, whatever you think and whatever you feel, send thoughts out to us when you are in need because we are there to help you. Raise yourselves now unto the Great, Great Spirit because the power and the glory are so beautiful, so lovely. Don’t forget the home you left, the home of flowers and perfume, the land of hope and love and the glory of the beautiful things you see. It is so uplifting. Don’t forget your home because living on earth, it is such a dark place. You need to remember all the beautiful things that are waiting for you in Spirit when your time comes. So think in love and tolerance of your fellow man and go forward. My dear Children of the Light, a great blessing from The Most High comes to you today to lift you, help you, strengthen you, love you. You are never, never alone. May God bless you, take you in His loving arms and guide you this day. Amen. 


3rd September, 2013 – May God bless you and may the love that is in Spirit enfold you.

God bless you, my children. As you know. I am Gabrielle and Sister Julia is with me. I come to give a blessing to you today and to say to you and all those who read the words – don’t despair. Go through your life with faith in The Great, Great Spirit of All. The Father governs all things. He knows your thoughts. He knows your feelings, your hurts and your difficulties. You will never get such help from the outside world and you must remember that when you are in travail and your heart is undecided which way to go or you are in deep suffering and therefore your mind is clouded, don’t go outwards – go inward. It is only by going within yourself that you will receive the greatest help of all, and that is the power of Spirit, the power of love, the power to lift you, help you. My words are given with the greatest feelings of love that we have for you.

                                *     *     *

God bless you, children. I am Sister Julia. That was Sister Gabrielle, who wanted a word with you. I will endorse all that she has said. You see, you must realise that it is given to you as a gift to be aware of what is going on within you. Walk the path and as you do so, know that you have the help of Spirit no matter what your circumstances. Look within yourself because we are there to help you. Of course you have to overcome your lower self but how many times in our prayers have we said to you that we are here. Call upon us and we will help you, whatever the problem. If you are depressed and feel that life is not worth living – it is worth living, you know, if you go within yourself and remember that each of you has the Light within you. That’s why we call you Children of the Light, because you are. Whatever you are struggling to overcome in yourself, remember that that is a help for others that they too may overcome. Teach them. Those who listen to the words and understand, go forward and lift yourselves to The Great, Great Spirit of All. Remember that it is not only you, the individual, that is going through difficulties but the planet and the people living on the planet. They need your love. They need your Light that you send out to them and remember that the Light that goes out joins all the other Lights all over the world from people with the same mind as yourself. Can you not see how this helps others who do not have the knowledge that you have? It will help them, help to raise them into a higher consciousness. That is what you do and then you will find that those around you who are in difficulty can be helped by you in a personal way. It is very important. You are important because you are a Child of Light. You came to earth to give that Light, to share it. That’s what you are here for. It doesn’t matter what you have to go through – you can ask for help because you know that we are there and you know that we will indeed help. This is what part of your teaching to others will be. You are not alone. You walk the path and though the path to some is stony and hard, you will walk it nevertheless.

Today is to say to all of you that it is so important that you play your roll on earth. Lift yourself and make the Light brighter and as it is brighter it will go out into the planet. Oh how the planet needs this Light. The Great, Great Spirit takes the burdens of the earth and is sweeping away the lower vibrations in many, many ways. Whatever you see, whatever you hear, know that The Great Father is at work clearing the vibrations so make sure that you clear yourselves, personally, of your own lower clouds that come upon you. Throw them away. Lift yourselves. Go forward, because you have the light to give to others. I don't think that there is more to say on this subject except that you are loved and helped in all ways. Work with God. Work with His Light within you and know that you are safe, secure in God's love. So God bless you, children, go forward knowing that whatever happens in this life for you, you will meet it bravely with love, patience, tolerance and courage. May the Good Lord be within you to bring out the Light. May it shine brighter and brighter to help others. May God bless you and may the love that is in Spirit enfold you, lead you this day and for ever more. Amen.

6th August, 2013 - Know that your beautiful guides have sacrificed much to come to help you.

Beloved children, as you know, I always open with a prayer and the prayer today is that you must look into yourselves and you must realise that the help is there within you for those who are suffering, those in difficult situations, those whose hearts are broken and aching for loved ones. I say to you now, have faith. Have faith. You cannot find help from outside, only from those around you who will give love. Nothing can compare to the love of the Great, Great Spirit of All. You may call Him God, you may call Him Father – you may call Him any name you like but the Great Creator of All Things is there within the passage of your mind, in your faith. By faith I mean that the Great Father knows the travails that each one of you is going through. Each one can turn to the Father and say: ‘Father, help me. I have faith’. What do I mean by faith? You can say you have faith but what does it mean? It means, my beloved children, that you know within your hearts that once you’ve asked for the Divine help, help will come to you in great abundance. You must realise also that, though I cannot say that problems will be taken from you, you will be helped. You will be given strength and wisdom and a deep, deep spiritual peace that comes from the reliance that I am asking you to give to the Great, Great Creator of All. I ask that you walk the path each day knowing that whatever it is that besets you, you will overcome and by God’s love, the pain that some of you are going through will be eased. Walk forward. Walk in the light as this is the time that all is turbulent, upsetting. These vibrations are coming to you and are disturbing you in one way or another. You may be confused. Sometimes, you may not know what day it is. Sometimes you may be overwhelmed by the number of requests for help that people need from you. But remember, remember the Great Spirit of All is there to help you and while you are thinking these thoughts and saying ‘Lord, please help me’, know that you will be given the strength to carry whatever burdens present themselves. The Great Father is there to uplift your spirit so that you can do whatever you need to do.

Little ones – this is a prayer calling each of you to have faith, faith in love because love is the greatest power of all. You are loved. You are cherished. Many times we tell you how we love you and also that your beloved guides stand close to help you. You know that you have faith in the Great Spirit and you will find that your guides are able to work on that, that they are able to surround you and to take you step by step through whatever you need to do. Remember, you are not alone, not for one minute, though you may not feel it, see it – id doesn’t matter. Know it. Know you are not alone. Know that your beautiful guides have come from places that are beautiful and that they have sacrificed that to come to the grey world to help you. Remember that and send love to them and tune in to them. When you need help remember that, through them, you reach the Great Creator of All. You will be lifted until you come to a point that a deep understanding comes to you and you know that you can cope.

So, my beloved children, with the love that come through me to you, I say God bless you. Walk in the light. Turn towards that wonderful light that is within you. May God’s blessings be with you this day and for ever more. Amen. 


30th July, 2013 - Give love, and in giving love, you give peace.

Beloved children, I come today to give you God’s blessing and to say to each one of you that you are led on the path of Spirit. We want with all our hearts to see you happier, more positive and also to acknowledge that you are in your Father’s care. Think about the golden light that shines at the back of your heart. There it glows and shines, waiting for you to be able to sit quietly and to tune in. To tune in to this glorious light means that you feel as though you are cared for, feel that nothing is impossible and whatever your heartache is, the soothing balm of God’s love will help you forward, give you courage, strength and, above all, for you to be aware of His love. So lift up your hearts, children of the Light, to know that you walk your path on earth with the glory that is within you. Try if you can when you get sad moments to lift yourself and say ‘Father, give me strength that I will be able to continue with my earth life with all the problems that it brings me, knowing that you are there and that you will smooth my path because I trust and have faith in the great energy which You are’.

Children of the light, indeed we in Spirit care for you and look after you the best way we can but understand much you must do yourselves. Whatever low vibrations come to you, be aware that they are low and once you become aware that this is something you don’t want, you will be able to overcome. If you don’t and you want with all your heart not to be like that, then you call for help and we will help you. Think about the glorious path that you are walking - you walk with light, you walk with love, you walk with peace and this that you have garnered within, don't you see, you give out to others. The stream of light that streams from each one of you will help lift your fellow man and lift the earth plane. The earth plane needs love, your love. No matter how small you think you are, give love and in giving love, you give peace. So, little ones, I am going to leave you. Again I want to say to you that we are with you, we lead you, we help you but overcome the lower side of your natures - with help from us, you will succeed. The more you overcome, the brighter you will become inside, the brighter becomes your light. So walk the path of love to give to others, lift yourself into the golden light that is within you. God bless you, now and for ever more, and in the name of Jesus, I say Amen.


23rd July, 2013 - We live by His love, we work by His love and we bring His love to you.

Beloved children, I come today to give you love, which I always do but I want to discuss what love really is. Love comes from the Great, Great Spirit of All. He is the creator of love and from these heights, love comes down to you through each level of the Spirit world. Love. We live by His love, we work by His love and we bring His love to you so that you can do your best at whatever work you have on earth. Helping you to be channels for Spirit. There are many in Spirit who wish to give a message. So you see why we are always asking you to be quiet. When you are, it helps us develop within you the gifts that you have. There is much that you have to do. There is such potential within each one of you that we wish to nurture so that we can come through with our messages, which are so badly needed by the earth. Trust and love will overcome the pathways of doubt. Overcome the lower self by being aware of what you are thinking or that you are acting a certain way. Look and say to yourself ‘I can overcome these things, all things I can overcome in the name of Jesus and in the name of the Great, Great Father Himself’.

There is not much I wish to say today because I know that the heat on earth is unpleasant but a message had to come through to say that you are loved, you are led and guided and it remains for you to put all that you have into the work you are doing in the service of the Great Father. Lift your hearts, go forward with light around and within you and know that ahead of you, work is waiting. So, remember to be quiet, to be still and help us to come near to you so that we can carry you forward and enable you to do the great work. God bless you and may God bless all on the earth whose consciousness has been lifted so that they are aware of what they have to do. A great, great blessing surrounds the earth with a golden light that the Great, Great Father places there to help us to help them. You are going a long way along the road. Great things will come – changes that will enhance you, lift you. God Bless you and God keep you in His care now and for ever more. Amen. 


16th July, 2013 - Think about the higher self, the part of Himself that the Great, Great Father of All has given us, each one.

Beloved children, spirits that live on the earth, I want you today to realise how much the Great Spirit of All helps you, daily. In small ways that you do not notice, when trouble meets you, you lift yourself and say ‘Father, I am in Your beloved hands. Guide me. Lift me’. Then, within your heart you feel a glow of thankfulness and because you feel so thankful for all that is done for you, that thankfulness rises up and up until it reaches a higher sphere and it is noted that you are thankful.

Think about the higher self, the part of Himself that the Great, Great Father of All has given us, each one. He has given you this part of Himself which, day by day, helps you to learn to overcome negative conditions. And as you do so, you will find that golden light, the golden orb that is shining brightly behind the human heart. Once you touch it you will find that you are filled with the glory of the Father and whatever befalls you in the earth life, the light will clear the way for you. So you see, we must have thankfulness in our hearts. Father, thank you for all that you do. We know full well that Your divine light lives within us and because of this, you are able to help those around you, those who come for love because your light is shining. As it shines, so you draw people towards you, attracted to your light. Therefore, you will find that people will be put in your way so that you can lift and help.

Dear Spirit, this is a prayer, a prayer where we ask You to open us further and to help us to walk the spiritual path bravely, with courage. Help us to see beyond the steps that we take. We know that whatever steps they are, we are helped by our own wonderful Angels of Light. The higher you go in your consciousness, the more power is given to you and that power you bring to your fellow men to help them. I say to each one of you, you have great potential because when you reach high within yourselves, no matter what your circumstances are, you know that you are in the hands of the Father. Always remember that you are in God’s hands and it is His beloved energy that is given to each one on the earth plane.

Now, there is not too much to say today. The main thing I wanted to say to you is to be thankful and to give thanks for all that happens to you and the ways that Spirit, tuning in to the Godhead, clear the way for you. This is a prayer of thankfulness. The light from this thankfulness goes upwards and the very glory of the Father beams down upon us. So, go forward my children, go forward because I am with you. With these words I end my loving prayer for you, my children, given from my heart and given from the heart of Gabrielle. May it lift you and lead you to the promised land of peace and love. Amen.

9th July, 2013 - What a joy it is for us to love you... to know that you are trying to overcome.

Beloved children of the Light, I am here. I am Julia. Gabrielle stands beside me. I come to bless you all today and because I need your help. This help is of a spiritual nature. I want you to recognise the inner light that is within you. I want you to realise the importance of the love and the power that it gives you. But you do not use it, do you? You go along in your earth’s way with the things you have to do. Your mind is taken up with this and that. Do you not see that now, now more than ever, The Great, Great Spirit needs your light. The light is needed from each one of you to glow and to rise upwards to meet His great energy so that the earth can be cleansed, cleansed of the lower vibrations. Similarly, the light will cleanse you of your own lower vibrations. It will help you to be aware of the lower side of life and to realise the goal which you have come down to work towards. You have promised when you were in Spirit that you would do this and now it is time for you to fulfill your promise. To fulfill your promise, you must go inward and think of the light and the joy it brings you. Above all you must think, and feel, trust. You trust in God. You trust in the inner man within yourself so that you can go out and help people, talk to people, lift them and give them the peace and love that comes from you, from the higher self.

You are here for lessons. One lesson after another. But the glory of it is that when you have overcome one lesson, although there are more to come, think what it means when you reach Spirit. You will look back and say ‘I have done this… I have overcome that’ and therefore, in your next life, you need not bring all these what I call lower vibrations with you as you will have overcome them. We in Spirit will help you to overcome difficult events in your life. When you are worried, send out a thought and say ‘Spirit divine, please help me. I am very worried and I need your help. I need your help that I may look at things differently, in fact, in the way of Spirit’. If you feel anger, recognise it, ask for help and then you will be able to stand back from it. Therefore you will overcome the low emotions that the lower self brings to you. Remember that it enjoys seeing you, feeling you and being you. It loves to operate its lower self whether by a thought, anger, sadness– it doesn’t matter. They are all emotions which the lower self tries to feed into you. Don’t let that happen. Children of the Light in service of The Great, Great Father, recognise this for what it is and say ‘No, I don’t want that. I am walking the Spiritual path and help will be given for me overcome all things in the name of our beloved Lord Jesus’.

Now this is all I am going to say to you today because it is enough to think about. What is really important is for you to concentrate on the great, great light within you. Sit quietly and ask for help that you may be able to receive the rays that come from the Light to lift you and to bring you forward upon your spiritual path. Each one of you is walking the path of spirit learning, listening, to Spirit and overcoming. What a joy it is for us to love you. For all who listen and all who read the words, what joy it is to know that you have overcome. In God’s name and in the name of all that is good, I lift you, my children, my beloved children of Light. Walk with God and nothing can hurt you. God bless each one of you this day. Amen. 



2nd July, 2013 - When you enter the beautiful Summerland, you will be able to say ‘I have learnt that, I will not have to do it again’.

Oh beloved children, I am here today because I really want to help you. I want to say to you that we are near always to help you. We have told you many times before that you are loved and as we lift ourselves to the Great, Great Spirit of All, today we are going to ask Him to bring the power of love to each one and we ask Him, in His great compassion, to help us with our emotional self. Our emotional self goes through many experiences that the lower self sends our way. We go through fear, anxiety, hopelessness, depression – you could say that all these experiences are sent to us to lower us. But we ask the Great Spirit and those that are around each one of you to help you to draw away and to develop discipline and control over your emotions. You are in the vortex of fear, you are afraid. Fear helps to open the path to your feeling hopeless, helpless and worthless. Develop that little voice at the back of your head, that little voice that tells you that it is an experience that the lower self is sending you. Stand back. Listen to that voice and say to yourself: the lower self is giving me these feelings. I don’t want them. Because you have said that, an opening of light is formed to give you the strength to discipline yourself and say: no more. The Great, Great Father will help you, over time, to bring your emotions under control.

Remember also that it takes courage to go forward in your lives, courage to be able to go to places that you do not want to go to meaning negative conditions that you would rather run away from. You need courage to face the inner man. The inner man is your subconscious mind that is full of memories but it is the good memories that we wish you to cling to, the ones which have given you joy and pleasure. You will be given strength now to discipline yourselves. This is so important at this time because we do not want any weak links. Go back into your emotional self and recognise which are true feelings and which are feelings of the lower self. Recognise the true feelings of the beloved spirit within you. These are the feelings that will help you and guide you as the voice that you hear is the spirit within. Try to tune in to this voice. Listen for the voice as it will always take you away from the negative conditions that you are trying to overcome.

I want with all my heart that the Great, Great Spirit will take you along the road, which is a long, hard road. Don’t you see, if it were not a hard road, how could you grow spiritually so that when you reach the end of your time here, you will have learnt much and when you enter the Summerland, which is so beautiful, when you are shown your life, you will be able to say ‘I have learnt that, I will not have to do it again’. So, go forward with courage, lift up your hearts and know that the Great, Great Spirit is within you, is the light within you. Think of the light and think of what has been said today. The Father has a plan for each of you. Lift yourselves and say ‘Oh Lord my God, I am here to serve you. Help me to understand myself and to discipline myself. Help me to know more about Spirit and how to reach Spirit in this earth life. So, Great Father, I lift Thy children into Thy divine light and may those who read my words be blessed and be given the courage and strength to walk the path. Amen. Dear children – Amen. 



25th June, 2013 - Think about us in Spirit. Be aware of us because we are near you…

Oh, God bless you, my children. For those in Spirit who have come to listen and for those who will read these words, I give a blessing. I am Sister Julia and I speak to you today with love and with the longing to leave you today with an upliftment of your soul. I want to tell you that everything that you do in life appertaining to spirit is oh, so simple, so simple. You love, you trust and you have faith in the Great, Great Spirit of All. We on this side of life are there to help and guide you. Again and again, we tell you that when you are in trouble and don’t know what to do, however difficult your experiences are, we are here. We are here to help you over the hurdles of your lives. You are not alone but unfortunately you close yourselves down and try to face your lives valiantly alone, but it always difficult when you are doing it on your own. We are here to help you.

Today I want to make you aware of the divine light that is within you. The divine light comes from loving and giving. The divine light comes when you can lift up your hearts and say: Oh, Father, Thou art, I am. I am your beloved child with the light that you have given me. Help me that I may join all the other lights all over the planet. There are other lights that are stronger than mine so help me to be strong, help me to go forward in this wonderful light that is within me and help me that I may join all those wonderful souls that are sending out their love and lights to help mankind and to help You, my beloved Father, as if You need help. We would indeed gather to form an armada of light so that it can sweep all the negative conditions from the earth plane and also from within ourselves. Help us to uplift. Help us to go forward. Help us to realise that you are the Divine and it is Thy will that we go forward.

Father, we are your children and we do stumble. Sometimes we ignore all the good things that those in Spirit can give. Father, each of us is one of the billions of beautiful pebbles on the beach, each a soul that gives out a divine light. Can you imagine, my beloved children, all the lights that go from these beloved souls joining together into such a great, great beam of warmth that carries the earth through, joining too with the light from those in Spirit that are also helping, giving, and wanting mankind to reach an upper level of thought. The warmth and glow that the earth children give will help to cover the ‘bad spots’ in life where on the planet there are spots of hate and violence. The warmth and love that we, your children, give along with the light and love that comes to us from above will cover and lift these dark spots from the earth until we are one glorious, wonderful light. Help us, Father, with our thoughts and awareness of the lower self. Help us to go forward with love knowing that we have help. Help from Spirit. We are Spirit. We will give lovingly and willingly.

So, my children, lift up your hearts, think abut us in Spirit. Be aware of us because we are near you to help you. We love you and will lift you. Remember that you are never, ever on your own. So, with the light that comes from all of us and from the earth’s wonderful souls that lift their lights up to reach Spirit, I thank you, Father, for love, for light and all the wonderful souls in spirit that willingly come back to give their services. We, Father, are in service to You. We love You and we ask that you take us along the path of the earth plane with the light that is around us.

God bless you. God keep all of you in the light that is given to you this day and for ever more. Amen. 



23rd April, 2013 - None of you know who you realy are - only part of you has come to this earth.

God bless you. As you know, I am Sister Julia and also Sister Gabrielle is here. I come this morning because I wish to give you peace. I wish to uplift you. If you could only be aware of the quietude, the serenity and the love that abide this side of life. We look upon you sometimes and we say, turn towards us as we will help you. We will give you what your hearts desire. Be steadfast in your thinking. Be firm in your thoughts. Say to yourselves that the golden, wondrous light is within you. You are Spirit. You have to command and overcome your lower self. Your higher self contains what I call the brighter side of you that laughs, feels joy, the little things that you do that give you pleasure. We ask you to be aware of the lower side. As you know from all the prayers, you only need a little chink in that armour for the lower side to come to the fore. So be aware. Because you live on the earth, it means that sometimes you become entrenched into that earthly life. You are pulled downwards. This is when your divine spirit should look up into the Light because the Light is your divine spirit and when part of you, part of your personality becomes so entrenched, that is when you turn round and say: beloved Light, help me, lead me, lift me – I do not want these feelings. You lower self can always give you the feelings that you are no good, you are not good at what you are doing, what is life all about, why am I here – all these things your lower self tries to instill into your mind to try to take you away from who you really are. None of you know who you really are. There is only a part of you that has come to the earth and this part of you has to live in the service of the Great Father and also to overcome the different things that you have brought with you from previous lives. Be still and know that you are God. Feel the peace, love and joy that comes to you from Spirit. Lift up your minds in quietude so that the peace can pervade and lift you until you see sunbeams. As you see these sun beams, you rise up and up and as you go up, you get nearer to your higher self. Your higher self is in charge of the divine that is within you.

Today, it is indeed a reminder of the things that we wish you to do because we need you to go forward. We need you to be more gentle with those around you – those who you do not understand, those who you feel heartbroken about or so compassionate about. Lift yourselves up into the Divine, into the love of God and walk with God. Be peaceful. Be quiet and let yourselves drift away into the mighty ocean of serenity.


7th May, 2013 - Imagination is the tool of Spirit – it will carry you into the greater depths of Spirit.

Children of the Light, I am here - Julia, as you know. Gabrielle is here, too. She gives the power by which I speak. We have many people who want to come through to speak to you but we have to measure the amount of information that you can take. Each one has the glory of Light around them and that’s what they are wanting to give you – Light. They want you to lift yourselves up and say to yourselves ‘yes I am walking on the earth and have experiences but these experiences are going to forge a higher spiritual development within me’. As your earth life goes along, just remember that your higher self walks with you. However, because you are so busy with your lives on earth, which is understandable to Spirit, you need to realise that a part of your minds must be with the golden light that is beside you, within you. This golden light will see you through many travails of your earth journey but remember that you are a personality which is developing into something brighter and that the love of God is within you. This love of God will help you to tune in to this golden glow that is always within you. You cut it off many times. You don’t realise that you are doing it but you do and unfortunately, your guides have to wait until you come round to that mood, that mental condition where you realise that you have not thought about your Lord today. You have not thought. So, I want to say to all of you, those in this room, those listening in Spirit and those who may read this prayer, walk with God. That means that within you, you can tune in to this golden light that is always there and once you do that, you have no problems because they are eased for you. You go through them but they are not as bad as you think they will be because the golden light opens the way for you. As it does so, within your hearts, feel the love of God. Ask yourself whether you have enough faith, enough trust. I ask humbly that you will be helped to be able to tune into these wonderful waves that are always there to help you. Let faith lead your life, and trust. Trust when something upsetting comes to you, difficult things, then turn to the Light within you. Lift yourselves up to the moon at night where it shines its silvery glow. This silvery glow forms a cloak of silver around you making you peaceful, happy and tuned in to all that is good. Then you have the sun, the glorious sun that shines in a glowing orb of warmth and rays that will give you a cloak of gold and in this cloak of gold you feel secure. You know that you can live your earth life because of the support, the love that this cloak gives you. So don’t you see – it is symbolic really to say that you have the true elements within you if you would only raise yourselves up and say: Lord my God you walk with me in all the difficulties that I encounter on the earth. When you are at the end of your term of office and service –you never are at the end but I refer to this life – you can go into Spirit knowing that you have kept pace with the Lord thy God and when you look upon your life, you will be able to say that you have done your best, that you have indeed made many mistakes but the Lord God has helped you to see a different way.

I am telling you this to lift you as you have to go on the road of what I call victory. A banner has got to be flying: I am here. I work for God. I have faith. I have trust and because I work with God, I tune in all the time. Not once but many times each day tune in and say ‘Father, I know you are with me’, and then go on with your earthly jobs. All of you are protected. All of you are guided by your wonderful guides. I want you to use your imagination and ask yourselves what it is that you most desire. What is it that you would love to have. Whatever it is, picture in your minds that you have it. Not only do you have it, but you are living it. Imagination is the tool of Spirit and imagination will carry you into the greater depths of Spirit.

Now, enough has been said. It is in the Glory of the Father that I speak in His name and those who are with me and those who wish to speak, they too are glorifying the Great, Great Father of All. Think of the great, glorious sun that is always shining bright and golden. Think about the silver cloak and the golden cloak. One will give you upliftment of spirit and other will give you peace. God bless you my children of the Spirit working the earth, working with God. God bless you. God keep you forever in His Light.

Sister Julia added: A great surge of power goes up and encircles you, encircles those that listen and those in the room.


14th May, 2013 - Know truly that The Great Father abides in you and all will be well – you have nothing to fear.

My beloved children, I am here. You know I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. I come today because there is a message I wish to bring to all those who read the words and also those who listen in Spirit. I bring to you peace, peace of mind. Many of you live in confusion of mind, as at the moment, the earth is full of confusion, full of negative conditions but to each one of you separately, Spirit would say be at peace, beloved children. Lift up your hearts and have trust and faith in the Great Spirit of All. If you have this faith, this trust, all will be well. You will be led along the pathways through the confusion. Confusion becomes at times lack of faith, lack of trust. One can say, yes, I have faith, I have trust but true faith is when you feel and say, Father, You abide in me and all will be well. Then you will feel no confusion within yourselves because you know that your life will be laid out for you. You will be helped with whatever difficulties you are facing within yourselves. The Lord God is with you as a bright light so when you feel unhappy, confused, silently turn towards the light within. It will guide you. It will lift you and it will show you the way. So often you shut down and tune into negative forces which are indeed enjoying the role that they are playing at the moment. Positive thinking is all because positive thinking is the good, the good in each one of you. So rise up and say I am looked after, I have nothing to fear for the Lord God and the Light that he shows us is within us.

With all our hearts and souls we wish to lift you. There is such a wonderful peace that comes to you. Open yourselves. Be quiet, be still. Don’t think to yourself that you are not as you should be – ‘I should feel this, I should feel that, I should, I should, I should’. No. All you have to do is to be quiet. Do you not think that the Great Spirit of All knows how you feel, what you want? But how can you begin knowing these riches of the spirit if you are in turmoil in your mind? There are some people who would have a modicum of peace within them but they lean towards the negative by what they read and what they hear. Little ones, you are not of the earth. You are of Spirit and have come down to earth – we must remind you and within yourselves you have personalities which contain the good and the negative. Good is the positive and bad is the negative. What we want you to do is to walk with God, have Him within your mind constantly – in a corner of your mind as you do your daily work. Then, whoever you talk to and whatever you do, that light is there to cope with whatever needs arise.

Be aware that the negative conditions of the earth rise up towards the planets. This negativity affects the planets so they look to the earth plane, planet earth, and are very wary of what’s going on within the earth. We live on earth, so don’t you see little ones who hear and read these words, those in Spirit, don’t you realise that your light is so important. The way you think, the way you walk this life is important. Turn towards us in Spirit and we will help you. We will give you the support you need when you get drawn into the negative side of yourselves, giving you unhappiness and confusion. When you are confused, remember that it is the negative side of you that is taking hold. Draw back from all that and say, I am positive, I am Spirit and I am tuned in to the wonderful Spirit of All which is the golden light, the golden orb that sends these rays to you to comfort you, to love you, to lift you. You yourselves will develop a brighter light if you face the negative side of your nature. You will find that you will be lifted higher and higher, that the Light will absorb you and peace will be with you and with your soul at all times. Because of the peace that will develop within you due to the positive nature and the light, you will find that you will be able to give others that light, that comfort. Oh yes, you all need comfort. You all need arms around you to hold you. The Great, Great Spirit has the greatest arms of all. They will surround each one if you will open yourself and call upon Him. Say Father, I am in need and the spirit guides around you, your helpers, will indeed help and guide you.

I will end my prayer this day to say to all of you, be still. Know that you are God because the rays of Almighty God come through – they are part of you – and you will find you will be guided. Strength by strength you will walk the spiritual path but without faith, trust in the Great Spirit of All, you will be in confusion. God bless you all. You are in God’s care and also in the care of the guides around you. If you ask them for help, help will be given. Father of The Light and The Love, the Great Power of All, send your blessings upon those who read and those who listen on earth and in Spirit, God bless you. God keep you forever in His loving arms this day and forever.



21st May, 2013 - Don’t be dragged down into negative conditions – be strong, valiant, true – that is what you are here for!

Beloved children, I come today to talk to you and all who will read these words, to tell you that this is the time for faith and trust. This is the time when we are gathering the lights that are burning brightly, those who look upwards to their higher selves. We need the light at this moment. We have needed the light for a very long time from each one of you and we have spoken to you many times within the prayers to tell you how important it is that you give out love and light to the earth, the world you are actually living in. People at this time are going through a tremendous upheaval, physical, emotional and spiritual and the light is needed more than ever. For those who are in pain, for those who find that their hearts are torn asunder by the happenings around them, say to them that they are in God’s care. We in Spirit give love and those on earth who have lifted themselves up to a higher plane whilst living on earth are also sending out light to those in need, those who are unable to tune in because of the power and shock of all that is happening.

May my words go out in the name of The Great, Great Spirit. He is there with you. He is there to support each one. We are all pebbles on the beach. So many of us. Thousands of us all over the world. We are all souls symbolically spoken of as pebbles on the beach. But I say to you that each one of these pebbles is in God’s care. Each soul is in God’s care. So with all that the earth is going through at this present time, love comes to give you courage and to help you realise that all that is happening is not God’s work. God is love. God is hope. God is peace. God is courage and tolerance to all things. Much that is happening is not God’s will, it is the work of man. Over centuries past, there has been building up a big vortex of negative conditions which are now coming to pass. They have been man-made so now the good, gracious Father is picking up the pieces that man has made. Each one who is in sorrow, each one who turns to us for help and love, they will receive it in great abundance for we will support you, love you, lift you and give a balm to the earth itself to sooth its aching heart. The soul of the earth has also been hurt by man’s endeavours. So this morning this is a prayer of love and to gather in the lights that are there to help mankind, to enable mankind to go forward into the future.

All experiences are indelibly written on your soul and as you go on now through this life, so it will be. Little ones, be hopeful. Turn to us and say ‘I need you, I need you, I need you’ and we are there to help you and to take you through the dark tunnels that exist on the earth plane at this moment. This is a serious prayer because the children of the earth need so much help. Volunteers from the higher planes have come into the world at the moment. That is their job – angels who are mixing with in with the people of the earth giving a message of love, with acts of bravery, courage, teaching people how to lift themselves up into a higher plane of thought. So – you who listen, you who read these words, remember, nobody is forsaken for you are in God’s loving care.

All that remains for me today, my children, is to ask you to help by sending light, sending love to the earth with great compassion in your hearts. The earth needs love. All living things need love. So send your thoughts out both to planet earth and to the children living within it. With God’s blessing, God’s love, peace and upliftment of the souls on earth, may the Light go forward, may it shine and may people be drawn upward to the wonderful higher self, which is the Divine Spirit. All these experiences will lead you to the upper regions of life, compassion and peace. God bless you. In the name of Jesus I will end my loving prayer. 



4th June, 2013 - Great, great souls in Spirit come near to the earth with their brilliant light to lift you.

God bless you. You know I am Sister Julia. Gabrielle is here, too. I come today with love for you. If you could see the gold, the blue, if you could see the glorious silvery light that is around you and around the world, if you could see the love that is sent out to you to lift you…. for we love you, each one of you. Do we not guard you? Do we not help you when you ask for help? We are with you. We help to lift you, to smooth the shadows away. We are here.

I ask you and those who read the words to have faith. Faith, trust. They have been mentioned so many times – love, faith and trust. To have faith it means that you know that all will be well but to have trust means that no matter what you do, wherever you go and whatever the circumstances in your life, you will have trust in the Great, Great Spirit of All, as we all do. We trust in His love and the glory that it gives each one of us. So many of these wonderful souls have stopped their progress in Spirit to help you, to give you a message. The message is to be of service to the Great Spirit and to realise what it means when we say: ‘Father, Thy will be done’. Obey that will in your mind and know that you are here to do the good work that you have been sent to do. We have been assisting you. So many of us are assisting so many people of the earth to lift, to guide but we do ask for faith and trust.

Go forward in your day thinking of one important thing, that one part of your mind is a part of God, part of love. What is love? Love is the giving, love is the uplifting, love is the sympathy and the longing to sooth those around you. Love is like a balm. It covers you like a cloak. So remember this in the quietness of the moments that you can spare during the day. I say ‘spare’ as we shake our heads because you have time for other things, my lovely children of the earth but sometimes, but you don’t give enough time to us. And remember, this is your home and this is where you will come back to – home. You are only on earth as visitors, only there to do a job of work for the Great, Great Father of All. This you forget and this I wish you to remember, that you are here for a purpose and also that you are here to try to clear some of the karmic debts that you have built up through the eons of time and which you now bring them back into this life and pray that you do not build up more for yourselves. The karma will come in memories. The karma will come to allow you to remember things, most importantly the things you have to forgive and particularly that you must have compassion. I would like to say to you, though it may sound hard, that when you ask us for help, we don’t take that karma away from you but we do help you through it. We help you to think differently, your attitudes will change. Don’t you see, we are as much a part of your life as you are part of ours. Our dedication goes to all of you on this earth plane as we are here to help you to lift yourselves higher on the road along which you travel. Really and truly, it is a wonderful upliftment. Tune in to light and remember that each of you has this beacon of light within you. Try to remember not to get too low. Just look at the sun if you cannot think of the light.

Do you see that what I am trying to do today is to give you a sense of what you are and what you have come to the earth for. To remind you of the work that you have promised to do. To remind you that you are only here, though you may not think so, for a short while and then you go back home. I would like you then to look back over your life and say ‘yes, I did that, I was able to do it’, and to feel glad that you have done your best. But it is because you have asked for our help and because we have helped you. Remember, you are here to give love and peace to those who are heartbroken, those who do not know how to cope with their earth lives. All your thoughts, all your love goes right out to them to lift and help them – remember that light that you have within you. The more you tune into it, the brighter it becomes.

Now, enough has been said but love your planet earth, love the nature that tries so hard to grow against the chemicals that go into it. You are here for preparation, preparing the way and we are helping you to do so. God’s love is within each one of you and we stand beside you give a blessing to all of you and say to the Great, Great Spirit thank You, thank You. Teach us humility. Teach us to bow down before you and say ‘Father, thank You’. So, a blessing is given not only to you but to the earth itself to uplift. Great, great souls in spirit come near to the earth with their brilliant light to lift you and to help you to go forward. So, children, I say God bless you. We are there. Remember, we are there.


11th June, 2013 - Do you know what it means to ‘walk with God’?

I am Sister Julia, and Gabrielle is here. Oh, beloved children, how we long to hold you in our arms, like a mother would with a child. It will be better. It will be better. All your earth lives you will be helped, whatever the circumstances, the experiences that you go through – we are there, waiting to help you. Children that have this divine light within them, you all have this light, you know.

When we say ‘walk with God’, do you know what this really means, walk with God? It means that during the day you recognise that the glorious light and sun is within you and during the day, even a minute or second of thought towards that light is enough to connect, then go on with what you are doing. Further through the day, think about the light and connect once again. We ask you to connect yourselves throughout the day to your higher self. It takes one second of your time but this constant connection will mean that you are walking in light. That is walking with God for your higher self is the God within you that will lead you, help you, strengthen you and we, the beloved workers around you, are always here to help you to overcome the difficulties that you go through during this earth life. But you did choose it, you know. All this, you chose. You said ‘yes, I will be able to do that – yes, I will do this, I will be strong’. But you see, when you enter into the earth’s atmosphere and you grow up in that atmosphere, sometimes the promises and assurances that you felt have faded away. So, we are here to remind you, to tell you to go forward now in your life.

Spare a thought for those who are not on the same plane as yourself. There are so many people now who are not quite ready to accept spiritual life. Therefore, they are not walking a spiritual path. They are open then to the lower forces in life but you of the light, you have knowledge. You have the opportunity of sending out rays of love and understanding and hopefulness that those not only around you but those around the world should be able to have an experience that will take them onto the road of spiritual development. You are not here for what I call enjoyment, but you are here to give a loving service. You are here to analyse yourselves, not too much but to go through the day asking yourselves whether you could have done better. If you can do this you will find that you will be able to eradicate any lower thoughts that may come to you or perhaps things that you feel you could have done better. You are on the road towards the light, towards the great, great, wonderful radiance that is within each one of you but you have to go through your experiences and overcome them because there can be no grey patches at all in your lives if you are giving, as you are, a service. So, to enable you to live a life where you see and feel happiness, you need to overcome whatever experiences you are going through. You can be happy because you are enfolded by God’s love, with our love, and we will always help you, lift you, take you a little further along the road.

This is a prayer of love because the Great, Great Spirit has you in His care and because you are in His care, it means that every step you take will be a firm one. You will walk proudly in this earth life because you are in the Father’s service. We love you, we protect you and we pray for you that you will overcome. Now, God bless you and may the Great, Great Father help you to understand the meaning, the true meaning of walking with God. God bless you, God keep you in His light for ever more. Amen.


18th June, 2013 - Remember who you are always – a child of The Great, Great Spirit.

God bless you my children. There is so much power here today. We bring that power to you to lift you and to help you. I want to take you on a journey and I want you to remember it. First, do remember that you are here for a purpose. It doesn’t matter what experiences you have had since you came to the earth. These are experiences that you can now overcome because you are having help to do so. The journey upon which I take you is a journey of love. Within that journey, you will find as you go along the pathway that it will become brighter and brighter and as it becomes brighter, so the very soul within you will surge upwards. As it rises through different levels of spirit, the light is there to guide you and you are given strength, courage, wisdom and knowledge that you will bring to the earth. That is the journey upon which I wish to take you.

I want you to understand not to mill over the things of the past – all things must be put aside, forgiveness given freely and lovingly because nothing must blunt the edges of your desire of service and your dedication. Children of the earth, lift your minds and your hearts and realise that you are part of The Divine and that each one of you has the light within. There are many upon the earth plane who have been working steadily helping all those who need the help to lift themselves up into the Divine source. Many things are happening to the earth at the moment, many things that require the light and so therefore, children of the light, gather together to make one great beam. Sweep away negative conditions so that you can go forward in God’s light and love. Remember who you are always: a child of The Great, Great Father, The Great, Great Spirit of All. When the soul feels the light, when the soul absorbs the golden orb of greatness which is love and giving, the happiness and light will lift you and make you feel free like a bird, for there is nothing, nothing that hurts you, nothing at all that impedes your pathway to love. Hold that in your minds, my children, for you will go upward and towards the Great, Great Light of All.

I say to you this, that each one has a duty, whether you know it or not, and you have come to fulfill that duty. The duty is faith. Faith. Trust. And when I say faith, I mean that you put yourself in the hands of The Great, Great Spirit and you say, as we have told you many times before, ‘Father, my life is yours. Help me please, to fulfill the purposes for which I have come to this earth. Help me to trust, my Father, that whatever happens, I know that I am being cared for, loved and cherished by those in Spirit for they always help us.’ So lift up your hearts, my children, this day. Remember who you are. You are indeed a child of The Great, Great Spirit and within each of you is a burning light, the higher self, that reaches out to lift you so you can feel the touch of the breeze of love that comes from such wonderful, wonderful light. That is all I have to say today for the message I have given you is so potent, so real. Remember you are Spirit. You are not of the earth. You are using an earth body. Command that body. Make it do what you want it to do. Turn it into the temple of the great love that you bring down from heaven to earth. Now, God bless you and keep you.                             

                                     *      *      *        

Sister Julia withdrew and, unexpectedly, a spirit who had made himself known to Joan some 35 years previously began to speak. He was a simple man with a great love of God and, as a slave, he had not been allowed to use his name, being known only by a number.

My name is Aberam. Aberam. Aberam. It’s nice to hear my own name on the lips.  Aberam. You will one day know who I am. You see, long ago I was a cotton worker and a slave but all the time that I was a slave, I used to say every day ‘Hallelujah, hallelujah as my Father, my God, is with me’. No matter how hard the toil was, how back-breaking it was, my Father was with me. So this is the message I am bringing to you today. Please have faith. Please let God guide you like He guided me. He is such a wonderful God. So wonderful. I’ve been in Spirit now for a very long time and I’ve learnt a great deal and that is why they have allowed me to come back and to say to you that I was a cotton worker but when I went to Spirit, because of my love and my faith and trust, it was so wonderful. I could not believe all these beautiful beings who were around me – it was so wonderful. So they have allowed me to come back and to tell you, speak to you about myself. You will remember me because I am Aberam. I was just a nobody once upon a time but I had faith and I had love and trust and no matter what hardships I went through as a slave, I knew that The Great Father was within me strengthening me, helping me. So that’s what I’m trying to say to you and everyone who listens to my words, I come with love and pray that you will reach that understanding that I reached on earth. Now God bless you. 



16th April, 2013 - A plea for the healers of the world to send out their light, now, that their joint lights will overcome conditions.

God bless you my children. As you know, I am Sister Julia and sister Gabrielle is here by my side. I speak to you today to remind you of the many prayers in which we have mentioned to you faith and trust. At the moment, we need your light. We need all the lights to go inward to the planet to reach the evil that is indeed there in many pockets of this world. Time and time again we have asked you, and again, we ask you to remember that you are Children of the Light and you are here to give light now more than ever as the lower forces gather together, bringing fear into the hearts of men and women. They have caused many, many disasters by the power of their evil. Therefore, I repeat what we have been asking all along – that you have faith and trust. You must lift up your hearts, go inward within yourselves and try to touch the golden orb that lies within. Try to catch the sunbeams that beam down upon you. Think of light and realise that by overcoming your personal fears, there is a great advantage as you will burn brighter. These are only words but they are words for all who come to listen and those who will read the prayer. We need your faith. We need your trust. Don’t you realise now that all you have to do is to turn inward, lift up your hearts and say: ‘Father, we are in your beloved care. What harm can come to us. We will try to, and will, overcome the fears that creep slowly into our minds’. There are so many forces at work around you but walk the path, walk in this light and say: Father, you are with me so no harm can come to me or mine. Lead me. I trust you’. Say these words within yourself and know that you walk in light. Nothing, nothing can touch you because you are in God’s loving care. We need light so badly now. We need that light to uplift the fear that mankind is going through, the tortuous things that are happening to people, causing despair and despondency. They feel that all is at an end but, little ones, it is not at the end because nothing is more powerful that the Lord Himself, the Great, Great Spirit. These are all lessons that you are learning. Know that the Great Father is there, trust Him and rely on His divine help. Leave it at that because whatever you want, whatever is for your safety, whatever – you are in God’s loving care and nothing can befall you will receive. To all people who may read these words, I say lift up your hearts even though you are in the middle of what I call a travesty. Say: ‘Father, lead me out of this. Lead me to the light. Help me’ and this is the help that we in Spirit will give you. Always we are there to lift you, to give to you.

Mankind is learning a bitter lesson from the dreadful things that are happening. However, we in Spirit can see a cleansing that is going forth through the world. Please realise that our Lord Jesus has many Sanctuaries. All over the planet there are people of the same mind as you. They think as you do. They want so much to lift the planet to a higher sphere. With your light and the way you think, overcoming fear as you know you are protected, your light will join with theirs and then, with the power and the love which Jesus is pouring down upon us all that we walk the path with faith and with the glory of His divine love for each one of you.

Peoples of the world, lift up your hearts, let the light shine before you because all is not lost. Allow all negative feelings to leave you because you have trust that the Lord God will look after you. Banish fear from your minds and when a sadness is within you, look up and ask that the Father helps you in your despair. Help will come to all His children who so ask. You must play your part and it is now that we are calling on you. Think differently. Do not think with fear. Think positively that you are walking the path before you that is shining, golden. The Lord God Himself is the power and the glory that will shine through each one of you. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost and may the Great, Great Spirit pour down upon each one on this earth, pouring down His love and upliftment to His children of the light everywhere. God bless you. Listen to your inner self, to the voice within and you will find that spirit will guide you, talk to you, lead you. Put ‘self’ aside. We do not need self. Not now. We need love, trust and also thoughts to go out into the world. Pour light from yourselves into the world to join other lights. God bless you, God keep you and lift you in the holy rays that come down from the upper reaches of love. I Am What I Am. Amen. 



2nd April, 2013 - Sit in quietude, apart from the chaos of the earth.

Beloved children, I come to greet you today. I come to tell you to keep on the path. It is very hard and stony, I know, and very difficult. I would like you to look within yourselves in quietude of manner. Be quiet and still. Sit for a moment. Allow yourselves to gather your thoughts together, push them from you and ask that we should please help you as you wish to be quiet. Because you are endeavouring to be quiet, we will then come around you, influence and help you. In that quietness you will find that you will be given the strength and serenity in which to walk the path. The world at the moment is chaotic and people are finding it very difficult to get their bearings. But you can sit quietly, look in to yourselves and lift yourselves to the Light that is within you. The Light is the most glorious thing of all and all it asks you to do is to sit quietly. You don’t have to do anything special. You simply need the willingness to sit. Be still and as you sit still you will find that your mind begins to quieten. You will feel the stillness and serenity that we are bringing to you. Oh my beloved children of the earth, if you could only see the glorious light that is within each one of you. We have asked you so many times to practice this quietness but now it is so very important. Very, very important. For when you sit quietly and we help you to rise into a more serene state of mind, you will feel the rays of your divine self, your higher self, the part of you given to you by the glorious Higher Spirit. When you feel these wonderful rays, you will find yourself feeling uplifted in your heart and you will begin to look at your life. You will ask Spirit to help you to have a different angle to your life, not to feel too low, to have patience, to be tolerant with yourself, to help you walk the path as you find it very difficult with the atmospheres that reach out to you from the world.

Oh children of the Light, so much can be given to you. So much is given to you but will you realise that with hearts full of love, we wait, always wait, for you to be quiet to allow us to be able to lift you. Now that is the message today. We have just gone through a most glorious time of Jesus. Jesus was the most wonderful, wonderful being who was at a very high level and so could reach up to the Christ consciousness and it is the Christ consciousness that we are endeavouring for you to reach. However, we need your co-operation. We need your willingness – for you not to say ‘I’m so busy, such a lot to do, no time’ BUT YOU MUST MAKE TIME because this is more important, more important than food and drink because Spirit is your substance. We give you that so that you can go along the path and open your minds. Don’t despair, don’t be low in spirit as we are with you. No matter how you feel, what is going on around you, we are there. Time and time again within these prayers, we tell you to lift up your hearts and as you do so, you lift up to Light and as you lift up to Light, you lift up to what I call the Holy Grail and you say ‘I am, I am, I am part of the love, part of the Great Spirit and I’m given strength today to do God’s work, to help those around me, to endeavour to develop my gifts by quietude and love’.

That is all I, Sister Julia, will say to you today. With God’s love that surrounds you always to help you, you are never, ever alone. All it needs is for you to tune in to us. We will always help you – not to take away your lessons but we will help you. God bless you. God keep you now and for ever more. Amen. 


19th March, 2013

Joan Channels first Sister Julia and then Mary - We are told once again how deeply loved and cherished we are by those in Spirit and that our stay here is only temporary.

I am Julia, as you know.  I always like to come through to greet you. The power is very strong here today and I’m going to stand aside as there is someone who wishes to speak to you.

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My children of the earth – you are not of the earth. You belong in a higher realm.  Sometimes you get so lost in earthly matters that you become earthly. But you don’t belong here. You have the Spirit Divine within you so say ‘I am Spirit. I am a visitor here. I am here because I am a messenger’. One of the messengers who have been sent to the earth with light – light to lift you all. Love your God with all your might and with all your soul and live a life that is godly. I am Mary and I have come to you to give love. Also I have come to shake you out of the vibrations that sometimes surround you. You are not of the earth but you come to the earth to give light love, to lift those around you - the many who need this kind of help. There are so many of you now on the earth plane. There are Angels of Light that have come voluntarily from the places where there is love and as they come into this dark world of yours, they are still shining brightly. They shine so brightly and that is what I want all of you to do. Shine brightly because this means that the love of God will now be able to work fully through you, as it should do. I said love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and that is what you have to think of because that is what you are. You are part of God. You must have faith. Remember that faith is God and when you have faith, you have God within you. Within your heart say ‘Lord of All, lead me because you are my God. Because you are within me, I will follow the path that you put before me’. Indeed, you have a path and it is set before you. There are things that you must do. You must enlighten, lift, this is your duty and what you have promised to do. You must acknowledge that you don’t belong here but as you are here, you will give the greatest service you can by having faith and trust. These two things are so important. I wish to lift you and remind you that the love of God is within each of you. Have faith. Walk with God. Believe in yourselves. Believe in the Great Spirit of All but remember this – you are not alone. You are never alone. We in spirit are always there. You have only to ask us for help and we will help you. When you fall we will lift you. When you have a problem we will try to sooth and help you. There is nothing that we cannot do to help you. Have faith. Have faith in us, we in Spirit, that we are here to help you along the path. You have to shift along, walk along a little more than you have been. You will be able to do so when you realise that you are a part of the Heavenly Father. His love is supreme, His joy in the arms that he puts round each one of you to lift you, to say ‘I am here. There is nowhere to go now – only to Me. And I am here waiting for you. So believe in Me. Believe in the good. Believe. Have faith. Have trust. Know that we in Spirit are there to help you every step of the way’.

May God’s love be with you all. May you be blessed and lifted into the Divine Light in which you all are. Draw away from the earth. All will be well. God bless you. God keep you. Trust in the Great Father that is within you.

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Sister Julia returned:

I end now the blessing that is given to you. We in Spirit hope that you will think about and feel these words and realise who you are. There is only a small portion of yourself on this earth. The larger portion is in Spirit and that is your higher self. So this small part is your personality, the personality which helps you live and ground yourself to the earth and its problems. Remember, the greater part of you is here so allow your personality to draw in light, love, trust and faith in yourselves. Go forward for the dear, sweet Mary has bought much power of love to each one of you. I am going to end on that note. Children of the Light, remember what has been said. God bless you.Julia added: Mary wants you to know – again and again and again we tell you – that you are loved. Deeply loved and cherished and she asks me to remind you that we are always by your side. 



12 March, 2013

May God bless you and keep you, shining and bright.

I smile upon each one of you. I smile because you are the children of Light and each time we pray and each time we draw close to you, we endeavour to make the light brighter. If you could only remember day by day that you are Spirit. We have said this many times before but remember that you are Divine Spirit. I want to draw your attention today, because you are Divine Spirit, to your bodies. Your body is the temple in which the Divine Spirit lives. If you can look upon your body and realise the service that it has given you through the years, no matter what befalls you, in sickness and health. Remember, it has done much to bring you to the point you are now at. I ask that you give love, warmth, understanding to the body that you are using as it has been a good servant to you. Embrace it. Love it and whatever is wrong with you, sit quietly and listen to what your body has to say to you. It will tell you if you are ill and why you are ill. It tells you when you are happy and why you are happy. Your body is trying to cope with the ills of the earth, the wear and tear that it has had to undergo over many years. Listen to its message and, believe it or not, the Divine Spirit within you will help you to know how to deal with bodily ills, how to lift, to heal and to appreciate the very fact that it has been a loving servant to you.

I want you, as you go through your days, to stop every now again and be aware of your thoughts. Thoughts cram into your head, one after another. Stop for a moment and tune in to see what you are thinking, what are your reactions, what has been said, because you can tune in to your feelings. They will tell you if you are happy, if you’ve done wrong, if you’re in pain – all feelings. It is feelings that I ask each of you to tune into. Find out how you feel and why. Don’t go through the day just doing what you can, helping where you can. It isn’t enough. You need to stop every now and again, tune in to your feelings and then you will begin to understand your reactions.  Think about what you have heard, whether it lifted you, whether it offended you. Be aware throughout the day, tune in to your feelings. At the end of each day, go through your thoughts. Has it been a good day? Have you tuned in to your thoughts during the day? You can decide if has been a good day or whether you would like it to have been a good day had you not been affected by…..  Be in tune with your fears. Be aware. It is this awareness that we are trying to develop within you. I am trying to help you to build up the spiritual tuning in to your feelings. This tuning in can tell you so much, like turning the tuning knob on your radio. Find your true self, what your true self thinks and if it is negative, you are able to do something about it, deal with your feelings in a positive way. Don’t you see, you are climbing a spiritual path.  That is where we are leading you – upwards. And as you go upwards, you will find that, as you have read, the flower begins to open. As you go up, the flower glistens and attracts the great, great rays of the beloved souls who are on a higher plane, who come to help you. These words are to help you to go along the pathway and let your heart be opened. Say ‘Father, I trust You, I have faith in You. Lead me because I am open to Your Divine Light’. Then the rays that come to you will be always in your heart and when you are faced with a dilemma, don’t worry, don’t send out negative thoughts. Simply know that you are in God’s care. Often I have said this to you. You are in God’s care and His loving vibrations fill you with the power that all is well. And all IS well for you have faith and trust.

To return to today’s theme, be aware of your feelings. Love your body. It needs love. Sometimes people reject the body and it is unfair to do this, especially if problems are happening within. It needs love and care and to speak to you, knowing that you are listening. Remember also the Divine within you. As you go up, tuning in to your feelings, you will find that you will become much better at controlling your thoughts. Walk with God. Do you not see that you walk with God? You are walking with a love that surpasses all words. Be still and know that the power of love, the golden rays from the wonderful souls above are reaching out to you. God’s Light. Open your heart and your mind to them and be determined to overcome the negative side of yourself. Help will be given always.

Now, beloved children of the Light, a great blessing comes from above to bless each one of you in your journey upward where we await you with love. Trust us. Have faith in the Great, Great Spirit of All. So, along with the wonderful souls who come to lift you and to lift the world, I end my loving prayer to each one of you. May God bless you and keep you shining and bright. 



26th February, 2013 - Walk with God, without fear.

God bless you, my children. I am Sister Julia. It is with love in my heart that I come again to remind you that you are loved and cared for. We lift you into another dimension and we pray that by walking with God, walking with one part of your mind always in the Light, which will guide you – there is nothing to fear. Open your hearts and walk with Light. The Light is the Great, Great Spirit of All. There is nothing to fear and even with the deepest secrets sealed in your subconscious mind, there is still nothing to fear because as each of you face the darkest times, we are with you to lift and help you. But please, you must face the darkest places of your minds. Lord, help us please to go forward always in the divine Light that surrounds us. Each of you sends out that divine Light to each person who comes for healing. Remember you are never, ever alone. We are with you. So, with this prayer of love, upliftment, my word is always walk with God. God bless you. 


19th February, 2013 - A prayer of love, forgiveness and upliftment.

Beloved children, I have come today to talk to you about love. Do you know what love really is? Do you know the real feeling of love? Do you know the light and brightness that it truly gives to those around you and also that when you send thoughts out to the world and mankind, love goes out in all directions because its light is so pure. So when you think of love and try to be love, think of light.

Most of all, learn to forgive. Forgiveness comes from the heart. And you cannot walk the path if you have a grudge or an unforgiving feeling within you because you halt your progress. Look into yourselves and say ‘I am love and because I am love, I forgive. I forgive myself the secrets in my mind and ask that they come forward that I may deal with them’. Ask also that you can tune in to the Light within you and remember that that Light within is a part of the Great, Great Spirit. We have to remind you that it is a great privilege to be near this wonderful Light. With that privilege there will come your worthiness to get nearer because you have tried to overcome the dark shadows that are locked into each of your minds. Try to lift those shadows so that when you walk the path, you are walking steadily towards this divine Light that awaits you. If only you could see the glory and the beauty and the colour, the love, forgiveness – all things are within this beautiful Light. Indeed, as the Light enters you and you get closer, you will find that joy, peace and love in abundance are around you.

Now you are endeavouring to overcome those shadows. Try to rest yourselves in peace so that we can come to you. We have said this so many times. Be quiet because only when you are quiet and still within yourselves are we able to carry you forward along your path. Only then can we advise you, help you, lift you. Be still and allow us to do that as there are times in your lives when you are so busy. It only takes a moment of time to be still and to let everything go – stand still, be quiet and let spirit help you. Try to gather many moments like that during the day. Let all thoughts go from you. Let the water flow under the bridge and for that moment in time, hear the trickling sound it makes as it goes over the boulders of life. Remember that water is life. Think about the stream that carries you along as you draw nearer to the Light. Know that we endeavour always to help you when you reach life’s boulders. Think, little ones. Think. Think. Think. Look into yourselves. Do not sink into the mire of dark thoughts. Think of the stream. Think of the sweetness of the sound as it tumbles its way away, away, towards the Light.

Let love spring from the heart within you. Go forward with spirit in your heart and remember that what is ahead of you is the Light of love, giving, graciousness of spirit. Great love encompasses you, each one, as the spirit of the Lord is with you.  Walk with God. Let a part of your mind be tuned in to God’s Light. Go about your daily duties but remember that there is a part of your mind that can always tune in to the Light.

I will leave you with love and with a prayer that will uplift you and take you towards the Light that is ahead of you. May the blessings of our Good Lord, through the offices of our lovely Jesus, who is ever there bring you help, strength and peace of mind. God bless you, my children. May the Light be with you now and forever more.



29th January, 2013 - Remember that God’s Light is within – Work to learn the lessons you have undertaken to learn during this incarnation.

(As you may know, at the start of each Tuesday’s healing sessions at Sylvan Sanctuary, the vibrations in the healing room are lifted by a lovely prayer, channeled by Joan. On this occasion, the second being who came though spoke with such emotion and joy – I only wish that this could be conveyed to you via the written word).

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God Bless you. I am Sister Julia. I have come to prepare the day. Someone else wishes to speak to you. 

Bless you, my children. For you are my children, you know. We look after you and we take you along the difficult paths of the earth. We are never far away from you and with the quietness of your minds, you can call and we will come to be with you.  Whatever problem you have, we are signposts for you, though you have to take responsibility for yourselves. We help you and guide you.

I want you to realise that though one speaks of ‘the light’, do you know what it really means? The Light is the flame that burns within you. It burns with radiance and with love, joy, happiness and is the wonderful part of you that is the God that has been given to you, His children. The day will come for you to reach the point when you can feel the power and the glory of the Father, for the Father is within you. My children, walk the path of Light and know that you are going through certain lessons that you must learn. There must be a cleansing of the spirit, a cleansing of the mind so that you are able to take steps forward but to do that, you must experience the lows of the earth. Nevertheless, you will also experience the highs of Spirit. For every difficult path that you tread, at the end there is always upliftment. We are with you and we will protect you but we ask that you go through your lessons and turn yourselves inward to your Light.

Remember that the Light is the glorious, glorious Power of All. It is something for you to aim for, to work for. Something to make you say ‘I want to be Spirit on earth, to live Spirit, to experience the joys that Spirit can give me’. But children, you must earn it and the way you earn it is to give time to Spirit, to sit for even fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. It has been said through the many, many sages who have spoken through time – give time to Spirit and due to the time that you give, you will begin to make a channel through which you can draw closer to Spirit, through which we can help you more, lift you more, give you more. But the main thing that you must do – you must work with God. You must indeed have the power of thought that you know that the power of the Great Father is with you no matter what you do, no matter what you go through. Turn your faces inward and be aware that God walks beside you.  God is the energy, the supreme energy, of all but to bring yourselves, my children, to the point of experience of the love and the joy that lie ahead of you, you must go through the earthly issues. That’s what you are here for. For that you said ‘yes, I will do this’. Remember, these are the promises that you gave. Now you must try harder.  Whatever is in your life that makes you unhappy, or if you have no regard or a low opinion of yourselves, you must throw these thoughts on one side because it is not the truth. It is only the lower vibrations giving these thoughts. Go forward into Light, because that is all there is for you. Learn what you can in this incarnation, in whatever body you may be in. You have the Godly Spirit within you.

Now lift up your hearts this day and remember that you are all members of the Light.  You must remember it. So you work steadily, doing what you can of your earthly duties but whatever comes into your life, never have a negative thought of fear, because that won’t do, will it!

You must go now with the knowledge that you are helped up to a point but that you must continue with the lessons before you. So, beloved children, although it sounds hard, think of the goal ahead: to live this earthly life tuning in to Spirit and the high borns who come down to the earth – so many of them are there helping you. You are not alone. Before I go this day, my beloved children, I say: walk with God. God bless you.

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Sister Julia. It is with honour that I have been chosen to close this prayer. God bless you. 


8th January, 2013

God bless you this morning, my children. This is Sister Julia and I come to greet you for the New Year. I have come to ask you all to please lift up your hearts. Lift yourselves to God’s light. What can happen to you? You are In God’s care, you are in our care. We care for you. We look after you. All of you. Lift yourselves to the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful light now coming in to the planet. It is coming in with love and understanding. Think about this light, make an extra effort to lift yourself towards the light within you and say: ‘Father, it is thy will. I am in your beloved service and therefore, I will do my best’. Above all, as I have said before, no fearful thoughts! Do not entertain fear. When you feel it coming over you, that fear inside, take no notice of it and bring the light into your mind. Let it glow over this shivering lower self. It can’t win. All the lower things will fade away. They cannot survive against the love and light that is within each one of you.

I want to tell you that the little ones who are coming into our world now are extremely intelligent. They come into the world to lift it and to lead it. Not only the little ones to be born but also the ones who are already starting their life on earth. There are also old souls who have come as fore-guards who may be young adults now in your earth years. They are the ones who are going to light beacons all over the world and in the light of these beacons, these little children will be nourished, helped, cared for until they are ready to do the work of the Great, Great Father. The little ones who are coming in are going to be what I call the army of the future. They, led by the light of the beacons, will lead those on earth into a higher form of life. So – you see what is going on, but now let us come to you yourselves.

There is nothing to fear. You must be aware of the way you feel, your attitude to certain situations. You may be hurt, you may be weary of life. That’s all right because we will help you, step by step, and you will be strong enough to turn to the light.  Each will have his own different experiences but stand up, be fearless and let the angels of light lead you. You know, when we look at you, we can see you’re struggling and we say to you be still, be still. Know that you are God. Be still. Be peaceful and quiet. We will come and help you, lift you and guide your steps on the path you are traveling. There’s a great deal of love in Spirit for those who are here – each with your own gifts, which you give willingly, with love. We work upon the love that you give to your fellow man. That love makes it much easier for us to work with you. Never ever demean yourself in any way. Say to yourselves: I am a messenger from the heavens. I am in a body. I am Spirit and because I am Spirit, I command and because I command, I will see that all things will be all right.

Now, Children of the Light, remember that you are Light. You give out peace, love.  Each of you does this, as do those others who are listening, who will heed my words.  From the Great, Great Father, this love, this power, is bringing to the earth a new era and as it goes forward, the path will be smoothed, the lower vibrations will be got rid of. As the Divine Light goes forward, it will make a golden pathway ahead of you. Behind you, seeds will be sown of love, peace and beauty and only good things will come to mankind. Some things have to be cleared for this golden era to come forth that will lift you all. There will be gladness in your hearts and joy. You will feel that the gifts are renewed and more gifts will come.

So this day, I came with a message. I have made sure that you heard this message.  God bless every one of you. Remember, each of you, that your guides surround you, helping you. You don’t always feel as if you are battling but at the moment, yes, so be careful, careful of your thoughts, your attitudes towards people and when you are unsure, sit quietly, be quiet and ask for help. Help will come. Now to the glory of God, the glory of all His wonderful workers that surround the earth plane – the light they bring surrounds the earth and glows magnificently, as the light within you glows magnificently. My message today is for you to go forward, be strong, be brave. We are here. We are here. May God bless each one. May you tread the golden path ahead of you and may the love of God shine brightly within the hearts of each one of you. Amen. From Julia and Garbrielle. Amen. 



The last prayer of 2012 - 18th December, 2012

God bless you. As you know, I am Sister Julia and also Sister Gabrielle is with me. I want you, please to be quiet and still in your minds. Open your hearts. There is someone who wishes to speak to you so I will withdraw for the moment. Just wait one moment…

I bring love to you because I am love. I bring joy to you, for I am joy. I come into your presence today because I come with love. There are so many in the world today that are in despair. Some souls are wounded. Some try so hard to get help but they don’t know how. So I’m here today to give love. This love will go out from this building and into the world in which you live. I come with great blessings from above. I come to lift up your hearts and to renew you, to renew your spirits, to give blessings of love to your weary souls. I want to gather you in my arms and hold you tight to me. But remember, there is a light within each one of you that will also do this, if you will allow it.

I ask that you give moments of your time so that the great love that is there can embrace you, lift you, help you. I am here today to give love to all – to those in Spirit who are, shall we say, nervous and worried as they are not yet quite with us but are still part of the world. These souls will be embraced with love and shown the way.  The little ones that are on your minds at the moment have passed from the earth into the spirit world. I assure each of you that they are loved and protected and these little ones, as I think has been mentioned before, are taken to the garden of flowers and there they will breath in the scents of the flowers. This will help them to forget. When that has been done, we take them to a place of peace and healing until they are ready to come into Spirit life, where we will make them whole. Bear in mind that their care is indeed of prominent importance.

I would like to say to you all, when you are down and depressed, sit and open yourselves. Feel the fragrances of the soft breezes that come to you. These fragrances will enter your being, your soul and will heal, help and lift you because they are love, and love has fragrances which are so enchanting and lovely. You see, we live in light and love. I am trying to bring you the light that is here. Each of you has a guardian angel and, as you know, that angel has a light which is so beautiful and all you have to do is to think about it, turn towards it, and you will find that whatever is worrying you will be lifted. This is a special day at the Sanctuary, which is why I have come to speak to you. Because it is special, the light goes up and out and as it does so, it meets the vibrations of all other Sanctuaries which are sending out the light of love. The angels have come down to the earth plane to lift you, to help us through the age in which you will be living. You will have their help and the help of the light within you because life is indeed going to change. It will change for the better but because you have to change, and you will feel it within yourselves. It may confuse you, make you wonder what is happening as you don’t ‘feel yourself’. No, you are not yourself because there is a new you beginning to develop within and we and your guardian angels and angels of light are helping you to make this change. The glory of the earth that is to come is beautiful, with rainbows of light pouring down upon every soul, so I want indeed for those who are reading these words and those who are in hearing distance to remember that only good now can come. So accept the changes that are within you and within the world. No matter what you hear or what you see, remember that The Great, Great Spirit of All is in charge of all this and because of that, all will be well. Now, I come with love, with my deep and loving blessings not only for you but to those who have listened and to those that read the words. Before I go, I can tell you that my name is Mary. God bless.

I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is still with me. There is nothing that I can say because a great blessing has been given not only to you and those in Spirit but also to those who read the written word. God bless you. Be happy. God bless you. 



27th November, 2012

God bless you. As you know, I am Sister Julia but I stand aside for the time being as Joseph wishes to speak to you.

Joseph: Beloved children of the earth, you carry a light within you and this light will sustain you, help you, strengthen you. What I have to say today to you is this: you are in God’s loving care but there is something in the holy order of things that needs to be said. Within your minds, you have a door that you have locked very securely on the memories of your past. Now and again, certain memories come to the surface and you shy away from looking at them. Little ones of Light, face your fears. Face what you have locked away in the subconscious mind. Face your fears knowing full well that each one has a Guardian of Light standing beside you. When you face the various memories, certain will upset you. However, the light that is coming now to the earth has an energy. It is reaching you now, at this moment, and you know this because you are feeling disturbed, that all is not quite right. That is because the energy is upsetting everything and pushing away the negative conditions that are on the earth. So now, Children of Light, please face your fears because you cannot allow the negative feelings that you have about things that have happened in the past. The lower self will try very hard to hang on to these memories, giving you negative conditions and a fear of facing your memories. You have to face them now as the energy of light traveling over the earth must be met by each one of you who has the Light within.

For Spirit’s sake and your own, we want to see our Children lift themselves and be brave. Whatever comes to mind, face it and accept that whatever happened in your childhood or since, the feelings that you had then no longer appertain to who you are now. You are a Child of Light and therefore nothing will upset you – especially when you know that you have a Guardian beside you who you can turn to. They can lift you and help to erase the turbulent emotions that are within you.

It’s a very big thing that I say to you today – big because it’s so important that you realise that the change that is indeed upon the earth at the moment is going to affect you and therefore any negative conditions within you – not just you but all who are listening –  will mean that your light will not become brighter. The light within you must get brighter and by casting off negative conditions locked away in your subconscious, it will do so. If you find it difficult when certain memories come back to you, turn to the Angels of Light beside you and ask for help. Help you will have and bit by bit you will find that these negative conditions will come to the surface. Beloved Children of the Great, Great Spirit, the Light is there on and in each of you but realize that it should be brighter to meet the energy, the light that is coming in. As you lift yourselves, push away the negative. Send out for your Angel of Light, who will help.

This is my message today. Know that you are loved beyond measure. We know your troubles and we do try to help you but much comes from your past and the time has come to stand up and face this as the negative within eats away at you, throwing out shadows. You don’t want those dark shadows, negative forces, so be brave so that you are purified. When the time comes, you will then be ready to receive the energy as it draws near you. You see, you all have the will power to say to yourselves that you don’t want the negative, that you want to live within the Great Spirit’s love and energy. With that self-will within, you can banish the shadows that try so hard to keep you in a state of fear and misery. You see, you cannot have fear as fear will darken the light within you.

Remember what I have said to you as we love you so dearly. We are here to help you no matter what. Your Guides are with you but this special Guide, the Guide of Light, is beautiful and surrounded by glorious light. The Angel, with a click of her fingers, (I say her but you may think of your Angel as he or she) can rid you of your torment. But you have to work on yourselves. Now, I am going to leave you. Be at peace with yourselves. You can be – just trust more. Trust the Great, Great Spirit. Trust and love and know that you will be cared for but do this thing that I have asked. It will not happen all at once. It will be a process that you go through but remember the Angel of Light and that we are here caring for you and leading you. Polish up that beautiful lamp that is within you. Let there be no clouds – these only come from the lower forces that do not leave when they feel they have a safe haven within you. Cast them out. Cast out fear. You will be given strength to do this, I promise you. Now there is a very wonderful light coming from above. The colours are so beautiful. They are radiant. From the great, radiant white light come the hues of blue, green, purple and turquoise and the silver that comes shimmering down. That is the glory of healing and beauty that is around you. It will help you. So, the Great, Great Spirit loves his children. He wants to raise you up so that you can take His energy within yourselves. May God bless you and remember you are loved, each one. I’ll make way now for dear Sister Julia. God bless you.

Sister Julia then returned to close the prayer: Well my little ones, that was quite a speech, wasn’t it. I bless you in God’s name. Remember that we are always here to care for you because we love you. God bless you. Also from Gabrielle. 



20th November, 2012

God bless you. I am Sister Julia and Sister Gabrielle is with me. This morning, I want you to be quiet in your minds and I want to take you to a place. You are standing at the top of a hill looking out far and wide at the beauty around you. Below, you can see a little village. On the right is a river. As you look to the left and lift your hearts and minds, the sun is just rising slowly for it is early morning. You stand quietly, letting all your cares float away and as you do this, you are listening. You can hear the call of the shepherd gathering and leading his sheep to new pastures. He calls to them:  ‘Come my beauties, come for I am looking after you. If you stray, I will find you, Go forward’. He calls to each one and they look round to him with love and trust because they do trust this wonderful leader, shepherd of the hills. As he shepherds the sheep forward, the sun is still rising and you begin to feel its warmth. Be still, be quiet. Can you not hear the chiming of a bell? Is not the bell soft and silvery in tone? In the stillness of your minds, hear this sweet, beautiful sound. As you listen, this silvery sound goes deep within you into your heart and soul. It uplifts you and you think how wonderful is that feeling. As you feel the warmth of the sun, look to the right at the rippling and sighing of the river. You stand in God’s grace and as you do so and listen with the ear of spirit, you hear other sounds, too – the lowing of the cattle as they move to graze, the twitter of the birds as they fly through the trees and you think ‘Oh glory be, Father, for Your love.’

You find now beside you two glorious Angles of Light. They whisper to you telling you that they are always with you, always giving you love to lift and help you. They are Angels of Light and they walk with you. With that, they fade up and away. The time now comes for you, too, to descend the hill. There is a pathway. Down you go towards the river. As you near the river, you hear the tumbling of the water as it ripples over the stones. You hear it splash. From each little splash you see wonderful colours coming forth and as you get nearer, you hear a song coming from the river. You listen and become uplifted as it’s all so wonderful. You need to cross the river via a little bridge. You touch the stones of the bridge and become aware of the wonderful feeling coming from them. You are given an explanation for this wonderful feeling for the villagers, each in their turn, have brought a stone until the bridge was completed. You cross to the middle of the bridge where you become aware that the bridge is called ‘love’. You feel uplifted, gloriously happy. You cross to a gate, go through it, shut it, turn away from what you have seen. Then, wake for this is your day, for you to begin. Start with light, love and determination that you will pass on that light that you drew from the Angels to bring happiness and joy to all you meet and all you heal.

God bless you. This has been a wonderful upliftment for you all. God bless you. 



13th November, 2012

Children of The Light, I speak not only to you but to those who are listening as well.  As you know, I am Sister Julia.  I want to tell you today that the Light is always around you – we call you The Children of Light, but I want you to realise that although the Light is around you, sometimes you don’t draw it to you. When you wake up in the morning, I would like you to use your imagination and see in your mind the Light around you. See it glowing bright, strong and then go about your daily routine. Remember always that it is through your imagination that we are able to work to talk to you, to help you and to give you visions – all this in your imagination.  The Light is with you all day so from time to time, see it around you in your imagination because by carrying that thought with you through the day, whatever negative conditions that may be around you will disperse – those negative conditions eagerly waiting to change your attitude and mind. Spiritual Light is all around you and I want you not only to know it but to think of it by using your imagination. Then the shadows cannot stand against the brilliance that is within you. Remember that love which comes from us to you and that we are always beside you to lift you and help you - but I humbly ask that you help yourselves, as well.Whatever disappointments occur in your life, I want you to accept. Say to yourself that you have the Light around you, that it will help you accept disappointments and difficulties. Remember that the Light that is within you shines on the path ahead.  That will help you to be aware of shortcomings and of when lower forces are trying very hard to lead you. While you have that Light within and while you can think Light, nothing can go beyond it as the Light is All, the Great, Great Spirit which is within each of you. God bless you for now. You are in God’s love. God bless you. 



6th November, 2012

God bless you. I am Sister Julia, as you know, but I’ve come through just to say ‘God bless you’ as there is another who wishes to speak to you. I will return when he has finished….

I have come to you today on a serious note because I want to tell you and all those who are listening – and there are many – that the time has come when you must put ‘self’ to one side. No matter what you want, what you long for, whatever disappointments, care not. Care not. Put self to one side and let the glorious spirit that is within you come forth for the world is in need of light. Use your spiritual eyes and see what is going on. Yes, you are living in an illusion but come out of that illusion and see what is really happening. See that the Light, the Great, Great Spirit of All, is shining His light upon the earth. However, there are dark shadows that are clinging to each one of you. They do not want to give up their place because they enjoy making you miserable. They enjoy putting fear into your hearts. Oh they do enjoy, but their end has come because the light of The Great Father is sweeping the earth. Yes, there is chaos. Yes, there is suffering, but remember that a purification is taking place because the darkness will eventually leave the earth. It must because the light is always supreme.

Now we come to you and all those who are listening as this goes out on the ether and those who are spiritual pick it up. I am going to say regardless of how you feel, put your emotions on one side because this is a very crucial time for the earth. The earth needs love, compassion and it needs your light. As we have said before, your light is like the light from a lighthouse, shining, but please polish the glass of your soul so that your light shines brighter and brighter. All your light will go out into the earth plane so that all who are spiritual pick it up and it will become an armada, an armada of light that is going forward to purify the earth. It will create beauty and upliftment of all peoples’ consciousness to a higher plane. For those who have not reached that understanding, you will hold your hand out to explain, to help them, so that they, too, can reach a higher plane of thought. This is such an important time. If you could see with spiritual eyes the divine light, the blue skies around the earth – you would see the shimmering lights that are coming down from the upper regions of Spirit into the earth plane. To those who can see it, those who are in a position to be able to open themselves to the Divine Light, it is a glorious sight. You, too have a light within you that shines brightly. All I ask is that you make that light shine brighter because it is so needed at the moment. The Great, Great Spirit has sent around the earth a circle of wondrous beings who pour light onto the earth. I don’t think that peoples of the earth realise the importance of what is happening at the moment but I want to open your eyes so that you can see that Light will always prevail. The shadows will ever try to keep control of each one of you if they can, so let your light be brighter. Send it into the world with compassion and love. Help your fellow man to understand and remember that we are in the arms of The Great, Great Spirit and from The Great, Great Spirit down to the earth there are many levels of higher beings who help each one. So, we are talking to you to tell you love, love. Be patient. Put yourself on one side and open yourself so that the beautiful light that is there can enter into the hearts of man and lead you forward to victory. Can you imagine this earth where there is peace and love, where you yourselves are uplifted and you find that you are joyous, and that with each step you take, you are lifted to a higher plane of thought. Think about that. That is what you are working for, with the Light. So, daughters of Light, I leave you. I leave you with the earnest prayer in my heart – lift yourselves, go forward in the Light, send it to the earth for its children who are suffering. Whatever disasters are happening to the world, they are, though you may not understand, a purification that is taking place. So, glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. I bless you all in the name of love.

Sister Julia then returned: Well, little ones, that was from someone who is very beautiful, very lovely. The countenance is of Light. So I say God bless you, for enough has been said this day. God bless you. 



23rd October, 2012

God bless you. I am Sister Julia. This morning I want to give you some reminders.  You already know what to do but I have to remind you. First I have to say that there are different levels of spiritual progress. There is a door at each of these levels until you get to the golden door. At this moment, I want to go to the first door. When you are given the key of that door, it will open all other doors until you reach the golden one. I remind you that though you may look upward for your knowledge, you already have all that knowledge inside you, within you. There is nothing that you do not know.  It is there. All it needs is daily going into yourselves, quietly, and letting go all the negative conditions that have been around you. I want you to be able to go deep within yourselves because, as has been said again and again by different teachers who have come to the earth, we are going through a change and because of that, change is so necessary for each one of you to look deep within yourselves to draw the positive knowledge that lies there. The more you go deep within, the brighter your life becomes and it is that light that we need to help this sorry little world to be able to recover. It is not in our own hands but what we do individually matters a great deal.  All I ask is that you go within yourselves and remember that by doing that, you will reach the door that will lift you to a higher consciousness.

I will explain that you will be given a key. You will approach the door and put the key in the lock, and as you turn the key, know that you have been given the key of love.  Because you have been given the key of love to open the door, love will go before you to all the upper regions that you will eventually pass through. But you will always have the key, which represents love. To do this, you must sit quietly, let everything go. Don’t worry about anything as you are in God’s hands and He is leading you to a point where not only will you feel contained within yourselves but you will feel a wonderful upliftment, feel that all will be well, all will come to pass as has been spoken of. Be patient. Trust with all your heart. You have been given the key to open that door. Remember this when you sit quietly. You are sitting quietly to earn the right to have that key. You know that you will overcome all negative conditions because you know that the light of The Father is shining so brightly in your hearts.

So this day I say with love and with trust in the Great, Great Father of All, the Great, Great Spirit, let us lift our hearts, walk the path steadily, be patient. Look at each other with love and under-standing as each has his own particular way of living his life. Live your life with love. In the name of Jesus, who is for ever, ever with you, Amen.

18th September, 2012

God bless you.

Today is going to be a little different. I want to lead you into peace and joy. I want you for this moment of time to empty your mind, be quiet, be still, calm the thoughts of the earth, calm the wants and the needs of the emotions of the body. Be still, be still, be still.

Use your imagination now. You are walking along a country lane. You arrive at a gate, which you pass through. There is an arch in front of you. You go through this arch and there before you is a garden, a heavenly garden of flowers. You walk in the midst of the flowers and they part for you to walk through so that you do not tread upon their lovely, lovely faces. Because you are now in imagination in the world of spirit you find you lightly float along. Oh, the colours. The beauty of love shines from each lovely flowered face and each flower gives out a wonderful emanation that you feel within yourself. You feel all your worldly cares and hurts leaving you because the wonderful perfume of love is reaching you.

Now you find to the left of you there is growing a magnificent tree. It is very, very ancient. You feel the need to go up to this tree and to touch it. You walk towards the tree and you can feel the aura that emanates from this magnificent sight before you.  You put your hands on the trunk then turn round and lean your back against it. You look down and see the gnarled roots of the tree deeply embedded into the earth.  You are aware that the roots represent the earth. You lean there, feeling the throb of life going through the trunk of the tree. This life force enters you, lifts you and you find yourself going up and up. You rise until you find that you are amongst the branches.  You hold your hands wide and take in the wonder, the love, the peace. The heavens open above you. A golden light is shining upon this beautiful, ancient tree, which has much wisdom. And as you are there amongst the branches you are absorbing the upliftment of the soul. You feel lighter. You know that you can go on with your life.  You can bear whatever life presents to you because of the light, the love and the beauty that comes from this golden light above. You think to yourself: “I must do this again, come here again, because I feel so much better”. You feel what I call a lovely little trickling sensation going through you and as it does so, you are aware that it feeds the soul and the spirit - which, as you well know, belongs to the Great Spirit.  This is a gift which is given to each one. You hold up your arms and take in the power and the glory of Spirit. hen you come slowly back to yourself, still leaning against the wonderful, wisdom-giving tree. You know that you will come back here many times when you feel low and need the substance that spirit can give you.

Now you realise that you need to walk back through the garden of flowers. As you walk, you give thanks to God and to Spirit for all that they do for you. As you draw near to this very special gate, you turn and think “Oh, I have been in a part of heaven”. You come back now to yourself because you have been given the courage, hope and strength to overcome the negative conditions that assail you, day by day.  And when you think of the gnarled roots of the tree, realise that it is embedded in the earth like you are. So much of the earth is within you. You come back with the joy of knowing that you have love around you. You have guides around you but above all, you have the Great, Great Spirit abiding in your loving heart.

So you see, I have taken you on a journey today. May God’s blessing be upon each one of you when I say, God Bless you. 



24th July, 2012

God bless you. As you know, I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle stands by my side. Oh, I want to bring you joy and upliftment. I want you to feel the peace and the love that surrounds you but because you are so occupied with this and that that you need to deal with, we bring you upliftment from spirit. Remember that the higher self is like a star, shining brightly. As you look up into that star, you begin to realize what it requires of you. It requires a concentration on patience, love and understanding to those around you. Try to polish up these wonderful things that you can offer to your higher self. Remember that your higher self is your spirit and while you are conquering the different lessons you are experiencing, it will always send out strength and love. Also the guides around you will help you to achieve. Sometimes you think that the lessons are too hard but realise, please realise, that if they were not difficult, how could you be equipped later on to help the many souls in need, to give them peace and love and to help them on their way? Do you see, then, that these lessons, which may be emotional, physical, mental – it doesn’t matter how they come but they are lessons. We are hoping to help you but be aware that we can only go so far along the road with you. Then you have to walk alone to learn your lessons – patience, love, positivity. You must look to that star and say ‘I want to honour you as I want you to come nearer to me so that I am able to do the wonderful work that is ahead of both spirit and myself’.

Today we want to uplift you. Whatever is happening around you, be quiet, be still and within look to that star as it is divine, your divine spirit. Help will come to you but you yourself have to do the work. You must monitor yourselves. Be aware when you are being impatient, annoyed by someone, if negative feelings come your way. Walk the road which you have chosen, for you have chosen this road, you know. Don’t you see, trying to overcome the lower parts of yourself will equip you for a greater glory that is to come to you. Think what you can do for others. You all have gifts and as time goes on, you will find that certain gifts are needed for certain situations. Look into that star. Have faith. Have trust. Ask for the star to lead you, help you to do the things that will help you to draw close. I can assure you that because of your faith, you will indeed be helped. Life could be so much better for each one of you because the earth, and you do have a lot of the earth within you, because of the earth and the calling of the earth, your awareness of the light that surrounds you becomes blunted.  That it why you need to give quiet moments to Spirit to recharge you, lift you, help you.

So my beloved Children of God, for remember you are all Gods in the making, each one of you and those in Spirit who are listening. God is Spirit. Spirit is the higher self.  I bless you, we both bless you this day. We want you to go forward now. Let the light that is within you shine before your pathway and believe in yourself. Do not shrug at the nice things that we give you, which you do not always acknowledge, because you are all worthy. You would not be here unless you were worthy to carry the banner of love and light. So, this is all I’m going to say today. We love you and treasure all that you do. We know that each of you thinks deeply upon the different things that beset you during the day and that you do recognize where you were wrong, or impatient, and that you resolve to improve. You will indeed improve. You cannot see the future but I assure you, once you have overcome certain lessons, then you will know the glory, you will find that things will come to you of which today you have no idea. I will leave you now with great love and remind you that you are in God’s hands. Look to that star. Look up as it shines so brightly. God bless you. And God keep you.

After a personal message for one of the healers present in the room, Sister Julia added:

There’s a great power in the room and it’s a blessing for each one of you. Have faith.  Go forward. Go forward. God bless you. 



10th July, 2012

My beloved children, it is I, Sister Julia, who speaks today with Gabrielle at my side.  With my heart and my love, I bring you peace. Love surrounds you. Know that every step you take is monitored by those in Spirit who guide you. Things at times are very difficult for you even to understand but again and again I say have faith in The Great, Great Spirit of All. Have faith. Have trust and when you find that you are sinking into an abyss, wonder why you are here and what you are doing, remember you are here, standing in the place where you should be. Whenever you are beset by the turmoil of daily life, remember that you are with Spirit and that Spirit commands all things.  ‘With Spirit’ means that your body can be healed, you can be renewed, your soul can be helped to find peace amongst the turmoil. Lift your hearts and say, “I am Spirit. I belong to The Great, Great Spirit of All. Nothing is impossible for me to overcome’.  Because you are living in the world in an environment that tugs at you in a negative way, there are always chinks in your amour. Negative thoughts come to you and through you and pull you down and that is when you have ‘unworthy’ feelings inside of you. You are here for a purpose. You are here as Children of the Light.  Remember what this means. To be a Child of the Light means that you lay down your life for The Great Father. When I say your life, this means your thoughts and your deeds. Be aware and if you can manage the small things in your life, you will find that the larger elements will come to you and you will find yourselves able to command peace in your mind, peace in your soul. We try to bring you that peace. We try to help you so that you can continue along the path that you are treading. When things are difficult and when you feel that life is not worth living, which, at times, people of the earth feel, be still, let peace come to you. Sit quietly, turn inward to the light and by doing this often, you will build up a shield of light that will surround you. All these negative thoughts and vibrations will fall away. There is so much help around you that all you have to do is to call out but, most of all, to believe in the Great, Great Spirit. Believe in your own spirit that is within you. Go forward. Lift yourselves and say ‘I am here in the service of God and I am in the command of the Lord Jesus who, in turn, is under the command of God’. So you see, you are in good company and when you are in good company, you can face life valiantly. With a sword in your hand and the shield of St. Michael before you, you can walk your path bravely. Have courage, go forward with your lives. Life will open for each one of you and when you need strength to be able to stand against adversity, you will do so because you will call for help and help you will receive.

Lift your hearts, walk the path of the Light before you, have courage and remember that we are here. We can hear you calling and when you call, we come to you. We help you and we bring you peace and love which on earth you do not experience.  We bring the love of God to you to uphold you. Nothing can go wrong when you have faith in Spirit and the love of God within your hearts so this day I say, God bless you.  Gabrielle and I bring peace and love, as do those of a higher nature who are also here giving love and quietude of mind. Your very soul will feel the gentleness and love that you can go on in this life with hope in your hearts.

God bless you. God keep you. Amen. 



3rd July, 2012

Bless you, my children. It is I, Joseph, who speaks to you today with the help of our lovely nuns, Gabrielle and Julia. I come to say to you and to those who listen in spirit - when you pray and you say ‘Father, Thy will be done’, do you realise what that really means? When you give your will to the Great, Great Spirit, it means that you give your all and no matter what happens during the day, no matter what disturbance there is around you, it is the Father’s will. Because it is His will, it means that you go through your days smoothly. You experience much, of course – this is what you are here for but because you have given yourselves to the Great, Great Father, does he not see to your needs? Does he not know what you want and what will help you? He does, in every aspect. He knows you better than you know yourself. So when you say ‘Father, Your will be done’, say it with all your being and your might and then, let the day flow. Live the day in God’s grace and light.

I come also to speak to you of humility. The humility of the earth is far different to the humility of spirit. Look up into the Light and ask the Great Father to guide you and help you. Be aware of the magnitude of the love and the power of spirit. Look to the Light and ask the Father to teach you the true humility of Spirit, to help your very soul glow with love. Tell him that you know nothing and ask that He leads you, teaches you. Always remember that God is love. God will guide you.

We speak of God. God is a glorious, glorious light and His vibration is so great. Because it is so great, bow your head with great humility and thank Him for what you are experiencing on earth, for the difficulties that you have to overcome. Remember, children of the Light, which you all are, go forward in your lives knowing that you are in God’s grace and that there is work ahead of each of you. Walk the path with strength and courage. Look at your fellow man and say ‘I work with God and God walks with me’. So will each of you lift your heart and realise that you are loved and well cared for. Remember this when you say ‘Thy will, Father, Thy will be done’. As you have given Him your will, you live in His light day by day until you have travelled to the end of your experiences of life and pass into Spirit. You will look back and say that you are so glad you gave your will to the Great Father. You will find that so many things in Spirit will come to you. You will be so glad that you did what you did. That is my message today, children of the Light. Be kind to yourselves and if you fall by the wayside, we, your guides, will help to get you back to your path. I will leave you now as Sister Julia wishes to say a word. God bless you and keep you in His light now and forever more.

Joseph then left us and Sister Julia came through to add:

God bless you. I want to tell you how much power Joseph has brought with him. Please listen to the message he has given. Be humble servants of the Great, Great Spirit. Walk in His light and know that nothing, nothing can touch you or hurt you because His light surrounds you. God bless you, from Gabrielle and myself. God bless you, children of the Light. 



1st May, 2012

God bless you. Sister Gabrielle is beside me as always, giving love and power and I am here as a spokesman of Spirit. I want to say to you this day, the amount of love that is given to each one of you is more than you can imagine. We try each day to help you through the various things that you have to overcome but I would like to remind you that within yourselves you have something very beautiful – your higher selves. Everything you do in your life that is good, being tolerant to someone you find very difficult to be with, lifting up a person who is in a depression where they feel that life is not worth living, giving compassion, is to give part of yourselves to your fellow man. This is why you are here, as I have reminded you many times. You are in God’s service no matter where you are and what you are doing, what station of life you have – you are here to serve the Great, Great Spirit.

I want to talk about the higher self because each time you do something lovely such as a service for someone around you, by being compassionate to those who are ill, it brings out the very best of yourselves. Each time you do that, your higher self is able to grow. Already it is growing but it can loosen itself a little from the physical and by doing that, the higher that spirit can go. You can go with it to a higher state of consciousness. When The Divine came onto the earth plane and into the body, they had to grow roots as a tree would. It is your higher self that is in command of your body and your mind has got to be positive. Each day say to yourself, “My higher self is here. I want to help it. I want to enable it to free itself” and by freeing itself from the earthly conditions, you will rise with it. You will be happier, able to be positive about all around you and know that you walk in the Father’s light. Concentrate on what you do and how you behave, your attitude to people. You need to turn around the negative side of yourselves, the side that is irritated by what someone did, what they said. Let the positive part of you come forward now. Be more tolerant, more compassionate and with that will come love. I know that it is difficult on this earth plane to keep a positive frame of mind but again I say to you, turn yourself into light.  Stand for a moment and remember that you are in God’s light, that you serve God to the best of your ability and that spirit will help with whatever is troubling you. They will help you to have a positive attitude to what you are doing or to the people around you. Be quiet and allow the great, great power of love to lead you. You will then find that you react differently to things.

We are always here. We will help you when you stumble. We understand the difficulties that you have to go through but we want you to try to be better people.  Concentrate on love, compassion and tolerance and let the light stream through you.  Wherever you are, feel that light. You may be unaware sometimes that you will be giving out that lovely light to those you meet. Those who you help will feel the better for it.  Don’t you see, it is worth concentrating on your thoughts and attitudes?  Remember always those attributes of love, compassion and humility. Remember the love of the Great, Great Spirit of All and remember Jesus Himself, who was the most wonderful medium and who loved unconditionally those who came to him. Do your best. That is all we ask of you. Tune in to the light. Think of beautiful things – flowers, their beautiful perfumes, things that give you pleasure and that can become your spiritual emblems. You can tune in to these things and they will lift you to a higher state of mind.

You are in God’s good light. You are giving service and remember, as I have said before, that there are little beacons of light all over the world from people like you who strive for higher things, who are on a spiritual path where they can meet the glow of love. As they think and feel so, their light grows brighter and brighter and you, you are a part of it. Let your beacon of light burn brighter, not only for yourselves but for the planet you live on. It is going through tremendous change, a cleansing, if you like. With your love, your perseverance, it will do better. We love you and our help is always at hand. From Sister Gabrielle and myself, and Brother Joseph who is also here, nodding his head and saying, “They will listen, they will listen”, God bless each one of you as we cherish you and we love you. Amen. 


23rd April, 2012

God bless you. As you know, I am Sister Julia and Gabrielle is by my side. Today I want so much to speak to you, all of you – including those in spirit who are listening and those to whom the vibration of my words goes out in the world you live in. I am going to talk about patience, hope and humility. I ask that each one of you, whatever the circumstances you are in, be quiet. Go within yourself and there find that little holy place so that you may draw comfort, strength, hope. We see you so often being overpowered by events that come to you in your daily lives. We long to say to you:  Children of Light, remember who you are. Be quiet, be still. Go within. Answers will be found for you. Upliftment. You will find that peace will descend upon you.

Patience is a word but it is far more than a word as it carries power with it. It carries the grace of God with it. We long for each of you to develop patience and retain it within yourself. Remember that whatever you want in life, you have to wait for the will of God as He knows what you want, what you feel, but He also knows what is good for you and if you have to go through extra suffering to develop part of you within, you must be patient and wait until that time comes. Then the Will of the Father will say you have learnt. Better things will then come to you. Better things than you can imagine. This is a day of loving and giving to the earth as at the moment, it needs a great deal of love. There are many things going on in the world that people do not understand and do not agree with but the earth is going through a cleansing process.  So it is with each one of you – a cleansing process is also happening within you. So patience, again, comes to the Light. Be patient, be quiet and accept what is. Remember only good will come from your quietude of mind.

This is a short prayer this morning but it is given with love and for each of you to realise that you are a child of God. Again I remind you that you are well loved so lift yourselves and know that you are in the service of the Greatest High of All. Each of you, do what you can each day with thoughts, deeds and be in control. When you are not, that is when you should sit quietly and strength and love will be given to you.  God bless you. God keep you for we are always with you. Amen. 



17th April, 2012

God bless you. Great, Great Spirit of All, Great Spirit That Is. We lift up our hearts today to you to draw once again from the wisdom  that comes from Your love. I pray with my heart and with my soul that we may understand our feelings, what they are, what they mean. Help us, please, to be able to understand why we feel the way we do but above all please help us to experience and understand the feeling of love.  Love is a beautiful thing. It is the nectar of the soul. Imagine a bear walking through the woods. He stops at a place where he reaches up and takes a wonderful large bite of honeycomb oozing with honey. He puts the honeycomb to his mouth and sucks it greedily, happily, because this is bliss. This is joy. As he sucks on the honeycomb, nothing in the world is better to him than that feeling of enjoying the honey. This is an illustration to say this is what love is.  It is the feeling of sweetness, of joy, that will lift you, help you, give you strength to go forward.

Dear Spirit, we are in your loving care. Within your loving care we will go forward each day and as we go, we will indeed try to analyse how we feel. We will try not to be sad, disheartened or to become overwhelmed by difficult circumstances. Then, we know, Dear Father, that all we have to do is open our hearts and say, “Father we are in your loving care. Please help us. Please be with us that we are able to resolve our dilemmas”. We go forward in the Light. The Light shines before each one of you and if you remember that you are all God’s children, all loved, cherished and that the guides around you are there to help you over the difficult parts of your life. As you know, you have to go through certain difficulties so that you can grow in spirit. Do remember that we are here to help you when you stumble. All you have to say is, “please help me” and we are there. Remember that you are loved and cherished. Remember the feeling of love, the sweetness that comes from the honey and gives you happiness, joy and actually, really experience the feeling of deep, abiding love.  This love goes out into the world to help, to sustain, and also to help the Holy Ones and the angels who are there, already putting their power of love into the earth to help those whose consciousness has been raised so that they are able to receive.

So this day, beloved children and those listening who are in Spirit, a great blessing is given to you. On this note, I will end by saying develop the feeling of love, the sweetness that it gives you, the joy that comes with it. Be kind to one and other.  Love one and other by giving service when you can. Lift up your hearts. I do feel that sometimes your hearts are heavy but lift your hearts and realise that help is there to give you the strength to go on with your earth life.

Bless you and Spirit indeed sends all the love that there is. Remember, the sweetness of the honey, which comes to you in the emblem of love. God bless you and God keep you. 



28th March, 2012

God bless you. Gabrielle is by my side, as always. I bring to you all love and harmony. Be still. Be quiet. Quieten your thoughts. Let love, peace and tranquility enter your beings now. There is a pink glow over the words of love and peace and tranquility for in that tranquility can you gain your strength. In that tranquility you will be led to the truth and the truth lies within yourselves. If you could and would, as we’ve always asked you, come away from the world and the things you have to do within it for a moment. Please. Sit quietly. Be peaceful. Let us come to you to give you that peace of mind that we can give if you allow us. But often you don’t. We stand beside you and say, “Be quiet little one. Sit for a moment. Tune in to us” as by doing that regularly, you will find that you will be guided to that truth that lies within.  You will be guided to clear the debris that lies within the mind. If you can, through quietude and peacefulness allow us to draw close, we can help you to clear from the depths of your mind the things that are holding you back.

This is a very important time when each one on the earth must look into themselves and say I want to better than this. I want to be able to tune into Spirit and know that it is God’s will that I do His work. If, when you are sitting still, you allow us to help you to make the journey within yourselves, bit by bit you will find, as we have said, that your light will grow brighter. And your light must be bright, glowing and clear – nothing murky or misty to stop the clear vision and the beam of light that will come to each one of you. It is important that your light should be clear you see, little ones of the earth. Remember that you are spirit. You are spirit. It is not possible to avoid the fact that the earth will impinge upon your peace of mind but I say to you, lift up your hearts. If you do this and help us to help you and have hope in your hearts… hope is a wonderful thing. It lightens you, lifts you and when you think of hope, it gives you courage and when you have courage, you can do the things that we ask you to do. It is important, you see, because you are servants of the Most Great High and though you know within yourselves what your work is, live each day as it comes and allow us to help you with the work – healing, loving, giving, bringing harmony and peace. But you see, if you are not at peace yourself, how can you give peace to others on earth?  Give yourself time to sit so that we can come and give you the wonderful feelings of tranquility and peace of mind.

We ask that you deal with your feelings of impatience, intolerance, resentment. Try to learn these lessons. They do come in the strangest ways and as they do, you will realise that you still have these feelings within you. So, we want to place within you love and tranquility and also hope. I want the heart and the whole system to be lifted.  This is the prayer today as I want you to live in peace and love. I have no thought to give to you a hard task because even if you feel it is hard to do, just be quiet, be still.  All we ask is that you give us your time. Don’t just sit in silence with your eyes closed.  Send out a prayer: Father, it is thy will be done. I am your servant. Allow the glory of His light to come to you, to lift you, guide you. Remember what I have said to you today. Gabrielle and I are always there to lift the vibrations and your own wonderful guides are also there, doing the same thing. So today, we give love, we give humility to the Great, Great Spirit who loves us all. Remember that you have a responsibility to brighten the light within you. God bless you. Keep to the path in prayer and in love of your fellow man. God bless you. God keep you now and forever more. Amen. 



31st January, 2012

Gracious Father, Great, Great Spirit of All, our hearts go towards you this day. We ask, indeed we always ask, that you please help us to overcome our problems and that you are always with us. You are always there to help us. But what do we do for you, Great Spirit? Do we, indeed, be aware of the thoughts that we constantly send out from our very beings according to the experiences that we are going through? What do we do for you, dear Lord? Do we give you our trust, knowing that when we have prayed, all will be well because your vibration is within us? Do we give you true trust and as we begin each day say: Father, can we say honestly that we are in your hands and that we will live in your light and behave as Spirit?

Lord, above all, it is with gratitude and with the greatest of love that we thank you for the many things that you do for each of us and we pray that in return we will be aware of our thoughts, which are powerful. You have no idea how strong your thoughts are. Help us all to be aware, as we have often spoken, of how we think.  Monitor from time to time what you are thinking and sending out. Is it love? Is it for the upliftment of mankind? We ask again for you to lead each one of us because we live in your glory. We live in the heart of you. Because we have knowledge, this should set us free as with knowledge comes wisdom and wisdom should lift you into a higher sphere of learning. Lord, you surround us with the golden glow of love and as your light shines upon the world of spirit, the many helpers and our own beloved guides who come close, we do thank you. With all our hearts, we thank you. Help us to realise that we are here in your service. Help us to realise that we have a job to do, for us to master ourselves. To this end, the first thing we can do is to monitor our daily thoughts and actions. Think about what we do during the day. We must be aware of the small things, our thoughts, deeds and reactions to those around us and in so doing, achieve the first step in mastery. Father, give us please the strength and help us to allow our pure, divine spirit to take hold, to help us with the mastery of our bodies and minds.

Bless the earth. Bless the angels of light who are sent from you to help mankind to be on a higher level of thought. We too must play our part in sending out love. Be aware of being part of the world but also to tune into the vibrations of love. There is a golden light – so beautiful – that surrounds each one of you and also those who are here to listen, who are wanting to go on, wanting to walk the path. May what has been said this day be of some help for even those in Spirit who are seeking a higher level of thought and who are struggling? They too are listening and they too have the great light of Spirit around them. My children, remember, you are children of the light and you have come to give service to mankind. You have children to look after and yourselves to look after but that is only one part of your service of life. The other is your allegiance to The Great, Great Spirit.

God bless you all. God bless you because each one of you is in God’s light.

Another of Joan’s healing guides, Joseph, then came through:

My children, I am Joseph. I come to give you a word of cheer and to say to all of you – march on.  Walk the path bravely. Go forward as The Great Spirit is with you, within you.  Act upon it. Think upon it and walk within the light. You will succeed as you each have help from Spirit. You have wonderful guides to help you and when you are in doubt and feeling a negative force around you, sit quietly, send out thoughts for help and you will receive it. I come to give you a blessing. A blessing from the Great, Great Spirit that is within each one of you. It is with love that I end my words with you today. I am always watchful of your progress and now and again I will come though to lift you and to remind you, as Sister Julia has already done, that you are here for a purpose. Not for the love and the direction you give your children but primarily you are here in God’s service. Remember that. God bless you all and thank you for listening to my words this day. God bless you. 


18th January, 2012

God bless you. I have come today to ask you, if you will, to listen to the quiet voice within. The quiet voice comes to you like a whisper on the breeze. Soft. Soft. You will have to be still. Listen. Listen. As you listen you will find that the whisper will become stonger. You must train yourself to listen to your inner self which each day tries to guide you through the ups and downs of your life. Remember that you are spirits on earth in earthly bodies and you have come to learn to command that body with love.  Within that body are the emotions that stir you. You must remember, as I have said before, that you are not angels but you can do the best you are able. If you do this, it is the highest level you can reach but to do your best you must give yourselves spiritual training. This comes through listening to the whispers on the soft breezes that blow though your minds when you need help. The whispers, if you listen, will tell you what to do. They will advise and help you and therefore, because your inner self is tuned in, you will learn to tune in to spirit. It’s difficult to put before you words that are easy to understand but everything from spirit is subtle, soft, and that is why you need to sit quietly for a while during the day, turn inwards and listen. You will find that the emotional side of you, which can tear you to pieces, will, while at peace, be guided.

Again we ask you to be aware of how you are feeling, to be aware if something has upset you or if there is something you feel you need. Study your feelings and ask yourself if they form an emotion that you need to control. Be aware of your emotions.  Being aware of them means that you can begin to learn to control them and yourself.  First, one needs the spiritual discipline of turning inwards and listening. That little soft whisper when you need help is so easy to dismiss, so easy for it not to register and then be overtaken by an earthly thought. So I ask you – discipline yourself to listen.  The voice will become louder. It won’t be such a whisper but something that you can hear.

Today, dear Children of the Light, is a lesson to enable you to rise to another level, a level of understanding yourself, beginning to be in control of yourself.  You won’t do this all at once – you can’t - but step by step, if you turn inward, quietly, and listen to what is being said to you, you will find that knowledge will come to you. You will say ‘I didn’t know I felt like that.  I mustn’t be like that’. Then, lift yourself and say ‘please help me to be positive, help me to see what spirit sees’ and then be guided by the impressions you are given from spirit. This is a matter of training yourselves, being aware, because what you do is not just for you. You are helping to send light out into the earth to help all those who are struggling. Because struggling we are at the moment.

May each one of you develop your own citadel. It may be a church, synagogue, mosque – no matter. Build this place in your mind and see the beauty, the brilliance and the colour and when you imagine your own private holy place, think of the light and as you do so you will find a glorious outgoing of colour and magnificent beauty.  Indeed this will become your safe harbour. Turn inwards and you will gradually find this private place within yourself from which to worship the Great, Great Spirit for He is in your hearts. Because He dwells within your hearts, there is so much that you can do. We in spirit want to uplift you and help you to be aware. When you are aware, you will find that a certain amount of discipline will come into your life and you will be working to send light around the world. There is a circle of light that goes around the planet and as it does so, within imagine the colour and the beauty of the angels who come to help us. We love you dearly and want to lead you into higher realms of thought. Be still and know that thou art God. If you could only see the beauty that these Angels of Light bring to you, you would say ‘I will do this. I will do it’. There are so many here today, Joseph, Gabrielle and all your guides so lift yourselves up, up by disciplining your spiritual selves. The children are here. They are so happy. They are brought here so that they can experience earth conditions. They are playing, happy and joyful. They lighten your spirits, Children of the Light. 

Enough has been said today and we bless each one of you. Remember, we are here to guide you and to lift you to a higher frame of thought by disciplining yourself by quietude. God bless you. 



The last prayer of 2011 - 15th December, 2011

Beloved children of the earth, children of light, I come today especially to say to you that we in spirit also are celebrating. Everywhere on the earth plane there is light, light of giving, light of remembering, light wanting the earth to be a better place to live in so we are able to work on the vibrations that are sent to us. You, children of light, also play your part in the earth’s recovery because each time you turn inward to the light and send out love and compassion to those who are so desperate, remember that you are playing your part. 

I ask this day that you will stand straight and walk forward on the path that you yourself have chosen. Walk steadily and strongly with courage in your hearts.  Remember that what you are here for is to help in your way for the upliftment of mankind. There is much ahead that each one of you will do. There are many tasks that await you and you can do all these things if you have courage. Courage comes from faith – faith and trust in the great, great Spirit of All. To do the Father’s will, at times you know not which way to go, so strong are the earth’s vibrations around you but if you have a decision to make, be quiet, be still and know that it is God’s will that you seek. Not your will but God’s, and that is where the light within you will guide you on this road that you travel. All persons on the earth are walking their path, each with a task they have to perform whether to try to perfect themselves or to give a service to the needy. But whatever it is they are doing, if it is in a good way, they are doing God’s will and because of His will, their light grows stronger. I say to each one of you today to keep remembering that you have this wonderful light inside you and that is what you seek. Day by day, you are trying to seek that light but you see, what one doesn’t remember is that you already have it within. You just need to be aware that it is there and when you need help, call upon it. The light will shine and disperse the problems around you enabling you to see things in the right perspective. Turn inward to that light.

So, this is a joyous occasion where all is full of love and compassion and so therefore may it reign all the days that are to come. May each one of you develop your awareness of Spirit, awareness of yourself, awareness of the things you want to change. Try to change. It is all worth the struggle you know, all worth it. If you could only see the light that comes from you when you come to our side from that effort and we are so pleased. It is only when you come to Spirit that you realise that this effort is worthwhile because you go a step higher.

So, children of the light, I am going to say farewell. Farewell from myself, from Gabrielle and from Brother Joseph. A blessing to each one of you and know that this Christmastide we are with you. Be aware of our presence and do remember on your Christmas day that there is much joy and light and singing. We are all gathered together with such a joyful upliftment of the soul, as we are together, with our prayers going to the great, great Spirit of All, a great light comes down from the upper regions and in that light we are immersed in peace and love. God bless you. God keep you always in His light. Amen. 



22nd November, 2011

I’ve come today to speak to each of you and also to those in spirit who come to listen. I say to each that you do try, and we know. You do your utmost to control your emotions, which can get out of hand. We do understand as Gabrielle and I have lived lives which have been hard, difficult. So we therefore understand the lives you live. With God’s light that shines so brightly within each one of you, look outward from yourselves and rub the lamp that shines within so that it shines brighter and brighter. I want you to send that light out into the world, to earth, to mankind that lives upon it. Perhaps you don’t realise that by sending out warmth and light, you are taking part in the earth’s recovery. You are helping peoples’ consciousness to become open to that light by sending out your love and very positive thoughts for upliftment both for those who have understanding and those who don’t. Remember, every golden thought that you send out to the world plays a part. Everyone is responsible for the upliftment of the earth and those who live upon it.

I would say to all of you, try if to have patience. Patience can come in many guises. Don’t run here and run there, find that things don’t turn out the way you wish and so become impatient. You have to learn the peacefulness that patience can give you. If you learn patience and to be quiet within yourself, no matter what is pressing you at the moment, coming from you will be the golden light that will help all those around you. So when you wake up in the morning, remind yourself to be peaceful for the day, not to let your thoughts run away with you, making you sad. Decide that the day will be a day when not only will you walk in God’s light, but you will be patient with all around you and all that might happen to you. That you are going to be patient and wait for God’s love and light.

So I ask that you go forward with these two big responsibilities that I give you. First, send light out to the world, as all need it at the moment. There are indeed lights already going out all over the world. Know that your light is just as important. Secondly, be patient. Be patient with yourself. Be patient if things don’t turn out the way you wish or if you feel overloaded with responsibilities. Take a deep breath and say, “I am in God’s care and therefore my life will be ruled by His light, by His love and also that of your helpers” – and believe it or not, we do help you a great deal, you know. Let your heart be peaceful. Lift the moments of your day to the most beautiful light of all, and that is Jesus. He indeed was the greatest medium that the world has ever known. He was chosen to be a vessel for the Christ vibration and through him you will all find this vibration if you work hard on yourselves.

Knowing that you are in God’s care, I am going to say to each one of you, God bless you, God keep you. Amen. 



15th November, 2011

I would like to say to each one of you to calm your nerves, to be still and know that thou art God. Be quiet within yourselves, turn inward to the light that comes from the very heart of you, giving you peace and quietude so that your nerves will quieten down and you will feel the love that surrounds you.

I would like to say to you, all of you, even those who you cannot see, this day forth to trust in God. As you turn towards the light, you will find that you are turning towards the Great, Great Spirit and whatever it is that disturbs you, angers you, frightens you, remember that nothing can touch you. Not when you turn towards the Great Spirit, who is light. He knows that each one has a destiny that he must follow. The steps that are taken along that road will be much easier for you all if you turn towards the light.

I have asked you many times if you would give time in a very busy earth schedule to sit in quietude. That is more precious to all of you than you know because in the tuning in to the Great Spirit in His generosity He gives you, each one of you, a part of Himself.

I want you to realise that turning towards the light, you must also turn outward towards the earth and send love to all those who need help and to send a part of yourself, and as you are sending that light, it will join with all the other lights on this earth plane. In that light, the Father, the Great Spirit, is able to do the work that He has planned for Spirit and for earth.

You are spirit, which you must remember but don’t. Remember who you are. The spirit in each of you is wonderful – beautiful. So I ask that you give trust. Give a moment of your time. As I’ve said so many times, you are loved so much by all your guides and when they can see that you are making an effort with yourself, they come and help you. They whisper to you and urge you to go onward. All that spirit need is that you do your best. There are tremendous things happening on the earth plane that those on earth have no idea of but God’s plan is going to come into force with the help of the light that you and all those on earth who are like minded send to Him. So I say to each one of you, be still and know that thou art God. Lift yourselves every day and say, “What can happen to me. I am in God’s light. He will direct me”. And that is why I ask for trust. Trust in Him – our beloved Jesus, who is always there to help each one individually. Great love is given to each and when you stumble, we are there beside you. Trust. Trust in the inner God that is within each one of you. In the name of our beloved Jesus, who sends out light and love and the deepest of understanding because he also, as you know, walked the earth. He knows the temptations and the emotional upsets that one can have on this earth plane. Be still. Be quiet. Rest in the arms of our loving Father. God bless each one of you. Amen. 



3rd August, 2011

God bless you.  You know who I am – Sister Julia, and Sister Gabrielle is beside me.  First, I want to say a loving prayer to the great, great Spirit of All whose divine light is with each of you daily and hourly. He tries to take your hand and lead you into the quiet waters of your soul.

Today, I want to ask to all of you in Spirit and on earth to seek knowledge. Seek it.  Seek the truth. Help your higher self to gain the glory that is ahead of it. The higher self also needs the rays and the warmth of the beloved sun, of the Father. It lies within you. Its roots go down deep within the physical. Your higher self is with you constantly. Please, whatever happens in your life, whatever experiences you have, try to meet them head on. Meet them with the light and the assurance that you will come through because of the light within you. By doing this, you are helping your higher self, a very glorious and loving part of you. It belongs to you, you see, and it also needs the higher rays of the Father. It cannot let go and be free because of selfishness, indecisive minds not knowing what to do. Faith, faith, faith is what I ask of you. Have faith. Realise that by every experience you overcome, you are helping your higher self. It wants to be free. It wants to raise itself up to the rays it knows are there and if you had the knowledge, you could see the beauty and wonder that is there for the higher self to experience. The higher self is you and what it experiences, so your consciousness will widen and you will find that you are walking in a stronger, greater light as you have helped the higher self to free itself from the selfish, lower part of you. It wants to be free to impart to you the greater glory of what it is and also of what is ahead. There is so much for all of you to learn and see.

You are in what I call a box now, a box of clay – call it what you will. You are trying to build a temple from it and some of you have succeeded. They are beautiful temples but, nevertheless, you must sit quietly and tune in to the Father to give you strength.  This is so, so important because you have reached a point where you must be aware. If you are upset about something or somebody annoys you, don’t sink into resentment. Stand back and ask yourself why you are feeling like that? You’ll find that the answer will be given to you – you are angry because you don’t know the circumstances of  the person you are angry with. Stand back. Look at the situation as it really is and you will find that there is no cause to be upset. Stand back and say ‘I can control all the emotions within me’. Then, step by step, you will build strength.  You will begin to be masters of yourselves. This is the theme of my words today.  Your higher self then takes a very high opinion of you. You must realize that whatever comes your way, you have the power to stand back and see events for what they are. As you do so, you will find that the roots of your higher self will be free. Because of the freedom that gives your higher self, your consciousness will widen and more knowledge will come to you from Spirit. You are so loved and every vibration that comes to you is from love. We want to hold your hand, to lead you and guide you. As I’ve said before, much has been begun by you. Remember – don’t sink into emotion – ask is your pride hurt? Do you feel that your ego should have more recognition? This will help you to learn your lessons.

I will end with a loving prayer to the great, great Father, the great Spirit of All who loves us and in whose loving care we are always. With His blessing, I give you mine and Gabrielle’s. God bless you and God guide your steps in this earth life. Amen. 



26th July, 2011

God Bless each one of you.

As you know, the life on earth is a very hard one. It has to be difficult up to a point for you to learn your lessons in order to cleanse you for the state towards which you are heading now. Around all of you there must be a cloak of humility for you to realise why you are here and what you are doing here. Have the greatest faith in whatever experiences you are going through and always remember to turn to the light. Turn to the light, my children, because the development of the future depends upon the lessons you are learning now. With humility all of you must learn to a very high degree that patience will bring you into the orbit of the love of the Father and of the light. Being patient means that you walk not only beside the light but you find yourself able to cope with all situations because you are still, you are quiet and you are waiting for the word of the Father that you may move on.

No matter what you desire, no matter how heart breaking it may be that you do not have the desires of your heart, remember that the Father, the Great Spirit of all, knows and understands. But you are where the Father has placed you and whatever you are going through, go through it with patience and love. The place where you are standing now is in the midst of your lessons. Your lessons come in a quiet manner, so quiet that you do not know that they are lessons. Your attitude towards whatever the day brings you has got to be to continually walk beside the light. All you have to do is to turn inwards and see the flame of love and purity that is within each one of you. Remember, you have helpers around you who have been through difficult conditions on the earth-plane and they know the feelings that can assail you at times. Sometimes when you look at your situation, you must stand back and say, “Great Spirit of all, shed your light upon what I am going through and give me strength that I will be able to overcome.” Whatever you are able to overcome in this life pushes you forward to the life that you will have in the future.

When you reach spirit and look back upon your lives, it will be a glory if you can see the side of scales weighing what you have been able to achieve go down and what which you haven’t go up. I want you to have the happy feeling that you have done your best in this earth life. Remember the earth life is very precious because although it is a dark planet, if you are surviving in that darkness then you are developing more power within yourself to push the dark shadows away from you. When you feel overcome because circumstances have made you unhappy or depressed, you will find upliftment if you sit still and be quiet. Otherwise, the gambling thoughts that flood your mind will take away the security that we in spirit try to give you.

So will you, dear ones, sit quietly and be of spiritual mind. Lift your hearts and know that each one, as we have said many times before, is loved. We help you, we strengthen you and at times we lead you and give you ideas and impressions.  Please have a quiet mind and in this stillness you will find that your strength will grow. Know that the light surrounds you and is within you. We in spirit help you because we want you, all of you, to be able, when you arrive in spirit to say: I have done my best.

So, little ones, remember that you are all spirit and living in a house of clay. Make this a beautiful house of clay by your thoughts, attitudes, patience and humility and say, “Father, for your grace go I.”

So I end my prayer. In the loving orbit of our beloved Jesus, I say, “God Bless You.”

Joan's channelling ended but she then added further words regarding Sister Julia:

"She was very serious today, very serious. She wants you to realise that there are so many helpers around each one of us and we are all together in the climb on the golden steps towards the heavenly Father. Each of us should remember these things when we are down, impatient, wanting - in fact making ourselves unworthy. But not one of us is unworthy - not when we have the light within us and around us and those in spirit are there every step of the way. Now she is finished." 

Sister Julia’s prayer came to an end and unfortunately we switched the recorder off because unexpectedly, a second message soon followed through Joan from a wonderful, very solemn guide named Joseph. He made it clear that he came through only as he wished to add to Sister Julia’s words because the message to us was of such importance. He asked us to be aware of God’s light always as what he called “Our dark planet” is so greatly in need of upliftment. He said there are many like-minded people on the earth doing exactly this in order to help our planet.

He went on to say that he was talking to our subconscious and also to all the healers who were not present. Joseph said, “Think of the light as a golden flame, always look towards the light. There are times when we would like to give you a spiritual shake to make you more aware of the need to look towards the light.”

He mentioned lastly that the planet, if you can call it that, in which he dwells is a most beautiful place. 


10th May, 2011 - God Bless You.You are children, children of the Light. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Walk your path bravely no matter what experiences come to you. Be still. Turn your thoughts inward, be quiet and allow the glory that is within you to take charge so that your life will then take the form of positive thinking and of love. 

There is nothing to fear, nothing, for the God within you has taken charge of your life because you sit still and you listen. Learn to listen with the inner ear for Spirit has much to say and they can say it if you are willing to sit and tune in within yourselves.  Be quiet but listen. Learn how to listen because your idea of listening is different from ours. When you sit and turn yourself inward you think “right I am going to be quiet.”  You sit quietly and nothing seems to happen but you see, to sit quietly is not enough.  You have to turn your very being into what I call the void. It is not really a void, it is really a complete stillness within. Then you will find you will get impressions, a voice that will answer your problems. I am asking you to walk with God, walk with the Light, walk the path ahead of you by training yourselves to think inwardly, deeply, quietly.  So much will be given to you; you will find then that you are able to lift yourselves up into a higher way of thinking. You become stronger in yourselves and as long as your heart and your mind is turned towards the God within you, as I have said before, then nothing can go wrong, little ones, nothing. Your life and those around you will feel the benefit of the rays of love that come from you.

Blessed are the children who gather around Jesus because they love Him and adore Him and you are His children as well. You are the little ones on the path because you are learning, but do remember that Christ’s influence governs this sanctuary and that the golden rays that come from Him are of love, understanding and joy. Joy that he can see each one of you working and also those in spirit who are endeavouring to help. We have these wonderful helpers, these wonderful people that come to the earth and sacrifice themselves because the earth and the conditions are very, very bad. But they come to help because they know they have this divine Light within them.

So this day the lesson is to “go forward.” Give time for Spirit and when you do, be quiet. Listen. It is the most wonderful experience, you know, when you can actually hear, feel, sense because you’re listening and your listening will become deeper and deeper as you do this regularly. The saying goes ‘wait for the Lord’ and that is what you are doing. You are waiting for your Higher Self to be able to come to talk to you or to give you impressions and to lift you. Believe it or not, you will know when your Higher Self is with you because you will feel joy and a glow of happiness and of peace. That’s when you know that your Higher Self is near. So it is worth working for, isn’t it? It is worth giving your time. Just a little time. So will you do this, children of the earth and those that are blessed in spirit with the glorious helpers that are there to help them.

So Father, bless this moment of time. Bless all who are listening. Let us go forward in your Light, bless us, help us. We praise your wonderful name. Oh Spirit Divine, the Light that is golden, the wonderful arch of gold is around the sanctuary and around you. So I say to all of you this day, walk with God. God Bless You. 



23rd November, 2010

God bless you.

You are entering now into the joyous season where there is giving and loving, helping us in Spirit to come much, much nearer to you. As the Christ Spirit is amongst you, it is also a time to reflect upon yourselves; to be able to look into yourselves and to forgive. That is one of the things that I want to talk to you about. I want you not only to forgive others but I want you to forgive yourselves. Maybe something or someone in your life has hurt you, or something has happened that you were unable to prevent. Look into yourselves and say, “I forgive. I forgive myself. I forgive all around me” because forgiveness is divine. I want you to understand this because so much do we in Spirit want you to be lifted into a higher dimension of thought where the power that we have is able to be threaded through you, so that the power is stronger. That is what we want - to see the healing power stronger for much you can do and much we can do through you. 

We talk about temptations. We are tempted by this and that but I want you to realise that temptation comes your way as an experience because it develops the Spirit. Whatever temptation confronts you, you have the choice by your consciousness to do the right thing. When it comes your way and you are sorely tempted to do this or that or when you are surrounded by turmoil, sit quietly for a moment and allow the light within you to guide you to make correct decisions. Nothing can go wrong if you turn to light as then all things are made simple and possible for you. 

We have asked for you to love one another. What is love? Love is the giving, the joy of giving, which brings us to joyousness. Joyousness is when the heart is lifted.  When you have joy in your heart, it seems that the path that you walk is sprinkled with stardust. Remember that you are Spirit. You have to keep remembering who you are, what you are and why you have come. Walk the path that you were destined to walk and whatever experiences you have, even when you feel things are impossible, just remember the Light, turn to the Light. That is all I am going to say today to all of you - all that is needed to say, but Gabrielle would like one last word. So I will say God bless you, keep within God’s Light. Remember what I said. God Bless You.

(From Gabrielle:)

Yes, life can be hard can’t it. Sometimes you think to yourself, “Oh it’s a terrible life, why am I suffering this, why am I suffering that?” But remember, you chose it because you could see that it was going to strengthen your Spirit. You are learning all the time and I just want you to know that both Sister Julia and I want the best for you. We want to bring out the best in you. We don’t want you to be angels but as near to that as you can be. That is why we keep on at you all the time. Believe me, I am watching you. We love you very much. You are in God’s care and because you are in His care, you are in our care as well. Now that is all I am going to say. Sister Julia she said what has to be said so God bless you and God keep you in His Light now and forever more. God bless you. 



16th November, 2010

God bless you. As you know, I am Sister Julia. Also, I would like you to know that Sister Gabrielle is always with me when I say the prayer. I lift up my heart unto the hills whence cometh my help, for it comes from the Lord.

Each one of you, when you speak of the Higher Self, these are not just words. The Higher Self is a part of you - the greater part of you, the magnificent part of you, full of love, tolerance and compassion because the greater part of you is a part of the Great, Great Spirit. In this time that you are living, it is necessary for you to give every opportunity for your Higher Self to be able to descend into the physical body. But you have to have no doubts. You have to learn to put any negative vibrations aside. The greater self is pure and magnificently lovely, so you have to prepare your mind and your very beings so that you yourself are as pure as can be. This will happen if you guard your thoughts, you guard your actions. Listen to the way you speak. During your day, take just a second of your time to be still and say, “Father your Light is with me and I know that the day will be all right because your Light shines.” Only a minute does it cost you to do that and then as you go through the days, no matter what burdens there are upon you, again you turn within yourself and say, “Oh gracious Light you are with me, see me through the burden which I carry. Help me to see with your eyes so that I am able to cope knowing full well that my faith and your love will see me through.”

This morning, try to prepare your minds. If you could only see what thoughts do, as we can. We see the result of thoughts on this side of life. We would like so much for you, my children, those who are around you and those who come to the Sanctuary to receive this message in their hearts - to try now to lift your consciousness up by thought and by prayer. Whatever you are doing, no matter how humble the task, pause for a moment and say, “Father, I know that you are there. You are within me, you are guiding me, thank you.” Because you have done that you have tuned yourself in to the glorious Light of the Great, Great Father.

The road has been stony for each of you and you have had to overcome certain lessons that have come to you – through, maybe, the anxiety for your children or emotional experiences of expectancy which did not turn out as one would imagine. You do need to think about your emotions. If your emotion is good, yes, indeed clasp it to your heart but if it is an emotion that makes you unhappy or that is not truth, cast it side. Your life is filled with Light so remember always that no matter what happens, that Light is there to lift and guide you. You can experience the joy of tuning in which comes from a continual habit, every day. Keep in tune with the God within you, your Higher Self. How joyous it is when your Higher Self can say, “I can now come down and evolve myself in the physical body and be in the physical body because you have made the house the temple of love.”

I know the earth is a very difficult place at the moment. There is so much anxiety and this enables the lower self to enjoy putting fear into the hearts of everyone. The lower self waits for you to falter. Again, tune in to the Great Father and acknowledge that you know that His light is within you. The light will become stronger and uplift you to a higher consciousness enabling you to live your days in light, joy and love.

We have said so often that we love you. Always we will help you. We help you through your lessons. We can’t take the lessons away from you but we do help you, unknown to yourself, we help you. Be good. You are, I know, good children but we expect more of you now. The world needs a brighter light from each one of you and although all the healers are not present, it doesn’t matter - the message will be given to them anyway. But the world needs all your lights to light up this planet and lift the misery, the tortuous experiences that some of your countries are going through. Your light, mingled with all the lights from others, will uplift. The rays of the mighty Father will come down upon each one of you and upon the world that you live in because the Great Spirit of all has a plan. But before you can reach a higher point in your lives, you have to reach a point where the Great Spirit can do His work and carry out the great plan that exists within the higher spheres of Spirit.

I ask each one of you to walk with God. Sister Gabrielle will say a few words. God Bless You.

Now you know you have come for a purpose in this world, each one of you knows that you have to do your job. What’s the good of praying, what’s the good of wanting to give a light and to give help when you can do so, so much more. We watch you in Spirit and think come along, come along you are nearly there. Do what Sister Julia has asked you to do, tune in often throughout the day. You don’t have to make a chore of it. Anyway, what better than getting closer to the Light. Now, you are watched carefully because you are very precious to us. We give you help but you have to help yourself by your thoughts. Lift your heart, no matter what it is that is depressing you. Just think to yourself, “I am in my Father’s Light and I walk with God.”

Now, God Bless you all and remember what I said - no slacking. God Bless you, God Bless you. 



12th October, 2010

God Bless You. 

Be still and know that you are God. Still your minds and your emotions, try if you can to control the waves of emotions that reach you through the experiences that you are going through. As the emotion grips you hard I want you to know that your soul suffers, it does not want the emotions to wear the soul out. It will never wear out of course, but it is affected by your emotions so if you can, the past, the present and the future is now. This hour which you go through this is your past; this is your present and your future. So go forward in this hour being aware of your thoughts and your feelings and to control them hourly. Be aware when you are upset or if something has happened to turn your life upside down. But this is the hour that you can control, not in a few hours, later tonight or tomorrow but now. Now is the time in this hour for you to be aware of feelings, thoughts and if you control them as you go through the hours you will find that you will be uplifted in Spirit and when you can control your emotions you are a long way going towards the upper regions of Spirit. 

Your blessed each one and each one is asked each day to devote time to the Father with love and allow the Christ ray to come near you, within you because it will bring you joy and it will bring you peace of mind. Whatever it is that besets you, whatever it is that worries you, whatever it is that you want, be patient, wait because only Spirit under the guidance of the Father would know what is best for you and therefore we come to the point of trust. Trust Spirit, trust the great great Spirit of all and because Spirit works under the ray of the Christ we are trying always to lift you on to that level.

It is only by quietitude and the quietitude of mind, the awareness of Spirit and the realisation that you have an emotion. Emotions are good but it is the emotions that really rack and ruin your demeanour in life for you to be able to face life when you are emotionally disturbed. 

I long to give you the peace which we know in Spirit. I long to give you the quietitude and the love that each one in Spirit has for each other. Each one has got a deep understanding to each one but because they have learnt tolerance and love there is nothing disturbing in another. Please remember that a part of the Father is in and within each one of us. But today I ask that you become aware of what is going on within you. Again and again we try to lift you from the earth’s vibrations and with your co-operation we will do this because there is so much for you to do, so much. If you could see the enormity of which we in Spirit endeavour to lift, to work on don’t you see we need your help on the earth’s side? We need you and because we need you and love you that is why we speak of emotions, control, awareness all these things are so important because your steps up the ladder may be slow but nevertheless they are solid and that is why we are helping each one of you. May the grace of God be with each one of you. 

Listen to your own beloved guides because they need more power for you to use and to do that you have got to obey the laws of Spirit. It is not all that hard you know it only requires a little of your time trust and faith. Now that is all I am going to say today but may God’s blessings be with each one of you and again I say you are dearly loved, cherished. So look to us with love and know that every step of the way Spirit knows. They know what you go through, they too have gone through earthly conditions until they have overcome them. 

So beloved children a blessing of the divine Father is with each one of you and those in spirit also that are listening. God bless you and keep you in his light now and forever more. Amen. 



28th September, 2010   

I want to bring blessings to you today, not only to you in the room but to others as well that are here. I want so much for all, all God’s children to realise that you are here for a purpose and whatever difficulties you go through, stand firm and turn towards the light because all things will be made straight. The important thing is that with the dark nights now coming into your earth’s winter, this is the time for you to establish yourself mentally by sitting quietly in God’s light. If you do this regularly, this quietude of mind, you will find that you instinctively turn yourself to the light that is always there. 

There are no difficulties that God, the light of all, cannot help you with. No matter if it is health or physical things that you have to do that are causing worry, accept them. It is all about acceptance. Accept the things you cannot change but turn inwardly to the light because no matter what the problem, the light will bring change for the better.  This may not always be as you ask. The Father, the Great Spirit, will see what aids your spiritual development. The fulfilment of your desire may come around in a way most unexpected.  

There is before you a cross and on the cross there is an array of beautiful flowers. Lovely roses of all colours. The perfume from these roses is beautiful. The cross is the symbol of your physical body and the flowers the symbol of your Spirit. The Spirit and the body walk together but it is the Spirit that powers the body. The power which the Spirit leans on is the same light that is within you. The cross is also a symbol of the burden which you carry by living in your body. It is a burden - in Spirit we are so light, joyful and life is so utterly, utterly different. Because you live in a dense atmosphere and your body is also very dense and heavy, that is your cross but you can bring lightness to your body by your thoughts, by your attitude, by always turning towards the light. If you could see the golden rays that come from the Sun of All, you would know that the rays fall upon you, each one of you, whoever you are, to lighten the load and to help you. Help when you get feelings of despair and anxiety, feelings that are thwarted because your dreams have not been realised. Turn towards the light and you will find that what you most want and what you are trying to achieve will indeed come to you through the power and the Spirit of the Holy Light that is within you. 

Remember the cross, remember the beauty of the flowers and the perfume but also remember that what commands you are your thoughts. When you are unhappy, shake your head and say, “I am living in a divine light, therefore all will be well.” Live with that thought and believe me, all will be well. You have to be strong through the winter months to lift yourself. Don’t let despair become a mantle which you wear because you have the Holy Light within you, the Holy Light that will see you through with all things, both on earth and when you are in Spirit. 

Remember that when you are in Spirit, how worthwhile it will be to look back upon the struggles that you have had and to feel happy and glorified at the effort you have made. So now I am telling you, now make that effort. Every day, find time to be quiet and know that the light is within you. To get nearer to the light, you have to have faith and trust and say, “Father, everything I do is in your hands and everything I have to go through. I trust, for in my heart the light glows brightly because it is a part of you.” 

I end my prayer with love, deep wonderful love that comes not only from me but from those in Spirit who will always help you and guide you because they, too, are under the laws of the Great Father. So, may I bless you today. Walk the path now with your head up high and know that no matter what you feel, what you think or what you desire, place it in the hands of the Father and all will be well.

God Bless you. 



21st September, 2010

God Bless you my little ones.   

I want today to bring you love to heal your wounds. I want to bring the atmosphere of Christ around you. I want to lift you into a higher consciousness where you feel peace and love and where your minds can be at ease. I bring you the fruits of love from higher sources to lift you, to cherish you and to ask that you open your minds to God’s will for he knows best, you know.

Will you please, my children, open your minds today and say, “Father I am in your hands and I know whatever is my hearts desire you will bring it to pass for me.” You must pray for patience to wait for whatever it is that you long for. As I speak, it is not only for both of you here, but there are many in the room that have also come to hear the words of love that come from above. In your minds, day by day, a little chain is forged and links you to the earth. It is these chains that I want to break. Live on the earth, little ones, but be of Spirit, raise yourself by being quiet and as your mind is quiet your consciousness will lift, a door will open and the glory of Spirit will come through to guide you no matter what your problems are or your disappointments, it does not matter - it is all in hand, you know.

It is always, always when you pray from your heart that your Higher Self will hear you and it is your Higher Self that I want with all my heart to be more connected to you and to those who are listening. Your Higher Self will guide you, it will also give you advice on all your problems and it will also give you the wisdom with which to deal with them.

So this day is a day of giving and loving, a day of forgiveness, because you have to forgive yourselves as well. You become frustrated, you become unhappy and you allow yourself then to be drawn down into the earth’s atmosphere where there are chains ready, ready to clamp you.  I just want to break those chains today and say, “Be quiet little ones, be still and in your quietness, lift your minds up because the great power of glory is there to help you.”

My message today to you and to those who are here is lift up your hearts, open your minds to a higher glory which is always there. Break away from the earth from time to time by your thoughts and by your heartfelt feeling of love.

There is a great deal of power around you all and the power has come from the Angels of Light that are here now with you. They are giving out light and love because they want so much for you to raise yourselves for so much can be done. So, children of the light, walk on and as you walk on realise that all is not lost for the Father God through Jesus is with you all now and forever more.

God Bless you, God keep you in his light. Remember what I have said today. Break your chains of the earth every now and again by sitting quietly and allowing all the earthly frustrations to drain away from you, leaving your mind open for your Higher Self.

These Angels of Light have come for a purpose - to bless you and to help not only you but for those in Spirit. So I end my prayer this day with homage to the Father, to the Spirit of love. We have all come to teach love and lift ourselves into the higher spheres of joy, love, peace and strength. Help one another, love one another and may God be with you all this day. Amen. 



4th April, 2010

God Bless You. 

I come today to uplift you because I feel that each one of you slides down the slippery slope of being negative, which we do understand.

There are many here in this room who are giving power and love to each one of you and to remind you today that you are walking a path of Spirit. You are here; you came of your own volition to work for God. You are in God's service, each one of you and we want you to remember that, day by day. You are not of the earth, you are Spirit and you are living in a body that was provided for you to work within its bounds.   

You must remember that you are Spirit so when you are working, lift up your hearts and open your minds with trust and love because the Spirit around you loves you dearly. You are so beloved, many times it is said to you, all of you, that you are indeed loved, cherished, in fact. We want so much for the power that we have to be passed on to you, the healers, and for that power to grow. There will be a time when you will find that with the touch of your hand, those in need of help are so improved.

But you have to reach a state of mind on a level of consciousness where you are able to receive the power that we have and that we give you. Your consciousness must go higher, still higher, to receive the power that is there. Do not to be afraid of the unknown. Does it matter who is working through you? It is Spirit - Spirit who loves each one of you. So you should work with a feeling not only of gratitude but a feeling of love because you know that Spirit is love, we teach love, we lift you in that love vibration. 

Today our prayer is really about trust and walking into the unknown. Whatever you do in life, if you are not sure of it then you find that uncertainty starts building up within you. Devote part of your day to sit quietly and think about your Guide. It  matters not who your Guide is. Here we work on a higher vibration and because of this, you will find that your Guides are of a very high quality of mind. They will guide, guard you and they will indeed help you along your path. They ask for your trust, they ask for your love, because indeed around each one of you there is a circle of light to guide you.

So, when you are doing your work send out thoughts and say, “Father thy will be done. I am here to do your work. I am here to overcome the frustrations of the earth because I know I am being helped by Spirit.” You do understand what I am trying to say to you. I love you all and if you could only see the glory in Spirit, the joy, the upliftment, the colour, the community of all here, that is what Spirit wants. They want all of you, when you are sitting together, to be in unity, lifting the vibrations to a higher level. Each one of you has problems so when you come and sit in the circle, put those problems to one side, lift up your hearts and say, “I am in Spirits atmosphere. I am guided by Spirit and they are guided by the Lord God of all the Great Spirit.”

Now that is all I want to say today. I want to lift you, help you, guide you. Each one of your Guides is very wonderful, you know... you do not know how good they are. Trust them. Let yourself go and know that all will be well. God's Light shines on each one of you. We look at you and want so much to lift you and to help you along the path because this life is so short. When you return to Spirit, you want to look back on your life and say that you have done your best.

On that note, I am going to leave you and so bless you all. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you. 



17th March, 2010

Beloved Father, we beseech you and ask you humbly that each one will gain the state of mind of peace. Let us, Father God, drift into the mists of serenity that we will be able, in the quietude of our minds, to look upon ourselves for what we are. Help us to love ourselves, which we do not. So many times we reject, we dislike, there are so many things that we do against the body without realising what we are doing. Let us open our hearts to love and to be at peace with ourselves, to forgive and as we love ourselves we will be enriched with greater power to give to others. For there is so much to give to those who come to the Sanctuary whether it is physical, mental or spiritual. However, we owe allegiance to ourselves. Father, help us to reach this state, for there are so many things in our lives that take us away from the goal that we should be seeking.

Help us to open the door of our mind. Through that door there is a glow ahead of us and we know that it is your light. Help us to trust the light. So many times we have been told this, but help us to trust it. Not when things are going fine for us, but when we have troubles, shocks, when difficult things happen to us - that is when we need to turn to the light, that is when we develop the great, great trust that is needed for the Higher Self to come to smooth our way.

Lord, it is indeed a pleasure to serve you. We who come here as healers serve you and with our own hearts we love you. Help us to realise the meaning of service, help us to realise that we are your beloved servants and that we are here to serve you and to serve those that come to us for you. Help the beacon that is within us to shine brightly and as it shines, dear Father, we know that you are there. Always, you are there.

So this day we ask for peace of mind, to love and forgive ourselves and to lift our very beings into the light that is there. Father, thank you for your love, for your help and for your protection, for the golden arch that is over each one of us and the rainbow of colours of spirit which also forms an arch above us. Father thank you, thank you. Amen. 



24th February, 2009

May God bless you all.

I come to bring you an upliftment from Spirit. I come to bring the peace and love to surround each one of you. The earth and its problems cast a cloud over you and I wish to lift this cloud so you can once again see the light. For there is light, you know, and there is love and we are here to uplift you when you are anxious, tired, weary, in doubt with yourself, in doubt even to what you are doing and what you believe in. We are here to guide you and to remind you.

Remember you are spirit. You have come down into a physical body and sometimes you have to cope with what the physical body presents to you. The earthly side of you, the lower part of you draws you away from the truth. The truth is that we are here, we are close to you, we want to help you, but sometimes we have to watch you go through your lessons because this is what you have come for, the lessons and the way in which you cope with them. We are here nevertheless to give you that strength, to enable you to see the light that shines forever before you. 

So what I say today is to open your spiritual eyes and see the glow, the warmth and the great upliftment that we give you.  You are so immersed in the sadness of the earth. Remember that it is not God’s will that this should be so and we look with great sadness to see God’s children and the way they are living their lives. It is not God's will - it is the will of man that has brought you to this state. 

Our loving thoughts will go out to the world in general and we ask for those who try to go forward, that their consciousness might be lifted. Lift yourselves and say, ‘Father thy will be done. I am spirit living in a physical body, and whatever my body says to me, that I have got this or I have got that, no matter what the body says, I am spirit first’. No matter what mental anguish you may go through because of your doubts and anxieties and negative attitude, it is not so because as you walk along the path you will find the light shines before you. Of course, you will come to a little bend in the path which means that you have to stand still because it is something you have to cope with, but that’s a lesson - recognise that it is a lesson. Send out a thought that you will have the strength of mind and the courage to be able to go on. You will go further along this road until you come to another bend and every bend in the road means there is a lesson to be learnt. And oh, beloved children, when you are in spirit and you look back upon your earth lives you will say, ‘I am so glad that I managed to overcome my negative feelings and to remember that I am Spirit’. That is the message today. Remember that you are spirit and that because you are living in a physical body you can be torn in different directions and sometimes you despair. But we bring you back; we won’t allow you to go down that road. We will bring you back to where you belong - on the path with the light shining over you and God’s love forever with you.

Before I go, I want to say to all of you, learn to trust, learn to go into the unknown, trust, trust in the Great Spirit. Go forward and trust even if you don’t know what is going to happen. Within you is the glow and the warmth and love of the Great Father. Rely on him or the Great Spirit - whatever you want to call Him but rely on Him, lean against Him. Think to yourself, ‘I am nervous and afraid but I will go forward because God is with me. The Light is with me and I know that I shall do well’. So be confident, lift your hearts up and rely on the Father. Once you start relying on the trust and the love, then all will be well and you will be taken through your lessons. Although you must learn them, your lovely Guides will try to ease them. Now, God Bless each one of you and all of you in the Sanctuary for you have God’s love and you have your Spirit Guides who want to help you, so let them help you. Just sit quietly and give time to Spirit. It does not matter about anything that belongs to the past. That moment of time is God’s time, your time, because you are Spirit. Now God Bless you and thank you for listening.




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